Chapter 4

Crazy in love

The following weeks, Mina and Momo didn't meet anymore. Momo didn't drop by at Mina's apartment, didn't even come to her whilst she was walking alone late at night. Mina found herself doing that quite a few times, hoping the blonde would appear and everything would be forgotten, that they could go back to the relationship they used to have. She longed for Momo's hands on her hips, her arms around her waist, her soft lips against hers... Not even the , she would give all of that up if Momo would just come back to her again and look at her with the same loving gaze as she used to. Sometimes, Mina wondered if Momo wasn't in love with her too, but she always rejected those ideas. She wondered how someone could leave when their lover asked them to stay and hold her, to comfort her, to love her. Momo always left. Mina knew she missed her though; otherwise she wouldn't come back, right?
But she didn't come back now, and Mina was slowly dying.

It was almost as if her whole life was drained away. She had very little energy to get up in the morning, knowing that Momo wouldn't wait for her on her couch at 9 o'clock when her ballet training had gone on longer than she expected. She never came to her ballet studio, even though Mina guessed she knew where it was. She never came to her when she wasn't alone or in a good mood. The girl somehow seemed to feel that. But now, she just wasn't there.
It was dissapointing, the first time when Momo wasn't there to wait her up. It had been a long day. She had been up since seven to get ready for her classes at the University and afterwards she had gone directly off to practise. Her mind had been too occupied to think about the fight of the previous day and she had expected Momo to be there when she came home. They'd cuddle first, maybe watch a movie whilst being snuggled up together, and when she felt good enough there were a few kisses. Eventually those would always turn out in , but Mina didn't mind that.
That evening, Mina came home in her dark apartment. No lights burning, no TV playing. The plants were dry on water, the fridge empty. Mina felt alone, and she couldn't get around the fact that she missed Momo.
The following days were even worse. The lonely feeling increased, causing to drive out all the other emotion out of her body. It was like her mind was a gaping emptiness. She could only force out a smile ever hour or so, but that was it. She missed Momo, and she regretted sending her away. Would she ever come back? God, what if she never came back?

Weeks passed, and Mina never forgot about the blonde. Luckily she led a busy life. She had her study, her training as a ballet dancer, and well, Sana.
After Sana had accidentally walked in on them — something that was still grifted into Mina's mind and she defenitely wasn't proud of — and Momo had knocked her out and left, Mina had immediately called an ambulance. They were at her apartment complex in less than a few minutes to pick up her friend. Mina was able to ride along. Luckily the employees in the ambulance already told her that she'd be fine. That eased Mina a lot, but she still felt incredibly guilty for putting her friend up with this.
Mina put up a lie when they told her how she passed out. She told the doctors that her friend had fallen on her head after stumbling over the step by her doorfraim. That did explain the passing out, but didn't explain the blue marks on where Momo's hand had been. Mina simply told the doctors that she didn't know, and they left her alone after that, because of her watery eyes and quivering lip.
When Sana woke up, she apologized a thousand times, but the blonde already told her it was fine at the very first apology. She didn't seem to remember anything, although she did tell her that she had had this crazy dream about a vampire, which immediately made Mina's muscles tense up. But she didn't lay the link between the vampire and reality. Sana believed the story Mina told her; that she fell and hit her head. She didn't remember why hurt so much, and Mina kept denying she knew, so the doctors just treated the bruises and let it slide. It wasn't serious after all.
Sana was released from the hospital, and despite the brunette's guilty feelings she treated her the same as always. She knew she didn't deserve a good friend like Sana, but the blonde helped to cope with her break-up with Momo — or whatever it was. Sana didn't knew she was Mina's medicine to stitch her heart, her morphine to her fresh wound, but she didn't need to know. She didn't know about Momo after all.

