A Scream. (I remember)

Get Away.


Yunho awoke to a window shattering scream, he quickly sprung to his feet and realized he had fallen into a dead sleep on the couch the previous night, he was still in his work clothes, even his tie was still on. He looked over half dazed to where the scream came from, all of a sudden a small girl stumbled out tugging on to Sungjong, she was crying and Sungjong was trying his best to console her, but to no avail. That was when it hit Yunho, he’s never seen that girl before. The only other girl he knew to frequently come over to their house was Naeun, Sungjong girlfriend.

Any normal person might assume the worst but Yunho knew his brother well, even if he was hardly ever around. He lazily walked over to the pair, fighting sleep deprivation with every step.
“Sungjong who is this girl?” He asked looking straight into his brothers eyes, he could see his brothers eyes get bigger and his mind start to reel.
“She, well...” His brother was looking around the room trying to think of something.
“Just tell me! I don’t have time for this!” He shouted rubbing his temples, he had two hours before he had to go back to work.
“I don’t know her name I just found her in the middle of the street, she says she doesn’t know she is. I think she might have amnesia, IwasgoingtotakehertothepolicestationtodayIpromise.” The younger boy blurted out in a slur of words. Yunho wanted to laugh so badly, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing, it was extremely absurd but since it was Sungjong it had to be true. He finally glanced down at the girl, wiping tears away with her sweater sleeves. Her eyes were a bit puffy and red from her crying but she was fairly beautiful, not that Yunho really cared. He took a look at his watch and sighed, he would need to skip breakfast again today. “Do what you want. I’ve got to get going. I’ll see you at ten tonight.” He then made his way to the bathroom to take a shower.
Sungjong bit his lip and smiled weakly at the girl who was now looking in the direction of his older brother a bit in shock, as if a ghost had breezed past her. “Are you okay?” he asked her, concerned. She shook her head, “I had an awful dream.” she said in an almost whisper, “I was in a cave or dungeon or something, it was dark and musty and cold, I could hear people moving around and this sound...” she made a motion with her hands, “It was a sound of chains....like something was chained up.” She was looked at Sungjong, “And then I heard someone talk to me and say my name... I think.” Sungjong gasped and hugged her, “Really? what is it? your name?”
“Hyoyeon. I think my name is Hyoyeon.” She smiled at him a bit proudly.
“Is that why you screamed?”
She shook her head, she gulped.
“That person who said my name, she had short, wavy hair, I feel like she was a mother to me or something....” She looked down. “Someone came in, into wherever we where, and took her by the wrist, forcefully. He pulled her out and dragged her up the stairs, she was shouting and trying to fight back, I wanted to help her but I couldn’t...” Sungjong was in disbelief, he had no idea what to do now, it seemed oddly simple last night, he would take Hyoyeon to the police station, they would help locate her parents, or boyfriend or something and then she would happily go back to where she came from. Now, it was less simple more complex, it certainly didn’t seem like a good idea to go to the police now... would they even be able to help? maybe it was best if she wasn’t found at all.
“Well. You can’t go back now, can you?” He heard someone say behind him, it was his brother emerging from the bathroom, wearing only a towel around his waist.
“Put some clothes on!” He shouted almost instinctively, he saw Hyoyeon turn pink and quickly look away.
“I would but you’re in the way.” he said in a matter of fact tone motioning them to move over. The two moved and after a brief fifteen minutes Yunho appeared from his bedroom, clad in fresh new clothes. He sat down on the couch, putting his watch back on. “Are you two just going to sit in the hall frozen like that for the rest of the day?” He asked eyebrow raised. The two looked at each other and then hurriedly moved over to where he was, a little bit embarrassed.
“You can stay here, for a little bit longer until you regain some more memories. Maybe your dream is just a dream, maybe it’s not. Just make sure to do something to earn your keep like cleaning or cooking.” He picked up his coat and begain fumbling with his tie, it was his least favorite part of the morning. It always looked funny to him. “Let me do that.” He heard the girl say, she moved closer to him and in a few, swift motions she had his tie all nice and perfect. He smiled for a moment and thanked her before heading out the door. “Don’t burn the house down!” he yelled then closed it.
Hyoyeon smiled cheerfully at Sungjong, “He doesn’t seem that bad.” She said to him. Sungjong smiled back at her, “No, he’s not at all.”

“Sungjong-ah~” Naeun half-shouted into her phone, her tiny cellphone charms lightly bouncing against her hand.
“Can I come over today?” She asked smiling, even though there was no one around to see her, do so.
“Eh? You have another girl over? Is she a friend of your brothers?” She made air quotes around the word ‘friend’ even though once again, no one was around to see her.
“She’s not? Then what is she?” She frowned.
“It’s complicated.... what do you mean by that?”
“Okay~ You better tell me everything when I get there mister!”
She pouted and hung up her phone.
“Sis why do you keeping making all those faces?”
“Brother! It’s nothing.”

{A/N -cries- AFF & the world hasn't liked me (when it comes to writing) the past couple of months...I finally got to write another chapter! yay!} 

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please please please update soooooon! :D
fymemine #2
yunhyo is neww but interesting and yeayy kyu plus soo are here too ^^
aristal #3
I'm so happy that this is going to be yunhyo. And i totally agree that there are too little yunhyo stories. And with sungjong, this gonna be a huge fun, update soon! (:
woooo! so good! *_____* hehehe and i agree not enough stories of YunHyo! ^^
omg this so cool!!!! update sooon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehe
yaayyy! please update soon! just like LOveHyo_green32 i hope there is going to be Yunho+Hyoyeon ;) hahaah please update soon!
woot first subscriber and first comment<br />
this is interesting<br />
hope you update soon