The Proverbial Jig is Up

Unexpected Places

Wonwoo/Mingyu POV

    Wonwoo stared at his friend thoughtfully. For the past week and a half, the Chinese boy had been acting strangely. He had been unusually quiet and spent as much time as possible on his phone. Minghao had also been oddly happy, not that Wonwoo was complaining about his close friend’s happiness, of course. There was just something different about him- and he wasn’t the only one that noticed.

    “Wonwoo hyung, what are you looking at?” Wonwoo’s back stiffened as the taller boy slung his arm across his shoulders. He couldn’t stop the surprised flush that spread across his cheeks, so instead he turned his face away, avoiding the other boy’s gaze.


    “It’s Minghao isn’t it?”


    “Really?” Mingyu bit his lip, an action that made Wonwoo’s heart flutter. Damnit body, he thought, get it under control. “Because even I think he’s been acting weird lately.”

    “I wonder what’s going on…” Wonwoo mused, his secret clearly out.

    “Whatever it is, the key to finding out is his phone.”

    ‘What are you saying?” he raised an eyebrow despite knowing exactly what Mingyu was saying.

    “I’m saying Operation Badger is a go!”

    “Operation Badger? Really? Badger? Out of all the scary code names you could have picked, you chose badger?”

    “Have you never seen that Honey Badger video? Badgers are vicious creatures!” Mingyu shuddered at the memory.

    “Irregardless of whether or not badgers are a better choice than something like, I don’t know, a Velociraptor. What would this so-called-operation involve?”

    “Okay,” Mingyu gestured at Wonwoo, who leaned in conspiratorially. “Here’s the plan.”


    After nearly fifteen minutes of Minyu explaining his complex, elaborate plan to Wonwoo, he pulled away with a satisfied smile. The other boy had a look of pure shock on his face so different than the blank, poker face that Mingyu was used to seeing that he broke out into a wide grin.

    “I know I’m a genius and that my plan is a masterpiece, but hyung, come on, you think that you’d get used to it. I mean you get to work with the perfection that is me, Kim Mingyu, every day.” He would have continued with his elaborate self-praise, but much to his surprise, Wonwoo burst out laughing.

    “Seriously?” Wonwoo weazed. “That’s… That’s got to be the STUPIDEST thing that I’ve ever heard!” he somehow managed to choke out in the midst of a fit of laughter. “And trust me, I’m friends with some pretty stupid people.”

    “What?” Mingyu’s face colored, his embarrassment from Wonwoo’s remark mingling with that from his thoughts about how darn cute the other boy looked while laughing. It was almost too much for him the way that Wonwoo looked with his eyes all scrunched up, his nose wrinkled and his mouth stretched into a wide grin. And that sound. God that sound. It was something that he never wanted to stop, something that he wanted to hear every day of his life. Heck, Mingyu could die happy knowing that just once he’d gotten to hear something as perfect as Wonwoo’s laugh.

Jeon Wonwoo was going to be the death of Kim Mingyu, and yet, staring at the other boy’s face while he tried to calm himself down enough to form a coherent answer (Mingyu’s facial expression wasn’t helping with that), Mingyu wouldn’t have it any other way.

    Five minutes and a glass of cold water later Wonwoo was finally capable of speaking.

    “Just distract him while I grab his phone. It’s really not that hard. No need to start a bloody panda college.”

    “But hyung, I think you’re missing the very essence of my brilliance. Minghao is from China, which means he-”

    “Stop.” Wonwoo held up his hand. “You’re venturing too far into racist country.”




    “Still no.”


    “Just stop it already.”

    “Jackie Chan in a panda suit.”


    “Fine.” The taller boy huffed, his lip jutting out in a pout. “But where’s the fun in your plan. The artistry. The craftsmanship???” Wonwoo rolled his eyes, turning his back on Mingyu as he cleared a table. It was totally because they were working, gosh darnit, not to hide the slight pink in his cheeks, which resulted from Mingyu’s pretty darn totally not cute pout.

    “You want craftsmanship? Talk to him about how to build a fricken boat, it doesn’t matter. Ask him about Jackie Chan infiltrating panda college in Beijing, for all I care. Just make sure he’s distracted.”

