A Match Made In Heaven, Or Hell


Of all the things that Seungcheol knew, of this he was most certain, they fit each other perfectly.


Because i'm most certainly not over my JokerXHarleyQuinn feels w/ JeongCheol. Before I knew it I already came up with this drabble.

This is actually my first time writing and posting anything so forgive me if it's not a satisfactory read.

Can someone please, please write a JeongCheol fic with a JokerXHarleyQuinn AU or theme. I know, i'm so desperate.

If only i'm able to write good fics.



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Chapter 1: Toooo short! Try lurking in wattpad. Though it's rare that you'll find quality JeongCheol fics there. But I found some harleyxjoker! AU na JeongCheol. I think it was entitled Mad Love. The others, i've forgotten the title.