35: Nayeon x Jihyo

Countdown ☆ A Twice One-Shot Collection

Jihyo walked, idly listening to Momo’s chatter as she observed the city in which she lived. Until Momo’s sentence was cut off-

“Jungyeon! You’re here!”

Jihyo managed not to groan as she looked away from the landscape, catching the last second of a kiss between the two girlfriends.

“Don’t be gross,” Jihyo said as Jungyeon joined them. She refused to fall behind them and play the classic third wheel; they just uncomfortable bunched themselves as three walking in a straight line on the concrete pavement.

“You’ll understand as soon as you start dating, Jihyo,” Jungyeon teased, and Jihyo rolled her eyes.

“I don’t think that’s how dating works.”

“When was your last relationship? Middle school?”

“Shut up!” Jihyo’s looked over grumpily, seeing both Momo and Jungyeon smiling at her, perfectly synchronised. “You don’t need to date to know when PDA is nauseating. And you two are the queens of PDA. No, the empresses.”

Giggling girlishly, Momo leaned her head on Jungyeon’s shoulder. “We’re the empresses, honey.”

Jungyeon smirked. “Seriously, Jihyo. Just try dating. You’ll get over other people’s PDA real fast.”

“Easier said than done, Jungyeon.”

“Have you even tried? I mean, look at it this way: We’ll stop bothering you about it as soon as we see you happy with a girlfriend.”

Staring at Jungyeon, Jihyo sighed.

“Fine. I’ll look into it.”




Jihyo was writing down the number fast in her phone when she saw the notice. It wasn’t hers, but it sure might as well be, so maybe she and this girl could work things out.

What sort of text was she supposed to send? Something friendly? Something informative?

Hi, she typed, pondering further. Then she held the backspace key and tried again. Hello, but that was too formal, so she removed it and went back to Hi, my name is Jihyo! But did she need an exclamation mark, or did that make her look overexcited?

Shaking herself, she decided to ignore every single problem with the text she found. It didn’t matter. It was just a stupid fake relationship.

Hi, my name is Jihyo! I saw your notice in the paper, so I figured I’d get in touch. I too have friends pestering me about finding a girlfriend. Do you want to get in touch?

She hit send before thinking, rolling around on her bed nervously as she awaited the response. Her phone vibrated pretty quickly; she’d hardly started playing 2048 when it went off, and quickly she opened up the chatbox, excited to find the new message:

Hey Jihyo! I’m Nayeon. Do you want to meet at McDonald’s in central Seoul? Today, preferably? How about an hour from now?

She sat upright, excitedly grinning at her phone. She could really get it worked out. She could really make her friends stop bothering her about a partner.

Sure! I’ll be the one with light brown hair in a white blouse!

Not too long passed before her answer arrived:

Awesome. I’ll be in blue. See you there!



A girl in a blue shirt found her quickly, rushing over to her.

“Are you Jihyo?”

Jihyo nodded, smiling nervously.

“Awesome. I, uh, actually have friends on the way. Could you pretend to be my girlfriend when they show up? We’ll see if it works. If not it’s fine, I can just tell them we were on a one-time date or something.”

Jihyo watched her speaking the whole time and was vaguely surprised by the fact that the woman before her was utterly gorgeous. “Sure, okay,” she said, and Nayeon smiled bright enough to hurt Jihyo’s head.

Five minutes later two girls arrived, arms linked, and Nayeon started dragging Jihyo towards them. “Hey girls!” She called out, and they looked over, instantly smirking at Jihyo. “This is Jihyo. Jihyo, this is Mina and Tzuyu.”

“Hey,” Jihyo said, grinning. The two girls bowed politely, still fighting off their smirks.

“It’s good to meet you. You’re really lucky; Nayeon’s been turning people down since we met her. It's about time she actually liked someone.”

Jihyo glanced at Nayeon, who was forcing a small smile. That was different from the situation with Jihyo, then. Not a surprise though; Nayeon looked utterly flawless.

