How I Met Wonho

Keeping Up With Monsta X || Growing Together

So for the next couple chapters, I'm gonna do individual ones telling the stories of each couple and how they  met, then flash forward to where they are now in the story. I thought of keeping this in order from who's been together the longest so here's Wonho and Kyoung-Mi, then next will be Adda and Shownu, then Haeun and Minhyuk. I hope this was okay and worth reading! Although I didn't edit or anything and most of the writing took place late at night when I'm exhausted so... please ignore any typos --

“Adddddaaaaa! C'mon you're supposed to be my translator!” The girl dramatically whined to the phone held to her ear.


You know you can't rely on me forever.... I'm sorry, I just got tied up here. I'm sure you'll fit in just fine!” Adda tried to calm the girl down through the other end of the phone.


“I know! But still... I feel like I'm in the wrong place even if the GPS says I'm right here...”


Trust the GPS for now and I'm sure it'll be just fine. Plus, I know you're very friendly and that you'll have no problem asking for help.”


“...Okay you have a point...” her words started to trail off with a small pout on her lips.


I'll meet up with you and get you some deokbakki to make up for it, okay?”


“Okay that sounds great! I love you Adda-Omma~”


Yeah yeah and I love you too child.”


The small girl hung up the phone and closed her eyes with a long sigh. She opened her eyes once again and took a look around. This had to be the place, right? Even with the GPS on her phone always being the way she relied on transportation, she couldn't help but think something was wrong. What was she expecting? A large sign with flashing lights telling her she reached her destination?... With how magical things were with her new phone, she couldn't exactly say no to that.


“Ugh why do I get lost so easily?!” she muttered before bringing her hands up to her hair, ruffling the locks to try and calm her nerves of frustration.


“Are you lost by any chance?” she heard another voice and her eyes widened, flicking her head over toward the direction of the noise. Her mood already felt better seeing there was a friendly looking male in front of her, whom looked like he could really help with her lack of sense of direction.


“Oh thank god,” she sighed before flashing a wide smile, feeling relieved to have somebody else possibly help her. “Yeah! I knew I'd get lost eventually so I came here a couple hours early... but I'm trying to look for this address...” she muttered before clicking at her phone then showing the man beside her.


The black haired male hummed and read over the address on the phone screen before flashing a gummy smile. “Yeah you're in the right place!”


“I am! Oh thank god!”


“Yeah but since you have some time until whatever you have to do, I think you should relax a bit. Your shoulders look really tense,” he commented with a soft chuckle, his head dipping over to her side to motion at the stiff shoulder she didn't realize she had locked up.


“Oh... you know you're right... I think something calming will help me a lot,” she scrunched her face a little as her arm rotated to stretch her shoulder muscle. “But... considering I don't really know where to go around here... I'm pretty sure I'd get lost if I tried finding somewhere for a snack.”

“Do you like bubble tea?”


“Bubble... tea?”


“You know!” the boy's hands started to make small motions, trying to describe the said tea, “it's like a delicious drink, with little chewy pearls at the bottom to go with and it's all sweet and stuff.”


“Oh! Boba!”


“Boba? Like the Star Wars character?”


“Boba tea is what I'm used to calling it,” she chuckled waving a dismissive hand. “Although I do love me some Boba Fett too.” Both of them ended up laughing at the clueless looks they had both given each other.


“Anyway,” the taller male cleared his throat before pressing his lips into a thin smile, “if you're okay with having some Boba/Bubble tea, I know a pretty good place near by and can take you so you don't get lost. I would go there pretty often.”


“You're a life saver you know that?” The curly haired girl shook a little with excitement, holding a hand over her heart. “Lead the way, my dear 'tour guide.” Both of them gave a dramatic bow and he took the lead in front of her.


“Oh yeah, you should at least know the name of your said 'tour guide',” he said turning his head back to look at the girl behind him. “I'm Hoseok.”


“Hoseok, it's nice to meet you,” she said in return as she took a couple steps to catch up and walk beside him. “I'm Maddie.”


“Maddie.... nice foreign name. No wonder I'd be the one to rescue you.” Hoseok chuckled playfully before his hand reached out to pull open the door to the shop.


“I'm one of those foreign girls but not like a damsel in distress... more like a clueless girl lost in the wrong side of town. Thank god you weren't one of those gang members that would take advantage of me,” she stuck her tongue out before walking into the shop, bowing her head in a silent thank you.


