Headshots & Painkillers

Wolken und Sternschnuppen


Title: Headshots & Painkillers

Summary: Reading minds came with a bunch of advantages, the most important one probably being that she could read her crush's mind. Or, the one where Sejeong needs to be high on painkillers for her to confess her feelings.

Characters: Sejeong, Chungha, Mina, (Kim) Nayoung, Hana and Siyeon

Rating: K

A/N: First off, I'd like to apologize to all of you for not updating for two weeks, but my little sister went through some rough stuff and it took an emotional toll on the entire family. Writing was the last thing on my mind during that time, but things have gotten better now (we're working our way through it) so I'm going back to writing.
Watch me sneak Pledis Girlz (members) into every upcoming one shot... I had a hard time writing this one. I really wanted to do a mind reader!au, but I didn't know how to write it, so this one may feel a little awkward :/ The upcoming one shot should be a ChungMi one, but I can't make any promises. (I don't have any  plot for them)




Headshots & Painkillers


Reading minds came with a few disadvantages and Sejeong had gone through all of them, like hearing literally everyone's thoughts until you learn to filter or block them out. It came with hours, days and if you were unlucky enough, weeks of migraine. Sometimes she even forgot that she could read minds and answered questions her friends (or other people) hadn't said out loud yet and nealy revealed her secret.

But in contrast, the perks were huge. She could answer the teachers questions perfectly, because they all had the weird habit to think of the answer when they asked their question. She knew which crowd was the right one to mix with, found out about people's true intentions when they talked to her, knew who her true friends were and who was just using her, but most importantly, she knew what her crush thought of her. Well she would if she'd have the guts to read Chungha's thoughts

Ah Chungha, the girl of Sejeong's dreams. She was nice, incredibly pretty and one of the best students in their class.Truly a great girl. Her reputation was outstanding and she had many suitors, boys and girls alike. She did her homework, volunteered for school activities, the teachers liked her (even Mrs. Park, and Mrs. Park didn't like any student).

"You're having that dreamy expression on your face again." Mina stated, giggling a little as she sat down in front of Sejeong, along with Hyeyeon and Hana. "Sometimes it looks pathetic, today it looks oddly cute."

Sejeong gave her a look full of distaste, before focusing on Chungha, who was sitting at a table with a blonde haired girl and a two brown haired ones.

"You should talk to her, you know?" Hana spoke quietly, stealing some fries from Sejeong's plate.

The brunette nodded. "Talk to her." Easier said than done, Chungha was quite intimidating. But it was the only way for them to get close to each other. "Yeah I guess I will."



Sejeong was pretty sure that with "talk to her" Hana hadn't meant run into her, make her fall down and fall on top of her. Nope, no, definitely not, although she had to admit that the view was nice. She liked being on top of Chungha. Regressed laughter from behind her pulled Sejeong back to the present and once she realized the position they were in, namely her hand on Chungha's chest and knee close to Chungha's center, she quickly scrambled off the girl, cheeks burning red in embarrassment, while squeaking out every form of apology she could think of.

"It's okay." Chungha mumbled, her cheeks slightly pink as well, as she stood up and started picking up her books.

Sejeong was quick to aid her. "Wait, I'll help you." Once all the books were taken off the floor, half of them still in Sejeong's arms, she addressed Chungha again. "Let me walk you to your classroom, as an apology for making you fall."

Chungha seemed to contemplain the proposition for a while, before she finally accepted. And when they walked past Hana and Mina, she could see the former mouthing "way to go champ"

"I'm sorry for inconveniencing you." Chungha apologized with a sheepish smile as she took her books from Sejeong's arms and placed them on her desk.

Sejeong just shook her head. "It's fine, after all, I was the one who bumped into you." She casted a quick glance at her watch, noticing that she only had five minutes left until her next lesson. "I gotta go. See you in history later."




Sejeong regretted entering her calculus classroom as soon as she saw Mina and Hana huddled up together, obviously discussing something important.

"Okay, spill it guys." She demanded once she was seated next to them, making them both flinch in surprise. Quite satisfactory.

Hana was the first to recover. "We were talking about your crush." Sejeong arched an eyebrow - this was going to be interesting. "You're kind of stupid you know."

"She's right." Mina chimed in, the look she gave Sejeong was rather degrading. "You always whine about how you want to know what she thinks about you." Sejeong nods, Mina's right. She'd give a lot to find out what Chungha thought about her. "Then why don't you read her thoughts?" The disbelief in Mina's voice made her want to laugh, but they had to keep it down because the teacher was already here. His lessons may not technically count as "lessons", but he still kicked students out.

