Chapter 2

Crazy in love

The weeks after that continued like that.
Whenever she was late outside, and there was no one around, Momo would appear. Mina didn't mind it at all. In fact, she got more and more into it, at a point where she turned the roles and Momo ended up against the wall. The first time she did that, she had been rather scared; not knowing if Momo would appreciate that. But all she heard was a low laugh. From that moment, Mina found herself trusting Momo almost completely. If she let her take control like that, she doubted anything she would do would cause Momo to get angry.
The hickeys ran lower and lower over Mina's body every time they met, until a time where her blouse was opened half way up and Momo was about to unclip her bra.
"St-stop," Mina had breathed then, causing Momo to look up a bit confusedly. The blonde had gotten just as eager, maybe even more eager, as her and didn't want to stop. Neither did Mina. That was the first time Mina took Momo to her house.

with Momo was the best thing she had ever done. Whilst Mina was a rather shy and quiet girl around her friends and especially around people she was less comfertable with, she often couldn't act upon that small part of her that actually wanted to be a mature woman who knew exactly what she wanted. The kind of woman that made men and women swoon in front of her feet. With Momo, she could finally be that woman. Because the blonde desired her. She wanted her as badly and Mina wanted her. And Mina could finally explore that mature part of her and see how far her limits would go. She reckoned Momo would be up for anything.
Momo wasn't a gentle lover, but she had neither expected so, nor did she want Momo to treat her sweetly. She has had a few lovers whom had all been too sweet. She wanted a lover that made her feel the stars, that made her crazy with lust and make the heat between her legs grow with just a single look. Momo was perfect.
Mina had at first been very insecure about her performances. It had been clear since the very first minute that Momo was more experienced than she was. And otherwise braver. Mina thought she knew a few things about , but she discovered she didn't even know half and had experienced even less. Momo seemed to be confident in everything she did, which caused Mina to doubt herself a little bit. She wasn't experienced or daring enough, it seemed, to please Momo. Whilst Momo drove her crazy by only kissing her, she had a hard time to be on the same level as the blonde. She tried hard, but she felt like it wasn't enough. Mina was a bit awkard with things like these after all, even though her mind went places she couldn't follow.
But Momo was weirdly patient with her. Their first time had actually been a bit of... sweet? It wasn't exactly tender, but even back then Mina understood that Momo could do so much more than just that. They had their first time in bed, like any other couple. Momo had immediately shifted on top, kissing her. Mina kissed back eagerly, but her hands barely travelled any lower than Momo's waist, whilst she felt the blonde's hands all over her body. Sometimes just or tickling, but often teasing. Momo shifted to her neck, leaving a hickey or two and some featherlight kisses to sooth it a bit. She lowered to her collar bones, and from that moment, Mina's breath became hastier; she breathed in and out at an odd pace. Momo had never gone lower than her collar bones and it made her extremely nervous. Suddenly she was an insecure sixteen-year-old again who had doubts about her body. Would Momo like her? Didn't she have too many curves? Too fat? Too thin? Too toned? Too pale? She became extremely nervous, which made breathing even harder. Momo's mouth left a trail off kisses on their way to her s. Her shirt had been long gone and she was only left in her bra. But when she felt Momo's hands slide towards her back to unclip her bra, she had to bite her lip not to stop her. But the blonde seemed to know what to do, it wast almost as if she could
"Ssssh, it's going to be alright," Momo had whispered in her ear. "I know it's scary. You can always tell me to stop."
But at that, Mina had shaken her head. She wanted Momo, she knew that. She was just scared she wouldn't live up to Momo's expectations. But the blonde had not once let her think that she wasn't enough. Since that Mina was the first one to receive an , she could 1) copy Momo a little bit, to ensure her pleasure and 2) get comfertable with the situation. Eventually, when it was her turn, it wasn't even that bad. She had thought that she was the most sensitive one of the two, but she discovered that Momo reacted as heavily on her touches as she had to hers, which made everything a lot easier. Mina felt a little better after noticing that. It gave her confidence a boost. If a dangerous vampire could be so weak for her, then she would be able to do anything.
Their second time had been a lot more intense. Now that the two girls knew what the other liked, what they could do and what they couldn't, it became a lot easier to speed it up a little bit. The bed was replaced by the couch and this time Mina was the one on top. She dared to explore a little more; tease a little more, bite a little more. Momo seemed to dig it as much as Mina did.
After that, the couch was replaced by a chair. The chair by her wooden kitchen table. And eventually, the wall was enough. With every time, Mina grew needier for Momo. She couldn't hide her attraction towards the vampire anymore, and honestly didn't want to anymore. The blonde knew how she made Mina feel, and Mina didn't mind it one bit. She knew the blonde was attracted to her too, and she couldn't get enough of her.

