Too Fast To Live, Too Young To Die

| T H E   P L A N   C O M M E N C E D | 



There's a visible darkening bag under his eyes and gloomy aura as Jiyong woke up the next morning. He is exhausted and heartbroken. Emptiness filled his being. And a hallow feeling surrounded his heart.


He seats up on the bed, dejectedly. His shoulders are slump as he felt the heavy feeling as if he was carrying half of the earth's weight. He doesn't even have any will to get up and do his task. He doesn't feel himself at all.


Is it depression? It must be. After last, he knew things will change.


He wanted to blame himself what happened. He shouldn't have let his emotions got the better of him. But it's too late now. What done is done already. He cannot take it back.


For now, he has to move his bum, fix himself, go out and do his job like the normal. He shouldn't neglect his work. He has responsibilities greater than being a rejected loser.


So he drags his body out of the bed towards his bathroom and takes a shower. He just grabbed whatever his hand touch on his closet, put it on without checking himself in  the mirror like the usual. He languidly walks out of the bed room towards the kitchen. His usual brewed coffee turns to warm water instead.


After he composed himself, he left his pad with impassive and dark expression. He didn't bother greeting anyone who greeted him good morning on his way to his office. His mood is all over the edge. It was so obvious for an idiot to see.


At last, he arrrives at the confines of his office room. He decided to spent his time working so he would not think about Sandara. He doesn't even know how to face her after last night.


Jiyong seats on his chair and begins scanning those pending documents he needed to sign and proof read. He is planning to bury his whole day with working non-stop. He needed the diversion. Because if he won't, he'll ended up sulking in the corner.


Then he remembered the strange man in the party. He stilled and fishes out his phone. He taps the screen and scrolls down through his contacts. He hits the call button as soon as he found the name. It took him three rings before the other line answers.




"Hyung, can you come to my office? I need to ask you something," he quickly said.


"Ji? Of course. Give me a minute. I'll be there," the other line answered.


"Alright. I'm waiting." Then he hung up.


Jiyong gnawed his lower lip, deep in his thoughts. His mind filled with the mysterious man. He taps his foot impatiently while pondering over the man's identity. He is bad news.


In a while, Top materialized in his room without even knocking as he just entered unceremoniously. But his pace halt in his track as soon as he saw him.


"Holy ?! You look awful, Jiyong! What happened to you?!" he cursed loudly in shock.


He only scowled at him.


Top moves towards the seat in across him. ", dude, you're a big mess! What happened to your shirt? And those eye bags...eww!"


He has torn shirt design top and his ripped blue jeans for his bottom. His white rubber shoes looked casual. His hair disheveled and totally ed up. It's as if he haven't comb for days!

"Never mind my clothes or how I look. I didn't call you for it. I have something for you to look over."


"Right. What is it?"


"Hadn't you notice the man from last night? The one talking with Blade and Senator Nam."


Top nodded seriously this time. "I remember him."


"Find out who he is, anything about him. Report it as soon as poissible," he ordered with a dark expression.


"Okay. But why the sudden interest?"


He clips his mouth into tight lip as he turns grim. Top didn't have to hear his answer since his face gives it all the way.


"I'll find out about him as soon as possible. But I want to know why do you look like you had been hell? You look , Jiyong?"


Jiyong sighs. He had forgotten how prying Top is. But he is not ready to talk about his dilemma right now. He needs an alibi.


"It just exhaustion. I didn't get enough sleep," he answered half truth. Well, he really didn't get to sleep since he was thinking about Sandara the whole time.


"Did you... You got laid with Sandara?!" Top exclaimed teasingly.


He shots him a deathly glares. It should have been good if that had happen but no. They kissed. He confess the I Love You words. She run away from him as soon as she heard it. And yeah, he got rejected just like that. Good riddance, right?


"Shut up. Nothing happened. Just go and do what I say. Is Youngbae around?" he quickly diverted the topic and asked.


Top only chuckled as he stood up, ready to leave. "I haven't seen him. Just give him a call. You're getting grumpier, you know. Tsk. You really need to get laid, Ji," he commented while walking towards the door.


He grabs the nearest thing the reaches his hand and hurled it towards him. Only that it was a ballpen cap and hit Top's back. The latter laughed and stuck out his tongue like a kid before totally leaving.


