You are your own man

Running from Death

I'm free today so I thought I want to write while resting but my back won't allow me. You know... That feeling when one of your body parts decided to betray you lol


GO clicked on his wristwatch and the dim neon green light illuminate his face as he read the black number on the screen. It was three in the morning. Just a couple of hours before the sun would rise and gave them better sight.

          GO hoped Nicole and Key would have find people to help them. To help all of the survivors left in this jungle. And before the help arrive, he hoped no one else would perish. Then again, he didn't know what kind of beast that Key and Nicole told him about and what kind of danger might behold in front of him. He expected the worst but how much his imagination alone could help him.

          But, he guessed he did get a vague idea on how bad the situation is when he saw the mangled dead bodies littered around the camping area, making him felt churning in his stomach. He did got sick and threw up when he first saw that sight at the clearing and took quite a long time to recover from the shock, though he was pretty sure he was already scarred mentally by that image.

          Once his mind was collected again, worries rushed through his vein. He couldn't imagine if either Mir or Seungho was one of the mangled bodies there. No. He would not allowed that. He couldn't allow that.

          GO reached to a cave when he saw G-dragon walking past not too far from where he was standing at. Sure, it was dark but that man whom had quite unique taste in fashion had a bracelet with skull design that actually glowed dimly in the dark and that was how GO recognized the man despite being able to make out only dark shadow of the man's silhouette.

          GO followed after G-dragon, not wanting to make too much noises by yelling after the lad. He didn't know why. Just an instinct. This woods is a death trap and the only way to survive was to make himself as invisible as he could. At least until he found what he searched for.

          They reached at the cave and GO immediately jumped down behind the tree, ducking himself there when he saw G-dragon raised up a rifle. Something was there, wasn't it? GO trailed his eyes after the raised weapon and saw a brown bear. GO cursed. Was that the monster Key and Nicole talked about? Ani, it couldn't be. They described it differently from this one. Plus, this was just a bear. A dangerous but still a normal bear, not some kind of mutant.

          GO moved slowly around the tree and went to hide behind another tree that could give him closer look to the bear and his eyes widened seeing Baekhyun struggling under the paws of the bear, blood staining his shirt and even face. Taeyeon was just a few feet away, eyes widened in horror watching Baekhyun fighting for his life.

          There was nothing GO could do. He had no sort of weapon on him. He could only hope for G-dragon to aim the rifle well and didn't miss the shot. He knew that kind of rifle. It gave a strong blast but only one at a time. Once a shot was fired, there would be opening for the bear to attack G-dragon while the Big Bang leader needed to load a new bullet.

          The loud shooting sound echoed and the bear roared both in surprise and pain as the bullet hit its back leg. The paws that had been pressing over Baekhyun drew down, the claws dragging along Baekhyun's chest down to his abdomen and Baekhyun could only gurgled with his blood filling his mouth, flowing out and colored the ground from both his external and internal injuries. His body convulsed in pain and just seconds after stopped moving at all. Only his chest slightly raised up and down with every painful breath. And Taeyeon... She could only watch as she was numbed both by shock and disbelief.

          The bear turned its glare onto G-dragon who was anxiously trying to load his bullet again. He struggled with the rifle, almost stumbled back when the bear started pawing towards him. That's it. He was done. Or so he thought when the bear swayed to the side as a lump of wood hit the side of its head.

          "NOW JIYOUNG!" GO shouted, aiming another blow on the bear to knock it off of its balance. The blow was hard enough that the wood actually break into half.

          G-dragon nodded and pulled on the kick lock. He hold his breath and pulled on the trigger. It hit the bear on its neck just as the bear got back to its feet and tried to attack GO. The bear fall heavily on the ground, growling quietly as it bled to death slowly.

          GO and G-dragon wasted no time as they rushed towards Baekhyun. Taeyeon was already there by the young man's side, looking so lost and all she could do was reaching out to Baekhyun's cold hand with her shivering one.

          "This looks bad." GO said only to get a nudge on his arm from G-dragon who gestured towards Taeyeon. GO bit on his lips. Taeyeon had her face wet with tears.

          "Hey, we're going out, okay? And when we get out, we'll find someone to help." G-dragon tried to comfort Taeyeon, rubbing a comforting circle behind Taeyeon. "Come Baekhyun. You just need to stay strong until we're out of here." All of G-dragon's ill-feeling towards Baekyun had somehow disappeared and all he could think of right at this moment was to help Baekhyun.

          "It's n-no use." Baekhyun struggled, throwing his head aside and vomit out dark red blood. He breathed slowly. "It's t-too l-late for me. T-take care of Taeyeon. F-for me."

