Chapter 26

Its always been You

Chapter 26

“Hei dude!!”.Sooyoung cheer happily when I enter the elevator.I look at her.

“What’s up with all the excitement?Did you get laid yesterday or something?”.I ask her.

“Oh god Tae!!,How did you know?.Did Tiffany told you,no wait she can’t because she had a busy night yesterday”.

“Okay stop it  right there.I don’t need to hear the details at all Soo and you are gross as hell”.She bump her shoulder at me.

“Yah.and why are you so grumpy?When was the last time you get laid by Jessica?”.I huff in annoyance and glare at her.She look at me in astonishment. “Oh god Tae.Did your ual desire died?”.

“Shut up Soo.Its nothing like that.I have been sick for the past two weeks remember smart head?”.Soo just nod her head at me.I was sick for the past two weeks due to the rain stunt that I pulled that day to impress Jessica.This is my first day back and I’m sure there will be ton of works for me at the table.

“Yes and good news for you.Your girlfriend’s admirer is currently out of town”.

“Thank god.The last thing that I need is another headache in the form of the deviln  himself”.We went to our separate ways citing goodbye.I went to my room and I almost got a heart attack.

“Gosh Sica.An heads up will be nice.I almost got an heart attack”.She smile goofily at me.

“Sorry I just want to visit my girlfriend and gave her medicine because I know you wouldn’t have taken it yet”.

“Sica,are you serious?I’m eating that for the past two weeks and I’m fine now”.She glare at me.

“Really and who had a coughing fit last night?”.I pout at her. “Now take this medicine because the boss has to go back to her work”.I just sigh and took the medicine.I kiss her goodbye.I went to my desk and continue my work.It was almost lunch time when I finish half of my work and someone knock the door.

“Yes Yerin,Anything?”

“Uh,Miss Jung wants to see you now if its possible.”.

“Oh ,okay.Where is she?”.

“She is in the conference room with Mr.Jung”.

“On my way.Thanks”.I quickly went to the conference room.

“Good afternoon Mr.Jung”.I greet him and I look at Jessica who were so happy for no reason.

“Taeyeon take a seat”.

“Is everything okay Mr.Jung?”.I asked him.

“Everything is great Taeyeon.Actually it’s a good news for the company and for you too”.

“What is it?”.I look at Jessica and she wink at me.

“Remember one of the design that your team design for a multinasional company in Germany that was rejected before”.I nod at him.

“Yeah I do.It was rejected because the client was not satisfy with the creativity”.

“You are right but when I went to States for a meeting with our client.He took a liking with your team’s design and he is keen on taking it for our project”.

“T-That’s a good news Mr.Jung.But what does it have to do with me and my team”.

“Yah pabo!.Its your team’s design so you are going to States to officially conduct a meeting with our client there”.

“Wait what?.I don’t understand”.Mr.Jung clasped his hand together.

“Taeyeon,since the design belong to your team,you have to head to States with your team to officially present the design to our client”.

“Oh wow.T-that’s great Mr.Jung.Oh my!.Thank you Mr.Jung”.

“Don’t thank me Taeyeon ah.Go and tell this news to your team.If everything is set,you and your team will head to States next week to do the presentation if possible to finish the project itself there.Good luck Kim Taeyeon.Make me and our company proud”.

“Thank you so much Mr.Jung.I will tell my team this news now.I’m sure they will be very happy”.I shook Mr.Jung’s hand and head out of the room before he call me back.

“Owh,I forgot to tell you.Jessica will be going with you and before you ask,yes that’s the reason she is glowing like a sun”.I snort at Mr.Jung.

“Its my pleasure to go with my boss Mr.Jung.I will take leave now Ms.Jung”.I gathered all my team member in a room.

“Yah Taeyeon ah.Are you okay?Did something happen to you?You seems to happy.Did you hit your head or something?”.I knock her head hard.

“Geez.That hurts.What if my brain malfunction?

“Yah.Go back to your sit or I will hit you harder than this and you don’t have a brain to malfunction Soo”.Sooyoung pout and went back to her sit sulkily.

“What is the occasion Tae?Is there any new project?”.

“Yes a big project”.I told them everything about it and all of them were happy about it.

“So yes that’s it.Please think about it and let me know who is coming although I prefer my entire team with me”.After the briefing,Sooyoung catch up with me.

“Yah who is the superior coming with us or is it just our team?”.

“My girlfriend will join us as our project manager”.I smile at her.

“Yah stop smiling like a fool.I might consider calling a doctor for you”.

“I’m just happy that my girlfriend will be there and you are jealous because you will be alone for the entire trip”.I feigned a laugh for her.

“Yah!!!”.She whine at me.

“Just kidding buddy.Dont worry,I will be your company,don’t worry about it”.She feign a mocking face.

“Yeah,I probably will be a third wheel on your series of dates.Sorry I prefer to be alone than to be with you”.I rolled my eyes at her.

