Project monster (D.O)

Project monster

I could still hear the other guy scream eventhough we already landed. Like a miracle the straps holding me down onto to the bed undid themselves, allowing me to breath in the oxygen in this maze like room. The guy next door (*ehmn* kyungsoo we aren't planning to play neighbors in this situation are we? Alright back to being serious *cough**cough* proceed) seems to have finally realized he was free, from all the hoorays I heared. I was still gazing and studying this room when suddenly a white screen blocked my view. A dozen of lights swichted off allowing me to see a video on it. The huge play sign was tempting to touch, besides what harm will playing the video do. I reached, 5cm away... 3cm away... 1cm away... THUD! I didn't realize I was leaning against the screen enough to make it move. I looked again, crap! I didn't grow at all! That's why I was leaning against it. When finally I loose intrest in the video, it played. 

"You just had to sit tight kid, were you that intrested? Anyways I don't really care. Kiddo now we mean business, if you are good enough you could work for me, if not I guess you die... So what I'm saying is take it serious and you won't die, lets see...your gift is...turning into a wolf... Come on what are you waiting for? A full moon? Hahahahaha..."The cold laugh ended the video. Then multiple lights switch on each shining on me. The timing was great by the time the last light swichted on, the screen was gone. To reveal what I thought a dog agility course from hell,  from the spiked weave poles to the endless tunnel to probably the highest bar jump. The all had one thing in common, a peice of red substance hanging from good know where. Meat, but from what? This must be some mistake, was he suppoused to turn into a wolf just how could he possibly do that? Now that joked seems more believable than reality. Krrrrrrrrr! The speakers swichted on" so what are you waiting for um....." a hushed voice answered "code name D.O," the deep voice continued "Ahh yes, D.O, what are you waiting for? If it's the full moon here you go". As if whoever just spoke told the future the roof magicaly disappeared to reveal a stary night sky and indeed there was a full moon. So what now, do I just change? I thought. Ahhhhhhhgg! The next room was filled with scream and pleading."No way, they were switched?!" the loud voice sounded through the speakers unaware it's still on...

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Taurus57 #1
Chapter 1: Fighting, Author-nim! Waiting for you to update!
1punchsamuel #2
Chapter 1: Hi guys it's my first fanfiction so please support me.