“W-well, I’m glad it was me then,” Jihyo said nervously, and Nayeon grabbed Jihyo’s hand, smiling over at her.

“Of course I liked you! Gosh, Jihyo, have you seen you?”

Jihyo smiled back at Nayeon, whose eyes twinkled mischievously, and hated the fact that she had actual butterflies right now.

Maybe this was a bad idea.



“Do you have a history of commitment issues?”

“No,” Nayeon said nervously.

“Never cheated? Or scammed anybody? Or lied compulsively?”

“No,” Nayeon repeated, resorting to uncomfortable giggles.

“Describe Jihyo in three words.”

“Uhhh…” Nayeon met her fake-girlfriend’s eyes as Jihyo’s friend’s interrogated her, and Jihyo tried not to blush in preparation of whatever she came up with. “Light of my life.”

“That’s four.”

“Well, I figure what with how acronyms remove words like ‘of’, it’d count.”

Momo held a steady glare at Nayeon, before whispering, “Jungyeon, does it work like that?”

“I don’t know,” Jungyeon whispered back. They were quiet, staring down Nayeon, who waited patiently, holding Jihyo’s hand and resting it on her lap.

“Fine,” Momo said. “We accept you.”

They were terrible at the whole best friend test thing. Then again, Jihyo had never even bothered testing Momo when Jungyeon first started dating her. Mostly because Jihyo worked on vibes, and it was impossible to get bad vibes from someone as pure and innocent as Momo.

Nayeon gave Jihyo a different vibe. She was more… piquant. And she shrieked delightedly about her approval, hugging Jihyo, and Jihyo laughed with her, grabbing one of her arms in an attempt to hug her back while she faced a different direction.

With Nayeon this close, her heartbeat was overwhelming.

It was definitely a bad idea.



“Do you think this is working?”

Jihyo glanced over, admiring Nayeon’s side profile. “Well, everyone really thinks we’re dating.”

“I guess. It’s just that… it doesn’t seem that different. They’re not telling us to start dating, but it’s not like they stopped talking about dating. Mina and Tzuyu talk about you half the time I’m with them. I was hoping it’d just stop being about dating.”

“Oh,” Jihyo said. “Y-yeah, I’ve been getting the same thing.”

“Maybe we should…” Nayeon laughed nervously. “Break up? Or whatever the term is.”

“Oh,” Jihyo said, not quite sure why her heart was breaking. It had never been a real relationship. What was there to mourn? “I guess so.”

Nayeon watched her, looking quiet and sombre. “I guess we can… start to just be friends.”

“Yeah, alright,” Jihyo said, looking away. Nayeon didn’t say anything; awkward silence filled the room for what felt like eternity.

“I’ll see you later, Jihyo,” Nayeon said, and Jihyo looked over at her and smiled.

“Alright. See you.”

She watched, quietly, as Nayeon stood, leaving the room, and she listened to the sound of the door closing behind her.

And then tears started pouring out of her eyes.

It had been a terrible idea.

a/n- Yeah, angst isn't out of the question either, by the way. Sorry Jihyo :'(

Quick edit: For those of you hoping to see certain pairings, you definitely will! Like the description says - every single pairing possible within Twice will be featured, once, in this collection. So just sending in a pairing without a prompt isn't necessary, since they'll be there eventually! The important details are any particular scenarios you want to see for those characters :) (Again, request form is here! Please send in your requests and win my eternal love.)

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xxFangallxx #1
DahMi plsssss T_T
Amberlily #2
Heeeeey, I think this is a really cool idea! There are so many members in Twice that a lot of ships become underappreciated and unknown, and writing about them would give them at least a bit of recognition. Jihyo (who isn't often shipped with anyone except Tzuyu) already got two chapters! That angst though TT_TT
I really like your story Avowal, by the way!
twicexsnsd #3
Chapter 1: Please post one shots for the other couples, the way you write is really cool.