Chapter 12

Makeover [HIATUS]
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She sits there, unmoving, shocked by the fact that her parents (Umji's parents) were there, right in front of her eyes.


The older woman runs towards Umji's bed, tears streaming down her face mercilessly. She kneels down, cupping the teenager's cheeks with her hands delicately, afraid that she might break the unconscious girl.


"My poor baby..." She manages to whisper to herself through choked sobs.


She turns to Sowon, eyes filled with fury.


"You," She looked like she wants to murder Sowon. "You demon! This would've never happened if it wasn't for you!" She doesn't even give Sowon a moment to speak. "I knew I should've had that abortion!" She screams harshly, only adding salt and lemon juice to Sowon's preexisting wounds. "You've done nothing but trouble since you were born! You've only brought dishonor and shame to this family!" She continues screaming at the top of her lungs, the words only tearing Sowon's wounds wider.


The older female storms towards Sowon, her fist clenched.


"Stand up" She commands.


Sowon complies, standing up as soon as she was told to. She receives a harsh slap across her face. It doesn't stop there, she then receives multiple punches to her stomach and her face. The woman finishes off by kicking Sowon down and stomping on the brunette's hands as hard as she could.


"I hope you rot in hell, you monster!" She storms out of the room, slamming the door shut on her way out, ignoring the fact that they were in a hospital.


The girl on the floor doesn't bother moving, instead, she prepares for what's to come, her father. She was so used to being beaten as a child, the physical pain she's in now is nothing compared to when she was in elementary and middle school.


She flinches when she feels a hand land on her shoulder. She shrinks back, curling herself up into a ball on the floor, this way, only her back would be hit.


Instead of getting the hits she was expecting, she feels the man, that is her 'father', drop to his knees in front of her, audibly choked sobs escaping his lips as he tries to calm himself down. She feels another hand land on her other shoulder, her body tensing at the contact.


"I'm sorry" The voice was familiar but the words were ver foreign, it startled her.


Have her ears  deceived her? Or has the stress finally got to her?


In the past 20 years, she been alive, not once has she heard the man talk in such a weak tone,and not once has heard words such as "sorry" leave her parent's mouths, so why now?


She felt and ugly feeling gnaw at the pit of her stomach, the beast losing control.


"I'm sorry" he repeat, his sobs worsening by the second.


Before Sowon could ask, the man stands up leaves the room, his sobs could still be heard through the door.




Eunha was f

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LilChouette #1
I just discovered this story by now, and I'm amazed. I love your story and hope you'll continue it soon. Take your time and fighting, authornim :D
Tae143tiff #2
Chapter 13: Can you continue this story author. it's really good
_NightDrive #3
Chapter 13: Will this ever get updated again :( love the story
Chapter 13: oh my
this got dark real quick
Chapter 13: Umji and Sowon TT <3 I love how sowon treats umji irl theyre really like sisters
Joenayeon #6
Chapter 13: Umji made me cry with tears of JOY!
secret_affair #7
Chapter 14: You will be rewriting it? Not complete it first then rewrite?
Wow222 #8
Chapter 14: No! Dont please this story is great the way it is!!!
Racheal_yue #10
Plssss update Soon plssss