"I cant. It's an invasion of privacy."

Hana gave her a straight face, looking utterly unamused and Sejeong didn't even need to read her mind to know what she was thinking.

"You guys are my best friends. That's different."

"So you don't invade our privacy when you read our minds?" Hana sounded deeply offended and Sejeong was kind of having a lot of fun.

"No, I don't." When she heard Mina and Hana think 'ing ' at the same time, she actually laughed out loud, because damn, her friends were great to mess with.

However, the laughter alarmed their teacher and he kicked her out with a straight face, mumbling something about rude students and disturbance to the class. And not even two seconds later, Hana and Mina joined her outside.

Sejeong's smug, yet surprised grin prompted Mina to provide a quick explanation. "We laughed at you."





History class was like a gamble. There were days where it was the most interesting subject and there were days where even calculus was more interesting. Today, the case was the latter, and Sejeong had trouble focusing on what her teacher was saying - industrialisation in South Korea was only interesting for a limited amount of time until it became boring.

She looked to her left, Chungha was diligently taking notes and it had her groan in disappointment. She loved being Chungha's seat mate, but the girl was a good student and the times where she didn't pay attention were rare, which left Sejeong alone to entertain herself.

History was really the only class where she missed sitting with Mina and Hana. The girls always provided her with some kind of distraction. Sure it led to many troubles with the teachers, but usually it was worth it.

Maybe she should use the opportunity to sneak a peek at Chungha's thoughts. Just a little look, no longer than five seconds, wouldn't hurt, right?

'Eyes are so pretty, and her smile…'

Sejeong's eyes widened. Pretty eyes, huh? Who was she talking about? A possible crush? Sejeong quickly shook her head to dissipate the thought. Apparently she had picked the worst moment to venture into Chungha's head instead of the best.

'Kiss her lips'

A blush made its way to Sejeong's cheeks. She should probably stay away from Chungha's thoughts at the moment, otherwise she'd be in danger of finding something out, she'd be better off not knowing. (Like if Chungha had a crush. And who it could be.)

Afterwards she tried to concentrate on the lesson, really concentrate, and actually take notes. She was so immersed in the exercise the teacher had given them, she failed to notice the bell ringing, indicating the end of the lesson.



The brunette looked up panicked, only to be met with Chungha's amused gaze. After she had looked around, she realized that they were the only ones left in the classroom.

"I didn't know your studies were this important to you." Chungha teased, a playful grin on her face. "You didn't even hear the bell."

Sejeong's cheeks heated up. "I'm, uh, sorry. You, you didn't need to wait." She stuttered, burying her face in her palms to hide the blush on her face.

A refreshing laughter reached her ears. "It's fine, don't fret. Now come on, you're going to be late for soccer practice."

Sejeong bolted up, repeatedly cursing '' under her breath and quickly packed all her things into her bag. She thanked Chungha, bid her goodbye while apologizing that she had to hurry in order to be on time, and then dashed off.




Sejeong sat in the cafeteria with Mina and Hana when she spotted Chungha. The girl waved at her with a grin and Sejeong gave her a small smile in return.

"Okay, so what happened?" Mina asked curiously, looking between Sejeong and Chungha with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing. Why?"

"You seem, dopier than usual." The youngest shrugged. "Also, you haven't stopped looking at her the entire time since we've been here."

Sejeong whipped her head to Mina, a little embarrassed that she had been caught. "That's, that's not true." When she saw Mina's smug look, she silently cursed for stuttering. She looked at Hana. "A little help here?"

The redhead just shrugged, playing around with what the school cafeteria liked to call food. "Nah thanks I'm good."

Sejeong growled at her, before she looked back at Chungha, who had looked up exactly the same time. The both of them made eye contact, giving each other a cheeky grin.

'God, Sejeong's eyes are so pretty.'

Sejeong found herself blushing, as she often did when Chungha was around, but this time was different - she even choked on her food. Hana and Mina side eyed her curiously, before they moved in front of the soccer player (and thus blocked her view of Chungha) with a shake of their head.

"Okay, I don't think you're stupid enough to choke on your food just because Chungha flashed you her, and I quote, "breathtaking killer eye-smile"", Mina made a dramatic pause, "so I'm just gonna assume that you read her thoughts."

