

“Aren’t your feet all better by now?” Yoongi scowled at him; something that he was terribly used to doing, but felt so wrong on his face when it was aimed towards the other boy.

“If you kiss it better, it will be,” said Jimin cheekily.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, not fazed in the slightest. Well, no, that was a lie. Every time Jimin said something like that, he was always taken aback – but he always knew how to hide it. Or so he thought – Jimin knew quite differently; against Yoongi’s pale skin, a slight pink blush was easy to see. It had been a few days since the incident, and strangely enough, Yoongi could only feel his affection for the boy grow.

Soulmates were soulmates for a reason, he supposed. Over the past week, he had discovered that Jimin was very big on skinship – while Yoongi was not. So whenever Jimin grabbed his hand or hugged him or even threw his arm around his shoulder, he was always surprised. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, he just wasn’t used to it.

Besides, seeing Jimin’s wide smile whenever he didn’t pull away from these things made it worth it. In only several days, he had grown to love that smile – not that he would ever admit it. It was crazy how quickly he had grown attached to the boy, and it almost seemed that his anxiety and depression stayed away while he was with Jimin.

But no, that wasn’t necessarily it. It’s just that you forgot about these things when you were happy; and that’s what he was when he was with Jimin. Happy. It was a nice change, but one he wasn’t sure he deserved to have.

He had gone to work after that night, to come home to see a very cuddly looking Jimin on Namjoon’s bed, wrapping his legs around and hugging the pillow as if it were a person. Each time, he stared for a good ten minutes, before getting a grip and moving one meter over to where his bed was, and collapsing onto it.

He had even started writing his lyrics again, but he seemed to be on a block; he couldn’t seem to write anything. On the other hand, the beats he was having trouble with seemed to complete themselves easily, and he was working faster than he ever had. Jimin spent his time watching Yoongi work, or watching movies and dance videos on his phone; Yoongi hadn’t considered before how terrible it was that Jimin had hurt his feet; a dancer, unable to walk properly, least of all dance.

“Hyung, can I invite my friends over?” Jimin had sidled up to Yoongi and was showing his greatest puppy dog eyes.

“Is this your home, you brat?” Yoongi asked, shaking his head. He tried avoiding Jimin’s face, knowing that if he saw those eyes, he would not be able to say no. But Jimin had gotten used to his evading tactics, and had tactfully placed his face right where Yoongi would look.

“Ah , if you want them over so much, whatever. As long as they don’t bother me.”

“They won’t, I promise!”

Thirty minutes later, two boys had clambered into the room – one of them being someone Yoongi recognized. “Hey, aren’t you Hoseok’s friend?”

The kid nodded, grinning. “Yeah, I’ve come to your performances before.”

To be exact, this was the kid that majored in vocals, and double minored in dance and photography. This was the kid that had taken pictures at their performances.

“Jungkook, you didn’t tell me you knew Yoongi hyung!” Jimin exclaimed, looking back and forth from the two of them in sheer wonder. “You’ve seen him live? Is he actually as ing lit on stage as he is on his mixtape?”

“Hey!” Yoongi had forgotten that Jimin had followed him on Soundcloud, thus meaning that he had almost definitely listened to his mixtape. He purposely ignored the indirect compliment that Jimin had given him. “Who gave you permission to stalk me on Soundcloud?”

“You blocked me on my main account, so I made a fake account to listen to it.” Jimin grinned at him. “Aren’t I kind of genius?”

Yoongi rolled his eyes. “Whatever, hurry up and introduce me to your friends, I have work to do.”

“This is Kim Taehyung, a vocals major. I’ve known him since high school, and he’s my best friend! And this is Jeon Jungkook, a vocals major as well, minoring in dance and photography. Well, Tae met him first, because they share a lot of the same courses because they’re both vocal majors, and it turned out they were soulmates! And I met him later because we were in the same breakdancing class. And then Tae told me he needed to introduce me to his soulmate, and it turned out it was him! So yeah.” Jimin grinned at his two friends.

“Nice to meet you, Yoongi hyung, I’ve heard a lot about you!” Taehyung said, bowing slightly.

Yoongi narrowed his eyes. “Who said you could call me hyung?”

Taehyung looked taken aback, before quickly apologizing. “Sorry, Yoongi-ssi, I just assumed things. I have a habit of being too friendly with everyone, I’ll try to change that.”

Yoongi brushed it off. “Call me hyung if you want. I don’t really care.”

Taehyung’s apologetic face turned into a smile. “Thanks, hyung!”

“Well, you know me kind of. Nice to meet you again, I feel like we’ll be seeing each other more often now.” Jungkook smiled at him.

“Okay, I’m going to work now. Do your thing, and if I can so much as hear you, I’mma kick you out of the ing house and lock you out. Got it?” Yoongi really couldn’t work when there was noise. He had to focus completely on it. That being said, he had soundproof headphones so it wasn’t like he’d be able to hear them easily, but he wanted to get it through. A single interruption could ruin his entire flow for the day, and he hated when he wasn’t productive.

The two nodded meekly, while Jimin just laughed. He had gotten used to these threats, and knew that they were half-hearted. “Come on guys, let’s go. You brought the stuff?”

They nodded, and Jimin led them into the hallway. Yoongi retreated to his studio, putting his headphones on. Getting back to the beat he had been working on, he worked with it until he was satisfied. When he looked at the clock, he saw that two hours had passed. It was like that when Yoongi worked. He’d be so focused on something that he wouldn’t even realize how much time had passed. It was a good way of distracting himself.

True to their word, he hadn’t heard any noises or distractions. Turning his equipment off, he moved to the living room, where he decided he was going to try writing lyrics again. Why was nothing good coming out? He tried forcing himself to write, but kept on failing and failing. He’d tried so many different topics; dreams, hopes, broken family, death – but none of it was working.

