It's All My Fault Part 4~


This fic contains:
Homophobic Slurs
Minor Drug Addiction/Abuse
Mild Child Abuse

Word count:273

I'd recommend listening to this playlist: while reading my stories as it's a really nice playlist of piano music and I guess is kinda emotional (like me) I feel like "Stay" fits well with this fic if you want a song suggestion.

Jungkook's funeral was silent,everyone was sad,understandable.
Expect two people,the people who were meant to love Jungkookie the most.
“.” his dad mumbled.
I didn't know how he could talk like that about his own deceased son,not while everyone else held their tongue and kept their ty thoughts to themselves because God ing damn it the kid was dead what was his dad thinking?
“I'll insult him that'll bring him back”?
Then his mother chimed in.
“I shoulda aborted the ing bastard.”
Looking at his parents you were never guess they were his biological parents.
His parents were ugly they were aged with angry eyes,coal black eyes,dark brown hair.
They used to be pretty.
Before they started drugs.
They looked like Jungkook,soft skin and kind eyes they always smiled,they never got happen,but the second Jungkook announced he was gay,they turned their backs in him and started taking drugs and started abusing Jungkook it gets worse though.
Jungkook didn't know he was being abused he thought it was his fault that he was a disappointment.
He wasn't though but that didn't stop them from from kicking him punching him till he bled,he was burned and scalded and it left ugly scars all over his body he was belted with a hot belt buckle on his back he was hit with a walking stick with little weird sticks protruding from it along his back as well it left scars of all different marks and bumps on his back and thighs he was convinced it made him ugly but it didn't.
They went on and on insulting him until he broke.

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