"Oh,", Hana flashed a mischievous grin, "so much for not invading her privacy. Mhm."

Sejeong coughed and awkwardly looked aside, she should had been more subtle with her friends around, especially after boasting about not wanting to invade Chungha's privacy. Ever since she had started reading Chungha's thoughts, she had caught herself doing it everyday, sometimes even without noticing at first. It was like an addiction, the possibility to find out what she thought of her.

"Sh-shut up, okay?" She growled, rapidly fanning her face.

Hana and Mina both snickered, clearly enjoying Sejeong's discomfort.

"I can't believe this." Hana giggled exaggeratedly and Mina quickly joined in on her.

"We should have known that she wouldn't resist the temptation."

"Guys…" She groaned, hiding her face in her arms.

Hana dismissed her with a wave of her hand. "Anyway, how about you tell us what made you lose your cool instead?"

Heat rose to Sejeong's cheeks once again at the memory of Chungha's thoughts. Maybe her eyes were really that pretty.

"She thought that my eyes were pretty." She whispered, gaze casted on the table with a happy grin, but to her horror someone started howling. Her head shot up in panic, only to be greeted by the sight of a devilishly smirking Nayoung standing in front of her.

"Would you look at that." She hummed as she sat down next to Hana and Mina. "Kim Sejeong is gonna get a girl. I can't believe it." She affectionaty patted Hana on the shoulder. "Congrats dude, the child's all grown up now."

The redhead rolled her eyes. "Don't dude me. And get off your high horse, she doesn't have the girl yet. I'm surprised they got this far."

Sejeong gasped. "Woah, I expected that from Mina, but you? I thought you supported me! And what is that even supposed to mean?"

Mina snickered and Hana shrugged. "Well, your approach wasn't exactly smooth. I mean it took you about two month until you found the courage to talk to her, and she is your seat mate."

"Yeah, you were quite akward with the whole Chungha topic." Mina added with a pitiful smile. "But hey, you're making progress."

Nayoung cut in with a curious glint in her eyes. "Did you confess yet?" Sejeong shook her head. "Did you at least ask her out?" A sheepish grin graced Sejeong's features as she shook her head again. Nayoung just gave her a straight face. '.' Sejeong had to fight back the urge to smack Nayoung for the comment, instead she just stuck out her tongue and focused back on her drink. "Either way, make a move soon. Chungha's quite popular among the students."

Sejeong nodded. "I'll think about it." She stood up, bid them goodbye and left for her next lesson. Nayoung was right, Chungha was popular and if she wanted to have a chance, then she was going to have to make a move and ask Chungha on a date today.




In theory, asking Chungha on a date was easy, in practice, it wasn't. Every time the possibility arose to ask her out, Sejeong was either interrupted by someone, or she chickened out and ran away. (She chickened out more often than somebody interrupted them.) She could tell that her behavior was starting to worry Chungha, the girl eyed her on concern whenever they saw each other. With Each passing day, Sejeong missed out on the opportunity to ask Chungha out, and it started to get on her nerves. It was as if fate didn't want them together.

It went so far she that she had even gotten a ball to her face and gotten knocked out earlier during soccer practice. She had been so preoccupied with her crush that she hadn't seen the ball flying towards her face. Siyeon (their attacker) had apologized for ten minutes straight after Sejeong had sat up with a bloody nose. And shortly after Sejeong assuring her counterpart that everything was fine, she had passed out.

She had woken up in the school infirmary with Nayoung, Siyeon and Chungha waiting next to her bed. She didn't know why Chungha was here, Nayoung and Siyeon were her teammates so it was logical for them to be here, but Chungha? She had no reason. She didn't complain though. (Maybe a little, because the state she was currently in wasn't exactly the most flattering.)

As expected, Nayoung didn't feel even remotely sorry for her, but Sejeong was used to it, after all, that's how their relationship worked. 'ing , that's what you get for thinking about Chungha at a time like this.'

Siyeon still felt incredibly sorry and regretful, but that was also expected. ', she looks worse than before. I should have been more careful...' Sejeong felt a little bad for her, after all the accident wasn't entirely her fault, yet she kept on entirely blaming herself.

And Chungha was just being plain worried and also incredible girlfriend material. 'She looks bad, her head probably hurts as well. I should take her home. She can't be left to herself in this state…'

With a groan, Sejeong sat up, alarming her friends who instantly rushed to her side. Chungha's hand found its way to her back, helping her to switch her position. Nayoung stood next to Siyeon, hand on Sejeong's shoulder as she monitored her expressions.