Mina didn't know the exact moment when she realized that just wasn't enough anymore. Sure, it was great, don't get her wrong. Momo was the lover everyone wishes for. The blonde always seemed to know exactly what Mina wanted and needed. Harder, faster, softer, slower; she never had to call out for it. She only called out Momo's name.
But Mina started to crave other stuff. The blonde was great in love making, but that was most of the time everything they did. Somehow, Mina was always the last one to receive an . After that, Momo would carry her to her bed and tuck her in. Often she stayed a little while longer to lay with her, but eventually she'd always leave before dawn. Sometimes almost immediately, sometimes after an hour, often after a few hours, when Mina had long fallen asleep. Mina only got to spend very little time with her, and often she was too tired to talk, even though she'd want too. Mina wanted to talk about everything. Sh had never felt such an urge to talk to someone. She wanted to know everything about Momo. Her favourite colour, what her life was like, what her hobbies were. She wanted to talk about the universe and everything that existed in it with Momo. But they never got the chance to.
She just played with the blonde's hair, or press an occasional kiss on her cheek. When they felt like it, they kissed too. Not their eager way of kissing, where their tongues met more than their lips, but the sweet kind of kiss that made your head spin and your heartbeat race of excitement. The kind of kiss that left you dizzy with each other's scent. Mina loved those kisses more than their normal kisses. But they always lasted too shortly.
Mina cherished the moments when all they did was lie in Mina's large bed and cuddle up. Momo's arms around her waist, her fingers slowly her skin, was more than relaxing. They'd just lay there and relax after the tiring . Mina would eventually fall asleep, but her dreams would not be any different than reality. And at a certain moment, she wished that it could be like that forever. She didn't want Momo to leave anymore.

Her friends noticed something was off with her. Sana, her best friend, was the first one to point out how happy Mina seemed the past few weeks. They had never spoken about Mina's secret lover, but the bite and scratch marks which were often found on her friend's body, told Sana enough. She didn't comment on it, maybe because she was a bit jealous too. It was clear her friend had way better than her and her boyfriend, and she seemed to be deeply in love too. Whenever Sana brought up anything remotively romantic, Mina's cheeks immediately flared red and she often looked back to the ground to hide her broad smile. Sana often asked if she couldn't be introduced to her lover, but Mina shook her head every time, telling some lame- lie about how her partner liked to be on their own and that it was just a fling, a few one-night stands. Sana knew she was being lied to, but she decided to leave it anyway. It was clear to her that it weren't just a few one night stands. Mina showed all the signs of being in love, so Sana didn't really get why she wouldn't introduce her lover to her. If Mina didn't want to introduce her boyfriend to her, so be it, but she became more curious and curious with every passing day.

"Don't you ever want to like... settle down?" Mina asked one day, when the two finally laid down in bed. The clock ticked half past two and their breaths were still fast due to their latest s. Momo looked up to her and frowned her eyebrows.
"What do you mean?"
"Now... well, like, get a girlfriend, and such. Instead of just.. all of this. Doing couple things. Like, wearing each other's shirts, making each other breakfast, going out for dinner, seeing a movie together, cuddling up on the couch... stuff like that."

Mina could barely get the words out of . Luckily it was dark in her bedroom, and she hoped the vampire wouldn't see her red cheeks. She had wanted to ask Momo already a very long time if she didn't rather want a real relationship than just the . Mina surely would like to.
Momo shrugged.
"No, not really. It's not possible," she simply said, in a monotonous, almost bored voice. Mina blinked a few times with her eyes, utterly surprised at her answer. She hadn't expected Momo to be so negative towards a relationship. Was all she craved ? Nothing more? Not a girlfriend that looked after you? And took care of you when you were sick? One that kissed your flaws away and made you feel beautiful every day again even when you are at your worst? Mina couldn't understand why not. She hadn't always been appalled to having a relationship, in fact she mostly was repulsed by it, but now that she had met Momo... it was all different. And she really craved for it, like a heroine-addict craved for drugs.
"What do you mean with 'it's not possible'," she asked.
"Don't know if you still remember, Miguri, but I blood for a living. Wouldn't be exactly safe if I go meet your parents and such, right?" Momo replied with a chuckle. Mina didn't understand why this was funny. She suddenly didn't like her nickname very much anymore.
"But you never hurted me," she objected.
"Doesn't mean I never thought of it. Or wanted it."
The blonde looked up to her with the same dark gaze she had given her at their first meeting. Even now it made her shiver.
"But you didn't," Mina nevertheless said. "Because you care about me."
"So? That doesn't mean I immediately care about your family and friends. I hold myself back for the sake of us, of what we have build up, but I don't give a single damn about anyone else."

Mina swallowed audibly.
"So, that's a no?" she asked softly.
Momo raised her eyes questioningly.
"You don't want to be my girlfriend?" Mina explaiend. Momo grinned, chuckled, and shook her head.
"Oh baby, no."
Momo pressed a kiss on her lips and got out of bed to find her clothes. Mina had never felt so empty before.

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11 streak #1
Chapter 7: that's soo is not an obessession....and one should apperciate what he has before it gone!
thank you so much!
11 streak #2
Chapter 6: so she died!
11 streak #3
Chapter 5: poor miguri
11 streak #4
Chapter 4: O(≧∇≦)O
11 streak #5
Chapter 3: woooah ! this is intense!
11 streak #6
Chapter 2: great
11 streak #7
Chapter 1: really nice
Chapter 7: This story is so beautiful and heartbreaking. My heart hurts for the both of them. You're a great story teller, authornim.
Chapter 7: I couldn't sleep and so decided to read this story instead.It took me 2 hours and it's already 3am plus here.
I love the whole storyline and the way you had portrayed Mina's love for Momo.
It's stupid how Momo decided to end things that way when she clearly love Mina much.
It breaks my heart.
Authornim,you're such a great writer that my emotions are so mixed up right now.
Thank you for the story and with that you deserve an upvote from me xoxo
JY_123456789 #10
Chapter 7: (இ﹏இ`。)