Too Fast To Live, Too Young To Die

| C O L L I D I N G  P A S T  &  P R E S E N T |



Jiyong hissed every now and then as he felt the stinging pain from his back brought by his bleeding shot. He and Sandara walked mindlessly looking for an escape. He knew the girl was having a hard time with his weight being put on her.


"Mianhe," he groaned.


"Oppa..." Sandara said confused.


"I'm...sorry for...let-letting this hap-happened," he explained. "I-If only I... did not b-brought you...t-this is my f-fault...Mianhe, Sandara-ah," he swallowed the bile forming his throat. "Oppa isn't strong e-enough protect you..." he groaned as pain shot through him. He can feel his back shirt soaked with his blood.


"It's not your fault. If I didn't force you to spent time together then this won't happened in the first place. So don't ever say that. You got shot because of me," she sobbed.


"Silly," he said as he tightens his arm around her shoulder. "I'll do everything just to keep you safe. If I have to be your James Bond then I will be. With you, I will ride or die," he said seriously.


/end of flashback/


"You knew it all along, don't you?" Sandara confronted Jiyong once they left alone. She's mad not because of him but with their situation. It will ruin everything she planned.


"I'm sorry," the words he can only mutter as he shamefully bow his head.


"Why...why you didn't tell me? Why Jiyong?" she asked.


"I..." he can't find his words to explain but he can't come up with nothing.


"Back out," she said. Jiyong looked at her in surprised.


"W-What?" he stammered with wide eyes.


"Please cancel the engagement, Jiyong. We can't get married," she said in lost desperation.


Jiyong his breath as thousands of needles prick his heart. Nothing registered his head but the fact that she doesn't want to get married to him.


It hurts. He felt like dying. It's worst from being shot by a bullet or stabbed with a knife. Her blunt rejection killed him right at that instant.


"W-Why?" he asked shoving his pain to the piths of his heart.


"Because I don't want to get married to you! Please Jiyong! Let's not do it. We can't do this," she pleads.


He heard another crash somewhere inside his heart.


"You don't want to marry me?" he gasped painfully. Where is the Sandara he knew? Where is the Sandara who wants to marry him before? Who is this woman in front of him?


"Jiyong..." Sandara exhales frustrated.


Jiyong looked away to hide the hurt in his eyes. His hope vanished completely. He felt numb.


"I can't. I'm sorry," he whispered.


"What? Why?" Sandara asked sharply.


"I have my reasons," he vaguely explained marring a stoic expression. "I'm going. Good night," he said and quickly left before he betrayed himself.


Jiyong climbs in his car and speeds off the night. He steps of the break beside the highway. His breathing became labored. He leans his head on his seat and covered his eyes as tears trail his cheeks before he could stop it.


He bowed his head and bit his lip as he cried silently. He pounds his chest hoping it could ease the pain.


It's hurt like hell.






Jiyong opened his eyes as white ceiling welcomed him. He groaned feeling his body ache. Where is he? What happened? Then he remembered their abduction, the gang rescued them and him being shot while protecting Sandara.


His eyes widens as he abruptly seats up ignoring his pain.


"Sandara!" he called her name frantically.


"Jiyong," Hyun Suk entered his room with impassive expression. He walked up to him and occupy the chair beside his bed.


"Uncle! Where's Sandara? How is she?" he asked.


"Calm down, Jiyong. Sandara is fine. You are safe now. We manage to save you two from White Crows. However, Steam got away along with few of s. You've been unconscious for 2 days already because of your shot," his uncle explained sternly. Hyun Suk looks was impassive and blank. Jiyong knew what will happen next. "What you did was so careless. Nonetheless, I'm grateful that you protected Sandara."


"I will do everything for her. Even I give my life," he said with certainty.


Hyun Suk was surprise with the raw emotions reflected at his eyes.


"That's a huge statement, Jiyong. I would assume that you grew more than attached to my daughter," he said seriously.


"I love her, uncle," he admitted bowing his head unable to meet the old man's eyes.