"Hey." Sejeong greeted weakly, giving them a small wave. She looked at the clock (two hours had passed), then at Siyeon with a soft smile. "I'm fine, don't worry. You can go, Minkyeong's waiting for you."

The blonde gave her a forced smile in return, clearly torn between wanting to stay and wanting to join her girlfriend. "Are you sure?" When Sejeong nodded she sighed. "Fine, if you say so…" She turned to Nayoung and Chungha. "Please take care of her. I'll see you tomorrow." And then she had left the room, leaving the trio alone.

"So, how are you feeling?" Nayoung asked once the door was closed. She retrieved her hand from Sejeong's shoulder and crossed her arms, leaning back to get a better look at her hunched form.

Sejeong shrugged. "Meh sums it up pretty well. I have a slight headache, but nothing too bad."

Nayoung nodded and ran a hand through her hair. "That doesn't sound too bad. I'll go and report your situation to the coach." She addressed Chungha. "Can you walk her home? In case something should happen."

The girl nodded. "Of course."

"Good then I'll leave now. Take care." Nayoung grinned as she walked to the door, she looked a little too happy for Sejeong's taste. 'You owe me, . Thanks to me, Chungha is the one walking you home.'

Ah, Nayoung was truly a great friend when she wished to be.

"Sooo, you're walking me home?" Sejeong asked rhetorically, looking at Chungha with a soft smile. She tried to hide it, but the thought of them walking home together left her ecstatic.

"Yeah. Come on, we'll get your stuff and then we'll leave."




Everything had been fine until Sejeong had stepped into her dorm. A sudden wave of nausea had hit her, and hadn't it been for Chungha, she would have fallen face first to the floor. Suddenly the room had started spinning and her head was throbbing painfully. Chungha had quickly sat her down on the couch and given her some painkillers, along with a blanket before she had left to the kitchen to prepare some chamomile tea.

She came back carrying a mug, yet she still looked like a Goddess. Her black hair effortlessly falling beneath her shoulders, her uniform nicely hugging her body and that alluring smile - wow, Sejeong felt like she was starting to lose control over her brain.

"Here you go. Be careful, it's still hot." Chungha spoke softly as she sat down in front of Sejeong, who took the mug with a dopey grin.

She smirked. "Not as hot as you."

Well apparently she was starting to lose control over as well. That could prove to be difficult… Chungha didn't react to the compliment, she just looked away, her cheeks tinted in a soft pink.

"You're really pretty. Just like a princess." The words were out before her brain had the time to filter them out. Chungha met her gaze, eyes flickering to the now empty mug.

"You should sleep." She said curtly, took the mug, then left the living room. Sejeong was left in the living room, alone and pouting. When Chungha didn't come back after five minutes, she laid down and started playing with the hem of her blanket. She didn't like being without Chungha.

"I told you to sleep."

Sejeong looked up in delight when she heard the familiar voice. "Chungie." She called with a huge grin, not noticing how Chungha looked away in embarrassment at the nickname. "I thought you wouldn't come back."

"Stop pouting, I'm here. I was just cleaning your kitchen a little." She sat down next to Sejeong. "Rest. Your injury needs to heal."

"Only if you sleep with me."


"Pretty please. I'll feel better with you around." Geez, Sejeong really needed her filter back. Painkillers really didn't suit her. It had been years since she had taken one, that's why she had forgotten how strong their effect on her were.

Chungha ended up relenting and walked Sejeong to her room, where she got pulled into the bed. The sheets rustled a little until both of them were covered up.

"I already told you this, but you're so ing pretty. Whenever I see you, it's like I'm looking at a Goddess."

Chungha's face reddened and she instantly hid it in her palms. "Sejeong, please, stop." She peeked out between two fingers. "You're only saying that because of the painkillers."

The soccer player shrugged. It wasn't a lie, under normal circumstances she would never admit to Chungha that she thought she looked like a Goddess.

"I like someone." She said out of nowhere, startling Chungha.

"Oh, really?" The girl asked monotonously, face falling into an expression of disappointment.


They remained silent for the next ten, maybe even twenty minutes (time passed differently when she was on painkillers), and Sejeong thought Chungha was already asleep. "The one I like is you." She said quietly, a discreet smile playing her lips.

Chungha's sudden answer took her by surprise. "That's the painkiller talk, you won't remember this tomorrow."

