Tell Me

Wolken und Sternschnuppen



Title: Tell Me

Summary: In which Chungha looks like a kicked puppy when she's sad, Heehyun is a total , Eunwoo gets a litle bit too possessive and some things never change. Or, just because Eunwoo and Heehyun can't stand each other, doesn't mean they can't have a drunken heart to heart.

Characters: Chungha, Eunwoo and Heehyun + Nayoung, Siyeon & Minkyeong

Rating: T

A/N:  RavingJennie requested the backstory (or sidestory) to Eunwoo, Chungha and Heehyun. I'm sorry if this isn't what you expected, but I started writing and this came out ... If you want to put a label on Heehyun's and Eunwoo's relationship, I guess frenemies would be quite fitting (with a more important emphasis on enemies).



Tell Me


After the fight with Yebin, Eunwoo heads to her dorm, knuckles and nose bloody, a few cuts on her forehead and cheeks and a small flesh wound on her temple. Out of the two of them, she came out worse. Yebin has somehow managed to only get a few scratches and a blue eye. Both of them had made up right after the fight ("Sorry I was a jackass." "Nah, it's fine, I mean I overreacted too." Nayoung had nodded in approval and then the team had left, leaving them to themselves).

She hadn't expected Chungha to be in her dorm though, sitting on the couch while drinking coffee, if she had, Eunwoo would have followed Yebin to the infirmary instead of going straight to her dorm ("I can take care of it in the dorm, don't worry." Yebin had shrugged and bidden her goodbye).

"You're back early." Chungha states calmly, not yet looking at Eunwoo, which somehow makes her nervous.

"Yeah, I don't feel well… I was hoping to get some rest." Eunwoo isn't lying, she really had a nap in mind. "Didn't you want to pick me up from class?"

"Yeah, I had a hunch you wouldn't go."

A hunch. More like Minkyeong rattling her out. She probably texted Chungha to "go look out for your girlfriend". Eunwoo swears she's gonna have a word with her, or two. Or maybe a fist, or two (it's not like her state can get any worse and a few more injuries won't put her in the hospital).

Chungha turns around, faces her, mouth open to say something, but she instantly closes it when she sees the state Eunwoo's in.

"Babe, what happened?" She asks worriedly, stands up and dashes to her girlfriend's side. "Come, sit down, I'll take care of your injuries." She doesn't let Eunwoo answer, instantly drags her to the couch and sits her down. Ten minutes later, all of Eunwoo's cuts are cleaned and disinfected, there is a pressure bandage on her temple, a bandage around her knuckles and her nose has been cleaned. She feels a little less like than before. "Now, tell me what happened."

Eunwoo shakes her head (slowly, because it still hurts) and leans back into the couch. "Nothing, it's fine." She grabs Chungha's hand and slowly pulls her onto her lap.

"Eunwoo." Chungha says sternly, clasping her hands with Eunwoo's. "Tell me why you got beaten up."

"Yebin and I got into a fight." Eunwoo admits quietly, avoiding Chungha's gaze.

Chungha shows a soft smile and carefully cups Eunwoo's cheeks, directing her gaze to herself. "Babe." She purrs, "What did you fight about?"


"Eunwoo." Chungha drawls out. "Tell me."

The blonde shakes her head again, then buries it in the crook of Chungha's head. "No." She protests weakly. "No."

Chungha sighs and Eunwoo figures that Chungha decided that it would be useless to try to argue with her (at least for now). "Fine, rest now." Eunwoo smiles and nods against Chungha's neck.

"Rest with me."




"Nayoung." Chungha calls for her classmate. The girl is standing with Minkyeong and Siyeon near the gym, the three of them animatedly talking (well, more like Nayoung animatedly shaking her head, Minkyeong animatedly gesticulating and Siyeon animatedly judging). "Nayoung!" She calls again and finally gets the volleyball team's captain's attention.