"And now you’re talking with strong words. Are you sure on what you were saying?" Hyun Suk sighs deeply when he failed to speak. "You're both young, Jiyong. You had so many things to learn. Are you certain that it was love what you felt for her? Aren't you just mistaken your infatuation with love? Sandara is still young and immature. Don't be blinded with what you feel. For all you know, it's just brought about your teenage hormones."


"You’re wrong, uncle! I know what I feel and I love her. It's not just hormones. I know it's from my heart. I love Sandara," he bursts out with finality as he looked at Hades straight in the eyes.


It rendered his Uncle speechless for a second. Hyun Suk stared at his eyes marred with so much intensity. Emotions he never knew he would see at a young orbs as much as Jiyong's.


"I-I'm sorry, Uncle. I didn't mean to shout at you," Jiyong apologized at his sudden outburst.


"Are you?" he snorted and once again stared at him impassively. "I'm sending Sandara to New York," he cut him off when Jiyong was about to protest. "Listen son, Sandara is not safe here anymore. She will be at constant danger. Other gangs will target her not just White Crows. Do you want that to happen?" Jiyong shakes his head in contemplation. "Hmm...I'm glad you understand. But don't think that I'm doing this to separate the two of you. I'm doing this for her and for you as well," he added.


Jiyong looks at him in confusion.


"What do you mean, Uncle?"


"Use this separation for you to grow and be stronger. Study the things you should learn. Train hard to be the best. Be a man for her. So that in case like this happens again, you will able to protect her. Do you understand, Jiyong?" he elaborated.


Hyun Suk words drilled on his head. He thought deeply. Everything happened flashed his head. How helpless he become when Sandara and he held captured by White Crows. None of it would have happen if only he's strong enough to protect her. He could have fought them but he was so weak to do so. How can he claim her love when he was this inadequate?


Maybe Hades is right. He has to prove himself that he deserved her.


"W-When she's leaving?" he murmured after a long while.


"Tomorrow. Her flight will be at noon," Hyun Suk answered.


"That fast?"




"How long?"




"What?! Uncle," Jiyong about to protest but Hyun Suk cut him off.


"If you really love her, you'll wait, Jiyong. Prove to me that what you feel is real and not just infatuation. Then I will give you my blessing myself."




Hyun Suk tapped Jiyong's shoulder lightly and stands up. "Rest well, son. Sandara is waiting for you."


|NP: This Ain't It by Taeyang, RISE Album|


The next day, once he fully recovered Jiyong met Sandara immediately. He doesn't want to waste time. They only have few hours left to spend together.


"Sandara..." he called her name when he spotted her at the Red Mansion's garden.


Sandara looked at him and quickly run to hugged him.


"Jiyong-oppa!" she cried on his chest.


"Shh...hush...I'm here," he cooed her.


"Oppa...I don't want to leave. I want to stay with you. But Appa...he said I have to," she trembled in his arms and Jiyong tightens his hold on her.


It was painfully for him as well but for her, he will be strong. He cannot be selfish and succumb to his desire of not letting her go. This is for their benefit. His uncle is right.


He distanced himself a bit from her to look at her tear stricken face. He cupped her cheeks and gently wipe her tears away with his thumb, trying his best to keep his own emotions at bay.


"Listen, your appa is right. You have to leave. It's for your own good. You’re not safe here anymore," he explained softly to her.


"You want me to leave? But I don't want to! I can't leave you," she stubbornly exclaimed hugging him tightly as if she's not letting him go.


"Sandara..." he sighed. It's hard for him as well.


"Please, Jiyong don't make me leave. Don't let them take me away from you," she begs.


"You have to. I don't want you to leave either. But you have to. It’s for your own good. For your safety," he said.




"I promised you. I will wait for you no matter what. I'll wait for you to return. But you have to promise me. You will be a good girl and study everything you have to learn while you were there."


Sandara shook her head crying. Jiyong felt his shirt drenched with her tears but he didn't care. He would savior this last moment with her. For he never knew when she'll be back.