"I will. I really like you."

Chungha just shook her head and moved closer to Sejeong, pulling her back down. "It's okay, go to sleep."

"But Chunghaaa, I really like you." She looked at the girl closely. "I want to kiss you, hug you, sleep next to you, hold your hand when we're together." She grinned when she saw how Chungha's cheek reddened.

'I want that too, idiot. Too bad you're only saying that because of the painkillers…'

Sejeong sighed. "You don't believe me, do you?"

Chungha gave her a sheepishly grin. "Not really."

"Will you believe me when I do that?"

"Do wha-" Sejeong interrupted her by pressing a soft kiss against Chungha's lips. It only lasted for three seconds before she pulled back, turned around and wished Chungha a good night.

"It's late. We should sleep. Goodnight."

Chungha didn't answer, she just felt how the mattress shifted and Chungha's body molded into hers, while her hand grabbed Sejeong's shirt tightly.




Sejeong's eyes widened in shock when she saw the person lying next to her, arms around her waist, tightly gripping her shirt. Why was Chungha in her bed?

"C-Chungha?" She asked in panic, loud enough to wake the older girl up.

"Morning Sejeong. Are you feeling better?" She asked while sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Sejeong's answer, the lack of it, made her look at the younger girl in worry and when she saw the shock on her face, a sad smile graced her lips. "You don't remember, do you?"

Instantly, Sejeong started to freak out. "What did I do? What did I say? Oh god, please tell me it's nothing bad."

"You told me that you like me." Came the quiet answer.

"." Sejeong cursed, then jumped out of the bed and started pacing up and down in front of Chungha. "I made a fool out of myself, didn't I? Oh god, I shouldn't be allowed to take painkillers. I probably said the most embarrassing stuff ever. why did I do this? I'm sorry Chungha. That's not, I didn't, ugh-" Chungha had grabbed Sejeong's wrist and pulled her to a halt, effectively interrupting the nervous rant.

"Calm down." She ordered firmly.

"It's just, that I didn't want to confess like that."

Chungha blinked in surprise, she had expected a rejection, Sejeong telling her that last night was all lies, a joke or something of the sort. "You meant it?" She asked dumbfound.

Sejeong nods. "Of course. I told you, I like you."

"I thought it was a joke. A result of you the painkillers and their effect on you…"

The brunette shook her head and walked into Chungha's personal space. "No, it was sincere. I really like you."

A huge smile broke out on Chungha's face as she laced her arms around Sejeong's neck. "I like you too." She whispered and pulled the girl down, on top of her. "A lot." Sejeong just smiled before pressing their lips together in a soft kiss. She was kind of glad now that Siyeon had kicked the ball at her head and that painkiller made her high. At least it got her to confess to Chungha and now they were kissing in Sejeong's bed. Nothing could ruin this perfect moment.

Chungha broke the kiss and looked at Sejeong with a frown. "We're late for school."

Except for this, maybe.



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575 streak #1
Chapter 13: Wow! This is so SeChung type haha. Gla that they become together hehehe
SphinxPyscho #2
May I suggest a Chaeyeon and Somi hp au? I'm really craving for them cause I saw fancams and their interactions are too cute.
May I suggest for a CathChae (Heehyun x Chaeyeon)? It's a really rare ship to find.
BYoungni #4
Chapter 14: It would be great if you wrote Pristin too! I just found your collection n I really love your writing n I would really love if you wrote pristin fics too! *whispers siyeon×anyone is a cute ship
sjch96 #5
Chapter 14: Too cute. Thanks for updating this authornim. ChungMi is adorbs.
Chapter 14: THIS IS SO DAMN ADORABLE!!! Hp au!!!! I love this au so so much!!!! It would be great if someone made an hp au for p101. Mainly focus on ioi.

Somi is a 5th grade in here. I wonder how many grade are there. And what's chungha's grade is. 6? Or above?
But anyway, chungha should really just becomes a nurse after graduation. Lol. Somi here is so somi irl. She's a curious lil kid who doesn't know when to give up XD
This is such a fun chapter to read. Hope there will be more chungmi :)
Kuukuu #7
Chapter 14: Lol the ending sounded so much like Somi, I even heard her voice say it in my head
Chapter 14: Lol somi yes
Chapter 14: sejeong x chaeyeon?? hogwartsau please
Lee_Taeyeon14 #10
Chapter 7: More Chungmi please :)) thaaank youu