After a while, people started to notice that the normally shy but happy Myoui Mina acted differently. She was more introverted than ever, but this time she didn't breathe a positive kind of vibe. Her way of acting became a bit dark. Like a darkened sun, Mina didn't shine anymore. Her good grades faltered, her dancing became emotionless. She often laid on the couch in her spare time, watching some stupid comedy that she didn't even know the name off just so she could feel the feeling of laughing again.

But at a certain evening, maybe two to three months after the accident, she heard three knocks on her door. It was already past midnight and Mina was just getting ready in the bathroom to go to sleep. She was brushing teeth her teeth when the sound alerted her.
Her heart sprang up, immediately started to beat faster at the familiar knocking; she couldn't help to associate it with Momo. Even after two months, the brunette was still longing for the blonde, and even some simple knocking made her think of her. But who would knock at the door of the quiet girl who had pushed everyone away for the past month at half past one at night?
Her heart began to race, pulsing blood fast through her veins for the first time in a very long time. She whiped quickly and ran towards the front door to open it. She told herself that it was because she was tired and wanted to sleep badly; she wanted to handle this off and go to bed. It probably wasn't Momo, right?
But she couldn't help but to run her hand through her hair, to style her hair a little bit. Mina admitted that she didn't that much attention to her appearance anymore after Momo left, but she immediately became aware of her body odor, unwashed hair and the dark circles underneath her eyes. Maybe she shouldn't open the door... But it wasn't Momo, right? Then it wouldn't matter.
Her hand was already on the doorknob and she felt herself pushing it down. The door swung open, and not because Mina pulled it open, but by a force from outside. Mina felt their lips crash upon each other before she could see anything else. Just before her eyes fluttered shut, there was a flash of blonde hair. Every feeling she had ever felt exploded in her body. Anger, sadness, excitement, love, lust. Mina felt them all at once and didn't know what to do except to kiss back. Hands travelled all over body so fast she barely noticed it. The front door was still wide open and the cold breeze that entered the apartment made Mina shiver. But she didn't care, she only cared for her.
"I missed you," Momo breathed hoarsely into , when their lips parted for a moment so they could catch their breaths. "I want you so badly."
Mina could only moan in response. Her fingers curled around Momo's neck and pulled her closer for another kiss. It was a sloppy kiss, with their tongues all over the place. When Momo bit her lower lip, her fangs pressed hard into her skin. She had forgotten how sharp they were. Their hands didn't seem to know where to start. Mina moved from cupping the blonde's cheek to curling her fingers in her hair to letting them slide to her waist and pulling her even closer. She wanted to feel every inch of Momo to make sure she was real and not an hallucination.
She was only faintly aware that she was lifted. The door was kicked shut and Mina wrapped her arms around the blonde's neck when she started to walk towards the bedroom. Her back hit the pillows not soon after. They were only a second apart; Momo seemed to launch herself at Mina directly. Their lips connected again and it was the most heavenly feeling in the world. She felt her hands underneath her shirt and she didn't pull back. She had missed that feeling. She had missed Momo and the way she made her feel loved.
Her hands had barely discovered all of her body, her clothes weren't even off yet, when she already felt Momo enter her pants. A loud gasp left her lips.

