[P] Chapter I (Prologue)

[P] Partial Eclipse Of Heart (by DarkJustice)

Do you ever feel and think that you're special to someone but later you see this person being the same with everyone else? It hurts, doesn’t it? 


It was a happy day for Kim Taeyeon; she finally got the job that she wanted all along, after years of heartbreak and agony, today she felt alive.  She hurried down the streets of Seoul, fixing her handbag on her shoulder from time to time and the sound of clicking of her heels was disguised by the noise around her. 


And just like her, there were people who were having a hard time in their lives, and the sad part is when those kind of people  their sadness disguised with a smile, she knew it all too well. Because, in those years of his longing- she perfected that smile.


On this day, she walked right past him— the guy who caused her so much pain. and He immediately and automatically glanced up at the scent of her perfume. 


By the time he turned back, she had already faded into the crowd of people. And he stood there still, as people walked by him. Everyone was lost in their own worlds. And He dearly craved to steal one glance at her, but he couldn’t.


“Of course I loved him, I still do.” She slowly says, “You don’t give people you don’t love the absolute power to destroy you.” 


And she was holding onto something that wasn’t even there; she was clinging onto it even though she knew that it would never go back to the way it was.


Her eyes suddenly darkened, and she turned back… and started into nothing.


“Where are you…?”

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Chapter 6: Hey i updated this story can you proofread that too. Just one chapter more. Pretty please
Chapter 6: Wow! I make a lot of mistakes! A lot! I'm sure it was hard for you ^.^ since you have proofreaded this .. You can proceed with the next task right. Thank you.