I'll Look After Them

Dance With Me

Sunny sighed as she wiped away the sweat on her forehead. She still couldn’t believe she was here. Too tired to finish fixing up her room and exhausted from moving all the things inside her new house she would now have to call home, she let herself fall on the bed and stared up and the ceiling.


Flash back

“What is all this?!” she asked when she saw the majority of boxes by the door. She looked outside and saw a moving van.


“We’re moving,” he father replied calmly.


“What do you mean we’re moving?!” Sunny asked refusing to believe what her dad was telling her. She hadn’t even gotten breakfast and it was already obvious that it wasn’t going to be a good day.


Her father sighed deeply. “We can’t stay here anymore, Sunny. I’ve been offered a better paying job in Seoul.” He knew Sunny would react this way. She had so much of her mother in her.


 “Your brother is fine with it,” he said as tall figure dress in ripped jeans and a black wife beater walked into the kitchen and headed straight to the fridge. Not so much as a ‘Hi’ or ‘Good morning’ left his lips as he reached for a carton of juice. He didn’t bother to use a cup.


“Esteban is fine with anything! Give him food and a pillow and he’s set for life!” Sunny argued as she glared at her brother.


“That’s not true,” Esteban said wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “I would die without my playstation.”


Sunny tried to restrain herself from pouncing on her younger brother. She knew that he was probably the one who convinced their dad to move. He was always talking about getting out of this town.


“Dad-” Sunny said turning back to her father.


“I’m sorry. I already told them I would be there by the end of this week.”


Sunny let her gaze fall to the floor. This wasn’t happening.


“Everything is going to be okay. I promise.” Her dad says as he her hand. “You’ll love your new school. It’s performing arts school.”


Sunny felt her heart jolt a little. It was always her dream to go to an arts school just like her mother, but they never had the money for it. Instead everything she knew about dancing she learned from her mother. Sunny couldn’t ask for a better teacher.


Even if moving meant she would finally get her dream it meant she would have to leave everything she loved behind…including her mother.


“Yeah, sis,” Esteban said without looking at his sister. He was too busy looking for something else to eat.”You swear as if being the new kid is the end of the world.”


“He’s right, you know?” her father agrees.


Sunny pulled her hand away and stood up, looking at her dad then her brother. “Men.” Sunny said under her breath as she stormed off to her room. “What do they know?”




Sunny laid the bouquet of roses on a familiar grave site.


“I really wish you were here, mom. Maybe you could’ve talked some sense into dad.” Andrea said as a tear rolled down her cheek.


There was so much she wanted to say and at the same time she didn’t want to out of fear that in saying them, it would make it real.


She was leaving and that meant that she wouldn’t be able to visit this place anymore.


A horn interrupted her thoughts. “Sunny, let’s go!” Esteban yelled out the car window only to earn a smack upside the head by his dad.


Sunny turned to the car then back at the stone. “Try not to worry too much, mom. I’ll look after them.” With that she let her hand run across the gravestone as she made turned and walked towards the car.


End of Flash Back


Sunny laughed silently to herself as she listened to the pointless augment that was going on downstairs between her dad and brother.


She closed her eyes, taking in the smell of the room. She had to admit this place was a lot bigger and nicer then where she used to live. A sudden feeling of grief came over her. Despite all the good things about this place it wasn’t where she was raised. It wasn’t the place she spent time with her mother. It wasn’t where her friends were.


She opened her eyes and looked over on her nightstand where of picture of her mother stood.


“Goodnight, mom,” she whispered at the picture. As she closed her eye and started to drift off sleep a haunting thought entered her already troubled mind. Tomorrow would be the first day of her new school.


Great. Just ing great. She thought to herself as she pulled the covers above her head.


M a l k o  m ’ s  N o t e
There’s Sunny~


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I'm gonna finish what I started ^^;


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LOL at the warning ;)
I love how I am in this and I didn't know about it ._.
Hehehehehehehehe. Malho/Minkom.
asfsfhdgkvadlkfjvnjfdvejrflaehvljf! OMG!!! *^* OMFG! that's me! LOL >w<
;~; awesome! So awesome! Poor taemin, I just wanna hug him. Update soon~ :D <3
I really like it! I like the idea! please update soon and merry christmas! :3
Awwww~ >w< I can't wait~ this is awesome KYAAAAAAAAAA!<br />
Amor fighting~ <3 Love you