Chapter 4

L'amore fa male

Jimin realized trying to fix the mess he made is becoming even harder with each passing day. It's not that Jimin isn't trying because he really is, but there has been a bump in his "get-yoongi-hyungs-forgiveness" plan in the form of their lanky and goofball of a leader. Everytime, and he means everytime he tries to talk to get Yoongi alone or even when he tries to initiate a conversation not pertaining to bangtan Namjoon is suddenly talking to Yoongi or coming up with a reason why Yoongi can't do something with him

 "Sorry Jimin-ah, your hyungs have to work on a new song."

"We have to practice our new raps, maybe next time", which is bull because how is there going to be a next time when he can barely say 

"I miss you hyung" or "I'm sorry Yoongi-hyung".

As much as he loves his dorky leader, he's on his list of people he wants to hit which isn't very long because he never has the urge to hit someone. Except when Namjoon casually puts his arm on Yoongis shoulder and pulls him a little closer which comes off casual to anyone else but all he can see is somebody else touching his yoongi hyung. His Yoongi? How can he be yours if he can barely stay in the same room with you, he thinks. Finally having enough with Yoongi ignoring him he finds Seokjin because he really needs some advice (and one of his hugs because they always make him feel like he can take over the world). 

"Hyungg, what am I supposed to do? Anytime I try to talk to him he comes up with an excuse or even better Namjoon-hyung comes up with a reason for him to not be in the same vicinity as me."

"You know he stays as his studio longer than Namjoon does, try to talk to him then" Seokjin suggests. 

"But what if he kicks me out?? What if he doesn't want to talk to me anymore? I don't think I could handle that hyung."

"Jimin, good things in life come with plenty of risks you just have to decide if you really want Yoongi and the risks that come along with trying to work things out."

Following Seokjins advice he stays up later than he usually would when they have some time to theirselves. When the clock hits 12h30, Jimin grabs a hoodie, puts his sneakers on and heads off to the studio where the smaller rapper would be spending his time. The walk to the studio was full of his nerves bouncing around and making his palms sweaty. By the time he got to the studio he thought he was going to combust. All his precious worries he pondered aloud with Seokjin coming back. What if Yoongi doesn't want to hear him out? What if Yoongi wants nothing to do with him? 

Knocking on the door to the studio made him as nervous as his debut stage. A soft "come in" responded. Jimin knew it was now or never and he really hoped his hyung forgived him. As he walked into the studio Yoongi frequented, he realized how tired his hyung looked. Prominent eye bags were hanging underneath his eyes, contrasting to his pale skin. Lost in his thoughts Jimin jumped when he heard soft but slightly gruff voice he's been longing to hear ask him "What do you want Jimin?" If only it was an easy question to answer. How is supposed to summarize how much of an he's been to the only person in the world who wants to cherish.

"I wanted to apologize hyung. And before you interrupt me and say that I have nothing to apologize for, you're wrong. The only problem is where do I start? I want to apologize for making your upset and for being the reason your smile dropped. I want to apologize for upsetting you which is he worst thing I could have done. I'm sorry if you go the wrong idea between me and Jungkook i asked-"

"What do you mean wrong idea, don't you like him?" Yoongi was perplexed and he hates being confused especially about Jimin.

"Hyung, didn't i tell you not to interupt me? The person I like is you. You're the one who puts an instant smile on my face, you're the one that makes me worried about the amount of hours you put in the studio because I always want you to be healthy. What I'm trying to say is that I like you Min Yoongi even though you're moody grandpa, you're also one the sweetest people I know"

"B-b-but you and Jungkook? I was really sure you liked him.." Yoongi trails off quietly because he can't understand how Jimin likes him and he can't comprehend it. His confusion and shock must show on his face because Jimin makes an annoyed tsk and starts walking towards Yoongi. He keeps walking until Yoongi can feel Jimins breath on his face.

"If you don't believe me, I guess I'll just have to show you."

"What do you mea-"

Yoongi gets cut off by Jimins lips touching his and all he can do is melt into the kiss. Jimin separates from the kiss and breathlessly says 

"Do you believe me now?"right into his ear and if that didn't get him weak in the knees he'd be lying. Not sure his voice will come out as strong as he wants it to, he settles with nodding. 

"Good because I don't know what I would have done if you didn't believe me" Jimin says which brings out a such a happy and light laugh it fills Jimin up with adoration for the older. The two of them end up laying together in the studio just enjoying the presence of the other, both think it's been too long since they've been alone together.

"Hyung does this mean I can kiss you whenever I want to?"

Yoongis cheeks heat up with such a pretty pink flush, Jimin wants to see more of it. 

"Of course it does Jiminnie" he says with one of the softest and happiest smiles Jimin has ever had the pleasure of seeing.

"One more thing hyung" 

"Yes Jiminnie?"

"Don't let Namjoon-hyung pull you close anymore, alright? He can do that to Seokjin-hyung, I want to be the only want to be able to touch you off cameras" 


Here's the end of the story guys and I want to say  thank you to all of my subscribers !!

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swagminsuga #1
Chapter 5: Yoongi x jimin please
Judith_MG #2
Chapter 5: Yoongi x bts would be nice, thanks
Chapter 5: I would like to read about Yoongi X Hoseok.
Chapter 5: I love this story! You did an amazing job, I love your style of writhing!! Keep it up
miko-chaan #5
Chapter 2: Whoa I teared up there at the end. Can't wait for the next update!
Aimz19 #6
Chapter 2: joonie joonie joonie joonie joonie joonie
pls pls pls pls pls pls pls take care of yoongi well
(authornim you know what i'm talking about)
wangyase #7
Chapter 1: Ohhhh another interesting story i will look forward to this
Chapter 1: Please tell me Yoongi is not looking at what I'm thinkingㅡ
Aimz19 #9
Chapter 1: OMYGHAD