“I'm pretty sure you'd know a gang member when you see one, but most of the dangerous ones look like everyone else.”


“Really? Is that why you're trying to be kind to me?”


“It's all part of the plan to lure you in.”


“Well starting with this drink and I just might go with you.”


“I had a feeling you would,” Hoseok chuckled as they walked up to the counter to order their drinks. “So what kind of drink do you want?”


Maddie had looked up at the menu, checking for the different flavors listed. “Well.... I'm usually up for anything, but since this is some boba... maybe the milk tea?”


“Good choice; that's what I get too,” the male grinned with his gummy smile as he ordered the two drinks. “It's really refreshing and I like the way they make it here.”


“Really? If it meets your standards I'm pretty excited to enjoy it myself.” Maddie had pursed her lips and reached out her hand to give some money to the male. She was thankful but definitely didn't want him to spend too much money on him and pitch in.


“I got it,” he said, shaking his head and motioning his hand at hers to take the money back and put it away. She pursed her lips and gave an 'are you sure' whine before he nodded her head and grabbed the drinks, her hand slipping the money back into her pocket.


“Let's find a place to sit. Your legs look really tired from standing for too long and we have some time before you have to go back.” He didn't wait for her to reply and sat himself down with the drinks at one of the empty tables. The small girl found herself sitting down as well and now she was able to fully get a look at the male and where she was.


Hoseok had a baseball cap on his head, covering most of his black hair and his skin was pale, almost milky. He also had a jacket on with the puffy hood framing around his neck and what she assumed was a band t-shirt underneath. Whatever his style was, he looked comfortable, something she wish she thought about dressing herself.


“So tell me, what brings you here? You must have been brought her pretty suddenly if you were getting lost.” Hoseok rested, slouching inside his seat with his hands stirring his drink with the straw.


“That's true,” she muttered in return as her lips parted to take a sip from the milk tea. “I'm pretty newly moved here, and I actually moved to be a substitute teacher for a while... I mean to help support me in my actual job I wanna pursue.”


“A teacher?” the male grinned, tipping his head to the side. “What do you teach?”


“I'm an English teacher actually, and I love kids so I like to work with the younger ages,” Maddie grinned as she wiggled her head a little with a chuckle as a couple curls fell in front of her face. “But I finally got the chance to do some work here that I've been wanting to do for the longest time so... I just had to rush over here, even if I had no idea where I was going.” She gave an awkward smile, rubbing the back of her neck and sipped more of her drink.


“Sounds really suiting for you. The teaching job I mean; you seem like the bubbly person that kids would like being around,” he commented as his hand brought the drink to his lips, sipping at the tea and chewing at the pearls. “With that excitement I see why you got lost but... I'm glad I found you; now it seems like you'll find your way no problem.”


“Yep! Like I said, you're like my life saver, dear tour guide.”


“Hoseok, life saver and beloved tour guide,” the male patted his hand against his chest with a proud grin. “I like the sound of that.” The two of them chuckled and finished their drinks as time started to pass way quicker than expected.


“Oh god – it's getting late I should get going!” Hoseok's eyes widened slightly with his raised eyebrows , cheeking the time on the clock on the wall of the shop.


“I didn't notice either... I'll walk you back.” The two of them grabbed their belongings, him being his drink and her almost over-sized bag she carried on one shoulder, and rushed out of the shop.


“Oh wait I gotta call somebody real quick,” the small girl muttered to herself as she pulled out her phone, noticing the missed calls and text messages sent to her. “but thank you so much,” she said again as she found herself in front of the same building as before.

“No problem. I'm glad I could help,” Hoseok said with a small and nod. “Although I have something I need to be too so... I'll probably see you around? Anything to help a damsel in distress,” he chuckled with a playful click of his tongue.


“Oh my hero,” she chuckled as her thumb clicked the call button on her phone. “I'll be sure to cry your name for help next time I'm lost.” The two of them laughed once again before she mouthed another silent thank you and turned her attention to the phone call.


Hoseok walked away and outside of her vision by the time her lips let out a small sight of relief once the person on the other line answered. “Adda! Good news, no need to worry any more, I found the building and I'll be working today without a hitch.” Her lips pursed as she listened to the other's words. “Yes, Omma, I was able to find my way without hurting anybody.... I found a nice guy that happened to help me find my way. Okay I'll see you later! Fighting!”


