Chapter 2: What doesn’t kill you kidnapped your boyfriend

Ignorance isn't Bliss

Well, now we’re official. Sort of…

Everyone know that we’re a couple, but that doesn’t change the fact that my love is still one sided, for now. I do shower him with affection on a daily basis, although he’s obviously not so comfortable with skinship yet. At the very least, I can mark him and tell everyone he’s mine.

But peace never last long…


Author’s PoV

Once upon a time, there was a young lad named Junhoe. He was rich, and charming, and handsome; everything that a woman ever wished for.

But alas, he’s such a flirt. He jumped from women to women, breaking heart to heart. He became known as a playboy, and even with that, women still came looking for his love.

One day, he finally found his true love. A boy called Chanwoo captured his whole heart, and with a clever trick, they finally became official.

But his happiness won’t last long. From the depth of the shadow, a group of young ladies gathered.

“We won’t let him get his love!!! We shall make him suffer!!! We will have our revenge!!!”

As evil laughs spread through the night, can Junhoe and Chanwoo survive this predicament?


Junhoe’s PoV

“This place is way too fancy.”, Chanwoo commented as we enter the restaurant.

“Don’t be like that. Do you know how hard it is to book this restaurant?”

“But there’s no one here!”

“Well, that’s because I booked this restaurant. As in, the whole restaurant.”

“Seriously…”, he said rolling his eyes.

We took a seat and placed our orders. We chatted for a while waiting for the food. You see, being his ‘boyfriend’ clearly improved our relationship. First, he’s more open to my invitation. Second, he’s not so occupied with book anymore when he’s around me. Maybe he started to recognize that me being around him actually mean something now.

That said, that is just our general relationship, there is still no progress in the romantic department. He is still as oblivious as ever. If I say I love him, he will just say, “Isn’t that’s what couple said to each other?”

Anyway, our food finally arrived. “Here’s your soup.”, the waitress said. However, she slipped and the soup fell all over Chanwoo.

“Oh! It’s hot, it’s hot!”, Chanwoo panicked. “Chanwoo!!!”, I shouted in concern, immediately checking him to see if he got hurt.

“Hey, how can you did that? What if my boyfriend got hurt?”

“I’m so, so sorry…”, the waitress apologized. She then took a jar of water, “Here, let me clean your clothes.” and poured it on Chanwoo.

“What are you doing!”, I complained. Wait, why does she looks familiar?

“Do I… Do I know you?”

“You don’t remember me? Oh… my heart. How can you not remember the night that we share?”

I tried hard remembering where I saw her, but Chanwoo suddenly stood up and left. I don’t even need to see his face to noticed that he’s almost crying.

“No, wait. Chanwoo!”, I tried to chase him, but he started running outside. Before I can reach the door, one of the waitress stopped me.

“Hey, wait. You haven’t paid.”

“What!? What am I supposed to pay for?”

“For our suffering.”, she said.

And now I remember.


Author’s PoV

Chanwoo ran outside, tears filling his eyes. It’s weird though, he doesn’t know why he’s crying. I mean, getting bullied by a waitress that you don’t even know is bad, but hearing about Junhoe’s experience with someone else also (somehow) hurt.

He doesn’t really notice when a car stopped in front of him, and 3 young ladies stepped out of the car.

“Oh, so this is Junhoe’s new toy?”, one of them said.

“I wonder how long would he last.”, another one said.

But, before they could even do anything, Chanwoo broke out in tears.

“Eh… We haven’t even started yet!?”, one of the girl said, obviously surprised.

“Oh no, what should we do. There, there, stop crying.”, one of them tried to console Chanwoo, but he just kept crying and crying.

“Look. What’s wrong?”

“It’s Junhoe… and… I don’t know…”, Chanwoo answered, still sobbing.

“C’mon, let’s go somewhere and we can talk.”


Junhoe’s PoV

“You guys are my exes!”, I shouted in surprise.

“Hah, you finally remember.”, one of the waitress said.

“Well, to be fair. I still can’t remember your names.”. What can I do? You have to be honest, right?

“Tch… You’re a real jerk, Junhoe.”, she said again.

“But don’t worry, we won’t let you have your happy ending with Chanwoo.”, another one said.

“What about him?”

“Can’t you tell? Well, whatever. Good luck finding him.”

