I Hate You

B R E A T H E [drabblesxES]

C H A P T E R  01 - - - I  H A T E  Y O U

I hate him so much.

I’ve never done anything wrong to him yet he targets me every day.

And it wasn’t just him.

He had a group of people that worshiped him, like he was a god.

He was popular, a part of a clique called, ‘Bangtan Boys’ or BTS.

His little fans followed in his foot steps, that even included bullying you too.

What did I do deserve this?

Please, tell me…. what should I do.

I hate him.

I hate you.

I hate you so much Jung Hoseok.


Every day was the same pattern, same routine.

Wake up. Shower. Get dress. Breakfast. School. Bullied. Third period. Bullied. Lunch. Bullied. Seven period. Home. Sleep. And Repeat.

This was my life. I don’t remember when it started, but I wanted it all to end.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t my favorite girl!” I frowned watching as Hoseok moseyed his way over towards me.

“Please, I’m going to be late.” I had a Chemistry test today that was going to make up for 25% of my final grade.

“Oh~ Well then, I guess you better hurry.” Hoseok turned his back to me and pretended to walk off, only to turn around and slap my book out of my hands.

“Opps! Better luck next time.” He chuckled at me and walked away for real this time. I quickly scrambled trying to pick up my books. I started to reach for the last one when someone stepped on my hands.

Biting my lip from the pain, I look up to see a girl smirking down at me.




I don't know why I started this! T_T

However it will be told in drabbles (200-300 words per chapter). There will be less then 15 chapters.

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Chapter 4: what a poor girl, been bullied in school and also been abused by her father u,u
oh, i am looking forward for the next chapter ;)