With one final cheer she the balls of her feet to face the building in front of her. There was a strong proud smile on her face as she in a deep breath. “Starship Entertainment, here I come.” It was finally her dream to become a backup dancer, even if it was just for a short while.


With excitement in every step, she walked into the building and checked in through the front desk. Soon she was on her way up to the designated floor. She was given a small note palette with an explanation of the different small jobs she would be doing, which she read over and over to make sure everything was in place. There was a ding from the elevator letting her know she arrived at the right floor and she made her way down along the hallway.


Music was blasting off in the distance and she smiled to herself and hummed to the familiar tunes. It was one of the Sistar songs she had learned so well, followed by another song from Boyfriend. The playlist kept changing as she got closer, and she realized it was all from the same room. It was also the room she was supposed to be working at.


Timidly she opened the door to the practice room and peeked inside. Right away she was greeted with a wide smile from whom she assumed was the lead choreographer.


“Welcome! I'm glad you made it and found everything alright.” Her smile widened in return as she became more comfortable and walked inside the room to greet the man, shaking his hand as well as bowing to him. “Guys, this is one of the new dancers we're going to have help out around our promotions.”


“It's nice to meet you all,” the small girl said with her warm smile still on her face. “I'm Kyoung-Mi, Park Kyoung-Mi, recently moved here and I'm excited to work with you!” She bowed to the group in front of her and looked forward to see there were seven males standing in front of her. Seven of them? Could it be one of the newer groups she's heard about?


The seven males stood in formation and did their introduction as the group Monsta X. No way! Her jaw dropped slightly in excitement. Of all the groups she thought she'd be working with, she was going to be working with Monsta X for the next six months? Each of them started to introduce themselves one by one, and she listened intently to learn more about this group she had heard so much about.


“I'm the leader of Monsta X, Shownu.” He had a strong presence around him with his tanned skin and broad shoulders, yet she felt like he could be quite the warm teddy bear. Maybe it was like a gentle giant.


“I'm lead rapper of Monsta X, Jooheon.” The rapper smiled at her with his bow, flashing his deep dimples. Even if she didn't pay attention to his rapper status, the dimples were adorable and she had to stop herself from reaching out to poke at the cute cheeks.


“I'm main vocal of Monsta X, Kihyun.” His nose crinkled adorably and the girl found herself softening her smile


“I'm vocalist and visual of Monsta X, Minhyuk!” Minhyuk cheered with his bubbly aura that she couldn't help but hold in a squeal.


“I'm a vocalist and dancer as well as visual, Hyungwon.” Hyungwon bowed before standing up straight with his head flicking slightly to brush the hair away from his face. Man he was tall... almost too tall... but those lips and those eyes.. no wonder he was the visual.


“I'm the maknae and rapper, I.M.” I.M bowed quickly, not daring to stare up at her for too long. For being the youngest, he looked like he could have gotten away with being the oldest. Although there was some cuteness to him still that she was sure she would see more of later.


“I'm the vocalist, visual, and dancer of Monsta X, Wonho!” A familiar voice caught her attention. She pulled her eyes away from the youngest only to see a familiar baseball cap and gummy smiles she had just met.


“Wonho...?” she asked with her eyes widening.




“Have you guys met already?” The two of them were silent for entirely way too long. How could she have not noticed him? How could he have not told her? Was this just a sick joke he wanted to use to mess with her?




“Maddie...?” This could not be happening.


Fast forward to a couple days later.


So how has working with the group treating you?”


“Faith, I gotta say... it's pretty interesting,” Kyoung-Mi had been talking with her friend through the skype call. It was already dark for her as she was on the other side of the world, being night time while it was still sunny (afternoon) during the weekend for those in Korea.


So what's the group you've been working with?”


“They're that one group that Starship has debuted recently. I was kinda expecting to be a backup dancer for Sistar but it's still pretty nice.”


Who's the group?”


“You know I've been able to learn Sistar dances pretty well while at the entertainment.”


Maddie, god damn it quit stalling, who's the group you're working with?” She could no longer dance around the question any more... it was time to come clean to her best friend.


“Monsta X.” There was silence as Kyoung-Mi looked down at her fingers, tapping her acrylic nail against the keyboard to her laptop. It was too quiet... for too long. Slightly worried, her eyes eventually peaked up at the computer screen to see that her best friend, Faith, had been staring jaw dropped at the girl. “What?”