Tch… I ran outside and frantically tried to call Chanwoo. No answer…


Author’s PoV

The girls brought Chanwoo to a café. There, he told them everything about his relationship with Junhoe.

“He forced me to do this…”, Chanwoo admitted.

“Really!? Like, you don’t love him?”

“Oh wow, the Junhoe has to resort to something dirty like that. He is getting desperate.”

“Do you actually believe him?”

“Of course, what option do I have?”, Chanwoo asked.

One of them sighed, “Does Junhoe look like someone that will a drunk man?”

“Eh… I guess not.”

“Exactly, he is lying and you amazingly fell for it.”

“He is!?”

“Do you actually love him?”, one of them asked.

“I don’t know… He makes me feel all weird, but… I really don’t know.”

“Have you ever fall in love before?”

Chanwoo shook his head.

They all went silent for a while. “Umm… I’m going to the toilet.”, Chanwoo excused himself.

After he left, the girls discussed among themselves.

“What should we do with him?”

“He is way too innocent. Junhoe’s pursuing a hopeless case here.”

“Should we do something with him?”

“I’m not sure… Maybe if we can condition him to avoid Junhoe.”

Once in the toilet, Chanwoo finally checked his phone and saw hundreds of messages from Junhoe. He replied to him, telling where he was. And then, he went back to the girls.

“So what should I do with Junhoe?”, he asked them.

“Break up with him?”

“But, won’t that hurt him?”

“Exactly. That’s the purpose. He lied to you, big time.”

“Besides, he’s such a flirt anyway. He will break your heart sooner or later.”

“You cannot trust him.”

“Ok… I’ll see what I can do.”, Chanwoo finally said.

“Here comes Junhoe.”, one of the girls said when she saw Junhoe coming.


Junhoe’s PoV

“You girls stay away from him!”, I said as soon as he reached Chanwoo.

“Junhoe, that’s ok. They’re kind.”

“Don’t you realize? They’re kidnapping you!”

“They are!?”

I mentally facepalmed myself. This kid can be a bit…

“Yeah, whatever.”, one of the girls said. “We don’t have to do anything here, you’re already suffering.”

“What do you mean?”, I asked.

“Good luck with your love, you’ll need it.”, another one said as they left.

“What did they told you?”, I asked Chanwoo.

“They told me not to trust you.”

That’s one wise advice.

“Anyway, let me bring you back home.”, I offered.

The journey home was mostly quiet. Both of us still need some times to absorb what just happened today.

“How many exes do you have anyway?”, Chanwoo asked out of nowhere.

“I’m not sure… 15? Maybe 16?”

“Oh, I see…”


“No. Nothing…”

When we reached home, Chanwoo stood in front of his apartment’s door and asked, “Did we actually have ?”.

Eh… Why suddenly?

“One of them told me that you lied.”, he continued.

I guess at this point, lying won’t really help anymore. “No, we didn’t.”, I answered honestly.

“You lied!”

“But hear me out first, I did that because I love you.”

“We’re breaking up!!!”, Chanwoo said as he entered his apartment and slammed his door. However, the door opened again slightly, “How can I know that you really love me? What if you’re just playing with me?”, he asked.

“I can proof it to you.”, I answered.

“Proof it then.”, he said before closing the door again.

Author's note: I just realized when planning the chapters, this story don't have any coherence what so ever. Like, each chapter is like a oneshot that is only slightly tied to each other... That's ok, right?

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R_nine21 #1
Chapter 6: make him fall for you~~~
Chapter 6: Chanu why you gotta be so dumb ??
Chapter 1: The first chapter is double written ( the content is doubled ) but anyways; that seems like a good beginning :)
Chapter 7: how to not smile while reading thiss?? :D
heol~ so fluffyyyy xD
fySugarFree #5
Chapter 7: So fluffy i'm tearing huhuhuhu
zeiya0653 #6
Chapter 7: I love this.. this is sooo cute.. junchan is life though.. make more of junchan please ;D
u r indeed one of my favorite Junchan author!!!!!
Ugh i love every single of ur junchan fics!!! *sending tons of loves*♡♡♡
noname101 #8
Chapter 7: Aww so cute!!! Chanu is learning <3
But the last part...poor Chanu get tricked again XD
noname101 #9