Chapter 4

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Another week passed...

Their relationship worsened and they don’t talk at all, but after that day Leo got back to his room, what confused Leo is that Ravi didn’t hug him like he did before, after the day he fell asleep in Hongbin’s lap Ravi didn’t even talk to him or glance at him, so he decided that they should talk but he was nervous and confused so he decided to talk with Hongbin and ask him for advice, all this time he was only ranting in front of Hongbin not asking him for advice or anything and he knows that this should end and he have to talk to Ravi.

Leo got out of his own practice room to find Hongbin, he looked everywhere but he couldn’t find him, there was only Ravi’s room left unchecked so he went there and looked through the glass and he found him he was there talking with Ravi about something that seemed serious, since he doesn’t like to interfere between people he said he’ll talk with Hongbin tonight when they get to the dorm.

Inside Ravi’s studio…

Ravi called Hongbin over to talk with him and understand what’s happening between him and Leo, because his temper is getting out of hand and he doesn’t know until when he can be calm, “So why did you call me?” Hongbin asked after he came in and they stood in complete silent staring at each other, “I want to know if there is anything happening between you and him” Ravi said even though he as disgusted with himself for not trusting Leo but his jealousy is getting out of hand and he need to tame it, “don’t tell me you don’t trust him too!!” Hongbin was shocked about what Ravi said he thought that why they are not talking now was just because of their pride, but Ravi was questioning Leo, he wanted to punch the rapper in the face for this because Leo was only talking about Ravi and about how much he miss him, and even when they interact with each other on TV or something it was fan service or just because Leo was sad and he didn’t want Leo to appear sad, he have a crush on him right but that won’t make him do something stupid all he want is Leo happy with anyone so he glared at his friend.

“Don’t start saying this with me and answer the dam question” Ravi said, Hongbin really wanted to punch him now “what do you know what have we been talking about for those two weeks” Hongbin said while glaring at his friend “do you know how much he talks about you in one day or how much he miss you or how he is just waiting for you to talk to him apologize for the you said that day?” now he was seething with anger how could his friend be this stupid, Ravi looked confused for a moment and then he as glaring at Hongbin “yeah that’s why he was sleeping peacefully in your lap, you used this for your own benefit didn’t you?” Ravi said in a calm scary voice, Hongbin looked at him shocked he told Ravi about his crush be he also told him befo

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Chapter 5: Aww...Thank you for the fluffy and sweet ending.... Though, it was kinda a bit rushed. But, nevertheless, satisfying enough... Thank you for a good read authornim!
Chapter 4: Luhhh!! So many misunderstandings! Misunderstood Leo and Hongbin. Well, jealousy makes you blind I guess. What will happen next?!
KTsuki-chan #3
Chapter 5: Aww finally they made out ^^
And don't talk about the comeback, I can't watch it yet ㅠ_ㅠ (don't have youtube where I am now ㅠ_ㅠ)
Momoleee #4
Chapter 4: Ahhhh i really want leobin buy its your choicee author!
KTsuki-chan #5
Chapter 4: Oh God, they are just so So stupid... *facepalm*
Chapter 3: LEOBIN FOR SURE . hongbin might be selfish but hes rly sweeeet
MinhWuYoung #7
Chapter 4: I hope it ends in Wontaek. I really like Leobin but Hongbin seems better as a friend in this story.
Chapter 3: Pleeaaaaaaassssseeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! Let WonTaek make up already................ All they need is to talk their hearts out............ :(((((((((((((((((((((
Chapter 2: Sad :( I wish to know Wonsik's reason though.... And, I hope they'll be able to sort things out..........
criz2587 #10
Chapter 3: Gosh my leobin feels my favorite OTP then wontaek keo and even luck