
B R E A T H E [drabblesxES]

C H A P T E R  04 - - - H U M I L I A T E D

Hoseok looked surprised to see me.

Well not me in general, but my overall state of being.

I scoffed at the stupid confused look that was placed on his face, as if he didn’t know.

I quickly slapped his hands away like it was an infectious disease.

“You’re bleeding…”

Way to state the obvious.

He continued to stare, in disbelief, at what a mess I looked.

Watching the look on his face only fueled my anger.

I struggled trying to get up, I don’t want to see his face any longer.

He reached out to help me up and the moment he touched me I flipped out.

“Keep your hands off me!” I exploded.

I was sick.

I was tired of it all.

“Haven’t you done enough already?”  I tried to sound strong, but my voice cracked with each word.

“Is it fun…is it truly fun?”

He was still, not a word came from him.

This conversation was over; I didn’t want to be near him any longer.

I left and planned to never come back.

As I walked down the busy street, on my way home, people stopped and stared wondering what happened to me.

I was humiliated.


My father was drunk again.

It was like the world was out to get me.

A bottle few pass my face and shattered into millions of pieces on the way behind me.

Of course, with my luck, a couple of shards managed to swipe my cheek.

“I need moor beer-uh…go-go get some.” My father drunkenly stated.

I turn away and left my home.


I will probably update one more time today.

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Chapter 4: what a poor girl, been bullied in school and also been abused by her father u,u
oh, i am looking forward for the next chapter ;)