Chapter 7


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The morning after Seokmin and Soonyoung had come to the realization of being each other’s soulmates, Seokmin’s colleagues were baffled to see him in such a good mood. I mean, not extremely surprised because it’s Happy Virus Seokmin we’re talking about, but given the fact that the last time they’d seen him he’d drunk himself into a stupor, it was something. Seokmin was practically humming “My Heart Will Go On” when he waltzed through the door. Mingyu sighed dramatically in the corner, and Jihoon’s face fell slightly.

“You hit your head trying to get home Saturday, didn’t you? I knew it. Goddamn it. You probably have a concussion I can’t believe I’ve lost one of my best friends already, you were so young??? I’m so sorry I FAILED YOU SEOKMIN” Mingyu stared into the distance.

“We lost our dear friend Seokmin.”

“Mingyu shut up.”

“Sometimes I can still hear his voice.”

“MINGYU I’M NOT DEAD.” Seokmin hit Mingyu’s chest with the back of his hand as the taller grunted, choking on his chuckle.

“Why the hell are you so happy?” Jihoon asked, suspicious.

“What? Can’t I enjoy a beautiful day and be happy?” Seokmin grinned so hard, his eyes dissapeared behind his eyesmile. Jihoon squinted at him.

“Sure. Doesn’t matter that you were depressed as hell on Saturday, you magically snapped out of it, didn’t you?”

“Of course!” Seokmin winked, laughing. Jihoon just sighed and decided to leave it at that.


 Of course, every single morning without fail Soonyoung would wait outside the teacher’s room with a coffee and a bright grin that would make Seokmin’s heart burst. They’d make sure to cause as much skin contact as possible between their hands, without making it too obvious.

Soonyoung would also make sure to sit at the very back of the room, so others wouldn’t see him when he winked and grinned and stuck his tongue out at Seokmin throughout the lecture. It took everything Seokmin had to keep his composure, when all he wanted was to run and smother him in hugs and kisses.

It had been a few weeks, but they hadn’t really had the chance to spend that much time together, between Soonyoung studying for exams and Seokmin grading those exams. Until one Saturday night when Seokmin was lounging around, when he heard a knock at the door, and opened it to see Hoshi wearing a pair of black skinny jeans that hugged his thighs in all the right places, a white dress shirt tucked into his pants, a black leather jacket thrown over, and a red rose in his hand.

“W-what’s the occasion?” Seokmin spluttered, backing up as Soonyoung let himself in.

“We’re going out, get dressed. Oh, here.” He grinned as he handed Seokmin the rose, tip-toeing to kiss his cheek. “I missed you.” he admitted shyly, “now go get dressed.”

“Wait, where are we going??”

“Nowhere fancy, make it casual but slightly dressy.” Seokmin just threw him a confused glance before heading to his room and digging through his wardrobe. He settled on a pair of slightly ripped skinny jeans and a black button up. He ran to the bathroom to gel his hair up the way he knew Soonyoung liked it and smiled as he felt the younger’s stares burn into him when he was done.

“Wait. Soonyoung, we can’t go out.”

“What? Why?”

“What if someone sees us? We shouldn’t risk it.”

“Ah, this place is low-key, it’ll be alright.”

Seokmin hesitated.

“Please?” Soonyoung pouted. No no, Seokmin couldn’t handle his aegyo. How is it possible such a cute being existed?? Of course he caved almost instantly, and let himself be dragged out the house.

During the drive Soonyoung wouldn’t divulge about the secret place, but when he pulled up to a club, well...Seokmin wasn’t expecting that.



“I don’t dance.”

Soonyoung chuckled. “Don’t worry, follow me and you’ll be fine. It’ll be fine.”

“Really! I don’t. I can’t, I’ve never been good at dancing.”

Soonyoung took Seokmin’s hand in his. “It’s okay. I promise no one will judge you. I certainly won’t. I just want to spend a night doing something I love with my soulmate, okay?” he asked softly, and Seokmin just nodded, letting him take the lead.

Seokmin could hear the pounding music from outside, and the moment they stepped inside, he was plunged into darkness, with the exception of the flashing lights fluttering over sweaty, grinding bodies. He swallowed hard as they walked up to the bar, ordering drinks. Okay, he might have ordered something a bit strong, but he definitely needed the extra push.

He downed a couple shots and watched Soonyoung bobbing his head to the music, almost bouncing on the spot in anticipation, as he let the fire seep into is veins, making his vision slightly foggy. The dancing crowd seemed to become one huge entity, everyone blending into each other and into the music. He let himself be dragged among them, staring entranced as Soonyoung let himself be swept away by the throbbing beat, closing his eyes, moving his feet, swaying his hips. Seokmin moved tentatively as to not look like an idiot standing in a dancing crowd. After a few minutes he moved his gaze from his own feet to Soonyoung, and his breath caught in his throat.

Head thrown back, eyes closed, sweat shining on his forehead reflected by the overhead flashing lights...god, he was beautiful.

Soonyoung opened his eyes and stifled a laugh watching Seokmin endearingly struggle. He leaned in to scream into his ear, “I’ll guide you!” and moved closer, almost closing the distance between their bodies. He then spun around so his back was brushing against the older’s, and led Seokmin’s hands to his waist. Seokmin gasped.

