Part 3

What's the problem?

"Tae?" Tiffany leaned back against Taeyeon's shoulder to look at her. It was a Friday night. And Friday nights were their date nights. And here there were, in Tiffany's apartment. In her living room, cuddling on the couch, watching a random movie. Ever since they decided to hang out every Friday, Tiffany finally had something to look forward to. Something to motivate herself to do well in school. That didn’t make any sense. But to Tiffany, it made perfect sense.

"Hm?" Taeyeon tore her eyes away from the screen and faced her, only to be met by soft lips against her own. 

Tiffany felt accomplished. To steal a kiss from her girlfriend. So she grinned when the girl crinkled her nose at her cheekiness and tighten her arms around her waist. "Do you have work tomorrow?"

"I won't be here if I do."

"Oh. Right." She nodded before scooting closer. Her arms went around the girl's neck and she shifted again so she could nuzzle against her. "Why are you giggling?" She mumbled against the milky white skin. 

"It tickles."

"You smell good." It was random. Just a random thought that she had no intention to voice out. But she did. Because she's Tiffany. And Tiffany would often voice out her thoughts without thinking thoroughly.

"I make sure that I do." Taeyeon looked at her smugly. She said it in a way that if she hadn't known better, Tiffany would've thought the girl was so full of herself.

"Why would you do that?" The movie was completely forgotten as all her attention was now focused on her girlfriend. Girlfriend. It's been two months since they became official but she still couldn't believe it. That they're official. That Taeyeon was hers and vice versa. For real. 

"So you'd want to make out with me." The grin on her face was playful. And not to mention very cute. Especially when that cute dimple on her chin would make an appearance. She unconsciously reached out and poked the girl's dimple with her finger.

"Are you implying that you only agreed to hang out every Friday just to make out?" 

"What made you think that?

"Because you always smell good. But you smell extra good on Fridays." 

Taeyeon had a taunting smirk plastered on her face that she wanted to wipe off. "Oh, I'm busted." She pretended to sigh dejectedly. "But is it working?" The smirk made a comeback and it's even more appealing this time. 

"I would be lying if I say no." Tiffany shifted on the couch to face her. She pressed her hands against Taeyeon's chest to push her gently against the couch.

"So..." Taeyeon looked up and arms went straight around her waist. "Are you going to reward me for smelling good?" It would have been funny if she asked that question on a different occasion. But right now, everything that the girl said sounded flirty. And she loved flirty Taeyeon. Very much. 

"What kind of reward do you want?" Tiffany smirked back. She's loving this. Totally loving it. Getting flirted at and flirting back. The hands on her waist trailed down and squeezed her assets lightly. She blushed at the implication though she knew Taeyeon was only teasing her. 

"Come closer and I'll tell you what." The girl never broke eye contact. Not even for a second. Tiffany was definitely held captive of that intense gaze. So she moved closer, pressing her body against the other girl. Too close that she could feel the heat coming from this tiny body that she loved. 

"So what is it?" Her hand started to play with the girl's silky brown hair. 

"I want to kiss you so bad." The words were spoken out in a sultry voice. And it did things to her. Her head was buzzing. Her heartbeat was raising. Her cheeks were blushing. And, somewhere. Somewhere out there, she could feel an intense desire. But she had to ignore it. She would ignore it for now. 

Tiffany gathered her hair on one side and tilted her head. She inwardly patted herself at the back when she saw the glint in Taeyeon's eyes upon seeing her exposed shoulder and collarbone. The hand squeezed her again, much harder than the first time, and she took it as a signal. Her hands moved to Taeyeon's jaw and tilted her head up before kissing her. On the corner of . The girl groaned and opened her eyes when she said nothing.

"Why would you keep me hanging like that?" Taeyeon said in a very exasperated tone. It was her first time seeing the girl like this. Seeing her reaction made her chuckle. Then she remembered. The IT person from the IT department. Taeyeon. Her Taeyeon. She had completely forgotten about telling her that she was that annoying student who would seek help from her. "What?"

"I remembered something." 

"Does it involve me?" Her eyes widen at the question? Did Taeyeon know? How would she know? "What?"


"What's the problem? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know? Like you've been keeping something from me?" Tiffany almost gasped. Her girlfriend was right on point. Again. How did she do that? She would never know. Or maybe her facial expression was a dead giveaway. 

"I actually have something to t..."

"Oh. Right." Taeyeon straighten up in her seat, pulling Tiffany with her in the process. "I have something to tell you." 

Tiffany raised her brow. She felt anxious. What if Taeyeon did know? Oh, she must be a really stupid girl in her eyes now.

"It happened weeks ago. I can't even remember when it was." The hands left her behind and went up, slowly, up to her hips. But it didn't stop there, it trailed to her sides, which made her shiver, went to her arms then finally stopped when their hands were intertwined. "I totally forgot about it, I've been busy with work these days."

