My Love, My Savior


Jeon Jungguk had a pretty below average life for kids his age. He got bullied and tormented. He always thought life was ment to be miserable and useless... that is until he stumbles upon a strange girl. He miraculously saves her life, causing her to become his sworn protector for life. Lets just say life for Jeon Jungguk is about to get a whole lot more interesting.


He starts blinking as he starts to regain consciousness.

  "Where am I?" He asks very alert. 

   "Don't worry... I'm not going to hurt you." I reply 

Well here we go. The moment I've always anticipated.

   "In fact you never have to worry again."

I kneel down on one knee. 

    "Because I am your guardian, my master..."


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This is going to be my first ever fanfic so it's going to be pretty bad compared to other experienced and older writers. Please feel free to message me tips and pointers to help my story. I'd really appreciate it! ^-^