


"Why am I here?"

You thought to yourself as you awkwardly sat in a cafe with seven handsome boys sitting with you on this cold-no, FREZZING saturday morning. This was your day to finaly catch-up on your sleep when a frantic Taehyung called you and told you to get outside as soon as possible.


​-FLASHBACK TIME!-  (waves arms dramaticaly)







Was the loud obnoxious noise that woke you from your deep slumber. You groned and slapped your hand on the desk next to your bed in hopes of shutting off your phone. When that didn't work for the first three seconds, you shoved the blanket off of your head and managed to pick up the phone through your squinted eyes. You answered whoever was calling you with a irritated voice.
"Haneul!  Hurry, I need you to get out side as soon as possible!!!!"
".........Who is this?"
"It's me, Taehyung! Hurry it's an emergency!!!"   You sighed and rubbed your face.
"I'm sure you can figure it out without me..."
"I'm hanging up..."
"WAIT!  DON-"  You hung up on the annoying person who dared call you at 10 in the morning.


Anybody that had ever tried to get you out of bed before 11 o'clock would have to drag you off of your mattress. Your family gave up getting you up before that, when you kept taking the mattress with you.
You now procceded to cocoon yourself again when the doorbell started going off. You covered your ears with your hands, then your pillow, and you tried to ignore what you realized was the most annoying sound in the world. But after another 5 minutes of nonstop ringing, you threw your blanket accross the room and without sparring a glance in the mirror, you thundered out of your room and to the front door. (You would find out later that you made a hole in the wall.) You slammed the door open and screamed at the lunatic in front of you.
The boy stared at your blood shot eyes in surprise for a few seconds with his finger still hovering above the doorbell. You smacked his hand away from the torture device and directed your glare back to him.
"HOW DO YOU KNOW WHERE I LIVE!!??!?!?!?!??!!!????"
Taehyung grinned at you and your face twitched.
"I came to pick you up!"  He said.
You gazed up at him in disbelieve, "Are you stupid?"  He held his chest in mock pain as he stumbled backwards.
"Argh! I'm hurt, I thoughtfuly came all the way here to pick up my dear friend so she wouldn't have to go by herself, and this is the thanks I get."
He looked at you with his kicked puppy face, but you couldn't care less and only gave him a J-nope face. (high-five if you get that referance!) You shivered from the cold wind that burst through the open door and realized how cold you were. You immediately pulled him inside and slammed the door behind you. Without saying anything, you walked away and went back to your room. You picked up the blanket that you threw on the floor earlier and wrapped it around your body. You turned around to go back to the living room where you THOUGHT Taehyung was, only to find him standing at your door looking around at your belongings.
"ARGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!   GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!"
You unapologetically shoved the boy into the hallway and slammed your door shut. He looked back at you in surprise and straightened himself, "What, I didn't do anything!" 
You glared at him before walking past him and to the living room. You sat on the sofa and leaned on one of the pillows. When you felt the wind earlier you realized you were only wearing a large shirt (no bra, mind you) and shorter shorts than you would ever be caught wearing in public. Not to mention the birds nest that magicaly appeared on your head each morning.
You parents had always told you to dress modestly as a child, and now it was drilled into your mind to not show alot of skin. It was difficult to find modest clothes these days, and you were getting fed-up with it. You turned your head when you felt the sofa dip, and looked to see Taehyung staring at you.
"Hurry up and get dressed!"  He directed you,  "I don't wanna!"  you said.
"Fine then, you leave me no choice."  He then got out of his seat and strode over to you,  "Wait. What are you doING!!!  DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!!!!"  You rolled unto the floor and you tried to scramble away when Taehyung positioned his arms under you. You managed to kick him in the proccess and tried to get to your feet so you could run to your room and lock the door. But Taehyung was alot quicker that you were wrapped up as a burrito, and he pulled you towards him whilst you were still on the ground. You were screaming and flailing the whole time Taehyung was trying to pick you off the floor. You were still clutching unto your blanket the whole time, not wanting to reveal yourself to him.
Taehyung now threw you on our bed and climbed on top of you. You screamed and tried to get out from under him, but he was now in control of what would happen from that point. He then started trying to take off your blanket and you lost all control of your body. 
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING???!?!?!?!!??!?!???!?!?!!!!!!!"
You kicked and thrashed and screamed at the top of your lungs. What the heck had gotten into Taehyung?!  You never thought he would try to do something like this. You must've looked really scared because Taehyung's face softened and he stopped what he was doing. He wasn't serious, he was just trying to get you to get ready. He thought you would have killed him by now, but instead you had tears threatening to overflow your eyes. Seeing that you were legitamately scared he felt guilty. He would never have guessed you would have reacted like that and it surprised him. He thought you were gonna kick him off the bed and start punching him or something.
"Hey, are you okay?"   V looked down at your frightened face, when you didn't respond he continued.  "I'm sorry! I'm not going to do anything, I promise!"   Hearing that, realief came over you and a tear glided down your cheek.
