Cat Paws

JinKook Drabbles

Prompt:  I am as tired as hell but I saw you, the most beautiful guy in college and also my long time crush looking for something on the streets and being the gentleman i am i decide to help although it's past my bed time.

"Aish!" Frustrated, Jungkook kicked the air as he was walking home. He was definitely having a bad day.

It all started when he hadn't set his alarm the night before and woke up five minutes before his first class. In such a haste, he only washed his face and put on freshly cleaned clothes as he hurried over to the University grounds.

Jungkook was determined to make the usually fifteen-minute walk from his dorm to the Arts Department building into a five-minute run. But running didn't help either. Little did he know that a stray cat was following him from behind and, much to his demise, caught up with him. The cat's tiny front legs hugged his left foot and he could feel one of its paws trying to scratch his Timberlands up to where it can reach his legs.

"Ugghhh! Go away!" He shook his leg in an attempt to get the cat off. For a moment, it seemed to hold on tighter. It's eyes met Jungkook's furious look and to his relief, it let go and he continued to run.

Jungkook arrived halfway through the class and tried to his slip in at the back, unnoticed. Unfortunately, Mr. Min's hawk-like eyes didn't miss him tiptoeing his way to his seat.

"Mr. Jeon, how would you like to assist me in bringing all these papers back to my office after class?" Mr. Min callenged. Just by looking at the stack of papers, it already feels heavy. It's a month worth of essays from the whole class and he knew he's going to carry them all by himself. "And if you don't hand in yours in five seconds, your getting an F and that's final."

Jungkook's eyes grew wide and scrambled from his seat to the professor's table upfront. He mumbled a couple of "sorry"s to Mr. Min and quietly went back to his said.

The rest of the day, to Jungkook's relief, was uneventful. It went by the usual - classes, library for research, and just hanging out with his bestfriends Taehyung and Jimin on breaks.

Jungkook's phone beeped as he received a new text message from Jimin.

Min: Meet you at the cafe in 10?

Kkuk: Yep. Be there soon!

He shoved his phone in his pocket and walked to the cafe where he was meeting Jimin and Tae. The three always hung out there for after their classes ended for the day. They usually stay there for an hour until they leave for dance pratices.

The trio, as they have discovered when they met each other in their first year, loved to dance and decided to join the University's official hiphop club. They had practices every three weeknights and usually lasts for two to three hours, sometimes more when they decide to hang out a little bit more after their exhausting dance routines.

However, tonight seemed like his bad luck from the morning continued. Jungkook couldn't get a few moves right. It caused the entire team to repeat the routine a few more times than they normally would. Hoseok, their leader, kept on pushing Jungkook hard.

"Come on, Jungkook-ah. Get your hed straight." Hoseok's voice was still calm but Jungkook knew he was frustrated already. "You're not going to leave this dance floor until you get the last part right. The rest of you," Hoseok glanced around to the everyone else. "You can call it a night."

Tae patted his back as him and Jimin turned to leave. "See you, bud."

"Be careful going back to the dorms!" Jimin called out by the door, flashing his eye smile at him.

Jungkook couldn't help but feel wary. He was damn tired and all his muscles ached but he just couldn't get the step right. He stared at his worn out self in the mirror and started to move under Hoseok's countings.

When he was finally allowed to go home, Jungkook was ecstatic. He had never wanted to see his room and sleep on his bed so bad until now.

As Jungkook checked the clock, it was already half past 10 and was waaaaay beyond the dorm's curfew. Luckily, Jungkook knew how to climb the fire exit stairs and get into his room from his window. He wasted no time and dragged his heavy feet to start his walk.

He was halfway to the dorm when he heard weird noises around him. He looked from left to right to the back but found no one. He dfinitely heard footsteps and some weird cooing noises.

Jungkook almost screamed and jumped as a person cme out of nowhere from behind the tree.

"Oh hey- I hope I didn't scare you," the man said, arms outstrectched to steady Jungkook's shoulders.

As Jungkook's heartbeat began to calm down, his lifted his face up to see the man's face only to find his heartbeat beating like crazy again. He felt his cheeks go warm and was probably tinted red now. "N-no, it's o-okay. I'm- I'm f-fine." 

Jungkook was a stuttering and blushing mess.

