Extra 02

Warning: Excuse the language because they're kind unfiltered here. lol

"Hm... This is good. Have some."

"W-wha..." The spoon was shoved into before she could say a word.

"Oh!! This one is a bit different. Here." Tiffany was about to feed the other girl but she was able to stop her this time.

"My mowfth ith full. Stahp!" Taeyeon leaned back as Tiffany kept on insisting to feed her. She chewed the food quickly and swallowed it. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" She looked at her in disbelief.

"What? I didn't do anything." The brunette pouted cutely.

"You keep on shoving food into my mouth! I can barely breathe by how fast you feed me!"

"But it's really tasty..." Tiffany grabbed a napkin from the side and wiped the corner of the blonde's mouth.

"W-wha..." She grabbed the napkin and waved off the hand.

"Babyyyy... Whyyyy..."

Taeyeon rolled her eyes at the childish act and shoved a spoonful of pudding into Tiffany's mouth.

The taller girl crossed her arms as she chewed the sweet pudding and glared at her grinning girlfriend.

"You look so cute right now." Taeyeon said and her eyes widen in surprise at what she had said. "Damn it." She grumbled.

Tiffany eagerly stood up and sat beside the blonde. She hugged her arm, completely ignoring the obvious displeasure from the other girl. "Awww, you're so cute right now. Why have you been keeping this to yourself? Must be hard on you." She put her arms around her and kissed her pink cheeks. "Your cheeks are so pink. I wanna squeal right now. Such a cute baby." She held her face and kissed her fully on the lips.

"Ugh. Stop. Why are you like this?" Taeyeon tried to pull back.

"Because it's not like I can see this every day. I wanna see more of this side of you. I know you're a one big mushy person deep inside." Tiffany smiled widely.

"This is very creepy." She circled the brunette's face with her finger.

"Babyyyy, why are you like this?" The taller girl whined.

"I should be the one asking that question. Why are you so clingy?" She tried to move away but her back hit the wall.

"This is not clingy. You just wanna find a reason to complain. Why do you complain so much?" Tiffany placed her hand on Taeyeon's lap.

"I didn't sign up for this."

"Well, you should've known better." The taller girl sighed and went back to her seat.

Taeyeon just looked at her in disbelief. What?! It's my fault again?! She held her hand hesitantly and looked at her with guilty eyes. "Hey..."

Tiffany didn't say a word and continued to eat.

"Baby...?" She cringed as she said it.


"Please don't be mad? I'm sorry." She looked at her intently but still nothing. "Damn it." She hissed.

Taeyeon patted her pocket absentmindedly and felt something inside. She took it out and raised her eyebrows when she remembered about the gift she was supposed to give. "Tiffany?" She pulled her hand closer and opened her palm before placing a tiny box on it.

Tiffany wasn't able to hide her surprise as her eyes widen.

"Open it." She gestured for her to open the box.

Tiffany just did so and she instantly looked up upon seeing the necklace with a ring in it.

Taeyeon pulled out the other pair hidden under her shirt. "Matchy matchy...?" She smiled oddly.

The brunette finally squealed this time and hurriedly went back to the other side of the table. "You're so cute! Thank you, baby." She pecked her lips and hugged her tight.

"Stop... Stop. Stop!!!" The smaller girl pushed Tiffany by the shoulder as she won't stop nuzzling her neck.

"Awww... I wasn't even mad. But I didn't expect this." Tiffany grinned.

Taeyeon only rolled her eyes

"I won't nag about your excessive eye rolling because you're so sweet right now." Tiffany patted her cheek and stood up. "Let's go home." She grabbed her bag and held out her hand.

The smaller girl took her hand without saying a word and followed her.


As soon as the door was locked, Tiffany immediately grabbed the blonde by the waist, hugging her from behind.

“Ugh. No.” Taeyeon struggled to break free. When the other girl kept on resisting, she started to walk to the living room while dragging the brunette.

“Babyyyy, stop moving.” She tried to stop her but to no avail so she did the best thing that she could. She lifted the smaller girl up and couldn’t help but giggle when her feet were swinging in the air.

“Put me down! Hey! Put me… Woah!” Taeyeon yelped as she was lifted a bit higher before Tiffany hurriedly sat on the couch.

“Oh god, didn’t know you’re kinda heavy.” Tiffany said as she leaned her head on the backrest.

