chapter 3

Shattered thrown
She waited by the door in his office That was more of a complicated Mind cell that would block out the imagination you might still have left in your soul after you’ve became an adult. Or for Namjoon simply a mind cell, for someone who grew up way too fast. She didn't enter even though she was the only one who frequented this hallway that smelled of wood, blood and mud. She peered into the creak of the door, Silent Dead silence Rocking of a chair Head secured by hands Vains popping out She walked in which immediately made the hard leader return to his normal pace, he motioned her to sit in the only clean article in the room. Forcefully he cleared his throat coughing up a bit, An offer has been made by the storks” -his deep voice echoed through the halls. She quickly got up only to start her outburst, “But how, we never accept deals or offers in the first place, and we never once have communicated with them, or worse looked to them for help!” Namjoon put his hand up, meaning fir her to stop. She was embarrassed, and sat down vastly something only Namjoon could make her feel was embarrassed. “Jamie my dear, I too, am challenge by this offer but there is only one way to stop the ruling over queen Miralda, apparently she has new rules” He took a long pause while studying Jamie on whether or not to go on because for both, the queen was no mind changer “She is planning on taking over the few surrounding city's left in our world boundaries now it won't just be acesulfame…” Her head instantly fell into her hands and she let the memories of the last overtaking that had took not just the city but also everything she loved and a part of herself. Screaming Terror Fire Farm animals shouting The marching of soldiers And the most important flash Her parents grasp leaving her burying her somewhere dark but secure a kiss on the head and a few mumbled prayers she could recall, the warmth left her though she was wrapped in many blankets. She heard a door close and then a heartbreaking scream, back then she cried but no one could here her due to her parents protective brace that has separated her from being taken… Tears streamed down her face, yet she didn't care it felt good to cry after a long time she already knew the pain she would get for performing such an act, Namjoon walked to her side and let her cry in his arms. She buried her head into his chest wanting to escape from this hard world. His voice a bit shaken yet still as deep as always spoke out his last comment before moving jamie off and walking off. “This is your mission, tomorrow we are to meet at the town park with the leader of the storks and your mission partener wear something modern, taehyung should have dropped that off by now” She took in a deep breath and returning to her proper composure, she then got up and walked back to her room that never once welcomed her like the one she had back when things were normal. She was so lost in thought that she didn't notice taehyung nestled in her bed and she crawled in, passing out the second she hit the pillow. Taehyung didn't budge in fact he was speechless on what the hell was happening but soon enough he had his arm around Jamie and his head nestled on top of her head (like this picture from stigma from wings) Jb fell asleep thinking about who could possibly have enough power and skill to be compared to him, as he was the only one praised by everyone in the boundered world, he shook off his thoughts because they started to hit a little too close to his past that he had promised himself that he would have to forget. Jamie and Jb might not know it but they both have takings by the same person, tonight both of them would have the same haunting dream that would make them see each other. DREAM WORLD The two of them sat in a field which was clearly beautiful, a lake shined in front of them although they were in quite an intimate position, jamie sat in his lap with JB’s head nestled on top of hers. A shooting star passed through the sky a soothing violin played in the background, blessing their ears for the first time in a while. The two watched as the star passed by Except When it was nearing distance it erupted, flames flew out and the town underneath it broiled, they were now somehow teleported here as now the lake and field was gone and the violin was now replaced with an eerie silence, this time the two were no longer looking to be friends, both were dressed as warriors but in royal armor. They started slitting the throats of nearby citizens, in there real minds they tried fighting but the dreams power was way to strong. And then the last scene Now they were in a castle’s foyer, they both were warriors again but blood smeared all over their armor from the nights killing. A voice shouted their faces were raised, the face of a woman that made both of their faces drain of all color, Queen Miralda. Jamie woke up in shock her lungs of air, she tried gasping for air yet didnt in any air.. Taehyung looked at her from the top and was surprised when she grabbed his collar, he was expecting a punch or worse but instead she pulled him fastly towards her lips. The warmth unfroze her and she took a gasp of air from taehyungs mouth. She pushed taehyung off who was now feeling his face to check if this was a dream of not, she ran to the washroom and plunged her face into the sink full of cold water. This was no way of resting before she must meet up with her partner who she was meeting. JB awoke but instead of air he needed water, his mouth felt like the dirt of the ground that i\has all dried up due to the overtaking, he rushed towards the many bottles of liquid and pain killers scattered around his room, at this point his head throbbed as it was hard to see, he ran to the sink and downed the water. He dropped to the floor curling up, cradling himself from the event that had just taken place. He needed to be strong alas tommorow was the mystery partner day.
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