Jiyong shook his head with a hiss as he grabs his phone again and dials Youngbae's number. The latter answered it quickly.


"Where are you?" he asked as soon as he answered.


"I'm with Daesung. We're monitoring the package from China. Why?" Youngbae said to the other line.


"Come and see me in my office after that. I have some task for you."




Then he hangs up and find another name in his contacts. He dialed again but it only rings then an operator said it's out of reach. His call diverted to voicemail. He cursed and dialed Seungri's number again. He taps his fingers impatiently when it keeps on ringing.


Seriously, the maknae should learn to answer his phone. Especially in times like this when he isn't in the mood to tolerate his bad habit.


"Hello?" At last Seungri answered!


"Why the you're not answering my call?!" he barks on the other line. "Where are you? Ani. Get your in my office in five minutes! I need to talk to you. I don't care wherever you are or what are you doing."


"Yes, hyung! Right away, hyung!" Seungri muttered panicky.


He hangs up and set aside his phone as he waited for the Seungri. He fixed at least his ed up hair before he comes. Jiyong doesn't need another smart mouth from Seungri, teasing his look. He's not completely incompetent. In fact, he's a reliable person. But sometimes, Seungri tends to mess around that's why he gets into trouble a lot of times.


Four minutes, fifty-nine seconds. Seungri took that time to get to his office, panting heavily. He quickly seats across him breathless.


Jiyong furrowed his brows together. "What happened to you?"


"I run all the way here from the training ground. You told mento come within five minutes."


"Idiot. There's a lift. Why didn't you use that?"


Seungri scratched the back of his hair while smiling sheepishly. "It slips my mind. Anyway, why do you need me, hyung?"


"Yes. I need you to get to Seoul and search for a condominium or real estate available in the city. Make sure it's safe and away from our enemies."


"Okay. But why do you need a place, hyung? We have a lot of safe houses around here."


"Don't ask. Just what I say."




Jiyong raised his palm to cut him off. He has known better. Seungri won't shut up just like that. But he has no time to entertain him.


"Get out, Seungri," he said sternly.


Seungri huffs and stomps his way out of his office while grumbling. Jiyong massaged his temple when he felt his head ache coming. He really needs to talk with mature people. He had already a fill of Top and Seungri.




Youngbae watched his best friend warily after he has given him an order. Jiyong knew he was curious as well and wanted to ask. However, he cannot afford to answer him for now. And Youngbae knew that as he silently accepted his command.


But of course, he won't let him pass by asking why he looks down. He knew him from core. He can see right through him.


"Don't ask, Bae. I know what you're going to ask. It's nothing. I'm just tired," he beats him to it when he sensed the latter is about to open his mouth and pry him.


Youngbae looks stern as he clips his lip. He knew he didn't believe him. His best friend just sighs in resignation.


"Ji, I know it's not nothing. It is something you refuse to disscuss or talk about. I won't force you to tell me what's bothering you. You know I can wait. But you look really awful. I'm worried for you brother."


"I know, bro. Believe me. I feel worst than . But I cannot afford to talk about it. All I can say is I'm ed up." He exhales audibly.


"You're always ed up lately. It is not good for you. Do you want to drink?" Youngbae asked thoughtfully.


He only shook his head no. "I already have a headache. I don't want to make it worst."


"Just rest then, Ji. I think you need that more than a lot. You're getting panda eyes."


He softly laugh. "I guess you're right."


"I always am."


Another knock intervenes their conversation as Daesung poked his head in his door.


"Can I come in?" he asked.


"Please do, Dae. Youngbae, give me an update as soon as possible. Can you do it within this week?" He turns to Youngbae. The latter nods. "Alright. I need to talk to Daesung alone. Let's talk later."


Youngbae looked at him oddly. But he didn't say anything at all and leave him and Daesung quietly. After he shuts the door, Jiyong faced Daesung who looks confused as well.


"What is it, hyung? I figured it out that it's not about the package. I'm sure Youngbae hyung already filled you with the details," Daesung asked


"You're right. It's something else."


"What is it then?"


"I need you to prepare a burial," he said seriously.


Daesung's small eyes widens as he blinks in bewilderment. He even parted his mouth in shock.