Seeing that you were actually crying now, V sat up and craddled you in his arms. He was starting to panick now that he had scared you to the point of tears. You were trying to stop them, but he was being so nice now, and he really did scare you earlier. Taehyung was rocking you back-and-forth, and you were still sniffling. But why did he find it so endearing? Your small body curled between his legs, his arms wrapped around you, your tiny hands clutching unto his shirt. He found it all adorable, and he didn't know why.
"Oh my gosh. I'm sooo sorry!  Please don't cry, your friends are gonna kill me if they find out!"
You pushed him away from you and wiped the tears that were staining your blushing cheeks.  "AND WHOSE FALT IS IT THAT I'M LIKE THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!  I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA  ME, YOU STUPID IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
You didn't know why, but he smiled and held your face in his large hands. He wiped the new tears, and for a reason that you could not ever conceve, kissed your forehead. He held your small face in his large hands and looked into your brown orbs with a pleased grin on his face.
"Is that better?"
It took you a few seconds, but you finaly realized what had happened. Your whole head turned beet red, and without knowing what else to do, you pushed V off the bed and rushed to the bathroom down the hall. You heard the thump and the grunt, but didn't bother to see if he was okay or not. Your brain coudn't even function for a few seconds because of what he did.
"Did...that...just happen?"  You thought.  After a little more thinking, (and alot more fangirling) you unlocked the bathroom door, ignored Taehyung, and grabbed several layers of clothes. Without sparing Taehyun a glance,(afraid he would see your red face) you walked back to the bathroom. You quickly got changed and strode back to your room where Taehyun was still waiting.
You stared at each other for a few seconds when you finaly broke the scilence, the blush appearing again.  "You said it was an emergency right?"
You avoided his eyes and waited for his responce. He stood up and rounded his eyes.  "That's right! There's an emergency!"  He looked at his watch, "And we're late!!!"
He ran over to you and dragged you to the front door. He quickly slipped on his coat and turned back to you, "Are you ready?"  You planted a black benie on your messy hair and nodded while you placed your small hands in your mittens. You put on your bag and made sure you had your phone and keys before stepping out.
The two of you had been walking for a while now, and you were honestly getting tired. 1: It was a Saturday morning. 2: It was cold. Niether of these things mixed well with you. You put your already covered hands in your coat pocket and snuggled deeper into your scarf. You caught V staring at you again and asked what he wanted. He hesitated before he answered.
"I saw a guy coming out of your house."
You snapped your head in his direction, giving him your full attention.  "What did he look like?!!"
"Well... he looked young... and he had bright red hair... I didn't get a good look at his face though."
You stopped walking and thought for a second,  "That must've been Kwang Jo!  Then how long was he home for?!"
You stayed in thought for a while before comming to the conclusion that it was useless to think about it right now. Then Taehyung asked you who he was and you answered that you suspected it was your younger brother and that he had run away a couple weeks ago. You told him that he comes back when he needs stuff then leaves. You parents were too occupied with working and they figured that he was staying with his friends. You reaveled that honestly, you thought he was hanging out with bad people. It would explain the sudden change in hair color and how his attitude got worse everytime you saw him.
With that Taehyung got the message and stopped asking about him. He just wanted to make sure that it wasn't some weird spying on you.
The two of you kept walking until you reached your destination, with the fluff on the tip of your benie bouncing as you walked. At one point, Taehyung kept pulling on the ball as you walked and you punched him for messing it up. You had it placed in a way that covered your sensitive ears, and you didn't want them exposed to the cold.
Eventually you came to a cafe and V opened the door for a confused you to walk through. Unsure of what was going on, you stepped past Taehyung, and into the warm cafe. You inhailed the scent of coffee and squeezed your frozen nose in an attempt to warm it. Happy to finaly be out of the harsh frosty wind, you let Taehyung drag you to a table. You hadn't noticed at first, but that table happened to be full of handsome young men. One of which, had a wound healing on the corner of his lip. You met eyes with the said boy, and covered your face with your cold hand. You turned to Taehyung, "You said there was an emergency!"
He just smiled at you and said, "This is an emergency!  I need to clear up the misunderstanding between you and my freinds!"
Everbody at the table, including you, stared at him in disbelief. Suga got up from his seat and announced that he was leaving, as did some of the others. But Taehyung made them all sit back down saying that "This will be quick."




I know this chapter was kind of short, but I haven't updated in a couple weeks and I wanted to give you guys SOMETHING. So, here it is. The chapter that (hopefully) ruined whoever you shipped Haneul with before. LOL ,not sorry!

PLZ REMEMBER to COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE!!!!!  It is greatly appriciated!!!  There was a comment for the last chapter that made my day!!  It's really encouraging to see that you guys enjoyed it enought to comment on this little story!



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Moozie #1
Chapter 6: Great work!
19Suga93 #2
Chapter 6: WHYYYYYYY
19Suga93 #3
Chapter 6: I ship them so muchhhhhhhhg
19Suga93 #4
EllinianPrince #5
Chapter 5: ASDFGHJKL JICHEOL. But I ship Jihoon aand Hanuel
Got7129 #6
Chapter 3: what did she go through?!?!?!?!?!?!?
19Suga93 #7
Chapter 2: YASSSSSSS
Got7129 #8
Chapter 2: cute! Haneul sounds really funny. I love when oc are kind of awkward.
19Suga93 #9
Chapter 1: Yasssssssssss