
Best Gift

“Let’s go for grocery shopping dear” Yoongi, carrying his three months old infant tapped on his shoulder with his mother in law.

“I’ll just stay with kihoon here mom, you better ask Jungkook he just played game all day” Yoongi tease his brother who responds with every excuse that he could think, to avoid getting scolded with his mother.

“You stayed home for too long, just for few hours, Kihoon is old enough to be brought outside” his mother plead, actually he also want to go outside entering social life, he is just afraid to start it. He gives his mother a nod plus a little smile.

“Jungkook you prepare, we need a driver” The younger answer with a loud groan, absolutely irritated with the order, but he get up anyway and proceeding to his room. Although he is always complaining when ordered to do something in the end, he will do it.

Yoongi carry Kihoon to his room, his baby need to wear proper and special clothes since it’s his very first outing in radius 500 meters from their house. He put Kihoon carefully in his mat.

“How should I dress you babe” opening blue drawer one by one, trying to find suitable and comfortable clothes for his son. Kihoon as if he understands that he will be brought outside respond with a loud giggle, making Yoongi also smiles.

“Getting excited are you” he pulls out a black adidas t-shirt -god knows how they even have a baby clothes- and white banded pants, not forget a pair of fluffy blue socks and a light blue beanie for finishing.

Totally It’s not because Kihoon is his own blood but Kihoon looks really cute like that, totally not because of that, he believes that everyone that see his son will have a same thought. After finished with Kihoon he begins to dress himself. It’s been awhile since he wore a hangout clothes, and thankfully his body started to back in shape again, so he won’t need a bigger shirt or borrowing Kihoon’s father two size larger clothes.

In the process of preparing extra diaper and milk Yoongi hit things from the table, his phone and the other things dropped to the carpeted floor. Including his last picture with his husband. He picks it first, and examining it for a while. A sad smile formed in his lip, he crazily missed him. In the picture his belly is still big, if he is not wrong at that time he is just going in his sixth month.

Carrying Kihoon Yoongi enter the backseat of Jungkook’s black Hyundai. His mother takes the passanger seat, all set he final checking Kihoon’s bag, before telling Jungkook that he is ready.

 “Let’s go to the the department center around the town centre”His mother suggest when their car is just passed the first traffic light in the road.

“Isn’t it too far mom, around here we also have that Good Mart” Good Mart only takes 15 minutes from their house, it’s small but can fulfill all their necessities, why go far if you can get it close?

“Ahh, didn’t it also have the just opened Vans store? Let’s go there” Jungkook who has been putting reluctant face until now finally lit up his face, making Yoongi feels bad if he insists to go to the Good Mart, His mother actually hear his previous suggestion but she make a pleading face to Yoongi, to just go to the town center. Yoongi once again agreed, he can’t deny that he also feels excited to go the town center after so long.

They drive for about 40 minutes before they finally enter town center, the department center can be seen from their recent position. But the traffic is quite packed so their way will be longer than normal. But Yoongi doesn’t mind, along the way he is entertained by Jungkook and his mother who keep talking to him.

“You shouldn’t back to your job, just manage it from our home” Yoongi worked as a music producer, to be exact hip hop producer, he has a small company with about five underground artists, although just underground company but all of his artist have a successful life as a rapper. His job just happened to be in a hard world, his mother and family had advised him to just find another job but he calmly refuse it, because it’s what he did best and enjoyed best so he will continue it.

“My answer will still be the same mom; I promise I will protect myself” Yoongi can feel his fingers grabbed by his son much smaller hands. His mother didn’t bring up the topic after that. After fifteen minutes queueing in the parking lot and finding a parking stand the family enter the big building.

“50 percent off for our member, grab fast” a loud announcement can be heard, it’s coming from the newly opened Vans store on the second floor but the store is still visible from the entrance.

“Bye mom”in a flash, Jungkook walk fast to ride the escalator. Yoongi, Kihoon, and his mother continue to walk to the supermarket.

“Do you want to go somewhere first?” Mother’s voice woke Yoongi from his thought, he got caught. Actually since they enter the building Yoongi’s eyes fixes to the Global Music Store just beside the Vans store, actually it’s not the store but the big banner in front of it with name Donuts written on it, Donuts is one of his artist.

“Can we?” His mother then just grabs his hand and lead him to also ride the escalator. Yoongi fixes his hold on Kihoon to balance himself on escalator, he refused to use a baby carrier, he always prefers to hold his son with his own hand, although it’s actually super tiring, but it’s his own son that come from his own belly he should hold him himself right?

“Hyung!” inside the music store the first thing that greet him is Donghyun aka Donuts that is surrounded by his fans. His big body does stand out from afar. Yoongi happily greets him back.

“He is already this big” Donghyun also greet the calm infant in Yoongi’s hold.

“You are that busy to forget about me” Yoongi tease the younger, Donghyun just smile shyly.

