WHY, STARLIGHT, WHY? /// apply open!
do not change the size 500*240


» Pohang Airport, 24th June 2017, 7:53 a.m.

"Arrival of flight number CA 203, gate 2 scheduled for 8:11 a.m."

The announcement seemed to be the sign for the people scattered all over the waiting hall -just a handful at this early hour- to make their way to said gate. People rose from their seats and hastily stumbled over to the place where their loved or acquainted ones would make their way back to the safe ground of Pohang.

The only relaxed person seemed to be a petite woman in her early twenties sprawled out over four seats, wrapped up in a dark blue thin cardigan reaching down to the mid of her thighs and therefor covering most of her high waisted jeans shorts and white tank top. Passengers thought she had at least proven a bit of decency by removing her shoes and putting her bag under her now feet- barely did they know she had simply passed out in the middle of waiting for her significant other, with her feet automatically pushing off her simple sneakers and, shortly after, putting themselves onto her bag because the metal seats at the airport were just a tad bit too cold to lie on them bare.

The loud announcement made her stirr in her sleep, turning around and ruffling her blonde shoulder-length hair, turning her carefully starightened hair into a disheveled disaster", as she exclaimed a few minutes later when she actually just wanted to take a good-morning-selca for her new blogging series.

"Looks like all of my efforts went to waist... what to do?? He's never seen me this tousled, and today of all days I end up looking like... this."
The blonde woman -Im Yewon- shot up from her seat near the gate, devastated by the creature the camera of her phone just had brought to daylight (or better, her screen) and in need of a public restroom to fix her hair and make-up. "Ten more minutes to go..." she murmured as she applied some lip butter and tried fixing her hair- unsuccessfully. "!", she exclaimed, not caring about her attitude since she was alone in the restroom. 8:07 a.m., 8:08 a.m., 8:09 a.m. ... just two more minutes.

"...Urgh, I give up!" deciding to tie her hair into a last-minute-bun, she stormed out of the restroom and hurried back to gate 2- what girls didn't do to look attractive for their partners.
With a tinge of redness in her face from all the stress and running, Yewon stood right in front of the gate, self-made "Welcome back, Jong!" poster in hand and her most-beautiful smile plastered onto her face- until the gate opened and -one after another- the passengers got out, directly heading to either the baggage claim area or their loved ones... Soon enough, Im Yewon found herself being the only person standing in front of gateway number 2.

I didn't mess up the schedules, did I? He said he would be here around 8 a.m... did i miss him? I think I came back in time, though... he surely would've texted me if his flight got delayed or he couldn't come here, wouldn't he?

Lost in her own world once more, she turned around, looking for any sign of her boyfriend, and just as she was about to start walking across the airport in case she mixed up the gates, she felt a quick pull on her hair- and before she could even turn around, she was caught in the warm embrace of someone ...supposedly male.

Yewon's bag fell to the ground, the young woman gasping with both, surprise and excitement, as the young man started snuggling up to her, burrying his face in the crook of her neck, touseling her hair even more.

"J-Jong, stop, my hair-"

"You'd never even guess how much I wanted to do that when I see you again", he whispered, his Korean tinged with a Chinese accent. "It's been sixteen years, Yewon."

I do know, she thought, it was on top of your list. Despite the urge to have him hug her like this forever, Yewon freed herself out of his arms and turned around- only to be engulfed in another hug, even stronger than the last one- but this time, she could actually repay the favour.

"I missed you a lot", she whispered into his ear, the tip of it turning red pretty quickly as his hands started playing with her hair once more.

"...You should keep that hairstyle", Jongsuk answered, completely out of context,"it suits you much better than that sleek style from before."

"What? How did you-" Yewon pushed herself away from him,just enough to be able to actually look into his face. Even though he had clearly grown up- and thank god, he had finally gained some weight over the past months-, she could still recognize the six-yeared neighbours' son in him she had lost contact with sixteen years ago. His warm eyes, his slightly awkward expression that hid his actual smile due to his nervousity- everything was still the same.

"I..." she saw him blushing, his eyebrows sinking slightly as he seemed to feel guilty about something, "I actually arrived two hours ago and watched you waiting for me." Yewon's whole expression seemed to change into a huge question mark.

That means h-he saw me running all over the place... oh god.

"You totally rock that hairstyle, though. Don't be so depressed, please, you're looking like-"

"-a complete disaster-", Yewon groaned.

"-a baby lion", Jongsuk finished. "You defintely should wear this bed hair style more often when we're together." Despite his awkward expression that seemed to relax with the speed of a snail now, he took one of her blonde wavy strands of hair and twisted it between his fingers, all-along careful and gentle, like he was touching the most precious piece of jewelry in the world, causing Yewon to feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"I will, if you want me to." She cupped his cheeks with her small hands, casually dragging him down to her height, "Every single day of our roadtrip."

And with a quick "Thanks, love", he planted a small kiss on the top of her head, while Yewon happily snuggled up to him once more, inhaling his scent and getting high on the feeling of his skin under her fingertips, both of them getting lost in their own world as a handful of bystanders either shook their heads or silently cheered them on while walking past them.

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Man, I still miss this.


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Chapter 5: Oh! THis is kept alive? I gave up hope to see this start but now I'm pretty happy about it :) I hope for a happy ending, but sometimes the ending is not as interesting as the journey :)
iisMoMo #2
Chapter 12: LOOL savage Do Kyungsoo i love it.
Chapter 12: 2 in 1 updates on your stories !
me : getting flashbacks to all my old ideas
this teaser is like a bunch of snapshots sprawled over a bedsheet. really just like a taste of everything.
and ksoo ? a bonus :')
Chapter 12: This teaser was so cute until the moment d.o started cussing. I am so confused, why is he so angry at couples and what is on his leg??? :O
Anyway, I really liked their cute interactions :) Is Yeorin a nickname for Yewon? That's super cute
Chapter 3: Awww! Starlight is going away... It's both so cute >_< and yet I feel a bit sad that she's leaving her friends :o
Chapter 8: Oh my gooosh the blog posts are..<3 I am speechless. You made another masterpiece rosymoon :')
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR CHOOSING MINHYUN LKE??? this is one of my fav stories i know i say this a lot but NO to some certain stories only anD LOOK. AT. THIS. . he is chosen
Chapter 4: highkey sweats bc my apps are piling up and i still need to do, like, a LOT

but but i'll do my best ok i'll try to make the wait worth it ;;
iisMoMo #9
Chapter 4: I'm crying thanks for coming back I was just thinking that no she must be busy or what if she has no motivation left. But I'm glad to see an update. Yey
Chapter 4: Woooo! Congrats Minhyung!! A nice addition to the cast :D
Yay for the review page. Also, I saw the little pink blurb at the end, even though you tried to hide it. It's pretty cute :)
And almost everyone is 21, it's funny ^^
That was a nice surprise, good work <3