"Burial? What for? For whom?"


He didn't answer and just added, "And a forged death certificate as well."


Daesung drops his jaw completely gob smacked.


At the other side of the door, Youngbae stood still. He was also stunned while eavesdropping to Jiyong and Daesung's conversation. He was forming the puzzle in his head right now. Jiyong's odd separate orders were really suspicious. He is planning something huge. And he knew it something to do with his current dilemma.


'What are you thinking, Ji?'




Sandara spent her time in the Red Mansion mopping over what happened between her and Jiyong. The kiss shocked her but his confession caught her off guard. She didn't expect him to say those words.


It brought electricity through out her body. She felt scared all of a sudden. And the guilt surmounts her whole being.


He said he loves her. But she felt like crying for the lost. Instead of joy, she felt sorrow. Not for her but for him. She cannot believe that she's going to break his heart.


What is she going to do now?


Her phone rings as she sluggishly fished out her phone in her back pocket. Her eyes widen when she saw who is the caller. Her hands shook as she swipes the answer button. She put her phone in her ear as she answered.


"H-Hello?" she stammered.


 "Uh...Where are you?" Jiyong's voice in the other line felt awkward.


"Home," she whispered shortly.


"Um..." He hummed then silence.


The tension between them is very intense even with a phone call. She was sure he mustered all his courage just to give her a ring. She cannot blame him though. She just run away without saying anything at all.


"Why did you call?" she asked after the awkward silence.


She heard him clears his throat before answering. "Can you...come here in the headquarters?"


"Why? Is there a problem?"


"Actually yes."


"What happened?"


"Minzy and Chaerin got into mishap."


"What?! Why didn't you say that first?! What happened?" she asked as she grabs her coat and car keys, walking outside.


"You'll know once you arrived. Just please come." Then he hangs up.


Sandara shoved her phone inside her pocket as she unlocks her car and gets to the steering wheel. She did not waste any time and pressed on the accelerator. She speeds out in the drive way, hitting over the speed limits.


In a short span of time, she parked in the headquarters with a swerved. She runs out of the car as fast as she can to get to the infirmary. She found Jiyong and the rest of the boys outside the emergency room of their state-of-the-art clinic. Chaerin is also there, seating in a wheelchair with a casted leg and sling arm.


"What happened?" she asked when she approached them. She turns to Chaerin and gasps with her horrible state. There are cuts all over her face and bruises on other parts of her body. "Chae...Oh my God! How...?"


Chaerin's eyes pooled with tears. "Unnie...Minzy... I..." she said having a hard time to speak as she cried out.


Sandara quickly cooed her. "Shh..."


"They were involved in vehicular accident. They were about to deliver the supply in Seo District when a white van cuts their line. Their driver didn't make it as they bumped into a construction building," Youngbae do the courtesy of explaining on what had happened.


She embraced Chaerin carefully not to put restraints in her injury. The latter just cried in her arms. Her heart drops knowing what happened.


"How's Minzy?"


"She's with Bom noona. We haven't heard anything since they enter the E.R. She had it bad and unconscious when our members got them." Daesung informed her.


Sandara shut her eyes as the mixture of concern and anger surged though her.


"Who did this? Have you check the damn van?" she growls angrily.


"We did. It's—" Seungri was cut off by Jiyong who sent him a don't-say-anything look. He complied.


"We got it covered. Right now, think about Minzy," Jiyong butts in with a stern voice.


She looked at him sharply but he just met his eyes with equally impassive one. She knew better than to defy him. And he has a point. There concern should be on Minzy. The motherfcker who did this will pay later.


They waited for another three hours outside the emergency room until Bom came out in green scrubs. She looks exhausted. They all stood up and waited for her to speak.


"She's stable now," she said, making them breathes out in relief. "She will be transferred in the recovery room. She lost some blood but good thing we have blood stock here. We performed blood transfusion and we need to stitch some of her wounds. She also suffered in head injury and internal bleeding. But we managed to save her just in time. Minzy is a survivor. She is really strong," Bom said as tears polled her eyes while she smiled in relief.


"You did great, Bom. Thank you for saving her," she said as she hugs her friend.


"I'm so scared that I won't be able to save her but I did. She's fine now. I don't know what I will do if something happens to her during the operation."


