One Side Note

Something Special

ZekkenKryberLiu: Thank you guys for the continues support! Please, do stay with me 'til the end. I'll be here in AFF forever until my fingers and hands finally disappeared. I love you all and here from the bottom of my heart, LET'S ALL CONTINUE OUR ADVENTURE OF LOVING OUR OTPs! <3

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Chapter 1: Omg, u guys r making me cry...*sob sob* im outside u know *sniffing* GROUP HUG! *punchs Zekken for the embarrasment and glares at him* You are embarassing me! Krystal eyes at me and spoke icily That is my line, slho901...I jump and bow.

Zekken and all the rest of u. Thank you so much for this surprise party..*sob* and your hard work that you did in doing this stories. I know you guys really take a lot of effort despite of school and work. THANK YOU GUYS! You are all the reason that this crazy project works! It is your willingingness to stand foreward to write. I am really thankful that we have a lot of amazing writers that came back, awesome writers that took leave from their own stories and new talented writers joining in this project! *bows* You guys rocks!
okay, but i already took a bite of it. *merong*!!! XP
Chapter 1: Even though I didn't really do much except participate in writing one story for the project and reading the other stories, I'm thankful for everyone who participated as well. *bows*

Can I take up that Snickers offer? I'm pretty hungry hehe
haha, i dont know either. do you want some Snickers?
00iamA #5
Chapter 1: Wah~
Truely, the project you guys made is awesome! Thank you for making it cause I wouldn't have taken up writing again if not for this :D
Congrats for making it successful~!

Btw, why am I stealing gummy bears? XD
neo2this #6
Chapter 1: Thank u for all the a reader i cant express my deep gratitude... But as always..thanks dear...