"Oh, Chungha. How can I help you?" She asks with a friendly smile. Minkyeong and Siyeon acknowledge her with a nod then take a step back to give them some privacy (figuratively).

"It's about Eunwoo." Siyeon and Minkyeong take another step, forward this time. "I wanted to know what the fight with Yebin was about. It seemed pretty serious."

Nayoung shrugs. "It wasn't anything serious, really. Eunwoo dissed Yebin, in return Yebin spiked the ball into Eunwoo's face and then they started fighting."

Chungha looks at Nayoung with a frown. "That's all?"

The captain shrugs, indicating that she's said enough and Chungha's about to turn on her heel and head back to the dorm (where Eunwoo is hopefully resting) and try her luck there, when Siyeon throws in her two cents.

"But," she starts dramatically, "we all know that this wasn't what ticked her off."

Minkyeong instantly catches on and gives them a sly smirk. "Oh, yeah." She looks at Chungha and somehow shrugs in apology. "Siyeon might've said something that ticked her off."

Chungha looks at them expectantly and Nayoung just shakes her head. Minkyeong nudges the youngest girl, who reluctantly starts talking. "I might have spilled something about you and Heehyun holding hands occasionally."

Chungha looks confused for a moment then she groans. "Great. She got jealous I take it."

Minkyeong nods. "Yeah and the fight with Yebin was the perfect way to vent all anger and jealously out."

Chungha sighs, runs a hand through her hair and straightens her shirt. "Well thank you for the information. I'm gonna head back to Eunwoo. See you later guys."

When Chungha's out of earshot and eyesight, Siyeon and Minkyeong high five.

"Fifteen bucks Eunwoo's gonna be the one that'll apologize first." Siyeon grins and Minkyeong nods.

"I'm gonna trust Eunwoo. Chungha's been apologizing a lot lately."

Siyeon just shrugs and then they go back to talking about upcoming matches and which strategies to use for them.




When Heehyun sees Chungha entering the classroom alone, she's a little confused at first, but then guesses there must be trouble in paradise. Usually she's accompanied by Eunwoo, her knight in shining armor. But today Chungha is alone and she looks quite gloomy.

"Hey." Chungha greets rather lifelessly when she sits down next to her.

Heehyun softly smiles at her. "My, my. What's with the sad face?"

"Eunwoo is an idiot." A smirk graces Heehyun's lips, she's gonna enjoy this.

"Ooh, what did she do this time?" She doesn't hide the malice in her voice, after all, Chungha knows she can't stand Eunwoo, at least not really. The three of them may often be seen together, but that doesn't mean she likes her, no, she tolerates her, barely.

Chungha shrugs, throws her arms around Heehyun's neck, and snuggles closer to her. "We fought."

Heehyun hums. "I figured." Her hands find their way onto Chungha's lower back by themselves as she buries her face in the younger girl's raven black hair. "Wanna tell me what the fight was about?" She feels Chungha sigh, the warm breath hitting her neck makes her shudder. "Was it because of me?" It wouldn't be the first time they'd fought because of her and it certainly wouldn't be the last time either

Chungha nods. "Eunwoo found out that you sometimes hold hands with me. We talked about it and somehow it escalated into a huge fight."

"Are you surprised? You know that Eunwoo's possessive, especially when I'm involved."

Chungha nods again and sits upright to look at Heehyun. "I know, I know, I just wish she would trust me a little more."

A short pang of pain flashes through Heehyun, like a hand squeezing her heart and instantly releasing it. "Yeah, after all, you made your choice." The words come out more bitter than she intends and regret instantly courses through her when she sees Chungha flinch. She knows she should leave the past in the past, but a part of her still suffers because of what happened and she just can't seem to let go. A single tear runs down Chungha's cheek, but Heehyun quickly wipes it away. "I'm sorry."

