Part 2

What's the problem?

Tiffany had been a mess for the past week. Tiffany had always been a mess. But the state that she’s in right now was the messiest. She couldn’t stop thinking about what happened last week. She was anxious. Paranoid. She had been thinking about it every minute, every second. It’s back. The memory. It’s back in her head. It’s being replayed. And it’s eating her up.


"Good evening, IT department. How may I help you?"

“Hi, good evening. What’s wrong with the units today?”

“Hi. We’re having a maintenance today. The units are being replaced with new ones.”


“Yeah. Didn’t you see the notice at the entrance?”

“What notice?”

“That we’re having a maintenance today.”


“There’s a notice. I posted it myself. I’m pretty sure it was there.” The person answered quite exasperatedly. 


“Please do read the notice on the board. It’s there.” The person said in a demanding tone. Tiffany looked at nothing in particular, quite confused on what’s happening. She stood from her seat and took her bag, then walked to the reception area. There it was. An A4 sized paper. Words in bold, capital letters, painted in red.


By now, Tiffany was pretty sure she’s the dumbest person in campus. How come she didn’t notice the announcement? She looked around the quiet community center and that’s when she realized nobody was seated in the computer station. Everyone was all over the place but the computer station. 

“Hello?” The voice startled her and she had completely forgotten about the ongoing conversation. “Is there anything else?” The question made her think. She thought about something silly, a joke, or maybe more like a prank. A devilish grin appeared on her face and she cleared before nodding, only to realize the person couldn’t see her.

“There is.” Tiffany said confidently. She was confident about what she was about to do. She was confident that it would be fun. 

“What’s the problem?”

“Will you go out with me?” The person didn’t respond. The line went completely dead for a whole minute. The confidence within her started to falter. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea after all.

“Excuse me?” She almost sighed in relief when the person finally spoke.

“Will you go out with me?” Tiffany repeated. But not as confident as the first time. Asking the question for the second time made her regret things. She had been constantly regretting her foolish actions since she could remember but this one, she thought, would take the top spot in her list.

“Is this a prank?”

“No. I’m serious.”

“You’re trolling.” The comment made her smile. It was that same reaction when she asked her out for the first time. The realization made her realize (if that’s even possible) that the person she’s talking to was Taeyeon. Taeyeon. Her Taeyeon. Now she’s feeling more stupid, and quite guilty, for pranking her. This (the prank) was definitely on top of the list now, she concluded.

“I’m not.”

“Are you crazy or are you crazy?” The person sounded serious, annoyed, whatever it was.

“I’m not. So will you…” Her sentence was cut short.

“Okay, miss.” The person started. It was said in all seriousness that Tiffany began to feel scared. This was definitely a bad idea. “I know we’ve been talking quite a lot on the phone because of your internet connection problems.” She had never heard Taeyeon this serious before. By now, she wasn’t sure if she’s talking to the same person anymore. “I don’t know what I did to make you feel this way but I’m sorry.” Tiffany braced herself. Maybe she’s going to hear her curse for the first time. Maybe she’s going to hear her scold the hell out of her for the first time. “But I’m already seeing someone.” 

“Oh.” She didn’t know why but Tiffany felt extremely sad upon hearing that. It was silly, foolish, stupid, and dumb. Extremely dumb. Why would she feel sad? She’s already seeing her. So what’s the problem?

“Yeah. I already have a girlfriend. I’m sorry.” To say that her gasp was way too dramatic was an understatement. She didn’t see it coming. She wasn’t prepared. She wasn’t prepared to hear that. To hear the word girlfriend. To hear it coming from her. Taeyeon. Her Taeyeon. Blood came rushing through her face, head, all over her body, upon realizing what just happened. Taeyeon claimed that she was already taken. That she had a girlfriend. A girlfriend.So what’s the problem? 

It’s been a month and a half since their first date. It’s been a month since they started to see each other more often. It’s been that long but nobody said anything about being official. Nobody said anything about them being girlfriends. Nobody said anything. They would just constantly see each other, eat, talk about anything under the sun, hug, hold hands, and kiss each other goodbye when they part ways. 

“Then what’s the name of your girlfriend?” The words came out unexpectedly. She inwardly scolded herself for the stupid slip up. There was a long pause. It’s like the person was contemplating whether to share the information or not. 

“Her name’s Tiffany and I love her so cut it out already. Just go find someone else. Preferably someone you could see, you know.” It was said in that all too familiar exasperated tone before she heard a goodbye and the line went completely dead. For real. Did she just heard the words I, love, her? I. Love. Her. Love? Love?? Her? Her as in Tiffany? Her? Tiffany Hwang?

