Chapter 3

Prank Gullible Zhang with Closer - Chainsmokers lyric
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"Ohmagwad he so clueless...". Pekik Soo Jung ditelingaku dengan kedua tangannya menarik kerah kemeja flanel milikku.

"yeaaah.. aku menjadi sedikit menyesal.. aku tidak mau dia salah paham dan membuat kami jadi bertengkar. aku masih ada 3 kelas bersamanya kamu tau". Keluhku sambil memandang pesan yang dikirim oleh Yixing. 

"ohhhh...... AYOLAAAAAH!!! dia pasti juga berpikir ini lucu.. maksudku lihat idenya.. sangat kreatif. Tidak banyak yang akan berpikir seperti ini.."

"Oke ice princess.. tapi kamu juga mencontek dari youtube.."

"well, harus ada yang mempraktekannya di dunia nyata tentunya". Jawab Soo Jung tidak peduli

"youtubers adalah manusia nyata tau.."

"yayayay... anyway.. ayooo cepat balas pesan yixing...". Soo Jung mengarahkan layar Handphone kearahku dan mengisyaratkan agar aku segera melanjutkan prank text.


You look as good as day I met you

I forget just way I left you, I was insane



wowowo... calm down.

its oke.. Chae.. tadi malem kita terlalu lelah mengerjakan PC

and sorry , aku tidak membangunkanmu

karena aku lihat kamu terlalu capek dan terlelap

so, really i am sorry :(



Stay and Play that Blink - 182 song

that we beat to death in tucson, OK



Blink- 182? I miss you, u mean?

what we beat to death in tucson?

its lyric? or? what?



I know it break your heart

Moved to the city in a broke - down car 

and four years, no calls



I tell u, its really oke im not broken heart. 

lit bit lonely yes, but not break my heart :(



now you're looking pretty in hotel bar

and I, I, I can't stop

no, I, I, I can't stop



its not make any sense, but its alright

r u alright?



So, baby pull me closer 

In the back seat of your rover



I do not own rover Chae..

but Im make sure to buy one someday

and take u with it

but u must wait lit bit longer oke ? ;)



That I know you can't afford

bite that tatto on your shoulder



oke.. u can bite my tatto.

but is really oke? u? bite me?

I don't want to catch rabies or someting

khkehkhekhe~ jk oke LOL



Pull the sheets right off the corner

of that mattress that you stole

from your roommate back in boulder



I tell u alredy, its mine..

and I not stole anything

something seems not right

r u reall

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