The way Taeyeon trailed off didn't help in calming her raising heartbeat. "What is it?" Tiffany just hoped she didn't sound too aggressive when she said that. 

"Someone asked me out on the phone." Taeyeon said in a very amused tone. It took everything in her not to climb off the girl's lap and run to her room. Lock said room, and never come out from it. Preferably forever. 

"W-what...?" Stuttering wasn't the most appropriate thing to do but it happened. And she couldn't do anything about it anymore.

"Yeah. Silly, right?" The girl started playing with their hands and it distracted her. Just a little bit. "It was that person again. The one who would always have an internet connection problem." 

Tiffany felt like fainting. She swallowed hard. She didn't know what to do. Should she come clean now?

"Wait, have I told you about that person?"

She absently shook her head. 

"Oh. Right. Remember when I told you I also work at the IT department in school then you just laughed?" Tiffany didn't know if her eyes were capable of getting any wider but she bet it grew ten times than before. When did Taeyeon tell her about this? On their first date? When they became official? Why couldn't she remember? Was she not paying attention back then? Or was her brain trying to suppress some memories that she wanted to avoid? 


"So yeah. I usually work in the afternoon up 'til nighttime." Taeyeon started and she sounded like she's about to tell the greatest story of all time. "So there's this girl who would always have an internet connection problem. Then one time, when we had maintenance, she suddenly asked me to go out with her." The girl chuckled adorably and she would've been swooning over her if it was on a different occasion. 

"What did you say?" Tiffany asked possessively. She didn't know where the jealousy was coming from. It's not like she didn't know what Taeyeon said back then. 

"I said..." The girl looked at her for a second before continuing. "Sure, why not?" Taeyeon said it in all seriousness that she almost completely believed her. Why would Tiffany believe in things easily? Nobody would know. 

The living room was quiet. It was so quiet that one would think nobody was in there. The silence was deafening that it finally made her react. "What?!" The look on her face must've been hilarious. Because Taeyeon wouldn't burst out laughing like this. She wouldn't throw her head back while laughing. She wouldn't tear up while laughing uncontrollably. "How dare you!" 

Tiffany constantly hit the girl's shoulder, lightly of course, but that didn't stop her from laughing. "Okay, okay. Stop it." Her wrists were held firmly so she had no choice but to stop moving. Taeyeon was now looking at her with those loving eyes, a bit of playfulness still evident. "I was just kidding, okay?"

She sighed in defeat but let herself hit the girl on the arm one more time before crossing her arms. "Okay."

"You know, I find that funny."


"Because..." Taeyeon stared at her intently that it made her self-conscious. So she shifted in place, not knowing what to do. "Why would you do that?" She asked in a very amused tone. Rudely amused. As always. 

To say that Tiffany was slow would be an understatement. But in her defense, she wasn't quite sure she heard it right. If she heard the words why, would, you, do, and that. Did Taeyeon just ask why would she do that? She? Her? Tiffany? Then her eyes widen again at the realization. Taeyeon knew.Her Taeyeon knew. She knew that Tiffany was behind the phone call. That it was Tiffany who would constantly bother her for her lack of knowledge in computers. 

Was her reaction funny? Why would Taeyeon grin like that? "Okay, I have another confession to make." Taeyeon raised her hands in surrender. And she found the gesture very cute. "Yes, I knew it was you."

Tiffany gasped this time. She couldn't help it. Taeyeon wasn't supposed to know she was that annoying girl from the community center. "W-what?" She couldn't help but stutter. She wished the earth would swallow her whole right at that moment.

"I was in the community center office at the time. And when you asked that question, curiosity got the best of me so I took a peek behind the blinds. Only to find you standing near the reception."

Her brain decided to shut down at that moment. She didn't know what to say. She didn't know how to get away with it. Was there even a way to get away with it? 

"Well, I was shocked at first." Taeyeon shrugged nonchalantly. "I mean, who would've thought the person I was dating and that annoying girl from the community center were the same person?" She chuckled lightly before poking Tiffany's cheek.

"Tae?" It felt like forever before she found her voice.


"Why are you even dating me?" Was her question funny? Tiffany was pretty sure the question wasn't funny. Not at all. So why was Taeyeon laughing? Again? "Stop laughing. Answer my question."

It took her a whole minute to finally calm down. The girl cleared dramatically and she would've laughed at her silly antics if things were different. "I find you very attractive, to be honest." One thing that Tiffany loved about Taeyeon was her honesty. Her brutally blunt honesty. The girl would honestly voice out her thoughts, no matter how much it would hurt her pride. 

"So you're only dating me because of my looks?"

"Kind of?" She totally missed how the girl grinned mischievously as her mind went to places.