    “Fine.” Mingyu muttered, clearing two cappuccino mugs off another table (no he still hadn’t mastered the heart yet, much to the older boy’s annoyance). He continued grumpily muttering as he walked away, which would have left Wonwoo feeling totally guilty indifferent if he hadn’t caught fragments of the other boy’s monologue.

    “Who even cares?...... Without Pandas……… Polyester……. Trees….. No you can’t just ask someone to build a fort!” Without a doubt Mingyu was back to his usual self.


    15 minutes later all three of the boys were on break, which could only mean one thing. Operation Badger was about to commence.

    “Are you sure you can handle this?” Wonwoo questioned as they stood poised outside the break room where Minghao was waiting, blissfully unaware of the chaos about to ensue.

    “Hyung, I’m not a child,” Mingyu ignored the questioning glances the other boy was sending him. “Besides, there’s nothing Kim Mingyu can’t do if he sets his mind to it!”

    “Don’t talk about yourself in third person, it doesn’t suit you- it’s not cute.” The words somehow managed to escape Wonwoo’s mouth before he could really even think about it.

    “So you think that I’m cute?” The taller boy smirked raising an eyebrow.

    “Sh-shut up!” And with that Wonwoo opened the door to the break room, as casually as possible strolling in. Unfortunately, they failed completely at looking anything even remotely close to natural, instead appearing ridiculously awkward. Fortunately, Minghao was too occupied with his phone to notice.

    “Hey Hao.” Looking up, Minghao gave a nod of acknowledgement before returning to his screen.

    “Um, I actually have a survey that I was wondering if you could fill out. It’s for one of my classes and it would really help me out if you could do it.” Mingyu winked at Wonwoo, who rolled his eyes.

    “Sure, just give me a minute.” The Chinese boy set down his phone as he got up, locking it. Immediately Wonwoo’s gaze zeroed in on it, shooting his partner in crime a thumbs up, who returned the gesture. Unfortunately for the crooks, Minghao caught the not-so-subtle exchange.

    “What are you two up to?” He questioned, his eyes narrowing as he glanced back and forth between the other boys who were trying very hard to not look guilty. Needless to say, they were failing.

    “Nothing.” Mingyu answered cooly. Despite being quite the talented aspiring actor, for whatever reason those acting skills did not translate well into his everyday life.

    “Yeah, we’re just on break. I already filled out Mingyu’s survey so I figured I’d just chill in the break room, maybe catch up on some sleep.”

    “Wonwoo,” Minghao looked at him pointedly. “I’ve been roommates with you for over a year now, so I think it’s safe to say that I know your sleeping habits. Specifically I know that you slept til one o’clock today, as I had to wake you up for your shift.” Wonwoo’s face flushed and he let out a defeated sigh.

    Dang it, he thought, It was such a good plan too. Outloud, he quickly looked at Mingyu before speaking. “Change of plan,” that grabbed Mingyu’s attention, who looked nervously at the slender Chinese boy. Said Chinese boy was just very confused as to what was going on, but he hoped it had something to do with the unresolved between his coworkers (much to everyone’s disappointment it didn’t). Naturally he was very surprised when Wonwoo burst out screaming. “GRAB HIM! GRAB HIM AND NEVER LET GO!”

    So that was how Minghao ended up being forcefully back hugged by a giant named Kim Mingyu, while one of his closest friends dove across the table and grabbed his phone. The blood drained from his face, as he knew what Wonwoo was after (he’d been pestering him about it for days) and he also knew that his passcode would not hold long (years of friendship ensured that the older boy knew most of his potential passwords).

    “I SWEAR TO GOD, I AM A BLACK BELT IN WUSHU, LET ME GO BEFORE I END YOUR PATHETIC EXISTENCE” Mingyu, shocked both by hearing such harsh words come from Minghao’s mouth (he was typically a soft-spoken, kind person) and the revelation that he was a wushu master, decided it would be best for his health if he released the smaller boy. As soon as he was freed, said boy lunged forward, just as Wonwoo entered the correct password on his phone (1708 just in case anyone was wondering). Panicked, Wonwoo tossed the phone to Mingyu, who thankfully caught it, before the wushu master tackled him. Frowning, Mingyu looked at the recent conversation, which, much to his disappointment, was almost entirely in Chinese.