"It's okay, Sandara," he said hoping to ease the girl.


Sandara looked up to him with yet another tears flowing down her flushed cheeks. Even at this state, she is still breathtakingly beautiful. He is now envious of those guys who will witness the beauty she possess as she grows. It may be regret on his part. He will miss her blooms into a fine lady.


"Promise me?" he asked choking down his tears.


"P-Promise," she reluctantly nodded.


After that, the two of them spent their last remaining hours together. They talked, cried, laughed, cried again then eventually fell into silence as they both struggles to hide pending separation they have to face. And when the time was up, both of them did not say goodbye to each other. Instead, both of them left a promised.


"I promised to wait for you. I'll be waiting for your return, Sandara-ah."


"Promise?" she asked hopefully.


Jiyong nodded. They shared another warm embrace before Hyun Suk called Sandara.


"Dear, it's time to go," he said briefly sending Jiyong a knowing look.


"Come on. I'll walk with you," he said guiding the girl to follow Hades.


A car was waiting outside. The boys led by Top holding the crying Seungri along with Bom holding Chaerin and Minzy were there waiting for them with evident sadness in their eyes. Jiyong gave them time to say goodbye to Sandara as he stayed quiet beside her.


There were tears and waves of goodbye when Sandara and Hyun Suk mounted the car. The former was crying as she waves her hand through the open window of the backseat. Then the car moved with them watching from behind as it drove further away.


Jiyong can't take it anymore. His tears escaped uncontrollably from his eyes. All the pent up emotions bottled inside of him came crushing down into painful sobbed.


Youngbae, his best friend, approached him and gave him a brotherly hugged and said, "Go on. Let it out, brother."


And he did.


"It hurts, Bae. But I have to."


"I know."


They stayed like that without noticing that the car had stopped and Sandara came out running back to them with Tamtam in her hand.


"Jiyong-oppa!" she shouted.


Jiyong detached himself from Youngbae. "Sandara!"


"Oppa," she panted. "I'm leaving Tamtam to you. Take care of our son, neh? He will remind you about your promise to me. Don't you dare break it, arasso? I'll come back, oppa."


"Yes. And when you come back, I can already protect you. You won't be in harm ever again. I swear to you, Sandara. I'll be right here waiting," he murmured to her.


"I'll hold on to that. Until we see again, oppa," she said and gave him a soft peck on the cheek before running back towards the waiting car.


"Until we see again, Sandara-ah," he whispered holding Tamtam tightly as if his life depends on it.


/end of flashback/





Jiyong entered his pad without even bothering of turning the lights on. He walks straight to his bedroom and dropped himself on top of his bed. He felt tired all of the sudden.


His mind was restless thinking of what happened earlier with him and Sandara. He knew that she'll be mad for hiding about the engagement. But it was his entire uncle's plan. When Hyun Suk told him about the plan, he was hesitant. Especially that his situation with Sandara was still blur. He knew that she won't approve of it. But her downright rejection still hurt the same.


Hyun Suk retirement is true. Sandara was supposedly the one who will replace as the leader. However, Hades had the feeling that Sandara doesn't want it. He had this strong hunch that his daughter was hiding something. So he talked to Jiyong and told him about the engagement. The whole purpose of the marriage is for Jiyong to take over the gang on behalf of Sandara since she's the heiress. It's not that Hades doesn't see her befitting the role. In fact, she's more than qualified. It's just that there was a nagging feeling inside of him that told him not to push her daughter to the leader's post. He came up with the idea after he saw Jiyong looking at Sandara from a far the night of her homecoming party. He was hiding in the darkness in the labyrinth while Sandara was seating on the fountain edge watching the stars. Hyun Suk thought it was time to fulfill his promise to Jiyong. He had proven himself more than enough. He had proven his love for Sandara. And so, he gave his blessing, finally.


Jiyong reserved himself for Sandara only. He never once looked at another girl all these years. Even though, women practically throw themselves at him. He doesn't care about them. His heart, body and soul are only for Sandara. And no one else.


