
Dead Man's Hand
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I understand why they wanted me to see this. The video they made on Joshua’s seventeenth birthday. It’s absolutely precious to me, as I’m sure it’s precious to all of them. The last few hours before all of this misery happened.

On the screen, they’ve set up a poker table. They’re not betting, they’re just playing for the fun of playing. Joshua wins the last hand of the night, by two pairs, since everybody else was bluffing. I have to pause the video.

“I miss him.”

“Us, too,” DK says.

“I promised him I’d try to be happy, but…”

“You have to try, if you promised,” Wonwoo tells me. Neither of them sit here with halos. They handed their wings in the day Joshua died, and turned around to live mortal human lives. I don’t blame them. Not one bit.

“We just wanted you to have this,” Jihoon chimes in. “None of us will ever get to see him again, but we all know what you meant to him. And we all know he would have wanted us to be your friends. So as long as you’re still human, and as long as you love him, we’ll be here, but you have to keep trying.”

I can’t help the tears. They roll so freely at the thought of what he did for me. They rolled when I said goodbye to the body in the casket, they rolled when I sang Can I Lay By Your Side by his grave, and they roll every time I think of his voice, his warmth, his smile.

What Joshua did for me was unimaginable. I didn’t think I’d ever be so loved, ever.

I just nod. “He

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Hope5C #1
Chapter 32: Thanks for the amazing story. I tried so hard to cry, but I failed.??? It’s a really good ending though.
Chapter 32: This is so beautiful and very sad and this story deserves more! It made me cry at the end and Joshua's soul was and will be forever a pure soul. p/s I hate jun a lot in this story omg. Anyway, their love were just messed up. And the ending was just perfectly made and it finally relates with the title that i've been bugging to know why this story is called 'Dead Man's Hand' i really enjoyed this story!
Chapter 31: You are not suppose to make me cry T.T I really want a happy ending . Thank you for writing this awesome story!
Chapter 32: God I don't think a fic ever made me cry so hard. Really well written, I loved it so much.
Chapter 32: Urgh that made me cry. By now I know that you tend to kill of your characters but that one was worse than the others - but it was also sososo good. I love your stories and that one just turned into my favourite, even though I wanted to smack Joshua for being so irritatingly oblivious towards Jun. Thank you for your hard work, please keep on writing your amazing stories :)
Kalyn404 #6
Chapter 32: I... don't have words. It's just so beautiful, and sad, and heartbreaking...
The story is beautiful, seriously. I love it. Maybe the only I didn't liked very much was the fact that Josh realized how much he loved Jeonghan so fast, but it'S just a detail. Everything is so well written (like all of your fics!), it started like something a bit fluffy to finish as a complete angst.
Thank you, cause this is art.
Chapter 32: i knew i was gonna end up crying at the end of all this. again. as usual. ugh.
Chapter 32: So i missed a few chapters and now i just finished reading everything. I cant believe this fic is done already ;__; im gonna miss it. What am i gonna do with my life now?!!!
I can't believe how selfless Joshua could be. He's so precious. Precious Cinnamon Bun T_T
And gdi i knew jeonghan and joshua were OVOs T^T
My heart is hurting. Im dead. Idk help.
ellyphxnt #9
Chapter 31: i also died at this entire chapter
ellyphxnt #10
Chapter 29: i died at wonwoo booked security for the wrong date