          "No, you take care of her yourself. All of us are going out- Baekhyun? Hey?" G-dragon shook Baekhyun's limp body a bit when the younger's chest stopped moving and the light seemed to disappear from Baekhyun's eyes.

          GO felt on Baekhyun's neck searching for the absent pulse there. He raised his head, matching his eyes with G-dragon and shook his head. GO then proceeded to ran his hand over Baekhyun's eyes, closing them gently.

          Taeyeon who saw the look on GO's eyes and the subtle gesture to tell them that Baekhyun had died, the girl almost slumped onto the ground as all her strength left her if not for G-dragon who wrapped his arms around her firmly. They stayed that way for some time. No one dared to utter even a word as all three of them stared on Baekhyun with sad eyes.

          "We..." GO cleared his throat, breaking the heavy silence. "You two really should get going. Do you know the way out?" GO asked and G-dragon nodded. "Can you take Taeyeon out and make sure to call for help?"

          "Wait. Aren't you coming with us?" G-dragon frowned and GO just answered that question with a small smile and a shook of head. "Are you searching for the others?" GO just nodded, still keeping his silence. "I... Urm. I met Mir-shi before. He's the one who gave me this." He pointed towards his rifle.

          GO straightened his back, eyes filled with questions. "He's still here? Where? Where did you see him?" His heart jumping gladly, knowing Mir was still alive.

          "I don't think he'll still be there." G-dragon reminded.

          "Well, at least I know he's still here and alive." GO shrugged, slight relief calmed his racing heart. He stood up, dusting his pants off. "Take Taeyeon out of here."

          "GO-shi. Take this with you." G-dragon handed the rifle to GO.

          GO just stared a few moments at the rifle, a kind smile on his lips as he shook his head. "It's okay. You need them to protect Taeyeon." GO on Taeyeon's blonde hair before retreating. He didn't say anything to his friend. He knew, right now, none that came out of his mouth would reach Taeyeon. He could just hope time would heal Taeyeon.

          Taeyeon was still like a statue. She didn't respond to anyone and seemed like a lifeless doll when G-dragon pulled her up on her feet.

          "Take care of her." GO asked.

          G-dragon nodded firmly. "I will."




"Oh my god! KIBUM!" Nicole yelped and jumped across from the driver seat to the backseat of this police car.

          Key and Nicole have gotten out of the forest not too far long ago and once they saw the main road, they immediately whisked out GO's phone but cursed when there was still no phone line around this area. The road was dark, only dimly lit by a few lamp poles here and there and was empty until they saw a police car stranded by the road side.

          And here they were, sitting in the car, trying to get the radio connector to work. They would have just driven the car and went to the nearest place where people could be find except that they don't have the key and they surely have no idea how to play with the wire fibers of the car to start it up like the car thieves they always watch in the movie.

          And they would have kept trying to figure out how the police radio would function if not for a beast suddenly slammed their paws onto the windshield of the car, growling threateningly.

          "Oh !" Key cussed and followed after Nicole, throwing himself into the back seat but still bringing the duty speaker to the back with him. Fortunately the spiral shaped wire was able to stretch long enough. "Damn it! Work already!" Key spat in his panic and anxiety, now, he just pushed any button he saw, even slamming the device onto his own palm a few times.

          "You're going to break it! Stop!" Nicole warned, trying to snatch away the device only to shriek when the beast now was shoving it's fangs against the window just next to Nicole, trying to sink its razor sharp teeth into the sturdy glass and got to its two preys inside the car. The car even rocked harshly with each slam the beast gave against the side of the vehicle. "Oh god... I don't want to die!" Nicole sobbed.

          That was when a static could be heard and in that situation, Key's eyes lit up. "Hello? Anyone there? Help!" He talked into the duty speaker yet, there was only static on the other line. Just static. Even after trying a few times more. "Argh!" Key yelled in frustration.

          Nicole screamed when the car rocked even more violent and later, the car was threwn on the side. Both of the two friends were thrown against the car door. Key was the first to hit his back against the car door, the window on his side had shattered into sharps shards as the side of the car hit the tar rod and pierced his back. Nicole fall right onto him and all he could do was groaned in pain. The beast was too strong. Sooner or later, that monster would chew its way into the car and towards both Key and Nicole.

          "We're dead. We're dead!" Nicole panicked, trying to huddled further into the corner, trying to get as farther as she could from the beast.

          Key was just as hopeless as Nicole. Helpless. His eyes wandered around the car, hoping he could find any sort of weapon to defend himself and his best friend but there was nothing. Key inhaled. Was there really no hope? Was there only death left?


