Chapter 3


Jimin P.O.V

Flashback (Just a week ago)

Suddenly, I got a call. The caller ID was unknown , but still I picked it up. “Hello?” I said. “Oh! Hi! Are you Jimin?” it was a girl sound from another side. “Who are you?” I asked her while my brows almost became an unibrow.

“Oh! Sorry! I’m Y/N’s best friend! Keila!” she said with a cheerful tone. No wonder she sound like someone so familiar to me. “Can you come to the café?” she asked me like she was doing aegyo. “Why?” “Just come.” I ended the call.

I went to the café and saw Keila standing outside the cafe. I went to her. As soon as she saw my face, her whole face lit up. "Why do you want me to come to the cafe?" I asked her. "I wanna tell you something that is really important." she told me while looking down at her shoes. "Actually... I like you." she said with no fear. I looked at her with a girl-are-you-serious face. First of all, I don't even know her well. But the only thing I know is that she is (Y/N)'s bestfriend. She just confessed to me.

"I already have someone that I like. Sorry." I said while looking at her in the eyes. Her impression immediately turned to a angry one. "What?!" she screamed and she grabbed all the people's attention. I was so shocked. 

"Calm down!" I told her but instead of she said 

"Nevermind the one that you like will soon be replace by me." She smirked and walked away.

"What was that?" I turn to Jungkook and said "How do I even know that?" 

Flashback End

As I thought of that, I walked around the library. I saw Y/N is trying to reach for a book. She looked damn cute. I really want to back hugged her. She tip toe making her look like a midget to me. 

I grabbed the book and smirked at her. "You want this book?" I hold the edge of the book. "I'm not in the mood to f**king play with your running around like a idiot game." She grabbed the book and went to the counter to borrow the book. 

100% She is in a bad mood now. I saw her leaving the library and I quickly catch up with her. I walked beside her but she ignored me. "What happened?" I asked her and she just keep on walking. I stopped at my track and she walked away from me.


The school ended and I went to the bus stop. Since my mom didn't drive me home anymore, I went home by bus. I was still really angry with Keila.

Keila P.O.V

I lied to Y/N that I have class. I went to stalk Jimin. I saw Jimin went into the library and I followed him inside. He walked around the library. Then, I saw Y/N trying to reach a book. I laughed at the fact that she is so short, enough for me to hear. I saw Jimin approached to her and took the book she wants. I was really jealous. "You want this book?" He smirked while holding the edge of the book. "I'm not in the mood to f**cking play with your running around like a idiot game." She said and grabbed the book heading to the counter to borrow the book. Wow. If I was her, I wouldn't do that. I saw Jimin keep on following her.

Perhaps the girl that Jimin like is... Y/N.....

Aish don't think of that! Jimin will never fall in love with that girl! I clenched my fist. Jimin walked beside her and asked her something but I can't hear. Jimin stopped at his track and Y/N just keep on walking. She is freaking rude.

The school ended fast and I saw Y/N waiting for the bus at the bus stop. Tsk, who is gonna be her friend anyway. All I want is Jimin. And Jimin will forever be mine.


Just a quick update.

I will update as soon as possible. ☺

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Chapter 8: Its okay take your time . you can update when you are free . fighting for your school work
Chapter 7: It's okay . hope you will be with your friends soon. Cheer up don't be sad.
Chapter 6: What delete they hate Korean guys. Omg
Chapter 5: Poor oc she struggling so much
Chapter 4: Ughhh keila I hate her. She's not a good friend . jimin will never like her. Please bit*ch back off
Chapter 3: I knew that keila is not a good friend. I hope the oc won't befriended with her.
Chapter 2: Keila shouldn't use oc to make jimin fall in love with her. Jimin definitely won't fall in love with her.
Chapter 1: AWWWW she should stay with jimin
MarkShiki #9
Chapter 1: Stay with jimin
GiselleM #10
Chapter 1: Stay with jimin