"But you did save her, right? Don't worry now."


"When we can see Minzy, Bom?" Top asked.


"Well, you can visit her now in her room. But three at a time, alright?"


They followed her towards Minzy's room. Chaerin entered first together with Daesung and Seungri who wheeled her in. They didn't last long since Chaerin still needs to rest. The two guided her back to her own room while Top and Youngbae joined Bom to check Minzy. Sandara went alone after them.


She stared at Minzy's sleeping state. She is on IV as her chest rise and fall while breathing normally. Her life line is constantly moving in steady beat. She clenched her fists tightly.


Her heart aches seeing her almost in the verge of dying.


"They will pay for this," she muttered to herself with a promise.


Sandara held Minzy's hand while she watches her silently. A slight creak of the door told her someone entered the room. Then she heard familiar footsteps coming.


"Tell me," she said in a hush but dangerous tone when the new comer joined beside her. She turns to Jiyong with a impassive look. "Who did this?"


Jiyong remained silent and stoic though. His eyes stared at Minzy blankly.


"And what will you do?" he asked in equal coldness. "You're going to attack them then what?"


She glared at him and faced him squarely. "Whether you tell me or not, you know I have every means to know myself. You choose, Jiyong. Either you tell me or I do it myself."


He didn't back down though. He steps forward until he towered over her. His stares made her knees buckle. He was looking at her like he looks at their gang members, cold and commanding. This is the G-Dragon looking at her right now.


"You don't make me choose, Sandara. When I say stay out of it, stay out of it. This time, you will do as I say. You're not going anywhere or do anything stupid," he pointed out.


She continued glaring back at him though she's actually trembling inside. She harshly broke from their staring battle, averting her eyes away from his penetrating gaze.


"Minzy and Chaerin got hurt. I cannot let it pass," she said, curling her knuckles tightly while gritting her teeth.


"Who said I will let pass either? Do you think I'm not going to do anything about it?! Of course! I am as hell mad as you! Those people cross my gang! That is something I cannot forgive!"


She turns to him. Truth behold, he saw anger in his eyes. His body is rigid too.


"Look," he sighs frustratedly. "Just trust me. I won't let those bastards who were responsible for this to get away. I swear, they will face a great deal for hurting Minzy and Chaerin." he promised.


"Do whatever, Jiyong. You're the leader, right?" she said sardonically and turned her back to leave. But her pace halted when she heard him once again.


"About the kiss and what I said in the car..." he opened up the unsaid issue between them.


She stiffens with her back facing him still. "If you're going to apologize—"


"I'm not going to apologize because I am not sorry at all," he cuts her off and fully faces her though she's still facing away from him. "I just want you to know that I am sincere when I did and said those things. I am not asking for anything in return. I know it shocked you."


Sandara lowered her head dejectedly. "Why are you telling me this now?" she whipered.


"I just feel the need to say it to you," he said. Because you're slipping away from my fingers. He wanted to add that but he stopped himself.


"I can't do this right now, Ji," she said and moved to continue her pace. She reached for the knob to go out but hefore she totally left, she heard him say something.


"I hope you consider that, Sandara..." he trails off inaudibly.


That made her still for a moment. She turns away with a heavy heart and leaves. There's a sadness in his voice which made her feel guiltier. Was she doing the right thing? Why it felt otherwise?


The longer she prolongs her plan, the more it gets complicated. She really need to do it faster before things get harder. And maybe, this is the right time.


She harshly wiped away her tears as she gets her phone and dials Hyo Rin's number. The latter answered right away.


"Scorpio, it's time. You know what to do," she said briefly and hung up.


Sandara climbs in her car, starts the ignition and steps on the accelerator. She zoomed away from the headquarters with two things in mind. To get avenge her dear friends and to commence her plan.


Tomorrow marks the day of Hare's last presence. That name will be completely erase in the phase of the planet. And the beginning of the day she'll be leaving as Sandara Park, a simple girl with big dreams.


I'm sorry, Jiyong...




Sandara changed into more comfortable clothing with a tight fitting dark pants, black turtle neck fitted top, knee-length leather boots and white wool coat. She tied her hair up in a pony and straightened up looking at her reflection in the whole body mirror in her walk-in closet. Once she's satisfied, she walks out, grabbing a dark shades.