          Key pushed Nicole aside. He climbed onto the upside down back seat, putting his weight there and waited. He waited until the beast slammed onto the car again and the car was again in its normal position, that was when he kicked hard onto the broken side of door of the car which was on the other side, away from the beast. Pushing Nicole out, he crawled after the girl. And once they were out of the car, they ran as fast as they could. They both knew perfectly, there was no way they could outrun that feline mutant with glowing indigo eyes. It was just their survival instinct. To keep running.

          They had expect to being pounced by that beast by the time they ran out but they wasn't. Instead, they heard loud sound of booming from behind there. Against their instinct to run, they halted. Turning around to witness the beast lying limp beside the half-wrecked vehicle. And Lizzy was there, a gun in her hands and she was breathing heavily.

          "Lizzy!" Nicole shout out.

          "Unni!" Lizzy ran towards Nicole and straight into the older lady's hold.

          "Are you the only one here?" Key asked, watching as the two girls break apart.

          Lizzy shook her head and threw her gaze in one direction. There, G-dragon showed up from behind the shadow, having Taeyeon held in his arms, carried in bridal style. They had met along the narrow trail towards the main road. Lizzy almost shot G-dragon, thinking he was the beast but luckily, Lizzy's sharp ears had picked up Taeyeon's faint sobs and they continued their journey together. And once they were by the roadside, they had seen the beast practically attacking the police car. Figure as much there were people in that car, Lizzy decided to shoot the beast. Exactly the way Mir had taught her.

          "Is she hurt?" Key asked once G-dragon and Taeyeon approached their small group.

          "She's fine." G-dragon answered. He looked at the car. "We should drive to the nearest city. If that car can still move..."

          "I would have if I could." Key said, sighing. "There's no key."

          "I have the key." Lizzy piped up and took out a bunch of key from his sweatpants pocket.

          Key snatched the clinging bunch away from Lizzy. "Where did you get this?"

          "From the camp site. It's on the dead bodies. Well, actually Mir oppa who retrieved it for me." Lizzy informed.

          "Yongie? He's alive? Where is he?" When there was no answer from Lizzy, Nicole continued with sad look, "I should have known..." Of course Mir would follow exactly what his MBLAQ hyungs would have done.

          "Let's go." Key beckoned. "All that's left for us now is to find help. And let's just hope they hold on until then."




They had been rather quiet in their journey, just with Mir's sometimes restrained cough escaped his throat, other than that, nothing. Just some stealthy shadow among other shadows of the dark night.

          Mir blinked a few times when he felt his vision slightly blurring. He shook his head, a bit too hard, and his head immediately spinning around and he swayed to the side, almost crashing to the ground if not for someone or rather both Sanghyun and Joon catching him right away.

          Still a bit dizzy, probably because he had been losing a little too much of blood, Mir just let his head rested against Joon's chest. Closing his eyes to stopped the whirling around of the images of his surrounding and before he actually passed out.

          "Hey, you okay?" Joon asked, Mir's brown tresses gently.

          "Yeah..." Mir answered in tiny voice, sliding down slightly as his knees shook under his weight and not to mention the additional weight of the rifle and the backpack.

          "Sit down first." Sanghyun said, pulling off the backpack from Mir and set it aside.

          Mir wouldn't protest, not when his head still pulsating and he felt weak all over, so he lowered himself down with the help from the two former members of MBLAQ, expecting to reach the hard and wet ground only to be slightly surprised to be put onto Sanghyun's laps like a child.

          "I'm not a kid." Mir mumbled when Sanghyun pulled him away from Joon and now resting his head on Sanghyun's shoulder.

          Sanghyun chuckled. "You're my dongsaeng. You're always a baby to me. Now that rifle." Sanghyun pulled on the rifle strap but Mir grabbed the weapon, feeling insecure without it on him.

          "Let it be." Mir whispered, exhaling wavering breath. He felt a bit chilly under this rain and the wind that was starting to blow a bit too hard but that was until Sanghyun eveloped him into a warm hug.

          "If you insist." Sanghyun said.

          "We should find a shelter. The rain is getting heavier." Joon reminded, jolted up at the sound of thunderclap booming as if to address to what Joon just had said.

          "And Cheolyong seemed quite exhausted too." Sanghyun said in concerned, thinking that Mir had already fallen asleep with him wrapped around the maknae, but he was proven wrong when Mir started squirming in his arms. "Hey, don't move so much, just rest." Sanghyun said, tightening his arms even more around Mir's frame.