Back on his feet and off of Wonwoo, Minghao was about to tackle Mingyu as well, when suddenly the tall boy froze. The only thing that wasn’t in Chinese was the contact name, which read “The iest beast that I have ever laid eyes on Jun <3. [A/N please go easy on our poor baby, Jun stole his phone and added the “iest beast” part. He just never changed it back… Why change the truth? *wink wink* Anyways, sorry, back to the story]

    “Wait… Jun, as in Wen Junhui?”

Crap, Minghao thought, a blush spreading across his face. It was supposed to be a secret.


Seungcheol/Chan POV

    “I don’t know, I think the best kind of welcome gift is any kind of food,” said Seungcheol as he bit into his eclair, smiling happily as it melted in his mouth. He was enjoying lunch with some of his friends, who for some reason were still discussing the merits of giving muffins as welcoming gifts. Well, it was mostly because said friends had finally received said baked goods from Jisoo complete with a gift basket full of jams. Seungcheol personally though muffins made a lovely welcome gift, especially Jisoo’s muffins. He was close with the American boy and swore that the other must actually have some kind of holy power to make bran muffins taste so delicious. But, other than Jisoo’s baked goods, their current location was his go-to stop for heavenly desserts.

Adore U Cafe was one of his long-standing favorite places to eat in Seoul. Going into his third year of University made him think back to when he’d first discovered it as a freshman. It had been raining, he’d been mildly lost and was starving when he stumbled upon the small establishment. He’d ordered a strawberry cake and hot chocolate. As soon as he bit into the fluffy dessert and tasted the sweet, thick drink, he’d known that he would be coming back. A lot.  

    “Tsch, you think anyone who’ll either listen to your rapping or give you food is awesome.” Chan sipped at his lemonade.

    “Which is exactly why,” He pulled the younger boy into a headlock, ruffling his hair. “You should do both of those things more often.”

    “YAH! Let me go you… you muscle pig!” At this the other boys burst into laughter.

    “Muscle Pig!” Jihoon snorted. “I’m totally calling you that from now on!” Finally freed from said muscle pig’s grasp, Chan carefully smoothed his hair back into its original style.

    “I’m telling dad!” This time it was Seungcheol who snorted.

    “Like dad or mom would care, they’re too busy in Hawaii to even lift a finger.” Seungcheol and Chan had first met when Seungcheol was 12. It was around that time that his dad had announced that he had a girlfriend, who things had gotten very serious with. After hearing that, Seungcheol had fled the room, not because he was unwilling for his dad to be in a relationship (his biological mother had died when he was only a baby and he wanted his dad to be happy), but because what 12 year old would want to hear his father give in depth descriptions about his love life? He loved his dad, but hearing about how his girlfriend’s hair was “just like black silk, long and flowing. It’s softness comparable to that of the subtle glow of moonlight on water” was rather sickening. He had left when his father had started to tell him about her lips because honestly eww.

    The next day he had met his future stepmother and her son, Lee Chan, who was a few years younger than Seungcheol. The boys had really hit it off, much to their parents’ delight, and they had both been groomsmen in the wedding that occurred just six months later. Seungcheol could, at times, be very fatherly so it wasn’t at all surprising when he took the younger boy under his wing. In the years that followed, they became close and when Seungcheol had been accepted to his dream school, Pledis University, and announced that he was moving to Seoul, Chan had begged his parents to let him go with him. After much debate, their parents had agreed and helped to pay for an apartment close to campus for the boys, as Chan was still in high school at the time. The rest was history.

    “I’m still annoyed they didn’t take us with them.” Chan muttered, “I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii.”

    “Would you really want to interrupt those two lovebirds?” Soonyoung had only met Seungcheol and Chan’s parents once, but they had left quite the impression. They acted like they were young and in love, as opposed to being someone’s parents. For the month following the encounter, him and Jihoon had viciously mocked the older boy. At the mention of their parent’s physical affection, the step siblings shuddered. It was the one aspect of their relationship that they weren’t really fond of.