The man, as it turned out, was Kim Seokjin. Kim Freaking-Hot-Cute-DropDeadGorgeous Seokjin. The most beauiful guy in the campus. And also his long-time crush since high school.

Jungkook's Noona always used to take him to a lot of local musicals that were being held in the city. Jin, coincidentally, was a part of the city's little theater group and was cast in various minor and major roles. Watching Jin perform on stage was how Jungkook got to first see Seokjin and immediately fell in love with his voice. He used all means in social media to find out what he can about Seokjin and soon enough, he discovered that Seokjin, who was 3 years older than him, graduated in the same high school. It was then that Jungkook knew which college he would go to.

Jungkook snapped back to reality when he heard Seokjin's soft chuckle.

"Aigoo. You're cute." Soekjin chuckled some more as he let go of Jungkook's shoulders and looked around.

"Listen, uhm?"


"Jungkook. See, I kinda lost my cat and I've been looking for hours. Do you mind? Helping me look for him?"

It was a request out of nowhere from a stranger whom he just bumped into and scared the hell out of him. And Jungkook was dead beat and just tired to even talk.

But this was no stranger. It was Kim Freaking-Hot-Cute-DropDeadGorgeous Seokjin. His long time crush. Who was he to refuse?

"Yeah, s-sure! No problem hyung!" Jungkook covered his mouth. "I- I mean s-sunbaenim."

"It's okay," Seokjin smiled. "You can call me hyung. I'm Seokjin, by the way."

Jungkook nodded. He was feeling all giddy inside. He longed for this moment to happen. For Seokjin to finally know his name. And boy, he felt butterflies in his stomach.

"So uhm, hyung. Do you go here as well? The University, I mean." Of course, Jungkook knew the answer to that. But he wanted to get to know Seokjin beyond the Facebook info he got.

Seokjin hummed in response. "I'm from the Engineering Department. Surprising, I know."

"Oh, wow."

"People who know me get surprised by that fact. They probably know I love singing and acting but yeah, I just love engineering as well." He looked wistful.

"I repeat: wow. I mean your acting is awesome and your voice is the best I've heard but wow, you're a genius too!

Seokjin raised his eyebrow, looking at Jungkook curiously, though his cheeks turned a hint of pink.

"Well," Jungkook cleared his throat and looked away. "I may or may not have seen your play or two."

Soekjin looked confused for a moment but he let out a laugh anyway.

"You're so cute Jungkook-ah." Jungkooked perked up at the nickname. And for being called cute.

"I'd really love to get to know you more but.. my cat.."

"Oh.." he tried to not to sound disappointed. "Of course, hyung. Let's go find it first."

And so they searched through the side walks, behind the bushes, even up the trees' branches. It took them a while, t least, until Jungkook find a box behind the bench. The cover was open and Jungkook looked inside only to fin a cat sleeping.

"Hyung!" Jungkook called out softly. "Hyuuuung! I think it's here." Jungkook pointed at the box.

Seokjin walked towards where Jungkook was and looked inside the box. His sad face was lifted up as he scooped the animal from the box.

"Aigoo~ my baby. Where have you been all this time?"

Jungkook looked at Seokjin as the latter the cat's fur at the back. He looked so loving and Jungkook wondered what would it feel like if those big hands ran up and down his own back.

His thoughts were interarupted when Seokjin looked up to face him and asked, "Would you like to pet him?"

Jungkook took a good look at the cat and he couldn't shake the feeling that it looked familiar. It wasn't until he looked at the eyes that it dawned upon him now.

It was the same cat from the morning who clung to his leg and whose paws tried to scratch his precious shoes. The same cat that caused him to be more late for his class. His eyes narrowed at it.

Jungkook looked up and shrugged. "Maybe," he said, playing it cool.

"Maybe I will if you'd go out with me. I know this cool pets cafe that you'd probably love." He grinned his bunny-like smile.

Seokjin beamed at him. "I'd love to."

Maybe this day wasn't bad after all.


This one's for eodigayo, sorry if it's not to your liking. orz

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Chapter 4: aweee this is really cute! thank you :D
hi there! cute stories!! thank you for writing jinkook ❤❤ if you would like a prompt, here's one: I am as tired as hell but I saw you, the most beautiful guy in college and also my long time crush looking for something on the streets and being the gentleman i am i decide to help although it's past my bed time. ;)