

Drug Trafficking was at the lowest of the lows in South Korea for several decades. There were minor incidents of the occasional grass being confiscated, but it was never intense enough to awaken the DEA from their lion’s den. The DEA of Korea was much different than the DEA in the United States.  They did not give a rat’s and did not bother to go looking for drugs unless ordered to.  Besides, what was the point of trying to go searching and getting nothing in return?


June 17th, 2014.


“Get off your chair!” Jongin patrolled into Kris’ office and kicked the trashcan full of crumpled up paper over.


Kris jumped up from his chair almost as fast as his head hit the desk he was drowsing off from. Blinking twice, he straightened up and eyed Jongin wearily.


The younger male and partner of Kris slapped down files on the latter’s desk. His eyes twinkling and smile widening. “We just hit the jackpot, partner.”


Kris glanced at the pictures and his eyes widened. He rubbed his eyes to make sure that Jongin wasn’t ing around on one of his boredom sprees. “Is this what I think it is?” He brought the papers closer to his face as he examined the document.


“Contraband got caught in between a shipment of potatoes from the port. I say we go check it out.” Jongin snatched the papers from Kris and adjusted his tie. His grin never left his face as he saw the sense of hope in Kris’ eyes. “It’s about time we finally get to do some fun in this job, so get up and drive us to this damned harbor.”


June 17th, 2014. The day the DEA finally decided to get up off their asses. 

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