    “I guess you’re right, I don’t think I could take all that,” Chan stared disgustedly into his glass “touching.

    “Do you think that you’ll need anyone to rap in your songs this year?” Seungcheol changed the subject, turning to Jihoon who had had been peacefully enjoying his chocolate cupcake.

    “While your eagerness,” Jihoon rolled his eyes, remembering how much the older boy had bothered him after finding out that he was the up-and-coming producer who everyone on campus was talking about. “Will never cease to impress me, there’s this freshman who’s supposed to be really good.” His eyes lit up excitedly as he spoke about music, thinking about all the possibilities. “I’ve listened to some of his stuff and his flow is no joke. Plus he can speak English.”

    “Sometimes I wonder if you only hang out with me because of Jihoon.” Soonyoung joked, reaching across the table to poke Seungcheol in the bicep.

    “Nah, it’s because you can ball pretty hard.” At this, him and Soonyoung burst into a fit of giggles, they had met through the pickup basketball games that were held every Tuesday and Friday in Love Letter Park. “The fact that I could promote my latest mixtape to your wonderful, genius producer friend, just happened to be an added bonus.” Jihoon rolled his eyes at the obvious flattery.

    “You really should give it up hyung, or should I say S.Coups.” Chan burst out into laughter, his step-brother’s choice of rapper name had never failed to amuse him.

    “Shut up!” Seungcheol’s ears turned bright red. “I don’t know why I told you guys about my rapping to begin with.”

    “Maybe it’s because you’re a shameless self-promoter with no sense of morales?”
    “YAH SOONYOUNG- I’ll have you know I have some standards.” He grinned “For example, if you were in some kind of horrible dance accident. I would rush to the hospital and make sure you were okay before playing you my sweet new mixtape.”

    “Gee, what a wonderful friend.”

    “And you wonder why we constantly tease you about this.”

    “Also I don’t see why you think hyung’s ever going to feature you- he has his cousin for any and all rapping.” Chan eyed him skeptically.

    “C’mon! I mean Yoongi-hyung is pretty great, but I’m good too right? Right?”

    “Have you heard his latest mixtape? Agust D is legit fire!” Soonyoung nodded along to Chan’s statement. [A/N I love Suga’s mixtape! I swear that boy is so rude tho, why can’t he just stay in his lane!]

    “#InfiresNation4Lyfe” Soonyoung grinned.

    “Did you just verbally hashtag? That’s it Hosh, I’m never talking to you again.” At this Jihoon and the Soonyoung launched into their own rapid fire argument discussion and were soon caught up in their own little world. Seungcheol looked on, smiling. He didn’t know why his friends couldn’t see what he did.



    Jun lay on the couch of his surprisingly spacious apartment. His roommate was currently at work, which meant that he was free to do whatever he wanted and ‘whatever he wanted’ consisted mainly of lounging around in sweats all day, watching old Chinese TV shows. He was on his second family sized bag of corn chips because dang those ers are addicting, when he received an urgent text from Minghao.


Today 5:45 PM

My Adorable Ball of Fluff    [A/N don’t judge me, I think Jun would def have cutesy contact names]



5:45? Jun let out a sigh, that meant Wonwoo’s shift would be over soon. On the brightside it meant Minghao’s shift would also be over, he smiled at the thought of seeing his boyfriend.



> What’s up babe?

> Miss me ;)


My Adorable Ball of Fluff

> Yes :)




> What could be more important than my feelings for you?

> Don’t tell me you won the lottery???

> Will you buy me a pony?

> Or a car?

> Preferably both


My Adorable Ball of Fluff





> Calm down

> Is this about what I think it is?

> Who knows?

> How much do they know?


My Adorable Ball of Fluff

> Yes

> Wonwoo and Mingyu

> They took my phone :(

> They know at least as much as ‘The iest beast that I have ever laid eyes on Jun <3’

> Why is this happening?