“Well.. I knew you were a fan but I haven't been following them too much... I just thought you'd probably tell me a bunch of stories and I'd have to fake enthusiasm or something..”


Girl! You gotta tell me how it's like when you're dancing with them. Did they greet you well?”


“They were super kind and it's really fun when dancing. I swear it's almost like.. I've known them for years... I just... okay I gotta get more into them.”


Are you sure? It's a sickness.... a disease... you should know that it's gonna take over your life.”


“They're going to already considering I'm working with them for the next nine months or so.” Kyoung-Mi muttered softly before reaching over to her desktop, grabbing a boba drink she had gotten earlier today.


I thought it was only six months. It got bumped up to nine? ...When did you start drinking boba?” . There was a dead silence as Kyoung-Mi realized something. Her best friend knew her and knew that she never would drink boba. Even with her mom being Vietnamese and her living in Korea now... she never drank the weird texture and weird chewy flavor. The girl slowly brought the straw away from and hummed.


“Uh... never?”


Where's the poop Kyoung-Mi?”


Kyoung-Mi sighed and set her drink down before turning to face the webcam directly. “Okay so... you know how I'm gonna get more into Monsta X, and like... go all the way from the beginning? Part of it... has to do with how I met one of them.”


Details. Story. Explain.” She sighed and took in a deep breath before telling her best friend about how she ran into Wonho.. better yet, Hoseok before the first day on the job. He even bought her boba and she enjoyed it so much and her time with him that she couldn't help but drink it more.


“Sometimes it just... feels better and I feel all jittery when I drink the boba and I calm down... it's almost like my happy drink,” the girl muttered a little before taking another sip, lifting her straw up a little to make sure she didn't get a mouth full of the pearls. “I still don't care for the boba but... it's a nice drink..”




“Whoa whoa whoa, Faith, calm down it's not like that.. I just happened to meet him and bound with him a bit more before everyone else,” she tried to calm her friend down that was already ignoring her and chanting in her own world.


How did you not know it was him?” her friend raised her eyebrows questioningly while resting her chin on top of her hand.


“Well you know I haven't really focused too much on them... and when I met him he had all his hair covered in a baseball cap and he didn't have any makeup on and he was pretty much covered... no sign of his clothe allergy...” Kyoung-Mi finished her drink and swirled around the ice before placing it down.


No wonder you're gonna get into them more. I would say don't do this to yourself because they'll ruin you but.. have at it! I bet you're gonna love them even more and when I finally move there, you better be hooking me up with Jooheon.”


“First of all, I'm gonna love them regardless since they're nice people, second of all you better get your hilarious over here soon so I finally have a roommate, and third of all, what makes you think I'll be hooking you up with Jooheon? If you meet them, he's gonna have to fall in love with you all on his own.” The two of them snickered and laughed before Faith gathered herself together once again.


Okay fine you have a point,” she rolled over to lay better on her bed while still peeking up lazily at the laptop's webcam. “But still. We're gonna have to hang out soon. I'll be ready to move in a couple more months so just... hang in there for me. I think Adda should be keeping you company until I join you right?”


“Yeah... but Adda is so busy working these days that when I get home she's out and about still... weird how we seem to work when the other doesn't.” Kyoung-Mi checked the time on her laptop before realizing the time was getting late. Her eyes widened in shock. “Oh god – sorry Faith, but it's getting late and I gotta get going. Just because my teaching job is over doesn't mean I'm free from work yet!”


You're working on the weekends now?”


“Starship needed an extra day...”

Are you ready to see Wonho?” Faith teased the girl with her eyebrows wiggling in glee.


“More like happy to see Hyungwon and Kihyun,” she muttered to herself before grabbing her bag and standing up from her seat. “You should get some sleep soon; it's getting pretty late,” she said with her normal voice before ending the call and starting to walk out the door. “I should probably meet up with the producer that hooked me up with this job sometime soon...” she muttered to herself while walking down from her apartment building, “of course to thank him and to catch up.


Fast forward a couple weeks.


Everybody was still inside the practice room, quiet and not sure on how to move along with things.

“Hey guys! Sorry I'm so late!” Kyoung-Mi cheered while pushing the door open and walking inside with her bag slung over her shoulder. She noticed how quiet everybody else was in the room. There was no lively laughing or talking, better yet... there wasn't even a smile. “Uh... what's going on?”


