Love Withstands Any Seasons


Autumn, Summer, Spring and Winter. These seasons which love happens in. Anytime, anywhere.

Autumn: A period of maturity, verging on decline

Summer: Time where the sun shines brightest

Spring: New beginning where everything starts refreshing

Winter: Associated with coldness, misery and death but love may also bloom.

Sometimes love just disappears like nothing happened, love may leave scars but what's important is that you create memories which can never be replaced.

Plot: Sandara park, a nerd with no friends. G.D wakes up seeing her at her darkest days and they somehow fall in love and live happily ever after!


For my baby, Affy (I don't know how to tag you, so I'll just put you as a co-author) Merry Christmas, though you are far, far away from him. He will still always belong in your heart <3....Affy you're Sandara Park and Joe is G.D :D


And for other readers, hope you enjoy this and maybe you'll learn a thing or two :D

Enjoy it, when it's done...I don't know when, but I will be done sometime soon.


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TeenFiniteL_joe #1
congratulations :)
congrats C:
VisintinCarlos #3
Congreatulations =D
Shinee_fangirl #4
Congrats ^^
Miawitch_1002 #6
Chapter 1: Congratsss....
Chapter 1: congrats! this story is great!!! ^-^
Congrats~~ ^^