(Baekyeol) If Only by thefrothycoffee

Really Good EXO Fics That You Should Read

Title: If Only
Author(s): thefrothycoffee
Rating (if available): N/A
Genre/Tags: fluff, twoshot, slightangst, baekyeol, chanbaek
Warnings: N/A
Status (completed/unfinished): Completed
Main Pairing: Chanyeol/Baekhyun
Short Summary: Chanyeol meets Baekhyun at their favorite park, but things aren't all what they seem to be.
Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/978134/if-only-fluff-twoshot-baekyeol-slightangst-chanbaek 

My Thoughts: This is a beautiful little story.  You may cry if you read it.  I know I did.

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937 streak #1
Chapter 49: Tales from Dead Friends is really funny up to the very end. You definitely cannot pass it up.
Thank you so much for recommending.
Chapter 4: This is kinda long overdue, but thank you for recommending Interrogation (and third on your list!) !
Do you happen to know if Chlexcer has posted her Taekai story on AO3 as well? ^^