They all looked at each other, unsure on how to bring it up. Minhyuk soon got up and walked over to Kyoung-Mi with a faint smile on his lips.


“Wonho-hyung wasn't doing so well today...”


“What do you mean? Is he sick?”


“It's not that...”


“He's been off his game today and kinda... exploded on himself, putting himself down.”


“He left and hasn't come back. We haven't seen him that hard on himself before. We're not exactly sure how to cheer him up.”


Each of them started to fill her in on more details of the situation. She couldn't help but be jaw dropped at the thought. Wonho was always hard working... but to be so critical of himself to where he doesn't see just how talented he is and now isn't himself?


“Shownu and Kihyun both tried to help him but... he sent Shownu out and still felt bad even after Kihyun talking with him.”


The room fell silent again. There was so much tension inside the room as they couldn't even bring themselves to look at each other.


“How about this...,” Kyoung-Mi started before giving a small pat on Minhyuk's shoulder. He was always the bubbly one so she wanted to make sure at least he was happy to lift the room. “You guys did all you could right? How about you slowly start warming up and going over some songs and.. I try to go talk to him?”


“You go and talk to him?”


“Yeah. He's down on himself... I'm a fan, right? Maybe with an outlook and praise from a fan might remind him that his hard work is paying off? Plus, if you guys are already moving on and ready for him to join... he might not have the pressure of 'I'm holding them back now' or 'I brought their mood down so they might not want me to join back in' type of feeling?”


The boys started to look among each other. It seemed like a good idea so far, and it was the only one they had besides letting him be until he got himself back together. At this point it was a worst case scenario.


“Trust me... it could help.”


“Okay. Let's try it. Just... please don't get hurt if he pushes you away like he did with us.”


“Don't worry about it! I get pushed away pretty often but knowing I tried always helps,” Kyoung-Mi chuckled waving a hand dismissively. “I've done this enough with my friends back home and my roommate is pretty good with helping me come up with different ways to cheer people up since she does the same for us.” Kyoung-Mi cleared and checked through her bag really quickly. “Okay I'm off, wish me luck.”


The members gave her a quick good luck and 'fighting' before letting her go into one of the secluded rooms. She wasn't sure what to expect, but it definitely wasn't what she saw. Wonho had his face down, arms propped up on his parted legs, his hair falling in front of his face as silent tears fell from his closed eyes. It was dead silent in the room until the door closed behind her body.


“I said I didn't wanna talk,” his strained voice called out, obviously strained from the silent sobs and whatever other cries he let out before she entered the room. Kyoung-Mi sighed softly and moved over to one of the chairs diagonal from him, placing her bag off her shoulder and onto the floor. “I don't wanna talk about it guys,” he said again before his hand came up to his eyes, as if trying to wipe away the tears that fell to the ground.


“Hoseok, don't be like that,” she said in a soft voice. His head perked up for a moment at the sound of her voice. He shot his head up and saw the girl in front of him, noticing the concerned shine in her eyes and he brought his hands up right away to wipe his face.


“K-Kyoung-Mi,” he said and tried to calm down his sniffles so his voice could speak more clearly. “What are you doing here?”


“I heard that you were pretty down on yourself.. thought I should check up on you.”


“I-I appreciate it... but really, I just... I'm not feeling it today,” Wonho said as his shoulders slumped forward, his head turning to look away from her.


“I get it. We all have those days,” Kyoung-Mi sighed before reaching over to pat a hand onto one of his knees. “But... at least hear me out? I really think you should hear something from a fan, and somebody that admires you outside of the group you're in.” Wonho tensed slightly before he sniffled unable to hold it in any more. He brought his gaze over to her again, noticing that she still had the firm comforting hold on him and her eyes didn't falter from his; she wasn't going anywhere... might as well hear her out.


“Hoseok, you're amazing and you should be proud of yourself,” she said with a small smile. “You worked hard to get to where you are, and even if you're feeling down on yourself, you've done nothing but made us proud. You fought through sickness, you choreographed and composed through long sleepless nights, and you've done all of that with your all... if that's enough enough for you, you have been a shining person to us as well... I've seen you interact with your fans, making each and every one of them proud to be a fan, them feel loved and important. Hell, you even helped me, a completely hopeless stranger lost in Korea, feel at home... find my way through things in a time of need, without knowing me the first time we met... and hell you made this place home to us.” Kyoung-Mi caught herself rambling and chuckled softly while shaking her head.


