And So They Meet.

Little Ms. Magic

Luhan was quite fed up with life. His mother had just forced him into volunteering at a facility. The reason? She was tired of his playboyish antics and hoped the girl would changed him for the better. As the nurse led him to the mysterious girl's room, she was silent. Up until they reached her door. "She's our most dangerous patient. Be careful." The nurse said. 'Dangerous?' He thought, not knowing the facility's true purpose, he thought it was just a place for troubled kids, and hearing how his partner was the most dangerous patient, she thought she would have some anger issues and violent outburts, but as he opened the door, he saw, a petite girl, with raven black hair and milky white skin. She looked so calm, so innocent. 'How can she be dangerous?' He thought to himself. "Who are you?" She asked, voice cold. "I'm the new volunteer!" He answered, with his signature good boy smile, not wanting to scare her with the moves he used to pick up the girls at the club. He figured, that she hadn't been out much and didn't meet new people on a regularly, if he did use his regular club moves it'd scare her. "I'm Luhan, what's your name?" He asked. "Alice." She answered, just as cold as before. "And why aren't you scared of me? Haven't they told you how dangerous I was?" She added. "How can a girl as cute as you be of any danger to me?" He asked, placing his hand on her shoulder. She jumped at his touch, it was the first one that didn't feel like a shove. "Appearances can be deceiving." She replied, lighting the corner of the desk on fire, as if to scare him off. "How did that fire start?" He asked, completely clueless. "I caused it. I'm a magical, or a witch. A level S+ to be specific." She repiled, slightly sighing. "Is everyone here like you? What is a S+ suppose to mean?" He asked, firing off question, after question. "If you mean like me, you mean supernatural, then yes, if you mean exactly like me, no. And an S+ is my rank, the higher your rank the more dangerous they consider you. The ranks, from highest to lowest are: D, C, B, A, S, S+." She explained, adding the part about ranks, since she was almost completely sure the ranks would be his next question. "So you are the most dangerous patient?" He asked, trying to understand all the words that have been said. "Correct." She said, with a light sigh. "At least you're catching on at a decent paste." She mumbled. "After introducing ourselves.. Here on the timetable.." He said, looking at the timetable that he received from the nurse. ".. We're going out." He said. "... They're letting me go out?" She asked, eyes slightly wideden.




(A/N: I'm really sorry for updating! School caught up with me you know? I hope you don't mind how this was mostly just learning the terms and them meeting! Can't wait to chat with you lovely people in the comments! Bye for now!!)

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