Chungha shrugs, she forces a smile but anyone can see that it isn't real (Heehyun feels her heart breaking at the sight, then again, she often does when she's around Chungha). "I'm sorry too. I put you through so much and yet, you're still by my side and you're still my best friend. I love you, you know that, right?"

Heehyun nods, she knows that Chungha loves her, just not the way she wants, or at least not anymore. She looks at Chungha and smiles softly, the girl is such a patient person, such a kind soul. How could Eunwoo manage to up that often? "She doesn't deserve you..."

"Heehyun!" Chungha looks like a kicked puppy. Lower lip jutted out, eyes watery and Heehyun has to use all of her willpower to not kiss Chungha (because a) they're in the classroom and if she did, boom everyone on campus would know, b) Eunwoo would have her head and she isn't that much of a to make her best friend cheat on her girlfriend and lastly c) Chungha would hate her afterwards, she'd probably let it go past second base, but afterwards, she'd hate her and that's a thought Heehyun can't live with).

Heehyun gives her an apologetic smile, but they both know it's insincere. Before they can continue talking, the teacher walks in, slams the door shut and glares at all his students and then he starts the lesson.




Eunwoo has been in the gym ever since school started this morning. Her fight with Chungha is still replaying in her head and no matter how many balls she spikes, she can't forget about it.

"You know, I think actually talking to Chungha would be more helpful in this situation." Eunwoo turns around in surprise and is greeted by the sight of Siyeon and Minkyeong (they seem to be just everywhere lately) looking at her with a frown. She shrugs and goes back to practicing. Siyeon may be right, but spiking definitely helps her feel a little better, it doesn't make her forget, but it helps her feel better. When she doesn't answer, Siyeon grabs her wrist and pulls her to where Minkyeong sits. "Look, you ed up."

Eunwoo glares at her, she's about to retort with something about how technically this is all Siyeon's fault, when Minkyeong hits her head.

"Siyeon's right, you ed up."

The blonde grumbles. "Of course you're gonna agree with her, you're dating."

"We're also not blind, unlike you." Minkyeong gives her a look that says 'I dare you'. "But, if you want to talk about it, we're here for you."

Eunwoo shakes her head. She'll do fine without her teammates, she did fine back then, why would now be any different?

"Whatever floats your boat, just remember, you better fix this till Saturday. You play lousy when Chungha isn't there." Siyeon accompanies her warning with a sickeningly sweet smile and Eunwoo wonders who the hell allowed a 16 years old to look this menacing.

"I'll try."

Minkyeong groans. "You will."

"It's difficult."

"You are difficult." Minkyeong hisses. "I don't even get your problem! So what if Heehyun and Chungha sometimes hold hands?"

Eunwoo is taken aback by her friend's outburst but she rapidly comes back to her senses. "Heehyun likes Chungha! That's my problem!" She glares at Minkyeong and she can see the girl's eyes widen in surprise.

"She, she does?"

Siyeon nods. "I heard about it from Nayoung, I didn't think it was real though, but, Chungha chose between the two of you, right?"

Eunwoo nods, but Minkyeong is confused by the situation. "Wait, what? Can't you just explain everything from the beginning?"

"Well, you know that Heehyun and Chungha are best friends, right?" When her team mates nod, she continues. "They met when they were around 2 years old and they have been inseparable ever since. When Chungha was seven she moved to the United States and seven years later, she came back. All this time they never stopped being best friends, their bond actually grew stronger and I guess that when they were reunited, they both somehow ended up developing feelings for each other." She makes a small pause, closes her eyes briefly to regain her composure. "Personally I think Chungha wasn't really aware of those feelings, until I came along. Long story short, the result was that Heehyun and I both liked Chungha and Chungha liked us both as well. Polygamy was out of question, because neither Heehyun nor I could bear the thought of the other dating Chungha. So she had to choose."

Siyeon nods. "So it was true. I'm surprised Heehyun and Chungha are still best friends to be honest." She then gives Eunwoo a pointed look. "Chungha chose you."

