Twenty six

Unpredictable love


 A soon we arrive in tokyo japan. We make our way to the hotel. Reporters are everywhere, a lot of sm artist is here but those reporters interest now is me. Sigh~~~ 

"Miss hwang are you okay" dave asked me. He didn't left in my side, even manger unnie is here with me. He wants to stay beside me, his reason well it's an order that he needs to follow.

"I'm fine you dont have to worry about it" i said while smiling to him.

When manager unnie come to me she handed me a key of my room and i asked about his room too.

"Our company book me a room, near to your room miss hwang so you dont have to worry" he said when i asked our manager.

"Oh okay" i answer back

Me ang my member go to our rooms and before everyone can go in.

"Guys meeting at tiffany's room 7:00pm sharp. Including you dave" sunny announce

I just sigh~~ knowing what they want to talk about.

I smile to dave.

"See you later dave ang don't wear that black suit again. Wear a normal clothes that can make you comfortable. And if ever cristan called you again....... oh never mind i think" i give a small smile to him and open my door but before i can go in dave speak up.

"Miss hwang, cristan is waiting for your call her or messege. My boss is doing her best to be with you even you turn her down how many time she wont give up easily." He said and go in to his room after he bow his head to me.


And i do the same. I sit for the mean time in my bed thinking what dave said to me. Maybe calling her wont be bad, but my heart keep beating faster. And maybe hearing her voice makes me crazy. Sigh~~~

I better call nichole. Thats the best way. I pick up my phone and calles nichole.

"Ring~~ ring~~~ ring~~ 

"Hello?"Nichole answer

"hey nich, are you busy?" I asked

"Tiff? No i'm not. Why? What can i do to you girl?" Nichole asked from the other line

"Hmmm ah you know, i want to thank her for everything she did to me today but i can't bring myself to call her.beside i dont have her number yet"i said in a nervous voice

"Whose her tiff? And what is wrong with you voice?you sounds nervous? Thats not you girl. Tell me whose her?" Nichole asked again and i heard her chuckle a bit.

Oh god is she teasing me now. I keep talking to myself.

"Cristan i mean nichole and stop that teasing tone okay" i said while pouting.

And i heard her laugh so loud and i think not only her, i think i heard jessi laugh too.

"Okay if you can't help me and keep teasing me i will end this call now" i said. I cant bear my embarassment now.

"Well it's your fault young lady. You can call her by her name but you choose to use "her" that cristan name. Anyway, so do you want to say something to her? You better call her instead of asking me to tell me tiff cristan would be the happiest person in the world if you call her now" nichole said while still laughing.

"I dont have her number" i said to her a bit annoyed now.

"Okay i will give it to you her number okay. Okay bye now my meeting will start soon. Good luck to the concert girl" she said a bot rush now.

"Okay bye take care too" i said.











From nichole:

To miyoung:

+xxxxxxxx call her now i think she was waiting for you to call her 😘

As soon i recieve the number, i save it directly in my phone. Before i reply to her messege.

From miyoung:

To nichole:

Big thanks my dear,. I just going to thank her no more no less.🙈

I answer a bit defensive. Who cares i just dont want them to get a wrong idea about it.


Should i call her now? 

I stand up while holding my phone thinking if im going to call her now or not. After taking a deep breath, i dial her phone number it takes a minute before someone answer it.

"Hello, cristan speaking" she answer

Oh god help me.






"Hello? May i know whose in the line please" cristan asked again

I dont know whats got on me that i can't find a word to talk to her. I close my eye to calm myself before i speak.

"I-ts me...., tiffany" i said. It's to hard for me to speak properly.

And i notice that the other line become silent too. Did she end my call? My mind say

"Hello? Cristan, it's me tiffany. Are you listening?" I asked 

"Oh yeah, yes i am.. im just surprised that your actually calling me now. And i can't believe that i'm talking to you." I can feel that she was awkwardly smiling now.