"You're a show off."


"You're a show off." She repeated a little louder. 

"That I agree." Tiffany started to frown. But before she could say a word, Taeyeon pulled her closer with so much force that she almost yelped. The girl grinned at her widely when their lips bumped into each other. "I mean. You're totally a 10. Who would not want to show you off?" Tiffany was supposed to be mad at her. But then again, she was too in love with the girl that a single wink from her instantly made the anger subside.

"If you think what you're saying is flattering, I'm sorry to tell you this but it's not. I'm quite offended, to be honest." She raised an eyebrow when Taeyeon seemed undeterred by her words.

"But that's just the tip of the iceberg, though." The girl shrugged and shamelessly placed her hands back to her favorite spot. "I really love your y ." Those cute little hands squeezed her and she wondered why she didn't bother swatting those offending hands away. Oh, who was she kidding? She loved it when Taeyeon would squeeze her like that. It's like she's claiming her. That she was hers and nobody could touch them but her. Tiffany loved being claimed, that she wouldn't deny.

"Hmpf." She didn't know what to say so she only let out a soft huff then pouted. 

"I love your kissable lips too." Tiffany wanted to protest. How dare she kiss her like this? Like she didn't offend her. But Tiffany loved it, though. She loved how Taeyeon would kiss her gently, like they had all the time in the world. How she would part her lips and claim her bottom lip. How she would tug at it lightly. How she would nibble on it lightly. How she would on it lightly. 

She unconsciously let out a contented sigh. She didn't even notice her right hand was holding onto the girl's nape while the other one was buried into the silky brown hair. 

"But you know what I love the most?" She almost whimpered when Taeyeon pulled back. Not too far because she could still feel her hot breath against her face.


"I love how you bring happiness into my life." Fluttering her eyes open was the most appropriate thing to do, she thought, so she just did that. And it was definitely the right thing to do. Because right now, she was staring at those cute brown eyes. Those eyes that would speak volumes. Those eyes that would never hesitate to show how much she loved her. 


"I love how you make me feel happy. In the most unadulterated way, of course." The grin cut short the serious atmosphere. "Well, I simply love being near you. To hold you like this." She tighten her hold and that's when she realized her arms were around her waist. "We can just simply stare at each other and do nothing, and I won't complain. I just..." Taeyeon blushed. Oh, how she missed the sight of her blushing. "I just love you that much, Tiffany." 

By now, Tiffany was completely swooning. Her brain flew to cloud nine again and she would never know when it would come back. If it would decide to come back. She hugged her tightly and had completely forgotten why she was upset in the first place. It was silly to get upset at her, she thought, because she was the one who brought up the topic. She should be blaming herself, not Taeyeon. 

"So how about that, huh?"

"How about what?" 

"My explanation. Was it convincing enough?" Tiffany released her hold to look at her in the eye. Taeyeon was grinning. Right then, she realized how the girl would grin so much. But only when they're alone. "Did I make you fall for me the second time?" She said it teasingly, accompanied by a cute wink. 

"More like for the hundredth time, though." She teased back, making the girl's eyes twinkle in delight. 

"I still got it, huh."

"Got what?"

"You know, stuff." Taeyeon shrugged nonchalantly.


The girl didn't answer her but pecked her lips instead. "You know, you're really stupid sometimes." It sounded very offensive. Well, it was very offensive. "You're stupidly cute and I love it too." She leaned in again and kissed her longer this time. Was that supposed to make her feel better? 

"That's quite crossing the line, Tae."

"It was meant to be endearing, cutie." Tiffany's nose was tapped lightly. "Like a complement.”

“It doesn’t sound like one, though.”

“So how would you like to be complemented, then?” Was Taeyeon challenging her? It sounded like she was. The look on her face was quite annoying. Attractively annoying. She badly wanted to wipe that smug look off her face. Kiss the hell out of her so she would shut up. So she did just that. She took those plump lips by surprise with her own. She nibbled on them with much passion. She pried them apart without hesitation. She shoved her tongue into eagerly and was definitely pleased when she was welcomed affectionately. 

Tiffany would always wonder why Taeyeon would smile into the kiss from time to time. She would wonder what’s going on in her head to smile like that. She would wonder if she’s enjoying it as much as she did. Then she heard a low moan. She wasn’t quite sure if it came from her or not. But she didn’t have the time to look into that. Because right now, that intense desire came back. She could feel it. At the pit of her stomach. That thing clearly wanted to be released. And it didn’t help when soft lips landed on her neck, placing wet, open mouthed kisses along her smooth skin. The feeling intensified tenfold when the kisses started to trail down. Down to the base of her neck. Down to her shoulder. Down to her collarbone. Then down to the dip of her chest. The alarm bells started to ring when she felt the warm breath against her chest. Was it a mistake that she wore this flimsy tank top? It gave too much access, she thought. But it was scorching hot, she tried to defend her choice of clothing. She swallowed hard when she felt Taeyeon her lightly, then ran the tip of her tongue against the spot, trying to soothe the pain.