“I know it doesn't seem like much when you're having a hard day where you only see your mistakes... trust me, I know that well myself. But it doesn't take away the hard work you've done, the good work you've done, and the strength you had before. You're a huge part in what makes Monsta X work, and you should be proud of yourself.”


Wonho didn't notice the tears stopped falling from his face and he kept staring at the girl in front of him. It was always nice to hear those supporting words from friends and family as well as s but for some reason it felt more powerful hearing it from her. If somebody who has known him for such little time can see this good side of him, it must be that obvious.


“If a relatively new fan can see that amazing person you are, in such little time, it's obvious and overflowing in you.”


Did she just read my mind?” Wonho thought to himself as he blinked a couple times, processing her words. Kyoung-Mi only grinned and gave his shoulder a small pat.


“You know what else would cheer you up? Whenever I'm feeling down,” she muttered as her words trailed off in a sing songy tone, reaching into her bag. “I like to treat myself to some comfort food.” Her smile only widened with her eyes crinkling closed, holding out a cup of instant ramen. “I always like to have these in my bag for emergencies.”


“You're the best,” Wonho said with a laugh as he reached out his hand to take the ramen held out to him. His hand grazed gently against hers and for a moment he could have sworn there was a spark. Thankfully they both shared a love for the noodles and with her bag, she always had snacks on hand. Kyoung-Mi laughed a bit at how his face lit up and for some reason her laugh seemed way louder than before... or maybe it just echoed better through the sound room... or maybe it just hit his ears better. He could have sworn his heart skipped a beat. Wonho looked over at the other girl and saw her soft smile, flashing his gummy grin in return.


Well... it wouldn't hurt.” Wonho tucked the cup of noodles back into her bag. “You know what? How about we actually go out for the ramyun?”


“Are you sure?”


“Yeah. Maybe with a small break... some good food... and somewhere other than here, I can get in a better head space to go back to practice?”


“Sure if you think so!” Kyoung-Mi smiled almost too widely before the grin died down, processing her thoughts better. “Wait... would that count us going on a date? I mean... it'd be only us and I think that means a date.”


Wonho chuckled softly and stood up, patting his hands against his pants to smooth them out. The fabric was drying from his tears earlier and clinging to his legs so he wanted to make sure they were loose enough for him to walk. He let out a small sigh with a shrug before reaching his hand out to the girl beside him. “How about we consider this our first date? Or maybe the first official date since I already took you to bubble tea the first time we met.”


“You sure do know the way to my heart.” The girl grinned and stood up, taking his hand with her fingers hesitantly intertwining with his.


“And you know the way to mine; you brought ramen with you again.” The both of them laughed a bit and Wonho brought her hand to his lips to place a small peck to the back of it, their eyes locking. She noticed how his eyes were no longer as glossy as they were before, the redness had gone down, and his sniffles were starting to disappear. Maybe all of this was worth it; she got to see the Wonho she admired once again.


Soon the practice room doors opened, revealing the blasting music and stretching members of the group. Hearing the doors open, their heads flicked over to drop attention from whatever they were doing better. Although they wanted to believe they weren't being too obvious, they stared blank faced at the two entering the room and mainly on the fact they were holding hands. Wonho would usually hold onto their hands too, but only for a moment and whenever somebody pointed it out he would let go; he wasn't letting go this time so they couldn't help but stare.


“Hey guys. Sorry for... dragging you guys down earlier,” Wonho started with a small nervous smile in hopes of getting through the awkward greeting. His free hand went to rub the back of his neck, soon wiping at his eye for a moment and clearing his throat. There was so many ways he'd try to calm his nerves after crying and doing them all was making him even more nervous.


“Anyway!” Kyoung-Mi interrupted with a small comforting squeeze to his hand, “I hope you guys are okay with this but I think it'd be a good idea for him to get some fresh air and come back with a clear mind. So... I'm gonna make sure he does that. Is that okay with you? I'll bring him right back!”


Shownu was rubbing his shoulder, stretching his neck. He had just stopped the warm up and sweat was beating down his back when he noticed the two of them speaking up. Seeing how nervous Wonho was feeling and how Kyoung-Mi was calming him, he couldn't seem to bring himself to deny them the break. He could have sworn he saw the faintest amount of blush across the man's face. Or was that just some after effect from when he was crying earlier? Either way, it seemed like Kyoung-Mi was gonna be able to help him.