> Now they’re going to think that we were hiding it from them

> They’re going to hate us

> Juuuuunnnnn help me :(((



> I’m sure it will be fine

> Hold on a sec

> I have to check something


Jun casually switched to the group chat between him and his friends, which he had muted in order to peacefully enjoy Chinese cartoons.


Today 5:49 PM




Ice Cream Scoups

> Mingyu? Aren’t you supposed to be working?

> Also what does code blue mean?

> Am I the only one who doesn’t know about this?


Hansoldo Dicaprio

> Yes Seungcheol

> We made up color codes in one of the many BFF meetings that you weren’t invited to

> It’s Mingyu

> Of course you’re not the only one who doesn’t understand what he’s talking about



> Hey >:(

> I resent that


Seok-grin :D

> He’s not wrong








Chan-osaurus Rex

> OMG O_o

> SRSLY???

> WHO???



> Congratulations Jun!

> I hope you know that we’re all very supportive of your relationship! I hope that we can meet the lucky man soon and I hope that he’s just as amazing and wonderful as you are. I wish you the best of luck with your love!

> Also, maybe I should bake him some muffins

> Scratch that

> I’m definitely baking him muffins


1004 Angel

> Baby, you know I love you, but seriously

> cool it with the muffins




> This kid Minghao

> He’s going to be a first year

> He works with me @ Ah Yeah

> He makes a mean frappuccino


Seok-grin :D

> Wait

> What does he look like

> Is he Chinese?

> Does he know Kwon Soonyoung or Boo Seungkwan?


Hansoldo Dicaprio

> Wait I know Boo Seungkwan

> He’s my roommate

> He seems chill

> How do you know him?


1004 Angel

> He’s Seokmin

> He’s tight w/every1

> He has a whole other friend group

> He doesn’t love us enough :(



> Hannie

> It’s ok

> I love you

> Seokmin just loves everyone

> It’s not his fault you’re antisocial


1004 Angel


> I thought you loved me :’(

> How could you betray me?

> I trusted you



> Sorry Baby

> I’ll make you some muffins to apologize


1004 Angel




> Sorry

> I said that on purpose

> <3


Ice Cream Scoups

> Um… Guys

> As much as we love you


Chan-osaurus Rex





> Y Seokmin???

> I know him too :(

> Why does no one trust meeeeeee


Seok-grin :D

> Okay

> I’m just going to ignore that

> Minghao’s really sweet

> He can be quiet @ first, but once he’s comfortable around you he’s kind of outgoing

> He’s 179cm


Hansoldo Dicaprio

> Wait

> how do you know his exact height?


Seok-grin :D

> It’s not important

> Anyways

> He has curly blonde hair

> Dark brown eyes

> OOoh also elf ears

> He’s talented at dancing

> He can do like flips and stuff

> Not gonna lie, it’s pretty cool



> I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t talk about my love life w/out me present


1004 Angel


> So not going to happen


Jun sighed, exiting out of the group chat before he could see the flood of messages that would have inevitably arrived. Switching back to his conversation with Minghao, he smiled when he saw the other boy's texts.


Today 5:57 PM

My Adorable Ball of Fluff

> ‘S Okay that they know about us tho, right?

> I didn’t really like keeping dating you a secret

> I mean I get why we did it

> But I just want to be able to talk to my friends about you

> To be able to tell everyone how much I care about you

> As long as it’s fine w/you, of course



> Of course it is :)

> This situation may be less than ideal, but I’m glad I can finally tell my friends how happy you make me


My Adorable Ball of Fluff

> Do you really mean that?



> Of course I do <3

> ...

> Look at us getting all sappy


My Adorable Ball of Fluff

> Ikr <3



> What are you doing after work?

> Can I pick you up?


My Adorable Ball of Fluff

> You don’t have a car

> Unless you intend to physically carry me

> Which I highly advise against

> I suggest you rephrase



> Fine >:(

> Can I wait for you so that we can walk/take the bus somewhere?

> Hold up

> That doesn’t sound as appealing tho

> How about ‘Would you be willing to take public transportation to an undisclosed location with me?’