“Whatever worker.Please complete the file that I gave you and hand it to me by the end of me”.She mock salute to me and left.

“Hei unnie”.I turn around and find Krystal waving at me.

“Hei Krys”.I greet her

“I didn’t see you for a long time unnie.How are you doing?”.I squinted at her.

“Seriously?We just met yesterday for a dinner with Amber and your sister”.She look at her watch.

“Well,it has been 12 hours unnie.So long time no see”.She grin at me.Ugh,she is totally a Jung.

“So what brings you here?”.We walk together through the corridor.

“Nothing just want to meet my sister.Its been too long since we spend time with each other so I thought of seeing her”.She just shrug at me.I look at her.

“You mean,you miss spending her money on shopping Krys.Anyway,my team and I are going to States for a project next week”.

“Wow unnie,you are killing it!!!.I’m so proud of you”.She hug me tightly.

“Okay,you should let go now before your sister gets all jealous.Anyway she is inside,go ahead.I have some work to finish here”.I wave her away.I went back to finish my work when Krystal broke into my room without knocking.

“What’s wrong with the Jungs and not knocking first?”.I internally sigh.

“Krys,if this intervention is anything but not important,you have to get in line.I had loads of work to do”.

“Why would Krystal barge into your room?”.I looked up and saw Jessica standing at the door.I smile at her.

“Oh no,its just she were here so I thought it was her.Furthermore the Jungs totally like to break into my room just like what you just did”.I grinned at her.

“Whatever”.She rolled her eyes and took a sit in front of me.

“Is everything okay?You look kinda worried”.She heaved a heavy sigh.

“I’m just worried about Krystal and Amber.There is something wrong with their relationship but Krystal is hiding it from me”.I close the file and focus on her.

“Really.She look fine just now and she was usually as herself.Are you sure about it?”.

“Yes I’m sure about it because she is my sister,Taeyeon.I know about her”.She glare at me.

“Okay alright.Well did you ask her about it?”.

“I did but she changes the topic as soon as I asked about it”.

“Maybe she needs time to talk about it or she thinks she can solve it by herself and does not want to involve you into this”.I gave a suggestion.

“Why wouldn’t want she me in this?”.I simply shrug at her.

“because she is an adult and can make her own decision”.

“What?”.She glare at me.I sigh at her

“Okay stop looking like you want to murder me.She might be your sister but she is an adult Sica who can make her own decision.You should cut some slack to her”.She stood up and look at me.

“Okay that’s enough.She is not your sister Taeyeon,she is mine and would you say the same thing if it was your sister”.She asked me,her voice raising as well.

“Jessica lower down your voice.This is office and not our home and yes for your question.We can only control them for some time.When they became an adult,we should cut some slack for them and we need to trust them and……”.

“Okay that’s enough!Maybe you just don’t care about your sister but Taeyeon I’m sorry because I can’t be like you”.

“What do you mean ‘like me’?”.I took a deep breath and continue “I think you should leave.I do care about my sister but that doesn’t mean I had to control her entire life”.

“And please leave my office and find what is wrong with your sister rather than arguing with me”.She left the office and slam the door closed.I took a deep breath and called my sister.

“Sinb ah.Are you back home yet?”.

“Yes unnie.I’m currently eating lunch or dinner or whatever.Are you done with your work yet?Its almost 6 p.m”.

“Ah yes.I’m done.I’m stopping by the groceries.Do you want anything?”.

“Buy me ice cream please.And its chocolate flavour with nuts mixed.I love you!!!”.I chuckled.

“Okay and I love you too”.I pack my things and went out of the office.

After an hour in the supermarket,I went to pay the cashier when I saw Amber there.I pat her head.

“Hei Am”.

“Unnie….what are you doing here”.I gave her a deadpanned look.

“I came to buy clothes.I heard there were discounts…”.She slap my arm.

“Yah unnie!!”.

“What?You are obviously asking me a stupid question.I came to buy groceries.What are you doing this early?Are you not working?”.

“No,I left early.We ran out of stock so I just want to refill it back”.

“Oh,alright.Come on,let me buy you something to drink”.After paying the cashier,we bought some drink and took a walk to the car park.

“Are you not going to ask me anything?”.Amber asked me.

“Ask you what?”.I asked her back.

“About what is going on between Krystal and me?”.

“I’m not in the place to ask Amber and if you are comfortable enough,then you will tell me by yourself”. I heard her sigh.

“You know,I just wish everyone could be you unnie”.I look at her. “not trying to pry into someone’s life”.I just shrug at her.

“I have a sister too Amber.I might not be extreme like Jessica but I know my limits.Its your life and I don’t have any right to interfere in it”.She just nod at me.

“I propose to her”.I choked on my drink.

“W-what?Propose to who?”.I ask her while wiping my mouth.

“Krystal.I propose to Krystal.Yesterday”.

“Wow……that’s too shocking to me.Wow,just wow.Well what did she said?”.She look at me and her eyes look sad. “It didn’t go well didn’t it?”.She just shook her head at me.

