Part 1


Ring ring ring


Ring ring ring

“Shut up.” She almost threw the alarm clock but decided against it. The device was quite expensive and she couldn’t afford to break it, her mother might kill her if she did. After stretching and grumbling about how morning classes should be banned, she finally got out of bed and took a shower.

It’s quiet. I guess Hyo didn’t come home last night. She must’ve been partying again. What’s so fun about going to parties anyway? She thought as she spread some strawberry jam on her toast. She glanced at the clock and saw it was time to go. After taking the last bite, she placed her plate in the sink and shouldered her bag then left.


Ah, the weather is so good today. Too bad I have these stupid morning classes. I can’t wait to go home and sleep. She walked into the campus and looked around but found nothing interesting. Glancing at her watch, she walked faster and soon reached their classroom. She slowly opened the door and peeked inside. The room was almost empty, save for the other person sitting at the back with earphones on.

The blonde went inside and sat at the nearest seat from the door. She took out her notes and pen, silently reading the notes she wrote for the past couple of days. A moment later, she glanced to her side and saw the other person looking at her. “Yes?” She asked flatly, when the person seem to hesitate in saying something.

The brunette only shook her head and smiled. “Don’t mind me.”

“Okay.” She went back to her notes.


The door made a creaking sound as it was opened. She tried not to look at that direction and continued on pretending in listening to music. She’s really on time. She thought as she watched the other girl from the corner of her eye entering the room. She’s studying? She turned her head and looked at the blonde silently reading. She could feel her heart beating faster as their eyes met. Damn, I got caught. The smaller girl asked something to which she had barely heard so she shook her head and smiled instead. “Don’t mind me.” She added to make it seem like she was nonchalant about the situation.

She inwardly sighed when the latter didn’t ask further and went back on reading. She propped her chin on her palm as she looked outside the window and smiled.


A year ago

“Hi.” Tiffany stood in front of her after the class ended.

She looked up and couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable at how brightly the other girl was smiling at her. “Yes?”

“When are we going to start that project Mr. Choi gave us?”

“When are you free?” Right, that stupid project. Why can’t we just do it alone?

“I’m free this Friday.”

“Okay, let’s just meet after class.”

“Sure, just message me, here’s my number.” Tiffany showed her phone and Taeyeon saved the number.”

“Okay, thanks. I’ll just message you.” The blonde pocketed her phone then stood up. “I have to go now, bye.” She said and left.

The smile on Tiffany’s face gradually faded after the latter was gone. Oh. What a grumpy person. She thought but immediately brushed it off and left the room.

And that’s how Tiffany first talked to Kim Taeyeon. The girl’s first impression wasn’t that good. The way Taeyeon talked seem unfriendly and a little bit intimidating. But something about her personality piqued Tiffany’s interest. She didn’t know why but she was drawn to the blonde. So that day onwards, she was determined to befriend her but things happened and she fell in love instead.


It was just another ordinary day for Tiffany until she passed by a small coffee shop on her way to her friend’s house. Oh. There’s a coffee shop in here?She thought as she walked to the direction of the shop. She was reading the sign board on the doorsteps when someone passed by and entered the small store. Tiffany looked inside through the glass doors and saw Taeyeon talking to a person at the cashier. It seemed like she was apologizing by the way how she bowed numerous times. The blonde soon entered the room behind the counter and was gone.

Kim Taeyeon works here? She looked up to read the shop’s name. The brunette looked at her phone and decided to go in since she still had about an hour before meeting her friend. So she went inside and bought a cup of latte and went to the furthest table which still had a clear view of the counter. She took out a pocket book and opened it as she waited for the other girl to come out.

About 10 minutes had passed and Taeyeon finally came out of the kitchen, Tiffany assumed it was the kitchen. She lowered the book she’s reading and took a glance at the counter. She wasn’t expecting it but there she saw Kim Taeyeon smiling. Smiling at the customer as she handed the freshly brewed coffee. The blonde even waved her hand as the said customer bid goodbye. What’s even more shocking was that the smile didn’t instantly fade as she continued to go about the counter to clean up.

Wow. Never knew she was capable of smiling. Tiffany put down the long forgotten book and propped her chin on her hand instead. Such adorable smile. She unconsciously smiled at the thought of how cute Taeyeon looked when smiling. She must have been staring at her for too long because she was startled when her phone vibrated, signaling an incoming call.

“Hello?” She answered. She took a sip from her cup and grimaced on how cold the coffee was.

“Where are you?”

That made her pull out her phone and look at the time. “Oh! I’m sorry Jessi, I didn’t know I was sitting here for too long. I’m just at a coffee shop near your place. I’ll get going now.” She grabbed her book and shoved it into her bag before taking her cup and went to the counter.

“Can you please reheat this? It’s kinda cold and I need to get going now.” She said as she put down her cup and continued on talking on the phone, completely unaware that she was talking to the person she’s been staring at for an hour. “Thanks.” She took the cup without sparing a glance to the other girl and hastily walked out of the shop.

So a week after that, she tried to approach the blonde but unfortunately, the other girl wasn’t as responsive as she wanted to. She tried initiating small talks but nothing happened. Tiffany thought Taeyeon was being rude so she asked a few of their classmates and found out she was a bit of a loner, an anti-social, or whatever it was. Bottom line, Taeyeon seemed to hate everything and everyone. And tiffany couldn’t seem to get over it. She was sure Taeyeon wasn’t a loner and she didn’t hate everything around her. That smile was genuine after all.
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maemae08 #1
Chapter 6: Aww this is so sweet but I want to know how they started to date
Chapter 5: Still makes me crazy
Chapter 4: This story is more on a comedy for me this chapter is making me laugh that cursing Hahahaha even the chapter before this
Mihyun101 #4
Chapter 4: Oh god that dreammmn lmao
Mihyun101 #5
Chapter 2: Awww
girlofeternity_ss #6
Taeyeon's the tsundere type. So cute. Tiffany's patience is admirable.
Chapter 6: ♡~♡ Thanks
Chapter 6: Finishhhhh..:D
gollysweety #9
Chapter 5: Wowww tae seriously so grumpy!!! Oo my, actually sometimes I also like being grumpy you know hehe yeah!!! Anyway tae grumpy,fany so demanding make it more entertaining actually hahaha

Thanks for the story!!!! :)
tipco09 #10
Chapter 5: Grumpy Taeyeon is such a turn on for Tiffany. Hahaha!