you're my amigo

Onew's Ice Princess

"If you loose you'll have to call me oppa for a day!" jinki called from across the room.

"No way!" I protested. He laughed so loudly that everyone looked towards him. Today was the day of my world wide debut alone. Sure I was nurvos it just being me alone on the big ice but I loved the atenshon it was bringing to me compared to a year ago. I had left for canada to come south korea to learn more about the ice that made me, me! But it turned to make out to make something more then most people could ever dream. Going to an arts collige was wonderful the year I spent there was all I needed. In that time I had fallen in love with a famos singer in my math class, witch turned out he liked me to. We whent threw some crazy stuff, before me and jinki started dating his fan girls chased him everywhere and when ever they saw us together they would get angry but we were just skating parteners. I evenshualy made friends, Sunny, kya, and clair. Tho they loved onew too they managed to push that aside for friendship. Sunny endded up in amarica becomeing a guchi modle and a prada lover with chanle sun glasses. Clair opened up a craft store and has made millons. Kya also moved to amarica and became the apprentes for donnal trump. From that time also jinki other knowen as onew from SHINee has been doing wonderfuly. SHINee had a great debut in japan and is also plaining on a debut in amarica soon. As for me I'm trying my luck out at being a skater and an actress. I fixed my tonic orange tight skateing dress. Jinki walked up to me

"are you not confident?" he asked in english, that was getting better everyday. I shook my head

"no, I'm just a little nurvus" I replayed in korean not wanting to ster up a "look a foriner" seene. He held out something in his hand.

"I'm asking you to marry me now" he said with a chiky smile. I don't know if this was his idea to get the nerves out of me but it worked. I took the small silver ring that was in the middle of his palms and put it to eye level. It was small nothing exravagent but there were 6 little dimonds surounding the whole ring. "Can I put it on you?" jinki asked. I nodded vilontly afrad that I would squek. It slid on my finger like a glove.

"Last call for ICE PRINCESS" the back stage manager called. I ran towards the entrens to the ice waving bye to jinki. I was debuting as canada's ICE PRINCESS. Meny people knew me but didn't know my name, it just added to the exitment when you watched me eather on the ice or the t.v. I stepped onto the slix freshly marked up ice. There was a green and pink spotlight in the middle of the ice where I was supost to start. I took a good look around at the adionce. There was my parents, my friends, and to my surprise Brad and Cortney were here together. Mabe my idea of what happened between them that time when jinki beet up brad was right. I would have to find out later.

"skating up next is canada and south korea's own ICE PRINCESS skating to SHINee's A.Mi.Go" the anouser call. The croude erputed then the music started playing it's fimiler tune. I started off with the moves minho had tought me along with jonghyun on the mats.  I gathered some speed enough for me to jump into the sky. My skates slapped hard on the ice adding to the affects of the music. IAs I danced on the ice well the couse came up I looked towards the extreamly exited SHINee group. I did there juliette move then it was time for the hard stuff. I bonsed on the ice then jumpped when I heard

"AMIGO!" the SHINee members tryed to pump up the croud. The croud whent wilded lisoning to SHINee join in to there own CD. That was the 1st time I heard them all sing live. The energy everyone gave me threw me into oblivion.


"this was ..... different then a normal skate pafromance I have ever done." I said into the mic. This was nothing but weird, I was being iterved along with meny others but more camras were around me.

"Are you close with the SHINee members?" a short woman asked me.

"Yes I am" I said pleased. Just as you would thought like in those cheesy movie the SHINee members showed up behind me. Little did I know tho.

"You sparked my attenshon ICE PRINCESS, who is your favorite member?" the fat guy in the back ansered. Worryed I would have to act like I was shy of saying and hopefuly jinki wouldn't hurt me fakely. We still were a hidden couple after all, tho I did have this ring on my finger an surpised no one has notest yet.

"Well I'm close with all of them but onew is just speshal to me" I smiled to the camras. It felt weird saying jinki's stage name that everyone called him.

"Hey ice princess!" taemin called from behind me. I jumpped higher then ever before. I had no idea but once I landded my face turned a weired shade of red.

"Hey Mir" I said to jinki.

"Remeber your promis?" jinki asked. I growled underneath my breath. I had gotten 2ed place just because I had almost missed my landing.

"Fine, oppa lets get going now, your buying me icecream" I .

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can you please write correctly? its harder for me to read