
B R E A T H E [drabblesxES]

C H A P T E R  03 - - - P A I N

I prayed to whomever was up there, to help me out just this once.

“Gayoon-shi?” She sweetly called my name, but I knew all too well not to be fooled.

When I didn’t answer she apply more pressure on my hand.

“Oppa, may have let you off easily, but that doesn’t mean we won’t.”


I look behind her to see that we weren’t the only ones in the hallway.

It was going to be one of those days, huh?

She reached down, grabbing my collar, pulling me towards her face. I didn’t dare look her in the eyes. Giving me another smirk, I the felt a sharp pain coming from my left cheek.

“You think just because he gives you attention your special?”


I didn’t think that at all.

I don’t want his attention.

His attention only brought me pain.

It brought me suffering.

The two other girls swiftly made their way over to assist in beating me up.

This beating was worse than the others.

This time they used resorted to punching and kicking.

It felt like hours, but a mere four minutes was all it took to have me lying in a puddle on pain.

One of then scoffed and reminded them they had to get to class.

I laid on the ground for a couple of minutes before I dragged myself up to the locker.

I started to cry and didn’t care who heard.

Too caught up in bailing my eyes, I jumped when someone touch my shoulder.

Turning around, I felt fear and anger pool in the pit of my stomach.


Comment if yah feelin the vibe yeah.

Alright, I think this story is coming along smoothly~

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Chapter 4: what a poor girl, been bullied in school and also been abused by her father u,u
oh, i am looking forward for the next chapter ;)