“Congratulation for your album” Yoongi sincerely congratulates Donghyun.

“I won’t make it this far without you hyung, wait a second” Donghyun left and back few seconds later with few copies of what seems like his album.

“You should be the one received my signed album, I just about to start my fansign here and you are the very first” he takes out a marker from his pocket and start signing the album.

“Your birthday present” Yoongi read what Donghyun wrote for him “What the meaning of this, I won’t accept if the present is only this” of course Yoongi is joking, but it’s always fun to tease the younger.

“Mr. Donghyun we should start now” an unknown man taps Donghyun’s shoulder and he muttered two more minutes and begin signing another copy.

“Congratulation? For what?” Yoongi read Donghyun’s writing “Kihoon?” he read the new word that is added by Donghyun.

“For being born in this world, I need to go, see you later hyung!”

They exit the store after buying few copies of CD that will add into Yoongi’s collection, his mother also buys few classic albums. Outside they meet with Jungkook that hold a big shopping bag.

“How many pairs did you buy my dear son?” His mother is ready to scold his youngest son, but restraining it considering they are in public place right now. Jungkook just answer with an afraid and guilty laugh.

“Let’s continue mom” Yoongi who is in a good mood hold his mother’s hand and lead her to continue walking. Jungkook tailing behind them, with his stuff and the stuffs that Yoongi bought from the music store.

They enter the supermarket and buy the things from their shopping list. It’s a stock for about one month so the amount is quite a lot. Including Kihoon necessities like diapers and formula, Yoongi also buy a few toys for Kihoon.

“We should eat hyung” Jungkook carrying his nephew suggest. His mother and brother-in-law just get absorbed in looking for baby stuff forgetting him who is almost starving, he is nineteen for god sake, he need to eat much for his growth.

“Oops sorry Kook we forgot about you” his mother pat his head lovingly “you choose what you want to eat” Jungkook moods boost up with the offer, he immediately starts to think about his favorite food.

“Can we eat at steakvaganza?” wasting no time he mentioned his favorite restaurant. His mother just nod, unable to refuse his youngest son choice.

“By the way hyung, happy birthday” the family sit at the spot inside steakvaganza shop, Kihoon is in his mother’s hold now. Jungkook gives him the shopping bag that he held since the beginning to his brother-in-law.

“It’s for me?” he accepts it with a confusing look and a little touched by his usually naughty brother-in-law.

“Yes, I hope it can last for one year at least” Jungkook didn’t look at Yoongi’s eyes at all, it’s obvious that he is embarrassed. Yoongi look inside the bag, it has two big box and one small box, interested in the smaller one he picks it up and opened it.

Inside is a cute and small black and gold shoes, the model is really good, and the fabric inside is really soft. Yoongi turns the shoes but suddenly from its sole a light is blinking.

“Wow, it’s……swaggy” Yoongi laugh, his mother followed along.

“You said before you want to wear family shoes and it’s the smallest size I can find there, maybe he can wear it next year hyung” Jungkook’s explanation make him laugh, it’s really cute.

“Of course, thank you so much Jungkookie” he pats the younger hair, since the sat at opposite side, he can’t him, maybe later.

It’s been a long year for him, this is his first birthday after having a son, but somehow something is missing.

A soft music played by the band inside the restaurant, Yoongi swear he heard a soft ballad from Adelle before but the music changes to a familiar song.

“Happy birthday...happy birthday…happy birthday to you” the singer, a beautiful women singing it softly over and over, confused but also nervous Yoongi just stay still unsure what to do. The restaurant become quiet, all of another visitor also curious about what will happen next.

From the kitchen a group of people holding a cake coming out, Yoongi knows them, it’s all of his artist and friend from his company, Donghyun who he just met in the music store also there, they sing a birthday song with their low voices.

Yoongi touched, tears b in his eyes, yes although his birthday this year missing something he can just fill it with another thing, his busy friends has gathered and plan all of this making him really touched, or maybe it’s a mother thing?

“Happy birthday to you…” the group finish singing the song with an opera voices, making Yoongi and people around him laugh, even Kihoon, as if he can feel his mother’s emotion.

“Actually we come here not to congratulate you but to ask you back to the company” Minyuk the always snarky one comments, making the others laugh.

“We really missed you hyung, although you are really strict” Sanji the youngest in his company add, older booing him.

“Hey the candles will burn out” Mina, the only girl among his artist who is holding the cake make all the concentration back to the cake.

“Make a wish hyung, fast” Jungkook gets anxious. Yoongi held out his hand for his son, and his mother give him, he still has many people who loves him, why should he feels sad? Then he blows the candles.

“Happy birthday” a low voices whispered behind him, Yoongi stunned.




“Back to your family proudly and hug them, all of you have done a great job this seven months” it’s the final call, finally after seven months he will meet his family, and he had planned his neatly.