"Tamtam help me, juseyo. I think, I'm slowly losing your omma," he talked to Tamtam that was lying on his bed.


He doesn't know what to do anymore. The fact that Sandara didn't want to marry him brought him pain. But then, she pleaded to him.


"Ottokae? It's really hard. I'm getting confused."


He is torn.


Marrying her will keep her safe. But if he let her go just like she wanted, is it okay? The gang has bigger problem to face. There is a bigger enemy hiding through the pawns with the face of those pathetic small time gangs attacking them. Her coming back to Seoul brings danger back to her life. By marrying her, he can claim the leadership instead of her. It will draw their enemies’ attention towards him. They will less likely to target Sandara.


He can't let anything bad happened to Sandara. He won't let history repeats itself.


Her safety over her wish?


What to choose?





Sandara cannot stay put. If he marry Jiyong, what will happen to her plan?


Marrying Jiyong meant her freedom will lose. If they marry each other means she'll be tied to him forever. That's cannot be. She can't let that happen. She cannot tie to the gang. Sandara wants to be out.


When she was in New York, she saw and realized a lot of things in life. She saw how a normal civilian live their life. It's not complicated. It's less of drama, it's free from danger and normal people don’t wake up in the morning with their foot buried to the ground. They did not worry much about gang enemies. They didn't get to see blood and dead bodies around them. It is so carefree and without strained. Their life is simple.


And Sandara wanted that life. But she can't do that if she will stay in their gang. So she had to get out even if it meant walking away without glancing back.


"Hare," Sandara stopped upon hearing Hyo Rin's voice.


"I told you to do not call me by that name," she said sighing.


Hyo Rin's face remains serious as she looked at her.


"What are you doing here? The party was over a while ago," she tried to laugh but the latter didn't joined her. "Okay...what's up?"


"Are you still going to continue your plans?" she inquired.


Sandara stilled and looks away.


"Yes," she muttered under her breath.


Hyo Rin nodded and faintly smiled. 'Poor G-Dragon,' she thought.


"That's all I want to know. I'm going then," she stood up and patted her shoulder. "Break a leg, Hare. Ciao!"


"How many times do have to remind you not to address me that way? It's Sandara," she said when she's about leave.


"Ani. You’re not Sandara anymore. I'm looking at HARE now. You’re not the same anymore. You've changed," she remark leaving her stunned.


Why is this so complicated?


It seems the past and present are colliding together leaving a great impact to their lives.


Hey I'm back! How have you been? Kekeke~~ Anyway here's an update! And oh, I suggest you do listen to the songs I put in to feel the scenes more. I tried to associate each song in relation to the chapters/scenes. Thus, it's all credit to the real owners of the songs. As Doc Daniel said in Descendants of the Sun (DOTS) and I quote, "Music changes a lot of things." Bow! Kekeke~~ I just need to add this lol!





This is a work of fiction. I do not wish to offend any culture or flount any norm in writing this story. Please reminded that it was made out of the author's imagination. Do not repost on other site. Do Not plagiarize any work you do not own. Similar work is not meant to be copied.

|info source:|

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ninjas1 #1
Chapter 24: Authornim, patiently waiting for an update,
Yma_0421 #2
Chapter 24: Hello hope u still continue writing and finish this storyjuseyo authornim
Unixai21 #3
Chapter 24: Oh i wish you could update soon authornim... Please
Unixai21 #4
Chapter 18: This hurts so much:'(
daragon_vip #5
Chapter 24: This is so heartbreaking...
update soon pls
Grace62 #6
Chapter 24: Omg please go back to your gang sandara they need you now!
nar12345 #7
Chapter 24: So many death
Chapter 24: Thank you for updating this story author please continue updating
Icequeen31 #9
Chapter 5: Anyone who grew up in the underworld can’t just leave and forget about it.They have to live with it and stay with the amount of people they encountered it’s much safer since they have the protection and the resources.