          "He's probably not comfy with you all over him." Joon reminded, chuckling softly. It had been long since he could watch the adorable maknae-line. "Come, Cheolyong. Let me hold you then." Joon joked, opening his arms wide.

          "It's not that." Mir said, ducking away from Joon after escaping Sanghyun's iron cage. "I'm fine already." He grabbed the backpack, trying his best to fight the pain all around his body. The painkillers effect slowly fading away. "We have no time to spare." He reminded, marching forward. He needed to just deal up with his pain until he found the two MBLAQ hyungs.

          Joon and Sanghyun looked at the leaving Mir in concern. Joon nodded when Sanghyun threw him a helpless look and the older male went ahead to stop Mir.

          "Cheolyong, let me at least carry the bag." Joon offered.

          "I can handle it." Cheolyong answered easily, walking around Joon and didn't stop. Even when Joon grabbed on his hand, Mir simply pulled it back.

          "Cheolyong! You can turn to us. If you need help, just say it. And just stop being weird." Joon said, running ahead until he was next to Mir and Sanghyun was trailing after them not far behind.

          "I am not. I'm just trying to get out of here as fast as I could. With Seungho and Byunghee!" Mir hissed, glaring at Joon.

          "Cheolyong!" Joon yanked Mir's arm, gripping firmly on the maknae. His voice turned gentle. "We're your hyungs too. You can depend on us."

          "I can depend on no one." Mir said sternly. "Those beasts out there. Do you really think you can protect anyone from them?"

          "I will try." Joon said. "For you and Sanghyun. Even for Seungho and Byunghee. I am scared of those creatures. I'm not going to lie. But, I'll never let them hurt you guys if I can afford it."

          "Me too." Sanghyun piped up.

          Mir looked back and forth from Joon to Sanghyun and back to Joon. He let out a long breath. "Don't put too high of a hope. You'll just come crashing down. It's not easy to protect someone. Not even a bit. Not when we're just too weak. Trust me. I've been there." Jei's images during final moment once again haunting Mir, relishing hell in Mir's brown orbs.

          "Really? If you think you're going to fail from the start, then why are you still here? Why are you still looking for Seungho and Byunghee if you feel that you can't protect them anyway." Joon shot back, eyes stabbed deep into Mir's sorrowful brown orbs, trying to look over for what kind of stories stored behind those orbs.

          "Because I have no choice! It can be hopeless. It can be just me walking into a death trap but knowing they're still here, I just can't leave! If I can't protect them, might as well just die with them!" Mir exploded. He was about to leave just right after but Joon pulled him into a hug. He didn't struggled against the older. His body was strained too much already.

          "We're all going to die, Cheolyong." Joon said. "You are going to die. Sanghyun is going to die. I'm going to die. We're all going to die." He pulled away, cupping both Mir's cheeks and gave the youngest a smile. "Just not today."

          "You can't know for sure." Mir whispered. After all of the death he had witnessed. No one could promise him his life. No one could make him feel safe. He was constantly frightened. Not for his own life. But for those whom he treasured. Until he saw Seungho and Byunghee safe with his own eyes, until then, he wouldn't feel safe.

          "Don't you trust hyung?" Joon asked, wriggling his brows with his playful smile, trying to lose some of the tension he sensed in Mir.

          "You really want me to answer that?" Mir put on a straight face.

          Joon cleared his throat. This wasn't working. He couldn't convince Mir. He couldn't comfort Mir. Heck, he couldn't even understand the 'Mir' he was facing right now. This was the maknae. Their maknae. But the way Mir was acting... It was like he was a different person.

          "Come on. We need to keep moving." Mir said, again, leaving the two lad behind.

          Sanghyun walked past Joon who shook his head with a defeated look. The silent conversation between them. None of them could help Mir. None.