“Tiffany.” She didn’t seem to hear that as her mind went back to cloud nine. “Tiffany. Open your eyes.”

“H-huh?” Her eyes fluttered open and she blinked in confusion.

“Are you okay?”

“What?” If Tiffany had a dollar every time she would say that, she bet she had been a millionaire by now.

“Are you okay?”

“I am. Why?”

“You kinda froze so I got worried.” Taeyeon reached out to tuck her hair behind her ear. The gesture made her blush. “Did I make you uncomfortable?” Those cute round eyes stared at her worriedly. A hint of guilt evident as she stared back.

“I… You…” Tiffany cleared awkwardly. “N-not really.” She smiled. But it was kind of awkward. No, it was a horrible smile and she knew it. “It’s just that…”


“The alarm bells started to ring when you went too low.” She bit her lip uneasily. She looked down as she did that and there it was. A small patch of something red. Right on her chest. On the side. Just a little far away from her cleavage. Her face grew deep red at the sight. Taeyeon. Her Taeyeon. She placed a mark on her. A small red spot to mark her territory. A mark to declare that she was already taken. The thought never appealed to Tiffany before. But right now, as she stared at the small spot on her , she thought it wasn’t that bad after all. In fact, she liked the fact that Taeyeon claimed her. No, she just didn’t like it, she totally loved it. 

“Oh.” There was that all too familiar dead silence in the air. “Should we stop now?” Tiffany expected her to be disappointed but the opposite happened. Maybe she should give her girlfriend more credit for being such a gentlewoman. 

“Do you want to?”

“It totally depends on you.”

Would Tiffany take the bait? Would Tiffany give in to her desires? Was Tiffany even prepared? The last question made her realize something. That she wasn’t prepared. Not in the slightest. So she straighten up, placed her hands on Taeyeon’s shoulders, and took a deep breath. “Will you hate me if I say no?”

Sometimes, Tiffany would find her weird. Because she would laugh. She would laugh unexpectedly. She would laugh at the most inappropriate times. Maybe this was why they stick to each other. Because they do things at the most inappropriate times. Because it was something that they had in common. “No, I won’t.” Taeyeon shook her head. “Why would I even hate you?”

“I don’t know…?”

“Mind you, I’m not some teenage boy who’s hungry to get some.” She averted her eyes awkwardly for a second. Because Taeyeon hit her right on the spot. Again. And the statement made her realize something. She had been realizing a lot of things in less than an hour. “And mind you again, I’m older than you. I can pretty much control myself, okay?” Right. She had completely forgotten about their age difference. She had conveniently forgotten that Taeyeon was three years older than her. But in her defense, Taeyeon looked younger. Much younger. If she hadn’t known better, she would’ve thought Taeyeon was still in high school. 

“Okay, I get it. No need to nag at me, grumpy old lady.” She placed a chaste kiss on her lips to appease her.

“Okay, good.” Taeyeon nodded before patting her lightly. “Now please get off me and let’s watch that movie for real.” She smirked when Tiffany pouted disapprovingly but didn’t make an attempt to stay where she was. And at that moment, Tiffany concluded. She was whipped. And she would never tell Taeyeon about it. And oh, Tiffany had completely forgotten about explaining herself. About the confession over the phone incident. She thought it could wait. Movie with Taeyeon was much more important right now.

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lalatreese #1
Chapter 3: tiffany, you’re not the only one swooning here 😂
Chapter 1: I feel like crying BECAUSE I thought my internet connection is so slow that's why the words are cannot be seen but then I checked the other stories in my bookmarked and the words are there but here they don't so I tried putting it into the white background than the dark one and man I feel like crying because it works and I have been waiting for it to load for some minutes now 😭
Chapter 3: I feel relieve I have a mask right now or else I will be looking idiot in front of this people in front of me grinning like an idiot if I am still in my house I will definitely scream who would not? Thats s romantic!
Chapter 2: They definetely deserve to be with each other one of my hopes and wishes is for TaeNy to be re even if the world is against it but I want the world to support and love them too please be real you two! Locksmith 4EVA
Chapter 2: Screaming at this is a good word to descrube what I feel
Chapter 1: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1172320/1'>Part 1</a></span>
How I miss this story I still love it this butterflies I'm feeling is the proof of it the love I have for your stories
Chapter 3: Cute story, i love it
Mihyun101 #8
Chapter 3: UPVOTEEEE
Mihyun101 #9
Chapter 2: I love this so much
Mihyun101 #10
Chapter 1: How cutee