Mina wettened her lips. They had grown dry due the panting and gasping. She was totally exhausted, even moving her arms hurt. It had been a while since Momo had stopped by and it was clear her body wasn't used to Momo's rough way of treating her anymore. But the soreness felt good. It made her feel alive again, for the first time in a very long time.
Mina snuggled up against Momo. The blonde had wrapped her arm around her shoulders. She let her head rest upon her nacked chest and breathed deeply in and out. Mina closed her eyes. 
"I should get going..." Momo mumbled after a few mintes. Mina opened her eyes again, disturbed. She looked up into the dark eyes of her lover. They were exactly as she remembered them. Deep black, the kind of black where you would fall into and never would get out of. Mina was drowning in them, but they had gotten something colder since the last time they were together. Mina then noticed that something had changed between them, something that she'd probably never be able to repair. The brunette pulled the blackets up to her chin. Suddenly it grew a lot colder in the room, even though the sweat was still dripping off her body and the radiator was up high.
"I can't stay, you know that,"
 Momo replied simply. There was no hint of love in her voice. She said it like she was talking about the weather. It stung.
The blonde shook the blankets off her still body and got out. Mina couldn't help but to let her eyes run over the contoures of her body, the way her curves were perfectly round; her abs were tensed when she lowered herself to the ground to pick up her lingerie; her s were hard because of the cold; her hair flew perfectly over her shoulders; her muscles moving underneath her pale skin. Momo was a sight for sore eyes. Only this image of her would be enough to make Mina wet all over again, if the question she was burning to ask wasn't on her tongue already.
"Because you don't want or because you can't?" she asked.
Momo turned her back towards Mina and fastened her bra. She didn't answer until she had put on her too. She turned her head towards the brunette and looked at her for a moment.
"Both," she said. That stung even more. Momo didn't want to be with her? Mina frowned her eyebrows.
"Did you come back because you missed me, or missed having with me?" she asked further. Her heart was starting to beat faster. What if she said she only missed the ? Of course Mina had too, but she mainly just missed Momo.
Momo didn't answer immediately. She first sought her other clothes. Mina at first hadn't paid attention to her clothes at all. She only now saw that the blonde worn her usual black high-waisted shorts, a white blouse and white sneakers. The white made her almost seem innocent, Mina thought. Almost.
Momo put on her clothes. She turned around, running her hand through her hair.
"Both," she said. "What about you?"
Mina bit her lip.
"You know my answer," she said silently. Momo looked away and chuckled.
"Have your feelings not faded yet?"
"Not the slightest."
"Why didn't you move on?"
 Momo asked, whilst raising her eyebrows questioningly. Mina pouted her lips when she thought for a moment.
"I can't have another relationship and do this with you. If I get a new girlfriend, I can't have with you anymore. Two months is too short to get over someone completely and fall in love again. And even if I would have, I don't think I would have chosen her over you anyway."
"You're weird,"
 Momo said, shaking her head. "Why would you fall in love with someone like me?"
The blonde pulled up her lip and beared her teeth; her fangs flashed in the moonlight that lighted the room. Mina sat up straight, covering her bare body with the blankets and shrugged.
"I guess I am weird. In several ways."
Because wasn't it weird — and stupid — to fall in love with a monster? Momo was unpredictable, often not in control, forgot the promise they made to not bite her. And wasn't it stupid to fall in love with someone who told you every time again that they didn't love you back? And still you clinged to them, afraid to let go, afraid to break off what you had already build up. Mina was afraid to loose Momo. And she had no idea how Momo felt. Whenever she thought to know what she felt, she was always proved wrong. Momo was a diffecult person to love, but Mina had fallen for her anyway.

She was a stupid, naïve girl, she found out then.

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12 streak #1
Chapter 7: that's soo is not an obessession....and one should apperciate what he has before it gone!
thank you so much!
12 streak #2
Chapter 6: so she died!
12 streak #3
Chapter 5: poor miguri
12 streak #4
Chapter 4: O(≧∇≦)O
12 streak #5
Chapter 3: woooah ! this is intense!
12 streak #6
Chapter 2: great
12 streak #7
Chapter 1: really nice
Chapter 7: This story is so beautiful and heartbreaking. My heart hurts for the both of them. You're a great story teller, authornim.
Chapter 7: I couldn't sleep and so decided to read this story instead.It took me 2 hours and it's already 3am plus here.
I love the whole storyline and the way you had portrayed Mina's love for Momo.
It's stupid how Momo decided to end things that way when she clearly love Mina much.
It breaks my heart.
Authornim,you're such a great writer that my emotions are so mixed up right now.
Thank you for the story and with that you deserve an upvote from me xoxo
JY_123456789 #10
Chapter 7: (இ﹏இ`。)