On top of the bed, her weapons laid. Two multiple barrel pistols, a .45 caliber, extra full loaded magazines, three granades, six small daggers, and an armalite in overall. She picks up Jiyong's glock that he had given her. And she smiled sadly while tracing his engraved name.


"I will miss you. I'm sorry. Thank you for everything..." she mumbled as a single tear escape her left eye. She let it slide through her cheek as she continues to stare at the gun.


She sniffs and inhales deeply. She composed herself and put the two pistols in her thighs' holsters. Then she hid the rest under her coat and behind her in between her pants and waist. Then she wears her shades over her eyes and grabs the armalite as she left her room.


It was past two `o clock in the morning. The mansion is dark and quiet since their servsants were already deep in slumber. The guards were wide awake though. But they'rr hardly a problem. She is their boss anyway.


She tossed the armalite inside the backseat of her car and settled on the driver's seat. She starts the ignition and drives her car away in the parking. She came out in the mansion easily and took the highway towards the headquarters.


Her phone vibrated in her pants. She quickly fished it out and checked her phone screen. Hyo Rin's message pops up with a single All done. 


She didn't respond anymore as it will mark as seen anyway. Everything is settled then. Scorpio already prepared her getaway vehicle with her things as well. She doesn't have to worry anymore since she already planned it out.


Soon after, she arrived in the headquarters. She stayed in the car for a while before removing her white coat and put on a mask and cap to conceal her identity. The floors are dark anyway except for the ground floor where the clinic is located. Their filed operations usually happens at night. But with the recent incident, several people are in the clinic either guarding or simply looking after the patients. So she assumed that nobody is in the floor offices. She can go inside Jiyong's  office without a hassle and get the file of the report about the accident involving Chaerin and Minzy. She's hundred percent sure that he was keeping it in his office.


When she reached their floor, she discreetly tiptoed on Jiyong's dark and locked office room. It won't be a problem though since she knew how to pick any locks. She successfully unlocks his door and enters the dim room like a thief in the night. She turns on the small flashlight she brought and starts rummaging through his drawers and table. She checks it one by one, looking through every folders and pile of documents. Although, she didn't find it in his chest drawers and filing cabinet. So she slowly moved at his table and checks the files on top of it. Still none so she tries to open his drawer but it's lock.


Sandara crouched down to check the lock. Fortunately, it was a key in type of lock. She grabs a paper clip on one of the files and remolded it so she could use it to unlock the drawer. It took her few minutes before it opens completely. She sighs in relief and pulls it open. And there she found what she has been looking for.


She opens the file and scanned the report quickly. Her looks darken as she reads the proprietor's name. She grits her teeth and clenches her fists.


The ing Legion Tail!


Her eyes turned to slits. Anger surged through her once again. She returns the file to the drawer as if it wasn't touched at all. She straightens up slowly and made it sure that everything is in place before she left the room.


Now she knew that it was Legion Tail again who messed with them, she will make sure they will pay for all the damage. And she'll do it painfully. So once she got back to her car, she zoomed away towards Legion Tail's hideout. 


It will be bloody. The smell of death is coming.





next button please!





This is a work of fiction. I do not wish to offend any culture or flount any norm in writing this story. Please reminded that it was made out of the author's imagination. Do not repost on other site. Do Not plagiarize any work you do not own. Similar work is not meant to be copied.

|info source:|

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ninjas1 #1
Chapter 24: Authornim, patiently waiting for an update,
Yma_0421 #2
Chapter 24: Hello hope u still continue writing and finish this storyjuseyo authornim
Unixai21 #3
Chapter 24: Oh i wish you could update soon authornim... Please
Unixai21 #4
Chapter 18: This hurts so much:'(
daragon_vip #5
Chapter 24: This is so heartbreaking...
update soon pls
Grace62 #6
Chapter 24: Omg please go back to your gang sandara they need you now!
nar12345 #7
Chapter 24: So many death
Chapter 24: Thank you for updating this story author please continue updating
Icequeen31 #9
Chapter 5: Anyone who grew up in the underworld can’t just leave and forget about it.They have to live with it and stay with the amount of people they encountered it’s much safer since they have the protection and the resources.