My Adorable Ball of Fluff

> Lol

> Be prepared to deal w/Won and Gyu tho

> xxx see you in 10



> Trust me I’m never ready for those two

> They have so much

> They should just make out like we did


My Adorable Ball of Fluff






Jun shut off his phone, smiling at the memory of how they first got together, just a month ago [A/N I know at the beginning of the chapter it makes it seem like a week and a half but it’s been going on for longer. Minghao is just getting less sneaky (・ω・)]. They had been friends for sometime, ever since last winter when Jun had first run into Minghao at Ah Yeah. He had loved the coffee shop since he moved to Seoul three years prior and it was actually at his recommendation that Mingyu started working there, but that’s a different story.

It had been a cold, snowy day at the end of December, just a few days after Christmas. He had entered the store expecting to see one of the usual cashiers, but instead was greeted by possibly the most physically attractive human being that he had ever seen. The boy was slender and well, rather Minghao looking, and Jun couldn’t help but stare. The other boy had of course noticed his completely obvious staring (for real though, Jun was not subtle. Like at all) and had flushed completely red, something that he found completely effing adorable. He had been standing there for at least five minutes, just staring when the other boy finally spoke.

“Um… Ex-excuse me.” He stammered, face still pink from embarrassment, “Do you maybe, um, want to order something?” To which Jun had muttered something entirely smooth and classy, somewhat along the lines of ‘Dear Lord, you’re gorgeous’ except in Mandarin, before (finally) regaining his composure. Minghao, as unbeknownst to Jun at the time, could speak Mandarin, so of course he flushed even darker.

“Do you like raisins?” Jun had suddenly asked, smiling rakishly.


“Then how would you feel about a date?” Minghao was frozen. He was so not emotionally prepared for a hot boy to walk in, stare at him for what felt like hours, then spout cheesy pickup lines, blatantly hitting on him.

“Are you Australian?”
    “N-no, I’m Chinese”

“Too bad because you meet all of my Koala-fications” Jun winked before what Minghao had said actually sunk in. “Wait… You’re Chinese? SO AM I” [A/N he speaks in Mandarin, and at this point their convo switches languages]

“Really?” The younger boy immediately brightened. Speaking in Mandarin he seemed so much more confident, although he was still flushed pink and ridiculously cute. “It’s been forever since I’ve run into someone who can speak Chinese, let alone someone who’s actually from China!”

After that they continued to talk for around half an hour (well it was mostly Jun talking and Minghao piping in every now and then, but that’s not really the point) before Minghao realized that he really had to get back to work and Jun realized that that late paper wasn’t going to write itself (he got an extension on it as his grandmother had been sick and he’d missed class for a week and a half to visit her in China). Jun had hastily, but still carefully, scribbled down his number on his now empty coffee cup, before biding the other boy adieu and running out of the shop.

From there, their friendship had only grown and they began texting each other regularly and hanging out outside of Ah Yeah. Jun had developed a major crush on the other boy (he was actually in love with him, but he still hadn’t told Minghao that just yet) but he was still unsure of the other’s feelings towards him or if he even swung that way. It wasn’t until June that Jun had any inkling of an idea that Minghao might actually like him; and it wasn’t until July that it was confirmed with all certainty that the other boy felt at least a portion of what he felt for him.

They had been hanging out together, like usual, sitting on a bench in Love Letter park. They were happily eating chocolates which they had just purchased from Simple Chocolates, the best chocolate shop in Seoul (well at least the best according to them). Jun had been spouting nonsense, trying as hard as possible to get Minghao to laugh, something that he had made his own personal mission. He had launched into rapid-fire cheesy pickup line mode, not even giving the other boy time to respond outside of snorts of laughter.

“Besides being y, what do you do for a living?” Jun winked and Minghao snorted. “If you were a transformer, you’d be a Hot-obot called Optimus Fine.” Jun wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Minghao giggled. “Are you nutrient deprived, because I think you’re suffering from a lack of vitamin me.” Jun his lips and Minghao chuckled. “Can I have your picture so that I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?” Jun pulled an incredibly fake-y face and Minghao laughed. “I think I like you, Hao. I think I like you a lot.” Jun stared at Minghao and Minghao stared back, no longer laughing. He watched as the younger boy’s lips parted slightly and Minghao noticed his looking at his lips and he noticed him notice. Next thing he knew, they were kissing.

