part 7 Take my hand

Falling in love♡


*Yuju who is busy making breakfast for herself is the only one home since the others have different schedules*

Aaaaahh... what to do is been a while since I've been home alone without the other members. Ahhhh... my eggs she yelled and ran towards her pan. Yuju then sat down to eat her breakfast while watching TV. Hmmm... maybe I coud ask the staff if I can go out for a bit. Maybe I could go visit the Han river or go to a café or go the a park. 

*Yuju then asked the staff permission to go out and they allowed her because she worked so hard these past months so she deserves to enjoy herself and they know she's not the type to cause trouble*

YAYYYYY FINALLY!!! I get to go out she screamed. What to wear, I can't be seen so nothing to revealing. How about a hoodie, shorts,sneakers, a hat and finally a face mask. OMONA I look so plain.... but it's this or staying at home. "Let's go" she said. Where to go first should I go to café. She then saw a café and said; I heard this café sells great coffee and it's not crowded. She went in and asked the barista for a vanilla late. A few minutes later she got her drink and turned around to find a seat but bumped into someone and spilled her drink on him. I'm sooo sorry and bowed 90° degrees. The person then screamed AISHHHH OUCHHH watch where you're going. Yuju face then froze and thought to herself. NOOO IT CAN'T BE NOOO.... no this voice. She stole a glance and it was Mingyu. Whyyy.. did it have to be him I've already seen him plenty so why.... AM I CURSED OR WHAT. Do i have Mingyu virus or something. She then said ummmm... Mingyu I'm very mgsowee Yuju couldn't finish her sentence because Mingyu's hand was covering . Don't say my name out loud idiot don't tell anyone I was here I'll give you an autograph and take a selca with you. Mingyu didn't know that it was Yuju, he thought it was just a fan. "Ccammt beethfm" yuju said what did you say "I cammm bweettf ju ihiot" and she bit his hand.  Ouchh what's wrong with you he asked. Yuju then replied by hitting him and saying I couldn't breath you idiot and it's me Yuju. 

*They both sat down, facing each other*

Mingyu then said why do I have such bad luck. You fell on me, you saw me embarrassed, you bit me and spilled late on me. You say that as if I wanted all of that to happem "candy boyyy.." yuju replied. Whatt candy boy you said you were never going to mention that again. Noo Mingyu I said it would be a secret between us...hmmm maybe I should let a few people know and you're dancing was horrible. Yeah...coming from the person who called me cute Mingyu smirked. No I didn't Mingyu you ertt. erttt???? Yes you kissed me.  You fell on me....I at least went to you and apologized. Aishhhh~Mingyu said. Aishhh I'm about to go mad Yuju said.

*suddenly they heard girls shriek and yell : "I saw Mingyu going into this café let's go" *

Oh shxxt  both of them said. Why are you worried Mingyu asked. I'm not allowed to get caught. Oh me neither. How do we get out of here Yuju asked. Ermmm... he then asked the barista if there's a back door. He took Yuju's hand and ran towards the back door. Waitttt.. where are we going . We're going to escape trough the back. He then stopped and asked her do you want to get caught or will you take my hand and run. Ahhh pali~ make a decision they're coming. Yuju then took his hand and both of them ran.....

To be continued.... Enjoy

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temereani #1
Chapter 8: Awww this is really cute
syuhaila #2
Chapter 7: next
Rookie123456 #3
Chapter 3: So cute!!! Love Yuju