“She didn’t reject me.She just said that she is was not ready to commit yet for a marriage life”.

“And you bolted?”.

“I don’t know what to do.A part of me was utterly embarrassed and another side of me was sad because she didn’t accept my proposal”.

“So you bolted”.She just nod her head at me.

“She did said sorry and I pretended its okay to not hurt her but I was truly sad.Maybe I should have waited more”.I nod at her,not interrupting her talk. “But I just want to spend my entire life with her.Is that wrong unnie?”.I just shook my head at her.

“Its not Amber.You just love her too much and wants to be with her.Its not a bad thing Amber.Dont beat yourself up for it.Its not your fault.Did you talk to her today?”.She shook her head at me.

“I don’t know how to talk to her.I woke up early and left work early.She did called her but I send her a text that I was busy.And then Jessica unnie called me but I didn’t answer because I was at meeting.Do you think Krystal told her and she want to kill me?”.I just laugh at her remark.

“I don’t think Krystal told her and Jessica will not kill you Am.Maybe she just called you to ask if there is anything wrong with you both.Jessica was already worried about Soojung when she visits Jessica at the office today.So don’t sweat it too much okay”.

“I should go now unnie.See you tomorrow”.She went to her car.

“Wait Am.Are you going home or somewhere else?”.

“No,I’m not going home.I’m going to my villa so that I would not meet Soojung later on”.

“Why don’t you just stay in my place tonight?Its better than staying alone in the big villa of yours”.She look reluctant.

“Come on.Sinb will love to see you.Furthermore,I’m cooking dinner,you could join us for dinner”.


“No but.Jessica would not come tonight if that’s what you are worried about”.I told her.

“ go ahead.I will follow you”.About an hour later,we arrive at my place.

“Unnie,you are back”.

“Yes I am and here is your ice cream”,I handed over her a plastic bag.

“Owh Amber unnie is here too!!”.She hug Amber

“Yes and she will be staying overnight today so can you please clean up the guest room for Amber unnie here”.

“Sure unnie”.I turn back to Amber.

“Amber make yourself home.I will just prepare the dinner for you”.

It was almost 11 p.m when we finish our dinner and went to bed.I saw Amber texting someone.

“I know that I said that I don’t like prying into someone else’s business but don’t you think ,you should at least inform Soojung about your whereabouts.I’m sure she is worried”.She smile at me

“I just did unnie”.I sat across the bed. “I told her that I’m crashed at my friends house and promised that I will be back tomorrow”.I just smile at her.

“You should talk to her.You might be impulsive during your proposal but you should talk to her about it.You know,on her reluctance to commit to marriage life yet okay”.

“You think she will talk about it”.

“Oh yes.She is your girlfriend so of course she will talk to you.Go to sleep okay.Good night”.After wishing her night,I went to my room and took out my phone.

‘I’m sorry about just now.I was being inconsiderate towards your feelings about your sister’. –taeyeon

After a few moments,there was a reply text.

‘No its not your fault.Its mine.You were right.I shouldn’t bother Krystal’s life.She will tell me when she is ready.I’m sorry and I love you’-Jessica

I just smile at the text and typed a quick reply to her.

I love you too and good night.See you tomorrow.XOXO’-Taeyeon.

‘Night Tae.XOXOXOXO’-Jessica.


A/n: I know that its at least 5 months since I updates.I didn’t abandon this story.Its just life is hard and along the way I lost the inspiration to write so I had to get the motivation to finish this story.And I just got my laptop back after repair.I will try to update two weeks once if I’m able to.I’m sorry and I hope you guys understand.

p/s: to those who don’t know about this show.You should go watch ‘The Bold Type’.Its a tv show which is feminist as hell.Its main character is women and women empowering and breaking stereotypes.It has a ship with woc as its main ship.And a this show is focussed on social issues and their friendship is freaking amazing.It stars Katie Stevens as Jane Sloan ( a magazine journalist),Meghann Fahy as Sutton Brady ( a fashion assistant),Aisha Dee as Kat Edison (director or social media and questions her uality),Melore Hardin (editor-in-chief of Scarlet Magazine aka the boss but not the mean boss) and Nikohl Boosheri  as Adena El-Amin ( a out and proud muslim lesbian).There are also other characters.

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abokado #1
Chapter 30: this is the best taengsic fanfic I ever red...btw update please 👉😚👈
Chapter 13: What??? Unbelievable . Impossible hemmm
Chapter 11: Finally jujur juga
Chapter 9: Problem started
Chapter 8: Waduuhhh darurat ini sepertinya Taengsic hemmm
Chapter 7: Semoga hyorin baik yaaa
Chapter 5: What happened ?? Hemmm
Chapter 3: Wuuuhhhhhh rumitttt rumit memang taeng
Chapter 1: Cuteeeee, angry jess menakutkan wekakakka
Chapter 30: ahhh.. when will you update authornim??? T.T