I smile thinking that im not the only one whose nervous.

"So how are you now tiffany? Your in japan now right? Are you safe? Did dave protect you for everything? Or did he make you uncomfortable?" Cristan instantly throw a lot of question to me.

I laugh a bit.

"Easy im fine.. thats not the reason why im calling you now" i said

"Then tell me what is it about." The impatient cristan awaken.

"I would like to say thank you for everything you did from me. I heard everything. Our manager said that you have a conversation to our ceo that time you visit me in the studio. And why you didn't tell me about it? You know that i was waiting lee soo man to call me and talk about the issue but he never did. he also let me attend the sm town concert even the scandal about us broke out. And now you giving everything in order to protect me, and im so thankful for all your effort but cristan dont you think that i bother you enough now" I said a bit scared that im going to hurt her feelings

"Your not bothering me tiffany, you save me actually and im thankful for that. So dont push me away just because of those reason okay.i dont want to talk about it in the phone. so wait for me there okay i'm coming for you and well talk about it" she said

And im a bit confused to her statement.

"What to your coming here? Im not in the dorm remember? Im in japan now." I answer 

And she just laugh at me without answering back.

"Okay bye for now and tiffany if you need anything just ask dave for it she will get it for you. Just don't fall for him okay. Coz im going crazy if you do" she said.

"Yah! What are talking about?! Fall for him?! Sorry but im already fall in love to someone else okay." I said a bit defensive to what shes thinking. But i heard her laugh.

"Well thats good if that someone is me then" she said 

"Yah! That's n..." i cant finish my sentence when i heard her

"I love you tiffany, so please love me back tiffany" she said lovingly to me.

I can't utter any words. My mind keep replaying what she just said to me and i didn't know when she said bye to me. I only hear my heart beating wildly.i put my hands to where my heart is and try to calm myself.

"Knock! Knock! Knock! 

The door wake me up from my dreams

"Yah! Tiffany hwang open this damn door if you don't want to broke it down" hyoyeon shut from the outside.

Taking a deep sigh and see my face in the mirror. Oh my gosh im madly blushing right now. Then i make my wat to the door and open it for them.

"What took you so long to open the door. What are you doing huh?and what was that" sunny point her hands to my face.

"Unnie your blushing" seohyun blurted out 

And i just turn my back to them. Out of embarassment and let them come in.

Taeyeon can sense that im keeping something to them but she didn't ask instead she help me out in our member who keep teasing and asking me about what happen to me inside my room.

"Guys stop it. I order some food and drinks, we will talk while waiting for it" she said.

I sigh~~~ and secretly thanking taeyeon for her help.








CRISTAN POV: at the same time

I can't hide my happiness, i keep on smiling. 

"Are you okay ma'am" one of the staff in immigration asked me.

"Ah yeah, i just happy. You know visit and see your love one makes me excited so much."i answer

The girl chuckle at my action.

"Here's your passport ma'am and enjoy your holiday with miss hwang" the girl said smiling widely at me.

"How do you know about that"i asked in disbelieve.

"Because im a fan of her too, and your the one who proposed to her infront of everyone thats why i assume that your going to meet her since your going in japan and she was in japan too." She said.

I just scratch the back of my head out of embarassment and thank her before i take my leave. And i heard her giggle more..



























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V1n4k1 #1
Chapter 36: Hei i'm new reader,oh and when you update?
Chapter 36: Senpaiii, I’ll wait for you
Chapter 36: La historia es muy interesante... Quieras o no te atrapa... Espero y puedas terminarlo
Kim_Taecyeon #4
Chapter 36: PLEASE UPDATE :(
RORqwerty #5
Chapter 36: No te preocupes nosotros esperamos, solo no nos olvides
sisilover #6
Chapter 33: something is gonna happen and i feel it's bad hope tiffany is gonna always stay with cristan
embongtaar #7
Chapter 32: Please update soon
Chapter 32: Don't you think that the characters on that fic are sighing too much?