The blonde nods. "But she still has feelings for Heehyun."

"What makes you say that?"

"I just, I just know."

Siyeon hums. "And does Chungha know that this is bothering you?"

When Eunwoo shakes her head, Minkyeong groans. "Then tell her. She'll have an easier time understanding you."

Eunwoo just shrugs and stands up. She doesn't like it when her friends figure her out so easily, sure she should probably tell Chungha about how she feels, but she's scared, scared that Chungha will realize that Heehyun's much better for her. Wordlessly she leaves the gym and heads to her dorm, she needs sleep and isolation from people. It's during moments like these that Eunwoo's really thankful to Jieqiong for spending this much time at Chaeyeon's.




Heehyun figures that if she is the cause of Chungha's fight with Eunwoo, she might as well go confront Eunwoo herself. So when Chungha's busy with her dance crew after school, Heehyun makes her way to the gym, where she should find Eunwoo. She can hear the squeaking of shoes and smashing of balls even outside of the gym, and Heehyun feels somewhat proud that their school's volleyball team works this hard. Once inside she scans the hall for Eunwoo but the girl is nowhere to be seen. Nayoung is the first to notice her and she quickly jogs to her classmate.

"Heehyun, how can I help you?"

"I was wondering if I could talk to Eunwoo, but she doesn't seem to be here."

Nayoung nods, uncaps a bottle she has picked up from the floor and takes a few sips before she answers. "Yeah, she didn't feel well, so she went to her dorm."

Heehyun thanks her and bids goodbye, then dashes to the dormitory. She only vaguely remembers where Eunwoo lives. Twenty minutes later she has finally found the room and is extremely annoyed. The volleyball player takes surprisingly long to answer the door and Heehyun wonders if she's asleep or something. She's about to try and crack the lock when the door slowly opens, revealing a rather disheveled Eunwoo, wearing an oversized shirt and loose hot pants (she was indeed sleeping). A gasp escapes Heehyun when she sees the state of Eunwoo's face.

"Dude." She exclaims in shock, pushes past her into the dorm and dashes into the bathroom to find the first aid kit. "What the did you do?" She sits Eunwoo down on the couch, closes the door and starts examining the injuries. There's a bandage covering her temple, she figures it Chungha's doing, but the rest is still pretty swollen.

"A fight."

Heehyun groans and starts applying ointment to the scratches and her knuckles, then she takes off the bandage, checks if everything's okay, cleans the wound and puts a new bandage on it. When she's done, she looks at Eunwoo for a few seconds before plopping onto the floor with a sigh. "It's my fault isn't it?" Eunwoo gives her a confused look. "I came here to tell you how much you ed up and that you made Chungha sad, but I didn't expect you to be in a ty state like this." She spares Eunwoo a second glance. "How am I supposed to yell at you when you look like you just got run over by a truck?"

"I got run over by Yebin's fist…" Eunwoo mutters and Heehyun has to chuckle.

"Yebin packs quite a punch, doesn't she?"

"No dude."

They share a comfortable silence for a few minutes, until Eunwoo decides to just end it.

"Go ahead." She says with determination. "You came to to say something to me, didn't you? Might as well do it now."

Heehyun gives her a look, asking whether she's sure. "Dude you got beaten up. It's not fun yelling at you when you're in this state, besides Chungha wouldn't approve."

Eunwoo shrugs, she wants to say how she isn't exactly in Chungha's good grace anyway, because she ed up big time. "She likes you." She says instead and it takes Heehyun by surprise and she chokes on air and coughs until there are tears in her eyes.

"WHAT?" Her voice is a high pitched mess, it makes Eunwoo laugh a little.

"Chungha likes you."

"Duh, I'm her best friend."

Eunwoo shakes her head and flicks Heehyun's forehead hard ("!"). "No, like like, the way I like her."