“Nobody told you to lift me. Now let me go.”

“You’re not going anywhere.”

“Yes I am.” Taeyeon tried to stand up but was immediately pulled back to her lap.

“But I wanna cuddle.” Tiffany placed her chin on the blonde’s shoulder.

“Fine. But let go of me first.” She glanced at the pouting girl. When she was finally released, she stood up and went to her bedroom to change into comfortable clothes. She went back to the living room and found Tiffany lying on the couch, staring at the ring as she held it up. “What are you doing?” She asked as she climbed on top of her.

“Nothing.” Tiffany let go of the ring and pulled the hem of Taeyeon’s shirt towards her. “Why are you dressed like a hobo?” 

“What’s wrong with my clothes? They’re very comfortable.” Taeyeon looked at her loose t shirt and sweatpants. “Easy to take off too.” She looked back at her and grinned.

“Someone’s full of surprises today.” The brunette slipped her hands into the back pockets of her sweatpants and pulled her down.

“I don’t mind surprising you once in a while.” She pressed her body against hers and slipped her leg in between the other girl.

Tiffany only hummed as she busied herself in caressing the and up to her shoulder. “Do you mind doing it on the couch?” 

“Depends on what position we’ll do.” Taeyeon pulled her as she sat up straight.

Tiffany sighed dramatically. “Since you’re so picky, I’ll let you sit comfortably for a while.” She gently pulled out the hands on her and stood up. “Face me.” She gestured the smaller girl to turn towards her.

Taeyeon leaned back comfortably on the couch as she watched Tiffany stood in between her legs and kneeled down. She unconsciously wetted her lips as the brunette pried her legs wider.



“Stop moving your legs.”

“W-what?” Taeyeon looked down as Tiffany held her knees. “I’m sorry.”

“Why are you even nervous?” She chuckled.

“I really don’t know.”

“Don’t be nervous. It doesn’t suit you.” Tiffany shifted a little. “Move closer.”

Taeyeon scooted forward and loosely wrapped her arms around her neck. She tilted her head as she leaned in for a kiss but Tiffany pressed her finger on her lips before she could touch it. “Baby, let me kiss you.” She whispered against her finger.

“And why would I let you?” The taller girl smirked.

“Because your lips are so beautiful, so inviting.” She dragged her tongue along the length of her finger, making her smirk wider.

Tiffany pushed the lips away and slid two digits into . She watched her and her fingers all the while tugging at the blonde’s waistband.

Taeyeon swiftly took off her sweatpants and almost whimpered when the brunette pulled out her hand. “Ah, .” She couldn’t help but curse when she felt the hot breath in between her legs.

“I haven’t even done anything yet.” Tiffany looked up and smirked.

“I know. . I’m so ing wet. .” She leaned her head on the couch.

“I can clearly see that.” The brunette held her knees and spread her legs as wide as she could. “You saying is such a turn on. How strange.”

. Fuuuccckkk. Stop teasing and me already so I can you in return. Harder.

“Be polite and say please, baby.”

Taeyeon moaned when she felt a finger caressing her. “Baby please me. Good. Hard. Whatever. Just do it.”

Tiffany chuckled. “Sure, no worries.”




“I can’t feel my legs.”

Tiffany only hummed as she nuzzled against her neck.

“Seriously.” She poked her arm. “As much as I love how you’re positioned like this, I really can’t feel my legs. You should sit on the couch, not on me.”

“But I’m too comfy right now.”

“Yeah, and I love the feel of your s.” She rolled her eyes.

“You just rolled your eyes. I can sense it when you roll your eyes.” 

“At least let me stretch my legs for a sec?”

“Then control the eye rolling.”

“Yeah, yeah. Now move please.” Taeyeon nudged her lightly.

Tiffany shifted and let the other girl noisily stretch her numb legs. “So noisy.” She climbed off the couch and put on her shirt.

“Are we don… Hey!” Taeyeon swatted the t shirt thrown at her face.

The taller girl stoop down to meet her eyes and grinned. “I’ve always wanted to do that.” She pecked her lips.

“What?” She looked at her strangely.

Tiffany grabbed the shirt and put it on her. “Let’s go to the bedroom. I wanna lie down.” She waited for Taeyeon to stand up before linking their arms and walked to the bedroom.