“Oh my godddd!!!!” Her phone almost flew on the other side of the room when she squealed. Or more like scream. Yes, she definitely screamed her lungs out. And her fellow schoolmates were definitely not pleased at her outburst.


Then the flashback stopped. She flew back to where she was now. Here. In her apartment. In the dining room. Seated on the dining chair. Hands clasped on the dining table. Looking everywhere but the petite girl across the table. 

“Tiffany?” Her eyes widen when she saw the cute small hand covering her clammy hands. She didn’t dare to take her eyes off the table and pretended to zone out. “Are you alright?” Her hand was lightly tugged and she had no choice but to lift her head up and meet Taeyeon’s worried gaze.

“I-I’m fine.”

“What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?” Tiffany thought it was unnecessary. For Taeyeon to lean forward across the table and reach out to feel her forehead. “You don’t have a fever.” The girl went back on her seat with a relieved smile.

“I told you, I’m fine.” She waved her hand dismissively and grabbed her fork. 

“You do realize that your plate is empty, right?” Taeyeon said in an amused tone which made her blush. Oh, how stupid was she to pretend to eat so she could get away with the constant interrogation?

“I do. I just wanted to hold it.” Her hold tighten around the innocent cutlery. 

“Why would you do that?” 

“Because it fits snugly against my palm.” Tiffany almost covered her face at her stupidity. Sometimes, she would wonder what Taeyeon sees in her. Sure, she was pretty and all but those weren’t enough for her to stay this long, right? Right. Alright. Now she was determined to find out. To find out what? She wasn’t quite sure. But whatever that was, she’s definitely going to find it. 

“Hey…” The gentle voice startled her. The light touch against her cheek surprised her. How Taeyeon ended up beside her amazed her. Well, she was more amazed at herself for zoning out that long that she didn’t notice the girl moved to sit beside her. “Tiffany?” The look on her face would’ve made her laugh out loud if it was on a different occasion. Taeyeon was the type of person who would joke around and tease from time to time. The look on her face right now was unfamiliar since she couldn’t see a hint of mischief in it. Taeyeon was serious. Seriously worried about her.

“T-tae?” Her voice faltered and she didn’t know why. Oh, who was she kidding? She definitely knew why she’s acting this way. She definitely knew why she’s been anxious for the past week. She definitely knew why she’s been a completely mess. 

“What’s the problem?” The question made her smile. The all too familiar question gave her courage. So she straighten up, placed the fork back on her plate, shifted to her side, wiped her damp palms on her shirt, placed said palms on Taeyeon’s cheeks, and scooted closer.

Tiffany could hear her heartbeat. It was loud. Way too loud. So loud, she bet the grumpy lady at the tenth floor could hear it. You can do it. You can do it. You can do it. She chanted the words in her head. “Will y…” She wasn’t able to finish what she wanted to say. Because. Those lips. Those soft, pink lips snatched the words from her. Those cute, plump lips took her breath away. Those kissable lips turned her brain into a mushy goo.

“Tiffany…” Taeyeon mumbled against her lips. 

“Yes…?” She didn’t dare to open her eyes. But she could feel it. Taeyeon was smiling. Why would she smile? She doesn’t know why.

“I love you…” Tiffany wasn’t sure if she heard it right. “I love you, Tiffany…” She wasn’t quite convinced she heard it right this time either. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

“Huh?” She pulled back and held the girl in arm’s length.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” Taeyeon was blushing. She never saw her blush before. And she found it endearing. Very cute. “Say something.” Her knee was nudged lightly and that’s when she realized she had been quiet for too long.


“Yes. G-girlfriend.” The girl purposely stuttered to imitate her. “I want us to be official. What do you say?” She smiled shyly. It was very cute. She didn’t know Taeyeon was capable of outdoing herself in being cute.

Tiffany felt like she was about to cry. She could feel the tears welling up. She also felt stupid for acting like this. Like a complete fool. 

“W-why are you crying?” Taeyeon panicked and quickly wiped the tears on her cheeks. “W-what’s wr…”

“Yes!” Tiffany engulfed her into a tight hug, not caring that she had climbed on Taeyeon’s lap in the process. “Oh my godddd!!!” She screamed. Right into the petite girl’s ear. Oh, poor girl. “I love you too, Taaaeeee!!!!” She screamed again. But not as loud to Taeyeon’s benefit. Was Taeyeon even aware on what she got herself into? She definitely wasn’t.