He decided to text Namjoon.

yo, i can’t seem to write anything

Maybe it’s because you’re ing dumb.

mb you’re the ing dumb one,

Have you tried changing topics?

do you actually think i’m ing dumb?

it’s been seven ing days and i still haven’t been able to write anything decent

it’s actually starting to piss me off

wtf is wrong with me?

oh wait, everything

you little why aren’t you replying?

Just write about what’s been on your mind lately.

That’s what I do whenever I can’t write.

and that’s why you end up w stupid love raps abt seokjin hyung.

They’re not stupid you ing asshat!

whatever helps you sleep at night…

wait but that’s seokjin hyung

nvm, hyung’s the thing that keeps you awake

I swear to ing god…

is hyung god now?

I can’t believe I was actually trying to help you.

w/e, i’m gon take your stupid advice

What did he think about these days, anyway? Well, when he wasn’t busy worrying about his songs and lyrics… or ways to kill himself (which he had already tried and failed writing about) he was thinking about… well, Jimin. Yoongi shook his head, what was he going to do, write a ing love song? No ing way, Min Yoongi didn’t do love songs. And no way in hell was he going to write one now.

Despite his inner arguments, he could already hear lyrics forming in his head, and to his horror, he found that they were actually pretty decent. No, no, no… he was not going to write a love song about a boy who may or may not have been super cute and just happened to be his soulmate. No way in hell.

Whatever, he could just write lyrics a different day. Shaking his head at himself, he started walking back to his studio, when he heard giggling from the bathroom. Which reminded him, where was Jimin, anyway? What were he and his friends up to? The door was closed, but he could see the light peeking through from the cracks. He paused by the bathroom door to listen to what was going on.

“Tae, that tickles!” It was Jimin, and he was giggling.

“It’s not my fault your neck is so sensitive!”

What the was going on?

Yoongi didn’t even hesitate, he opened the door right away – to see… Jungkook and Taehyung, standing in the bathtub, both with… brushes in their hands? And Jimin, who was sitting on the edge of the bathtub, hair wet and covered in… was that bleach? Were they bleaching his hair?

“What the are you doing in my bathroom?”

“, Jimin, what do we do? It was supposed to be a surprise.”

“Do you suppose he’s angry?”

“How am I supposed to know?”

“Jimin hyung, say something! I feel like his glare is gonna shoot a hole into me or something.”

Apparently they thought their whispers were very discrete and totally soundproof from Yoongi, who was standing one meter away from them.

“Um, surprise?” The look of fear on Jimin’s face was so cute that Yoongi couldn’t help but stop glaring and laugh. In fact, he clutched his stomach and laughed louder than he had in a long time. He laughed until he could feel tears welling in his eyes, and then his laughing faded into a wobbly smile. The tears in his eyes that had come from laughter had turned into something else completely, and he knew Jimin saw it as soon as he felt it.

Letting out a shaky laugh, he walked forward and pulled Jimin to his feet, before hugging him tightly, burying his face into Jimin’s shoulder. He didn’t care that Jimin smelled like bleach and that he could feel said bleach on the side of his face. He didn’t care that Taehyung and Jungkook were both whispering to each other in the background. He didn’t care that there was one part of him telling him to slow the down, telling him that this was wrong, telling him that he could only inflict damage and hurt into this boy’s life. He didn’t care.

Hugging Jimin tightly to him, he laughed a half laugh, half sob into his shoulder. And Jimin was hugging him back, with a silence that Yoongi never thought could be comforting, but was at the moment – perhaps only because it was Park Jimin doing so; because everything Park Jimin was the right thing to him. He heard Taehyung and Jungkook rapidly leaving the bathroom and closing the door behind them.

They stood like that for a while, be it one minute or ten minutes Yoongi didn’t know. All he knew was that it was the most comfortable he had ever felt around someone, and he knew at that moment that this must be the reason they were soulmates. It was then that he decided that he would let Jimin move in with him, that he would welcome Jimin into his life, because maybe, just maybe, Jimin could actually save his life.

Perhaps, Jimin was even a new reason that Yoongi had found to live. A reason that wasn’t a hobby, his passion, or his job. A reason that was a person; his soulmate. Perhaps this reason would convince Yoongi completely. Yoongi didn’t know, but he knew that he wanted to try.

In Park Jimin, Min Yoongi saw hope. The weird feeling that he felt when he was around Jimin, the feeling that he always tried to avoid and ignore, it was both love and hope; he realized. He laughed one last laugh, this one nowhere near as watery as the previous ones, and removed his face from Jimin’s shoulder, wiping his face with his arm; he was wearing a t-shirt.

“Sorry for ruining… that’s my shirt, never mind.” He was looking at the ground as he laughed again, remembering that Jimin had been wearing his clothes for the past few days.

“You okay?” Jimin asked cautiously, tilting Yoongi’s chin upwards so that he was looking him straight in the eye.

“Yeah, I just… I just realized something that I should have a long time ago.” Yoongi looked him into the eye and smiled; a smile full of genuity, hiding no deceit or hidden feelings whatsoever.

Jimin smiled back, eyes crinkling and lips wider than ever; obviously realizing that Yoongi had just gone through a huge change. Letting go of Yoongi’s chin, he hugged Yoongi again. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hug you like this for.”

At these words, Yoongi couldn’t help the smile that was growing on his lips. “Me… me too.”

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Yoonmin_Namjin_Trash #1
So far, this fic has left me at a loss for words. I really love how it's not all rainbows and butterflies immediately. I'm usually not one for angsty-type fics, but I am really enjoying this one. Thank you. Keep up the good work, Author-nim! <3