“You’re really strange, you know.” Taeyeon looked at her as she skipped her way to the bed and slid under the covers.

“Come here.” The brunette patted the empty space beside her.

She lazily dragged her feet and joined the other girl in bed.

Tiffany placed her leg and arm on the blonde as soon as she lied down beside her. "Baby?"


"I have a secret." She whispered against her ear.

Taeyeon let out a small smile at the familiar words. "What is it?" She kept her eyes on the ceiling.

"Have you ever tried using toys?"

"What?" The blonde furrowed her brows in confusion, this was not what she had in mind. 

"You know... During ?"

She absentmindedly hummed and her eyes widen in shock at the realization. "Holy ! What?!"

"So it's a no, then." Tiffany looked at her innocently. "I have never tried using one before. But..." She climbed off the mattress and stoop down, looking for something under the bed. "I have these things. I've never used them. It was actually a gag gift from my friend. She said I should use it with my girlfriend" She showed a black box.

"What the ?! Why is it under my bed?!" The smaller girl looked at her in disbelief.

"I just sneaked it in the last time I went here. Since I know you don't really clean what's under your bed, I decided to just keep it there." 

"What?! Are you out of your mind?!" 

Tiffany peeked inside the box. "I am not. It's actually my first time opening this. I don't actually know what's inside." She sat on the bed beside her, their shoulders touching, and took off the lid.

"Holy ! What are these?! !" Taeyeon paled at the contents.

"I have no idea too..." She rummaged through the contents. "These are pretty ."

"People actually use this?" The smaller girl took out one of the contents and looked at it in horror.

"Do you wanna try using one of these?" Tiffany looked at her.

"Holy ! I know that look! ! No!" Taeyeon threw the thing back to its container.

The brunette laughed out loud. "You should've seen your face. So funny."

"Ha ha. No." She looked at her impassively.

"But seriously, you don't wanna try...? At least for once...?" Tiffany looked at her expectantly.

" no! I don't want any of those in me." She grimaced.

"Hmm... This seems doable. Wear this." The brunette tossed it to the other girl, completely ignoring what she had said.

"What?! Are you serious?!"

Tiffany nodded. "Let's just do it out of curiosity." 

"And you're dragging me into this?!" 

"You want someone else to do it in your behalf?"

"What?! Of course not!"

"Then wear it. Just one round." 

Taeyeon didn't know what to say anymore. She hesitantly took it and looked at it for a moment before finally wearing it. "The ."

Tiffany giggled at the blonde's face. "Climb on top." 

". I'm only gonna do it once. Once." She held out one finger.

"This is funny. I can't believe we're gonna do this." The taller girl chuckled.

"Because you're ing crazy."

"Hey, that's rude." She slapped her arm.

"Ow! Don't slap me!" She rubbed her aching arm.

Tiffany ignored the protests and pulled the smaller girl down. ". I don't think I can do this."

"Then don't!" Taeyeon’s voice was filled with desperation.

"But I'm really curious." 

"Stop pretending."

Tiffany laughed.

"How does this thing work anyway?"

"Just put it in and against me, I guess…?" 

". You've done this before?!" Taeyeon pushed herself up a little.

"What?! No!"

She only looked at her skeptically.

"It's the only explanation why it looks like that!" Tiffany pointed at it.

The smaller girl burst out laughing. "Ow! Stop!" She held her head.

"You're just delaying it!"

"So you really want this?!" 

Tiffany rolled her eyes.

". My girlfriend is crazier than I thought." She repositioned herself and grabbed her knees to spread her legs wider. ", I can't believe I'm doing this." 

"Stop complaining!" The brunette slapped her .

"Stop hitting me!" 

"Fine. Go. Do it." She grabbed her head and pulled her down.

"So bossy." Taeyeon grumbled but kissed her anyway. 

", stop nudging me with the tip." She slapped her leg.

"Fine." The blonde held it and pushed it inside slowly.

"..." She arched her back and clutched the sheets.

Taeyeon looked at her amusedly. "Does it feel good?" 

Tiffany only nodded.

"Holy . I've never seen you like this before. ." The smaller girl rumbled and started move.

"Oh god." The brunette moaned as she was hit at the right places. ". me harder, baby." She held her shoulder as she met every . 

"Holy , you're so hot, baby." Feeling encourage, she pushed faster and deeper.