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Chapter 7: I'm reading this again and dying just as much as I did then but wait, wait, wait. Did Lizzy love Mir in a more than a friend kind of way??
Chapter 12: Oh my god! A sequel! I can already see a fic where they'll try to fix a damaged Mir, who just doesn't know how to live with it all and has a PTSD and just really needs them even if he might push them away. Omg. Maybe even hallusinations that he's back in the forest and all! Damn you, don't make me excited like this. Angsty Mir is my favorite with some Mblaq bromance of course. Just what you like to write haha. And maybe we'll find out what's the thing with some of the mutants that liked Mir and why Mir was hidden and his family too. And Joon and Sanghyun will find Mir because they've been kept in dark. See, you got me all worked up already.
Chapter 11: This is going to end isn't it. Like damn. So soon. Wasn't expecting that. It took a lot of effort to read the action scenes. Not because they were poorly written but because I tend to get too excited and skip half of the sentences and then I have no idea what's going on and I have to go back again. And was it because of Soju that they were so tame with Mir? That was kind of cute though. And Mir better be alive. You wouldn't kill him, would you? Then again he'd be with Jei again.... But yay, no one else died.
Chapter 9: I'm so happy that instead of little snippets of texts here and there, you're writing longer parts of different people in different situations trying to stay alive. I really like it and I think it makes everything more solid in a way. So thumbs up! You're doing it right. Well for me anyway. And I know you're busy and you have a lot to do but I'm glad you still find the time to update sometimes. Right now, me being me and getting sick of everything again, this is the only story I still follow and impatiently wait updates for. I swear. But I'm not rushing you to update, take your time because we all have our lives (do I? XD) and all that jazz, so don't take pressure with this. It's just an compliment, okay? Not an update demand. Remember that. ILY.
Chapter 8: Oh my god... Why do I feel like Mir bumping to those two will only bring him more trouble? Like... Joon doing something stupid or something like that? Because that's the image I get with the three of them. Well not Mir, he's too badass for that, doing stupid things I mean. Sigh. Seems like he still can't rest and try to heal. Even he doesn't trust the duo enough xD But yeah. And Seungho wtf don't go there! No! This is how people die in the movies! And gee, haven't the scientists watched Jurassic Park? Those movies literally taught us that never ever try to create dinosaurs or any extinct animals at that. Christ.
Chapter 7: Oh my.... Well wasn't that just cruel. Minho died? Well . Let's hope that Key won't come across him or recognize him if he does. I was really bothered that Lizzy screamed so much in the situation with Fei because weren't there two mutants there? Or was it the same coming back? Because one, the one biting on Fei could start targeting her and two, the second beast, if it was there in the first place, could get attracted by the noise again. But anyway that's besides the point and that would be scary so maybe she has the right to scream. Fear kicks logic away sometimes anyway. Lizzy should really leave before she's dead. But nope, Mir ain't leaving. Not before finding his hyungs and likewise. That tooth thing was unexpected but cool. And sigh. Mir's injuries surely aren't better after that.
Chapter 6: So much has started happening! I don't even know what to comment about except that I want more! So many people crossing paths and hearing from one another! But seriously, these girls better stop screaming unless they're up to death. And Sanghyun, you got lucky and soon maybe Joon will join you but please, stop shouting! And what else, what else... Oh, right! I loved Mir's sudden transformation to this cool survivor guy! It's like he's been in this kind of situation before and now he's stuck with it again even if I know he's just been hiking. But seriously, once he's reunited with any of the old or still in MBLAQ members, he's almost as good as dead and worries them sick (kinda wanna see it tbh). Someone has to take care of him although I like to see him putting up with the pain like a man (does that make me weird?) but yeah. He's going to sacrifice himself otherwise, thinking he'll slow them down. Gasp! Like in that zombie fic in the mall (or whatever)! I'm such a mess.
Chapter 5: The moment I read the title of this chapter, all I could think about was that Mir isn't able to run with his injuries and got upset D: but then it was okay and everyone's aware of the situation now. Well, except the trio of GD, Joon and Lizzy that only encountered the mutant all of a sudden. They don't know all of their friends are mostly dead. Did they all get safely away? And wow, of course there is a lab where some stupid scientists got the brilliant idea of creating a monster. Of course. Because creating a monster makes sense. Scientist logic.
Chapter 4: OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING *echoes in the mountains*
OMG HELP SOMEBODY HELP MIREU and tr puppy tho d'awww
WHERE'S SEUNGHO AND G.O. OMG ARE THEY EVEN STILL ALIVE I havent heard from them for a while
Baekhyun :) is ... I ... What is HAPPENING
This is such a rollercoasted!! Omg I couldnt stop until I read it all
Take your time updating (but I can't say I'mnot fizzig with anticipation ^^)
THISIS GREEEEAT!! congrats!!
Ps. I don't think you should delete Baby U ... Maybe ask for a co author, maybe put it on ibdefinite hiatus, take a break ... I don't think it's a good idea to delete. Maybe put it on hide or draft while your gather your ideas but overralI dont like it when people delete because honestly THERE'S SO MUCH POTENTIAL IN EVERYTHING!! :) so hwaiting!! Good luck!! :)
Chapter 4: Well . It was the people who disobeyed that stayed alive. But why did Minho stay there if Key and Nicole already ran away? Was he waiting for other survivors? And did the beast run into Joon and companions when it was on its way to Sanghyun? I need more Mir haha and gosh, someone needs to obviously find him because he looks like he's dying from his injuries