Prologue | 02082016

Kill All boys

Na Rae watches in disgust as the guy slithers his arm around the girl's shoulder, only to let it fall to her waist. The guy leans in, pulling her closer than she already is. Na Rae sees him whispering into her ear with a particular gleam in his eyes that Na Rae finds so very familiar. Seconds after, the girl giggles, giving him a playful slap on his shoulder. Na Rae draws her head backwards, cringing at the sight before her as she questions her seating choice. She's this close to throwing up.

"Let me guess, another boy?" A familiar voice rings in her ears before the sound of a tray being placed on the table replaces it. Na Rae nods without removing her eyes from the pair. Min Hee follows her gaze, only to regret doing so as she feels the meal from yesterday making its way up her oesophagus.

"He literally had his tongue down another girl's throat yesterday. Why is she still entertaining him?" Min Hee asks rhetorically before rolling her eyes. Looking down at her tray, she feels the sudden lack of appetite in courtesy of the couple two tables away. Not wanting the money she's spent to be wasted, she slowly picks at her food, forcing herself to eat. The girl's giggles continue to cloud her ears and Min Hee resists every urge to hit her with the tray.

How can someone be so dense? Min Hee thinks to herself.

"Wouldn't it be nice if boys were to not exist?" Min Hee turns to Na Rae, whose intense gaze still lies upon the sinful two. The guy's got the girl wrapped around his finger, giving him one more to boast to his friends about.

"You asked me that question last week," Min Hee answers.

"You didn't answer," Na Rae replies.

"That's because the answer is pretty obvious, don't you think?" Na Rae doesn't reply and simply responds with a shrug. Seeing that this is the end of the conversation, Min Hee returns to her food. Na Rae doesn't speak for a long while, and Min Hee makes nothing out of it because Na Rae is only like that when she's in deep thought. Na Rae is not one to like people interrupting her thoughts, Min Hee has learned that first hand. Not wanting history to repeat itself, Min Hee lets the other be. Just as Min Hee is about to jump onto her own train of thoughts, Na Rae speaks up.

"What if an organisation that literally kills boys were to exist?" Hearing this, Min Hee chokes, bursting into a fit of coughs. Na Rae is unfazed as she turns to Min Hee, awaiting her response.

"What do you mean?" Min Hee asks in between coughs.

"You know, people can hire the organisation to kill a specific boy. It's like a hitman kind of thing," Na Rae trails off, knowing her best friend is slowly catching on.

"Are you telling me that you want to create an organisation in which you kill boys?" Min Hee asks in half disbelief.

"That's right," Na Rae nods. A long silence greets them as Min Hee scans her face for signs that she's joking. There aren't any. It isn't a first coming from Na Rae, judging from her family background, yet the fact that Na Rae says such things so casually still stupefies Min Hee. Na Rae doesn't show any reaction to the expression on Min Hee's face but instead gives her time to process her words. More seconds tick by before Min Hee eventually speaks.

"Well then, can we start with Mino?" Min Hee asks, looking at Na Rae pointedly as she sips on her drink. Na Rae narrows her gaze.

"Girl, he ain't even a boy."

"Who cares? He's as annoying as one," Min Hee replies.

"You only think that way because he wouldn't stop asking you out," Na Rae laughs.

"Thus, boy." Min Hee throws out her hands, emphasising her words. Na Rae can only shake her head as a smile lingers on her face. Mino is probably one of the few guys in this school that Na Rae is fine with; simply because the latter isn't a boy despite his appearance which states otherwise. She knows how head over heels he is towards Min Hee no matter how many times he's been rejected. Two years have passed and he's still trying. That is enough to get Na Rae's approval even though Min Hee has said time and time again that she would never fall for him. At least, that's what she thinks.

"So are you in?" Na Rae asks as they head to class. Min Hee halts, looking at Na Rae with a slightly raised brow.

"Are you asking me to join this organisation of yours?" To this question, Na Rae nods.

"News flash, unlike you, I don't come from a family of mafia members and assassins."

Na Rae rolls her eyes. "There's something called learning, you know."

"Look, I may be your best friend but that doesn't mean I want to be involved in such things," Min Hee retorts. Just then, a foot appears out of nowhere, causing her to trip. Before she is able to plummet to the ground, a pair of arms reaches out to catch her. Min Hee finds herself staring into the eyes of the guy from the sinful two in the canteen. A mischievous smile forms on his lips as lust colours his eyes. It only happened for a second but Min Hee is certain she saw him scanning her body with his eyes.

"Guess you've fallen for me too, huh?" the guy says, wiggling his brows.

Nope, no, nuh-uh. Min Hee thinks to herself as she loosens herself from his grip and eventually gets free. Leaving the guy stunned by her sudden rejection, Min Hee quickens her pace. Landing on Na Rae's side, - the girl who claims to be her best friend yet leaves her alone to deal with a boy - Min Hee huffs. Na Rae doesn't do that well of an attempt to hide the smirk on her face.

"Two things. One, get me a gun. Two, change of plans; we're making that guy our first target instead."

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Chapter 3 of Kill All boys is up! :)


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Shiiiit sign me the up. This is the story I'd been missing in my life. Dear God, I'm ready.
Chapter 2: I'm looking forward :D
woahhh, i'm waiting.. ≧﹏≦
duexbzk #4
Can't wait!