“Go ahead,” the leader said with a small smile and nod. “Just make sure you're ready to come back to us and go all in again; we miss having you practice with us.”


“I will!” Wonho said with his gummy smile soon coming to his face. He lifted his hand in Kyoung-Mi's before giving a small tug heading out the door. “Come on, let's hurry!” The girl could only let out a small startled cry before being tugged out of the room and out the building for the delicious ramyun both of the were craving so badly.



Present day.


Kyoung-Mi was laying back on the chase lounge, sipping at her warm green tea and staring out the window. Her baby bump was starting to form but thankfully it wasn't too big to keep her from being comfortable. One of her hands rested on top of her stomach while the other set the cup of tea down onto the end table.


“Jagiya!” Wonho's voice echoed from the other room with a small sing song tone. “Jagiya?” he called once again, peeking his head into the room to see his pregnant girlfriend staring down at the small growing bump in her belly.


“Oh,” she said with a small chuckle, noticing her boyfriend coming into the room. “Sorry, I guess I got a little lost in thought.” Kyoung-Mi smiled at the blond male as he came closer, plopping himself down onto the lounge with her beside her hip and practically laying on her lap.


“What are you thinking about?” Wonho asked with his lips pouting just slightly, his hand coming up to brush his fingers against her belly.


“Just... how we met,” the girl replied trying to hold in the small chuckles from the ticklish feeling.


“Really? Well... that's a really fun story, isn't it?”


“It is,” she replied while leaning back further into the pillow behind her supporting her back. “Do you think that if we didn't meet, Adda and Shownu would have still been together?”


“Of course they would, just like how Haeun and Minhyuk would have fallen in love; they would have met whether they met through us or not.”


“Right, but Haeun and Minhyuk were a different story.”


“Weren't you talking about us earlier?” Wonho pouted slightly tipping his head to the side to lay his head onto his girlfriend's lap, his lips brushing slightly against the small bump peaking out from her shirt.


“Right, right, this is about us,” Kyoung-Mi laughed as her hand reached over to brush a couple fingers through his hair, pushing the locks away from his eyes. God she forgot how adorable he was to her sometimes when he was craving attention.


“Do you think I'll be a good father?”


“Of course you will,” she returned with a small, bringing both of her hands over her belly. “You're gonna treat our child like royalty, and they're going to love you.”


Wonho couldn't help the small chuckle as he sit back up, resting his weight on his arm while ignoring how his shirt fell off his shoulder.


“I'm also gonna make sure our child looks amazing with the best fashion and styles I can get them., just like their appa”


“Just... let's wait until they're older to start giving them ripped clothing.” The couple leaned in to touch foreheads with a small laugh.

“You know me too well,” Wonho said before gasping as he noticed the girl in front of him wincing in pain. “A-are you okay?!”


“I-I'm okay just..,” Kyoung-Mi smiled up at the concerned blond before taking his arm and placing it over her belly. “There's a kick. Do you feel it?”


Wonho placed his palm against the bump, tapping slightly and bringing his hand down onto the place she said the kick was. There was a slight pause before he felt a small jolt. There it was!


“I feel it! There's a kick!” Wonho practically screamed before biting down onto his lip in excitement as the kicks started to get stronger against his hand. He brought his lips down to whisper against her belly. “Hello there baby, it's Appa here. I want you to know that I love you and I can't wait to meet you. You're gonna be the best baby ever, with the best clothes and the best dance moves. Stay healthy for Omma, okay?” With the last of his words he lifted the girl's shirt to place a kiss onto the bare belly.


“Y-yah that tickles,” the curly haired girl giggled as he finally pulled away. Wonho placed his hands onto the sides of her body, leaning in to hover above her to place a soft kiss to her lips.


“I love you, Maddie.” He said as his words hit deep inside her heart. They would only use their real names when they were serious, and whenever he called her by her American name, she would feel herself melt.


“I love you too, Hoseok.”

AN: I hope you enjoyed! I can't wait to tie in Adda and Haeun with how they met and got together with Shownu and Minhyuk. I have a lot of chapters planned for this story but!... it's gonna take some time... and I'm super impatient. Anyway thanks for reading!

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prinessbabytrunks #1
Super cute story!
Chapter 2: This is getting fun ^^