Then the platoon dismissed, one by one they exit from the arrival gate which packed with their families on both sides, he didn’t even try to look for his family because he knows where they are right now. He walks straight and calls for a cab.

“Department center sir”

“Welcome home sir” the cab driver smile in respect, making his heart feels proud.



“Where are you?!” his little brother calls him a little annoyed.

“Traffic jam, now I’m just about to enter the mall”

“Go through the emergency door, make use of the cool uniform you use”

“Oki bro”



“All ready?” he gives the rappers the cake.

“Always” Mina answer it happily, she starts to get excited, can’t wait to give the surprise. He then gives signal to the waiter to start playing the song and send the cake group off. As soon as he sees Yoongi attention is in the group he ran outside from the back door carefully with few of the waiter to camouflage hoping when he will go unnoticed.





“Happy birthday” a low voices whispered behind him, Yoongi stunned. He looks at his friend and family in front of him, he sees all of them smiling wide his mother mouthing ‘turn around’ to him, but he is afraid, he just stays still afraid if his hope will be crashed, but at the same time he wants to see him, he believes that it’s really him. All attention is on him now including the other visitors who is waiting the scene with a big smile.

“Happy birthday” the voice behind him now become a little hoarse, he is holding back his tears. Yoongi slowly turns around, tears already streamed down his cheek. It’s him, the person that he always prays for and wait for.

“He is beautiful, just like you” his hand awkwardly touches Kihoon’s hand -the infant just blinking cutely- before cupping Yoongi’s cheek.

“I’m home, I’m home baby” he bends down a little to match his height with Yoongi who is a few centimeters shorter than him.

“Let me hold him, then you two hug” Jungkook the resident moment ruiner just happen to up at that time, although they get annoyed but the next moment after Jungkook taking Kihoon make them touched. Yoongi cling into the taller man.

“Taehyung, is this really you” Yoongi bury his head to his husband’s neck.

“It’s me, Kim Taehyung, the bad husband who left you when you are pregnant, your husband who can only talk with you once a month, the Kim Taehyung who choose to serve his country instead of accompany his pregnant husband” Taehyung hug Yoongi tight, don’t want to let go.

“You are okay right? No injuries?” Yoongi face stained with tears start to examine Taehyung’s condition, thankfully his hand and leg is still complete.

“I’m fine, coming back complete” Taehyung still cupping his husband’s cheek.

“Don’t you miss me hyung?” once again the moment ruiner in, resulting an annoyed sound from all of the corner, Taehyung on the other hand only laugh and walk to pat his brother hair, his brother maybe annoying but he missed him.

“Welcome home son” Taehyung hug the woman who give birth to him, the woman who is replacing his duty to watch over his husband along his pregnancy.

A loud crying sound make Taehyung let go of his mother, it’s coming from the three months old infant who is now in his mother’s arm. He almost forgets that he is a father now.

“He wants to hug you” Yoongi try to calm him down but not succeed.

“” nervously he reach out his hand, it’s cute to see a soldier who just come back from war afraid of his own child. Yoongi smiles and help him to carry Kihoon. When Taehyung finally hold his son for the very first time, he feels something for the first time, is it the feeling of become a father? And amazingly Kihoon stopped crying as soon as he is in his father’s arm.

“He also missed you” Taehyung cry, he finally cries, finally he can hold his son, he can see his son. Yoongi hug his waist, he is also crying, finally his family completes, nothing is missing in his birthday.

“Can we start the party now? I’m seriously starving”

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Chapter 1: It so beautiful and I can't help it...*wipes the tears away* omo! U did a brilliant job, author-nim!!!!!
SugaSyub #2
Chapter 1: Its so beautiful and Im crying mess ;---;
xiahbrina #3
thank you for all your comments
I always thought that Taehyung is very manly and super handsome :D
thank you for yoursugar, DarryLu, IBGDRGGNN, kazekitsune, and TellMeLuv for commenting in my first fic
and the two subscribers <3
and for the viewer, it's nice to see the view increasing, thank you sooo much :D
TellMeLuv #4
Oh that's so cute :-) Thank you for this One-shot :-)
kazekitsune #5
Chapter 1: I bet the last sentecne is Jungkook's =))))
Anw your story is so romantic and touched :3 I smile all along reading it, thank you for this heart-warming thing :)
Chapter 1: i loooooove this story. its romantic
DarryLu #7
Chapter 1: Uaaah I don't know whether to cry or grin like a fool D: This is just amazingly sweet but also kind of heart wrenching and I'm just so overwhelmed with my feelings right now:( impressive how one short text can do so much to me. I love love love it!
(also if for me normally taetae would be the woman in the relationship XD)
yoursugar #8
Chapter 1: Omg it's so beautiful, and I bet that's jungkook again with the funny annoying personality. I want a brother like him too and I didn't expect taehyung being a soldier at all. Nice story