
One Mistake

Red. Fiery, blazing red that consumes all that it touches. Trapped, the only exit is gone. Dying, the action that follows in the smoke filled rooms. Grieving, the emotion that the survivors feel. It was a small mistake that cost the lives of two. Jungkook was told to watch the kitchen, the oven on and Jin had to run for a quick errand. The only two that were home was Namjoon and Jimin, Jimin sporting a fever and Namjoon banned from the kitchen after breaking one too many plates. Yoongi, Taehyung, and Hoseok were all at the studio, working on either perfecting songs, vocals, or dances. A spark. A single, lone spark that no one knew where it came from. Forgotten. Jungkook stepped outside for a few seconds, wanting to stretch his legs and get some fresh air. Forgotten. He returned to the dorm, entering and not noticing the slight haze. Forgotten. Namjoon was lying on the couch, taking a well deserved nap. Jimin was still asleep in his room. Forgotten. Distracted on his phone, Jungkook didn’t realize the smoke until it was too late. Forgotten. The flames were eating away at the walls, destroying everything they touch as the red spreads throughout the dorm faster than expected. Jungkook wakes up Namjoon in a hurry, rushing to get both of them out of the dorm. Forgotten. Jimin was left, forgotten by Jungkook and Namjoon in the hurry. Once the pair made it outside, Namjoon freaked, remembering the sick member. Seokjin was approaching the pair, a confused look on his face. Namjoon knew he might not return, but he couldn’t just let Jimin die. With a smile to hide his nerves, and a light kiss for Seokjin, Namjoon rushed back into the building, ignoring the stinging he got from the smoke and the heat that stuffed up the air. He ran as fast as he legs would allow him, waking up the disoriented boy as he pushed the younger to his feet. The fire spread further, almost reaching the only exit. If they could make it in time, it would be a story for the world. It would be a story that could make someone a hero. It was a story that could bring hope, but this isn’t their story. The sickness weighed down the younger, even with his energy and amount of desperation to survive, he couldn’t make it. The fire it’s way up the door, burning personal items and pictures that hung on the wall. They were trapped, and this was their story. Their story of pain and suffering. Their story of sorrow and grief. The story of the pair of dead bodies, trapped in a fire, too late to be saved. This story, is only the prologue to the story of the survivors, the story of the grieving.




A new place, a new mood. Lost valuables, lost memories, lost friends, lost family, lost lovers. One mistake that turned the world against a small group of boys. Alone and afraid of their cold reality, they shut themselves off from the world.


Having lost two of his closest friends, one who would follow along with all his crazy ideas, the other who would teach him the ways of learning himself. Having lost the random dance breaks and the odd jokes. Having lost the deep conversations and the talk of music. Taehyung was lost in a state of depression. He never left his room, holding the small items that survived the fire, his closest one being a stuffed lion he got on his birthday. The entire group was there, cheering and celebrating the goofy boy. The box grin that never left his face that day has yet to be seen in awhile. The memories of the countless times he’d mess with Jimin, the few people that would put up with his random plays. The time he almost sprained his ankle from trying to outdance Jimin. The time that Jimin and Jungkook were the only ones to stay after in his recording of the Run music video. The countless times he’d try to get Jimin to confess his feelings for Yoongi, when all he really had to do was simply lock them in a room together. The box grin has yet to return, as well as he giggles and light hearted attitude. The deep conversations that lasted for hours with Namjoon. The countless times Namjoon would help Taehyung when he was struggling with music, be it singing or composing. The person who was always there with an open hand to help guide Taehyung where ever he needed to be. It took Taehyung a week to return to the dorm, but three months to leave his room.


He remembers the two band members, one who would struggle to follow, the other easy to guide. He remembers the frustrating hours of teaching that he would take back in an instant if it were to see them again. He remembers the dance battles and bright smiles. Hoseok was getting better. He still missed them greatly, always remembering Jimin when he dances over choreography, remembering how easily Jimin would pick up on certain parts. He remembers the parts that Namjoon would struggle on as well. He remembers the high note competitions he and Jimin would have as a joke. He remembers the rap battles with Namjoon that would get intense, but end with light hearted jabs at each other. He remembers the countless hours of practice, filming, even small chatter between them. The small jokes, their last conversations, even the quotes they would say randomly. Hoseok remembers. He’s accepted that they have died, but he still misses them greatly. Hoseok came back to the dorm the same time as Taehyung, acting as the leader as he cared for everyone’s health and checked in on everyone.


Seokjin went into denial immediately, refusing to believe that the child-like joy of Jimin has left, or that the leader- his boyfriend- is no longer with him. He finds himself absentmindedly setting two extra plates on the table. He finds himself crying into the meals he makes as he’s once more made Namjoon’s favorite. He finds himself longing to be in the hold of Namjoon, knowing that it is impossible. He holds tightly to the necklace that is wrapped around his neck, grieving for both his boyfriend and his band member. He finds himself standing in front of their old dorm, the scars and almost fixed walls showing the accident. He finds himself returning home at late hours, with tear streaked cheeks and burning red eyes. He can’t sleep anymore, sitting up awake and talking to the imaginary people next to him. He’s always crying. He’s always crying and refusing to acknowledge that they are gone, still talking to the empty air as if someone could hear him. He came back a month after Taehyung, the sorrowful look in his eyes still haven’t gone away.


Jungkook would give up anything to see his band members again. He would give up his voice, his dancing, he would even leave the company if that would bring them back. He would sell his make-up collection, or what’s left of it. He would never go against and hyung’s words. He would become the perfect well behaved Maknae if he could just see their faces again. Jungkook swore he would change his entire life in order for them to come back, but it was simply impossible. He couldn’t get them back, and it was all his fault. It was all his fault and that’s what kills him the most. It took Jungkook five months to return, having to regain the courage to look at the other members faces and release that he can’t bargain for s back.


Yoongi had the worst recovery, erupting into rage before anyone could explain anything. It was a terrifying sight to see Yoongi go after Jungkook with a red face and tears rolling down his cheeks. He was livid, the loss of one of the biggest supporters of his rapping and mixtape and the person he imagined to stay with forever are now erased from this world. He was furious about the fact that the last conversation he was able to have with either of them was a simple, “Good luck, hyung” when he went out to finish more tracks. He couldn’t stand the idea that the two members were gone from a stupid mistake the youngest made, even if it was an unforeseen event. It took Yoongi a full six months to get over his anger, eventually coming back to the dorms and rejoining what’s left of their group.


They are broken. They are incomplete. They are many things, but most importantly, they are surviving. They try their best to keep a happy mood in the dorm, supporting every member as much as they can. They are together, even if they feel alone. They are their for each other and that’s the important thing.

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yoonmin9395 #1
sorry if i disturb you , but I really like your fanfic , so I can translate it into Vietnamese is known or not, I will write a full cre and I will give you a link when i posted it
Thank you and love you <3
Chapter 1: So grieving! But life must go on, and never forget those who are no longer and keep them in our hearts