A slower song with a throbbing beat, the kind that you potently feel inside your chest like a second heart, started playing. Soonyoung twisted his head to the side to reach Seokmin’s ear.

“Follow my hips.” And that, Seokmin did. Without thinking, he let his body follows the younger’s, gripping harshly on his hips when Soonyoung (accidentally?) brushed against Seokmin’s crotch. The rhythm came easily.

Out of the corner of Seokmin’s hazy vision, he could’ve sworn he saw Soonyoung smirk right before giving a more teasing rotation of his hips and letting his his back press completely against the older’s chest. Soonyoung let his head fall back onto Seokmin’s shoulder, and Seokmin’s lips attached to the younger’s neck, kissing and the feverish skin.

Soonyoung’s hips stuttered for a split-second, before he resumed grinding into Seokmin. Hard. Seokmin’s moans were muffled against Soonyoung’s sticky skin, and his arms went rigid from the struggle of trying to keep them in place.


Seokmin barely heard the unfamiliar voice scream through the music. He turned his head in the direction from which he heard his name being called.

The deafening noise suddenly drowned out. Daehyun. His colleague, a physics proffesor. Younger than Seokmin, they’d never really spoken, Daehyun had always kept to himself. None of his other colleagues particularly liked him.

Except Daehyun’s widened eyes and stare that was glued to Soonyoung and the distance between teacher and student betrayed that he hadn’t exactly walked up to the couple to start up a friendly chat.

Daehyun turned and squeezed through the crowd, headed to the exit. Seokmin’s hands dropped from their place on Soonyoung, and he followed, faintly hearing Soonyoung yelling his name from behind, but all he could properly hear was the pounding in his ears. This time, from his own heartbeat.

Once finally at the exit, Daehyun almost started running to his car, but Seokmin caught up with him, grabbing onto his wrist and turning the man towards him.

“Daehyun,” he panted, “it’s not what it looks like.”

“Oh, so you weren’t just dry-humping a student?” Daehyun spat, jerking his hand out of Seokmin’s grip.

“No! I mean yes, but we’re together! We’re soulmates!”

“So that’s supposed to make it better? That it isn’t a random student, now it’s only a forbidden relationship, but at least it’s a relationship, right? You’re not supposed to be teaching him, Seokmin.”

Seokmin couldn’t think of an answer. He just watched as Daehyun got into his car and drove away.

A few moments later, Soonyoung ran up to Seokmin.

“Seokmin, why’d you run- Seokmin, what’s wrong?” the younger panicked, watching Seokmin stand, stunned, motionless. Soonyoung waved his hand next to Seokmin’s face, and finally took the older by the shoulders, shaking him.

“STOP!” Seokmin jerked, pulling away abruptly. Soonyoung looked hurt.

“What happened?”

“I talked to someone.”


“A colleague. That saw us. Get in the car, Soonyoung.”

Seokmin gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles were white, his lips pursed into a straight line. Soonyoung kept on opening and closing his mouth, attempting to say something, but he never did. You could slice a knife right through the thick tension in the vehicle.

They reached the dorms, and Seokmin stepped a bit too harsh on the brakes, throwing them slightly foward.

“Seokmin. What’s going to happen?”

“I don’t know, but I’m almost sure Daehyun is going to tell the university’s council. We’ll find out Monday morning.” He glanced at his soulmate, and softened immediately seeing the distressed look on his face.

“We’ll figure it out, okay? No matter what, baby. I love you.” Seokmin placed his hand over Soonyoung’s and squeezed. Soonyoung bit his tongue and nodded numbly.

“Be careful. Good night.” Seokmin quickly pecked his cheek and watched the love of his life walk away, not knowing what the future would hold.


A/N: I'm really sorry that it's been so long since I've updated! Some personal issues, but don't worry, I plan to finish this fanfic before I leave for college in 3 weeks. 2 more chapters left!

Also thank you for all the comments and support!! <3

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Chapter 9: OMG!! The ending was BEAUTIFUL!! From now on, the word timeless would actually mean something to me... It's just beautiful, idk what to say anymore <3
Megan2703 #2
Chapter 9: Me(Agnes): IT'S SO FLUFFY IM GONNA DIE!!!
Omg i love this story, its too short ㅠㅠ yet so sweettt!
Vernnyliet #5
Chapter 9: Omg i really love this story TT^TT pls do a sequel if its still possible TT^TT and i definitely will read ur nxt story too~~~ Thank you for doing all this authorr-niiimmm TT^TT
Chapter 9: aHHHH what a sweet story :')
my heart broke so many times T-T
thank you for writing this amazing soonseok fic!!! i kinda screamed when his watched stopped at 10:10 ehehehehehe
iamautumn #7
Chapter 9: Wow very nice Im happy for both of them haha and Im happy for you author-nim for completing this wonderful story ^^
Chapter 9: Omggggggggg a sequel juseyo? huhuhu
Chapter 9: Finallyyyy
Chapter 9: o god so bittersweet
i demand a sequel scree c he S