Desperately at first, passionately, as if they were trying to show how much they felt for each other, how much they needed each other. Soon, however, the kisses changed, growing lighter and unbearably sweet. Jun felt as if he was flying, as if he were spinning. The other boy’s touch was completely electrifying, every single cell of his body was extremely aware of Minghao and how he was touching him, how he was kissing him. When they had finally broke apart, lips swollen and gasping for breath, Minghao had simply leaned his head against Jun’s shoulder and whispered. “I think I like you too Jun.” And Jun had kissed the top of Minghao’s head and murmured “I know.” And they had just sat there with his arm around the smaller boy until the sun had set. When they did finally get up to go home, Minghao had shyly taken Jun’s hand and Jun had held on tight, silently thinking to himself that he was never going to let this boy go.

It had only been a month, and yet hands down, it had been the best month of Jun’s life. The decision to keep their relationship on the DL had been rather accidental. It was just that Jun had never really told his friends about Minghao and Minghao had never really told his friends about Jun and somehow it just never really happened. On a certain level, Jun had liked keeping his relationship secret, it was exciting and he got to keep Minghao all to himself, when he wasn’t too busy at Ah Yeah or spending time with his friends. On a much more substantial, practical level, however, he had hated it and he could feel that Minghao had felt the same. Despite the unfortunate circumstance, he was actually quite glad that the proverbial jig was up, even if he would be most likely mercilessly teased by his friends for being so whipped.

Glancing at his clock, he noticed that it was 6 o’clock. Realization hit him like a truck.

“CRAP” he screamed (no one else was home so it wasn’t like it mattered anyway), before rushing to get dressed. He now had less than ten minutes before he had to meet up and “take public transportation to an undisclosed location” with his boyfriend.



SORRY ABOUT THE HUGE DELAY ON THIS CHAPTER!!! I don’t really have any excuse for it (side note I hate making excuses). I just haven’t been really inspired lately. I tried to write this so many times, this is probably the fourth time I’ve written it. After the initial bit of the Meanie section I just kept getting stuck. I finally figured out where I wanted the chapter to go and managed to get something down. I know this isn’t my best *sigh*, but I'm just glad I got it done and it's up.

This chapter is also just over 5000 words (excluding A/Ns), so that’s exciting! I even made this other document which pretty much just maps out all the characters and their relationships with each other, which, btw, was way more difficult and time consuming to make than I thought it would be. I’ve decided to have two main friend groups with a few small overlaps, like how Soonyoung and Jihoon are friends with Seungcheol and Chan and how Seokmin is like bffs w/everyone. Additionally, I want to try to update at least twice more before I go back to school on the 31st, but no promises. Also, how do you like the romantic scenes? I don’t have any personal experience with such situations and I don’t write this kind of stuff a lot. Any thoughts or advice about it?

Side note: I LOVE WRITING TEXT CONVOS \(^◇^)/, they’re just so much fun that I can’t handle myself. I’ve also been thinking of writing some Jihan oneshots. I have a really cool idea for one, so maybe look out for that. Anyways thank you so much for reading this and your support! I hope you enjoyed it!

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TheiaP #1
Chapter 19: yessss cuddling!!!!!
Asassytree #3
Chapter 18: I really do hope you feel better soon. Take all the time you need and do exactly what feels right for you. The thing that matters the most is that you feel well. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
TheiaP #4
Chapter 17: BooSeokSoon is so fun :D
Jihoon using the producer to communicate is so funny XD
And I agree completely with Boo/your rant about 101 (It was so sad!!!!!!!!! Watched the final live and it was a dreadful 4 hours)
Asassytree #5
Chapter 17: Yay! Great chapter btw! You're really good at writing dialogue!
Chapter 17: hahahaha the Holy gag trio i son point here X`D
AND YES!!! I WISH JONGHYUN ESPC HIm WOULD MADE IT INTO WANNA ONE T___T I am still a bit salty but like boo i love the current line up!!!