The nukes

The way i fall

"HEY CONTACT SCAN THE ENEMY BASE FOR ME IM TRYING TO UPGRADE STRUCTURES" "UH LITHEX WE GOT A NUKE HEADING FOR HALL!!"Contact replies."GUYS UH HELP PLEASE MY ACU IS HAVING A SHOCK PULSE MELTDOWN!"Hall screams"WAIT WHAT?"Lithex says"YOU CAN'T ESCAPE HALL"Coleman says through halls damaged ACU."GUYS HE HIT MY ACU TOO HARD WITH FIGHTERS"Hall says."IM A SITTING DUCK AND THE NUKE IS COMING!!!"hall says again"ARIGHT IM SENDING MY STAR LIFTER TO YOU TO PICK YOU UP!"Lithex says as it is being attacked by Coleman's Wasp.The star lifter arrives,And picks up Halls ACU."GUYS THE NU-AAAAAAAHHHHHGGGGG!!!!"Halls ACU flips over inside the star lifter while the star lifter is crashing."SHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIII"Halls says as he uses his escape pod having it shoot out the side of the star lifter."GUYSSS IMM AAALIVE!!!!!!"Hall says"NOT YET HALL!WE SEE WASP NEARBY YOU ON OUR SCANNERS!"Lithex says"CONTACT SEND YOUR WASP TO PROTECT ME!"hall says."Im sending my wasp to you right....Now" Contact says  the wasp from Coleman arrive to attack halls escape pod (remaining head of the ACU that flies)."GUYS HIS WASP ARE HERE AND-AAAAAAAAAAAA"Hall says before his trasmitter is cut off."OMG LITHEX HALL IS....GONE!"contact says,"Strategic Launch Detected" "INCOMING TO YOU CONTACT!" "ITS OKAY LITHEX I JUST MADE A NUCLEAR DEFENSE SILO THAT HAS ONE DEFENSE NUKE LOADED" "Strategic Launch Detected" "NNNNNNOO!"The first nuke gets destroyed by the protection nuke,Then the next Touches down and blows up Everything around Contact (10 Seconds earlier)"CONTACT HUNKER,HUNKER,HUNKER!!!!"Lithex Says"I AM!!!" Contact replies "HUNKER IN 5" "COME ON COMPUTER"..."4"..."3"..."2"..."Is said as the nuke touches down..."1"...

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