Heehyun abruptly rises to her feet. "If we're gonna talk about this then I need booze. You guys have some?" Eunwoo mutters refrigerator and top left shelf in the meat section and Heehyun's off to get the alcohol. She doesn't know why she got herself into this. But there's no going back now. As she sits back down, she hands Eunwoo a bottle of beer. "Drink up, talking's gonna be easier." Three bottles (each) later, they're very tipsy and ready to talk.

"I'm telling you. Chungha likes you."

Heehyun shakes her head and laughs. "You're delusional, she stopped liking me a long time ago."

"Not true, she still does." Eunwoo takes a deep breath. "That's why I always get so jealous when she's with you. I keep remembering that you like her as well and she likes you and it makes me wonder if she really likes me."

"Dude, she picked you."

Eunwoo shrugs, high school life is full of insecurities and of course so is her love life. "Yeah she picked me, but did she pick me because she wanted to or because she felt like she had to?"

"She's so in love with you." Heehyun throws a crumpled tissue at Eunwoo and hits her in the middle of her forehead. "Can't you see it?"

The blonde shrugs, she does, sometimes. "I don't know. I feel lost. And I feel like I'm nothing compared to you-"

"You aren't."

Eunwoo glares at her. " you. I'm telling you how threatened I feel by you, because all it would take for my love life to crumble is for Chungha to realize what she's missing out by not dating you because you're ing amazing, and you're just being a total !"

Heehyun fights the blush threatening to cover her cheeks by fanning her face. She's ing amazing, huh? "What do you want me to do? Cry? Listen dimwit, while I'd love for you and Chungha to break up and have her date me instead of you, I can't bear to see her sad, so get your head out of your and realize how much she loves you. You better apologize and learn to trust her some more." She stands up, a little too fast which makes her tumble, then leaves the dorm shouting "bye " all while slamming the door shut.

Eunwoo is confused. And tired.




Eunwoo is walking up and down in front of Chungha's dorm, nervously playing with the pen in her hands. That's what she gets for listening to Heehyun: anxiety. Her belly is aching and she wants to throw up. She really doesn't want to confront Chungha about her feelings. But she has to, (it's been six days since they started fighting) so she knocks on the door, hoping that Chungha (conveniently) isn't there. But as it turns out, luck isn't on her side today, because Chungha opens the door just a few seconds after she has knocked.

"Eunwoo." The girl states pleasantly surprised, before she remembers that they're currently fighting. She sighs at her, making sure that Eunwoo understands that she's mad at her, then invites her in. They move to Chungha's room and sit down on her bed, leaving an ample amount of space between them. "What do you want?"

Eunwoo whimpers under Chungha's angry gaze. "I wanted to apologize. And tell you stuff." Chungha archs an eyebrow, but remains silent. "For the fight and me reacting the way I did."


"I shouldn't have yelled at you, because, I mean you can't read my mind, you don't know what makes me feel insecure unless I tell you."

Chungha nods and scoots closer to her girlfriend. "That's true and I'm glad you finally realized that."

Eunwoo nods. "So, uhm, are we good again?"

Chungha shakes her head. "Not yet. Wasn't there something you wanted to tell me?"

Eunwoo groans, hides her face in her hands and lets herself fall onto the mattress. She sneaks a peek at Chungha, who's regarding her with a curious look. "I'm also sorry for getting this worked up about you and Heehyun holding hands."

"You don't need to get jealous about that, it's something we've always done, it's something that comes naturally."

Eunwoo makes a face. "Doesn't exactly help." She sighs and fidgets around. "Whenever I see you guys together, holding hands I get reminded of when you chose me and it makes me wonder why. Why not Heehyun? She's your best friend, she knows you in and out, you both liked each other! So why did you choose me instead of her?"

A soft smile breaks out on Chungha's face. "So that was what has been bothering you all along?"

Eunwoo nods. "I guess. That and the fact that you still have feelings for Heehyun."