Tiffany had been grinning for the past 30 minutes. She had been grinning to herself as they cuddled on the couch. She had been grinning as they watched the movie quietly. If someone happened to pass by, they would've thought Tiffany was completely out of her mind, grinning to herself in a very unflattering way. 



"You're squeezing me too tight. I'm not going anywhere so please loosen a bit." Taeyeon shifted a little to take a look at her. The grin on her face was immediately wiped away. Her arms loosen, and she scooted away. "What's wrong?" The girl turned around completely to face her. 

Tiffany shook her head in response. She felt sad. All she wanted was to hug her girlfriend. As close as she could. As tight as she could. But Taeyeon seemed to not like it and she's sad about that fact. 

"Hey..." Taeyeon's soft fingertips brushed her bangs aside. "It's not that I don't like it." She turned red when Taeyeon completely hit her right on the spot. "I like cuddling." The girl smiled charmingly and inched closer, their nose touching. "In fact, I love cuddling." Her eyes fluttered close when Taeyeon tilted her head to kiss her. On the cheek. Much to her disappointment. The girl chuckled at her reaction. "You don't like being teased, huh?" 

Tiffany counted to three before opening her eyes. There it was. That cheeky grin that she adored. Way too much. "Why are you being playful?" She asked with brows furrowed.

"Because you're such a cutie when you look disappointed." Taeyeon bit her lip as she tried to suppress her grin. It was a bad idea. To look at her lips. Because she was supposed to feel annoyed. But the opposite happened. "Tiffany." Her name came out like a whisper this time. She loved how Taeyeon would call her like this. She loved how Taeyeon would say her name. She... She simply loved Taeyeon that much. 


Taeyeon didn't respond instantly. She just stared at her. It's like she's looking for something. And Tiffany didn't miss how her eyes would shift from her lips then back to her eyes.

"Let's make out." Tiffany blurted out. To say that she was feeling embarrassed was an ultimate understatement. How could she say that out of nowhere? How could she suggest such intimate thing when they had only been dating for two months? 

Awkward silence settled in between them. Her ear was buzzing at the deafening silence (she had completely forgotten that the TV was on). "You what?" Taeyeon spoke and for a second, she thought the girl sounded amused. Rudely amused. Like how she would always react. 

Tiffany contemplated whether to lie or not. But the words she had just spoken were clear. Loud and clear. There was no way out. So she took a deep breath, feign confidence, and looked at her straight in the eye. "Let's make out." 

It felt like forever before Taeyeon reacted. And it wasn't the reaction that she had in mind. The girl was grinning. Smirking? Inwardly laughing? Trying to suppress her smile? Tiffany wasn't sure. And before she could say a word, Taeyeon burst out laughing like she said the funniest thing in the world. 

"Huh?" She looked at her in utter confusion. 

Taeyeon continued on laughing for a full minute. And when she had finally calmed down, she got off the couch without saying a word. Tiffany thought the girl was going to leave but she climbed back on the couch instead and placed her knees on both her sides. It took her a few seconds to realize that Taeyeon was straddling her. 

"T-tae?" She felt alarmed all of a sudden. The look on Taeyeon's eyes was different. It was quite dark. Oh, who was she kidding? It was completely dark. Dark, lustful eyes. So, she swallowed hard when the girl leaned down. 

"Hm?" Taeyeon pecked her lips before she leaned back again. Now she felt relieved. She was now staring back at the familiar playful eyes. "I'm sorry." Tiffany blinked. She wasn't expecting to hear that.


"I'm sorry. I clearly made you uncomfortable." The girl started to pull back entirely but she was quick enough to grab the collar of Taeyeon's shirt. She pulled her girlfriend down, too desperately she might add. 

"Come back here." She bit her lip in embarrassment. She was clearly aware that her face was completely red. And she had no choice but to accept it. 

Taeyeon grinned, much to her relief, and went back to straddle her hips. "So now what?" The grin turned mischievous and it didn't fail to make her heart beat faster. 

Tiffany cleared awkwardly. She tried to remain calm. Or more like, she pretended to act calm. Like it wasn’t a big deal. Like she’s done it many times before that there was no need to panic. But how can she not panic? She had never made out with anyone before. The farthest that she had gone was kissing. Sweet, innocent kisses. Nothing more than that. Not even a slight touch of her tongue against the other person’s. And definitely no touching. So why did she initiate something that she clearly had no experience of? Nobody would ever know. “Let’s make out.” She finally found the courage to say it again. 

“Are you sure?”

She nodded firmly. Confidently. She couldn’t back out now. Not when Taeyeon was looking at her like this. Like she’s the most precious thing in the world. Not when Taeyeon looked so adorable, so lovable, and definitely very charming. “I am. Why?”