"Ah... That's so good... A little harder... Yeah... Oh god..." 

"." Deep . "." Another. "kk." A deeper one. A loud gasp. 

Taeyeon tried to catch her breath as she slowed down. ", that was something." She panted as she looked down at the other girl.

Tiffany reached up and held her face. "Yeah, it was." She pulled her down and kissed her gently. "You ing blew my mind, baby." 

"Good to know." Taeyeon finally collapsed on the brunette. "You still want it inside?" She asked after she managed to calm down. 

"Just for a little longer, please."


“Baby?” Tiffany spoke after a moment of silence.

“What?” She groggily asked.

“Do you wanna try this on you?”

“ no!” Taeyeon instantly pushed herself up and took it off, throwing it haphazardly near the box.

The brunette laughed and opened her arms, beckoning for her to go lie beside her. 

She shivered at the sight as she glanced back at the box and slid under the covers, letting Tiffany wrap her arms around her.


“I swear if you’ll insist I’m gonna forbid you to go here forever.”

Tiffany giggled and nuzzled against her neck. “You’re funny.”


“You’re funny ‘cause you keep on saying while doing it. You’ve never done that before, well at least not this much.”

She only looked at her strangely.

“But I still prefer your hands, though.” The brunette grabbed her hand and placed it on her waist. She hovered on top, straddling her, she leaned down and kissed her softly. 

The smaller girl shivered at the light touches as she closed her eyes.

“Open your eyes.” Tiffany brushed her cheeks gently.

“Why?” She opened her eyes slowly and saw the brunette looking at her worriedly.

“Are you okay?”


“You sounded weird. Like in pain, or something.”


“Did you have a bad dream?”

Taeyeon sat up and looked around then to the floor. She climbed off the bed hurriedly and looked under the bed but found nothing.

“What are you looking for?”

“Do you have a black box with you?”


“A black box.”

“I don’t have one. Why?”

“Oh.” The smaller girl just stood there for a moment, staring at her girlfriend. “Well that was a messed up dream.” She mumbled and slid back under the covers.

“What was it?” Tiffany moved closer and rested her head on her chest.

“Just you being extremely strange… and crazy.” She looked down and grinned at her.

The brunette narrowed her eyes at the grinning girl. “That’s so mean.”

“But it’s real. I had to do strange things for you in that dream.” She shuddered at the memory.

Tiffany chuckled and put her arm around her waist. “Thank you.” She whispered.

“For what?”

“For the gift. It’s so sweet. I’ve never received one until now.” She reached out and entwined their hands.

“It’s actually my first time giving something like this. Well, I haven’t been dating for years so I promised myself to give something special for the next person that I’ll meet.” Taeyeon looked down and smiled.

Tiffany squealed in delight. “You’re the sweetest.” She kissed her cheek. “I love you so much.”

The smile on her face became wider. “I love you just as much.” She kissed her lips gently. “I’m such a keeper so don’t let go of me, okay?” She whispered against her lips and earned a smack on her .

“Mood killer.”

Taeyeon laughed at the frowning face. “But seriously. Don’t, okay? Because I intend to keep you for a very long time.” She held her face and looked at her with a small smile.

Tiffany couldn’t be happier at those words. “Of course I won’t. No matter how annoying you could get.” She grinned.

“Okay, good enough.”

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maemae08 #1
Chapter 6: Aww this is so sweet but I want to know how they started to date
Chapter 5: Still makes me crazy
Chapter 4: This story is more on a comedy for me this chapter is making me laugh that cursing Hahahaha even the chapter before this
Mihyun101 #4
Chapter 4: Oh god that dreammmn lmao
Mihyun101 #5
Chapter 2: Awww
girlofeternity_ss #6
Taeyeon's the tsundere type. So cute. Tiffany's patience is admirable.
Chapter 6: ♡~♡ Thanks
Chapter 6: Finishhhhh..:D
gollysweety #9
Chapter 5: Wowww tae seriously so grumpy!!! Oo my, actually sometimes I also like being grumpy you know hehe yeah!!! Anyway tae grumpy,fany so demanding make it more entertaining actually hahaha

Thanks for the story!!!! :)
tipco09 #10
Chapter 5: Grumpy Taeyeon is such a turn on for Tiffany. Hahaha!