The look on Chungha's face is priceless. "Me? Feelings? For Heehyun?" She laughs and shakes her head. "I used to, but I don't feel anything for her anymore. Except maybe physical attraction." She cups Eunwoo's cheeks and pulls their faces closer. "And I chose you because I love you, don't ever doubt my choice again, okay?"

Eunwoo feels the tears assimilate in her eyes, why does Chungha always manage to hit her weak spots? She shakes her head and leans into Chungha's touch. "I love you too."

"I know and the next time something like this bothers you, tell me about it. Don't take it out on Yebin, or yourself for that matter." Chungha pecks her forehead. "Now go to sleep. You have a big game Saturday."

Eunwoo's face pales, suddenly the realization that she has half skipped practice the entire week hits her. Nayoung's gonna have her head tomorrow ("You may have practiced in the mornings, which made you skip school by the way, but that doesn't mean that you can just not come to the afternoon practice. Especially if you attended the six am one."). Chungha walks her to the door. "I'll pick you up tomorrow before class starts." Chungha nods, kisses Eunwoo one last time then playfully ushers her away.

"Babe." She calls after Eunwoo's retreating figure, making her turn around in confusion. "Me and Heehyun holding hands doesn't mean anything, okay?"

Eunwoo just gives are a peace sign, accompanied by a smile and then she walks to her dorm. She'll probably still feel a little jealous whenever Heehyun and Chungha will hold hands, but some things won't change and with the time, she'll get used to it.




"So, Captain." Minkyeong starts with a grin when she spots Nayoung sitting on a bench in their campus park, reading a book (she and Siyeon had searched the team captain for, literally, an hour across the entire campus until Siyeon got the idea to check the small park). "Eunwoo probably told you about her talk with Chungha, right?" She waits for Nayoung to confirm the question before proceeding. "What happened?"

"Hello to you too. Eunwoo went to Chungha's dorm and apologized. Why?"

"We made a bet." Nayoung makes a face, but Siyeon conveniently ignores it. "Thanks for telling us Cap." Siyeon smiles and drags Minkyeong to a more secluded area, once they're alone she leans over to press a kiss against Minkyeong's cheek. "You can take me out to the new café this afternoon and we'll consider the bet fulfilled." Siyeon smiles, interlacing her fingers with a pouty Minkyeong's.

"I can't belive this is the second time I've lost a bet." The taller girl groans. "I swear, I'm gonna stop making bets with you guys."



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568 streak #1
Chapter 13: Wow! This is so SeChung type haha. Gla that they become together hehehe
SphinxPyscho #2
May I suggest a Chaeyeon and Somi hp au? I'm really craving for them cause I saw fancams and their interactions are too cute.
May I suggest for a CathChae (Heehyun x Chaeyeon)? It's a really rare ship to find.
BYoungni #4
Chapter 14: It would be great if you wrote Pristin too! I just found your collection n I really love your writing n I would really love if you wrote pristin fics too! *whispers siyeon×anyone is a cute ship
sjch96 #5
Chapter 14: Too cute. Thanks for updating this authornim. ChungMi is adorbs.
Chapter 14: THIS IS SO DAMN ADORABLE!!! Hp au!!!! I love this au so so much!!!! It would be great if someone made an hp au for p101. Mainly focus on ioi.

Somi is a 5th grade in here. I wonder how many grade are there. And what's chungha's grade is. 6? Or above?
But anyway, chungha should really just becomes a nurse after graduation. Lol. Somi here is so somi irl. She's a curious lil kid who doesn't know when to give up XD
This is such a fun chapter to read. Hope there will be more chungmi :)
Kuukuu #7
Chapter 14: Lol the ending sounded so much like Somi, I even heard her voice say it in my head
Chapter 14: Lol somi yes
Chapter 14: sejeong x chaeyeon?? hogwartsau please
Lee_Taeyeon14 #10
Chapter 7: More Chungmi please :)) thaaank youu