“Because you look funny.” Tiffany furrowed her brows when the girl chuckled. “You look like you screwed up big time and your pride just won’t let you admit it.” Her eyes widen at how on point the girl was. “But you look so cute, though.” She almost hyperventilated when she felt Taeyeon’s weight on her hips. 

For some unknown reason, Tiffany stopped Taeyeon from leaning down. She held the girl in arm’s length, pushed her away lightly, and sat up on the couch.

“I’m sorry, I was just…”

“Come here.” She beckoned her to move closer. Taeyeon looked at her with worried eyes but didn’t move. “Tae, come here.” She tugged at her hand this time and the girl finally relented. Taeyeon smiled shly, and for the second time, she saw her blush again. Tiffany lifted her arms and placed them on the girl’s shoulders, circling her neck. Her hand gently grasped the back of her neck to pull her in. “Tae?” She stared at her lips before turning to her eyes.


“Let’s make out.” Tiffany grinned this time. They were both grinning this time. And so they made out. Heads tilted as they met each other for a gentle kiss. It was light, unhurried, and very familiar to Tiffany. So she relaxed into the kiss. She dug her fingers into the girl’s silky brown hair. She moved closer when she felt the hands on her waist. Then the kiss started to cross the borderline. The safe zone. She knew it was headed to a different zone when she felt something against her lips. Something wet. It was brushing lightly against her lips. It was seeking permission to make its way in. And it was taunting her. So she gave in and parted her lips. 

The thought of French kissing never appealed to Tiffany before. The thought of having someone else’s tongue in terrified her. She thought it was weird. Very weird, and quite disgusting if she might add. But right now, none of those things made sense. It wasn’t terrifying. It wasn’t weird. And definitely not disgusting. It was quite entertaining, she thought. It was exciting. It’s like discovering something new, something out of this world. And she liked it very much. But maybe she was biased. Maybe she only felt like this because Taeyeon was the one who’s shoving her tongue into , brushing, flicking, and roaming around. She thought nothing could beat the brushing, flicking, and roaming. She was wrong. Very, very wrong. “Mmhmm…!” Tiffany’s head started to spin when her tongue was lightly. The sensation was very new to her. And it made her feel things. But vefore she could name what it was, Taeyeon pulled back and broke the kiss.

The petite girl chuckled when she whimpered. “You the hell out of me.” She chuckled again when Tiffany pouted. The girl shifted a little to make herself comfortable before placing her hands back to Tiffany’s waist. “Wanna do it again?” 

Her eyes lit up in an instant. “Yes please.” So they kissed again. They started where they left off. Tiffany used to hate herself for blurting out nonsense at the most inappropriate time. But things happened, Taeyeon happened. And right now, she was glad that she was stupid enough to blurt out all those nonsense. Because all those embarrassing moments were nothing compared to this. Right here. In Taeyeon’s arms. So take that, universe! Tiffany finally found her happiness. In a form of a cute, petite girl who’d sell freshly baked treats on daytime and help her with the seemingly never ending internet connection problem by nighttime. Who’s the luckiest girl in the world? Tiffany. Definitely Tiffany. And let’s add Taeyeon to the list as well. Because they deserve happiness. They deserve to be loved.

A/N: Oh! Thank you for those who subscribed in my stories! XD
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lalatreese #1
Chapter 3: tiffany, you’re not the only one swooning here 😂
Chapter 1: I feel like crying BECAUSE I thought my internet connection is so slow that's why the words are cannot be seen but then I checked the other stories in my bookmarked and the words are there but here they don't so I tried putting it into the white background than the dark one and man I feel like crying because it works and I have been waiting for it to load for some minutes now 😭
Chapter 3: I feel relieve I have a mask right now or else I will be looking idiot in front of this people in front of me grinning like an idiot if I am still in my house I will definitely scream who would not? Thats s romantic!
Chapter 2: They definetely deserve to be with each other one of my hopes and wishes is for TaeNy to be re even if the world is against it but I want the world to support and love them too please be real you two! Locksmith 4EVA
Chapter 2: Screaming at this is a good word to descrube what I feel
Chapter 1: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1172320/1'>Part 1</a></span>
How I miss this story I still love it this butterflies I'm feeling is the proof of it the love I have for your stories
Chapter 3: Cute story, i love it
Mihyun101 #8
Chapter 3: UPVOTEEEE
Mihyun101 #9
Chapter 2: I love this so much
Mihyun101 #10
Chapter 1: How cutee